White man shoots innocent black teen....

If you feel compelled to denigrate any state in the Union you can just get the fuck out of my country right now.

Anytime you feel you got the stones to make me leave, shit lover, come on down.

Oh, now you're a tough-guy, Swallow? That's hilarious. But you shouldn't need me to inflict pain and humiliation on you (no matter how much fun that would be) to reach the conclusion that if you have disdain for our UNION you should find somewhere else to live. Do you lack the courage of your convictions? NY is not a nation unto itself. If you don't want to be an AMERICAN, then get the fuck out of AMERICA. Even a moron like you should be able to understand that much.

He is a typical ahole from NYC. What do you expect from the the State that produced Snooki and her fellow guidos. Human garbage thats what.
The neighborhood crime watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin last month, called 911 dozens of times in the months that led to the fatal shooting.

This afternoon six of the calls made by George Zimmerman were released by theSeminole County Sheriff's Office.

In four of the recordings Zimmerman called police to report "suspicious" persons — all of whom were black — in or near the Retreat at Twin Lakes neighborhood.

He called once to report his neighbor's open garage door. And in the sixth call, Zimmerman reports children are "habitually" playing in the street at dusk and running in front of cars. He asked dispatchers to take his complaint anonymously, but provided his name and phone number.


George Zimmerman 911 calls: George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin, called 911 dozens of times - Orlando Sentinel

Yeah, because as we all know racist vigilantes are well known to regularly call 911 and report crimes.

Stupid fucktard.

Zimmerman appears easily irritated. Calling 911 about open garage doors & kids playing outside?
in that state, I think people have the right to use lethal force if their life is in danger. somebody reaching for your gun puts your life in danger.
Florida changed their standard for justifiable use of deadly force in 2005. As it stands now, they have a "stand your ground" standard, which means one has no duty to retreat, but one must reasonably believe that using deadly force is necessary to prevent "imminent" use of deadly force against herself or others.

And some prowler trying to grab your gun would be reasonable belief among the sane.

But not for a libtard, apparently.

Cant wait to see what the Holder DoJ will do about this.

Anyone care to bet this guy gets tried in federal court?
Your use of the word "libtard" totally invalidates any point you might have had in that entire post. :thup:

I saw that and noted it in my post.

How Zimmerman sustained his injuries, is yet unknown.

Unknown? You mean there is no forensic evidence telling us how it happened?

How about the witness who saw Zimmerman knocked to the ground on his back?

Do you think Zimmerman just wounded himself and somehow arranged for the witness to see him prone on the ground?

But the victim's right of self defense is being brushed aside.

What? That is what all the protests are about: his right to not be attacked and to be protected by the law, and the evidence shows he did defend himself. Who intitated the attack is the only ral question, and I thinnk the wound to the back of Zimmermans head shows a likely indicator of him telling the truth that Trayvon attcked him from behind.

There is evidence the killer was IN HIS vehicle & got out to chase the teenager walking.

What evidence is that? Zimmerman says he got out to check the name on a street sign, why do you suppose otherwise? If Zimmerman was chasing Trayvon then how did Trayvon wound Zimmerman in the back of the head?

A clue as to Zimmerman's state of mind.

Or a clue to your state of mind and prejudice against 'vigilantes'.
The neighborhood crime watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin last month, called 911 dozens of times in the months that led to the fatal shooting.

This afternoon six of the calls made by George Zimmerman were released by theSeminole County Sheriff's Office.

In four of the recordings Zimmerman called police to report "suspicious" persons — all of whom were black — in or near the Retreat at Twin Lakes neighborhood.

He called once to report his neighbor's open garage door. And in the sixth call, Zimmerman reports children are "habitually" playing in the street at dusk and running in front of cars. He asked dispatchers to take his complaint anonymously, but provided his name and phone number.


George Zimmerman 911 calls: George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin, called 911 dozens of times - Orlando Sentinel

Records show Zimmerman, 28, called the cops 46 times between January 2011 and Feb. 26.

George Zimmerman 911 calls: George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin, called 911 dozens of times - Orlando Sentinel

He's a Nut Case. If given the opportunity, He will Kill Again.
Florida changed their standard for justifiable use of deadly force in 2005. As it stands now, they have a "stand your ground" standard, which means one has no duty to retreat, but one must reasonably believe that using deadly force is necessary to prevent "imminent" use of deadly force against herself or others.

And some prowler trying to grab your gun would be reasonable belief among the sane.

But not for a libtard, apparently.

Cant wait to see what the Holder DoJ will do about this.

Anyone care to bet this guy gets tried in federal court?
Your use of the word "libtard" totally invalidates any point you might have had in that entire post. :thup:


Does use of 'rightwing gun nut' invalidate libtard posts?
LOL, wow you are clueless.

In the Republic of Texas you can shoot an intruder on your property, whether you "feel" threatened or not.

I never said Zimmerman was on officer, but the same standard would apply. If someone is trying to grab a gun out of your hand in a confrontation, you have every right to blow them away.

Unless of course you're going to argue that just because someone is "unarmed", that means they cannot be a danger to anyone. With that kind of logic a 250 pound man could threaten an 80 year old woman, and if she pulls out a gun and he tries to grab it and she blows him away, you'd have her hauled off to jail. :eusa_shifty:

The 80 year old woman got out of her CAR & followed the 250 lb man AFTER calling 9/11 and being advised not to do so? WHY?
I'm pretty sure it is completely legal to get out of one's car and follow someone anywhere in the US, regardless of what a 9/11 dispatcher advises.
True, but it will make it that much more difficult to raise the self-defense argument if the follower ends up shooting the followed.
The neighborhood crime watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin last month, called 911 dozens of times in the months that led to the fatal shooting.

This afternoon six of the calls made by George Zimmerman were released by theSeminole County Sheriff's Office.

In four of the recordings Zimmerman called police to report "suspicious" persons — all of whom were black — in or near the Retreat at Twin Lakes neighborhood.

He called once to report his neighbor's open garage door. And in the sixth call, Zimmerman reports children are "habitually" playing in the street at dusk and running in front of cars. He asked dispatchers to take his complaint anonymously, but provided his name and phone number.


George Zimmerman 911 calls: George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin, called 911 dozens of times - Orlando Sentinel

Records show Zimmerman, 28, called the cops 46 times between January 2011 and Feb. 26.

George Zimmerman 911 calls: George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin, called 911 dozens of times - Orlando Sentinel

He's a Nut Case. If given the opportunity, He will Kill Again.

Because only serial killers would call the cops 46 times, lolol.

Do you really know how to think?

Calling the cops is evidence of criminal intent? Really?

So, it was actually the family that asked the FBI to investigate.

And this is interesting:

Trayvon Martin Family Seeks FBI Investigation of Killing - ABC News

Yeah, because families of killed criminals NEVER think that their little perp is guilty. It can only be that this white man was a racist bent on killing any black man that would walk in the rain snooping into peoples houses and all. Obvious racism.

And of course, the cops would not test Zimmerman, not because he was not giving any other indication of being under the effects of drugs, but it obviously MUST be that they are also a bunch of conniving racists who want all black teens to be shot by white men carrying guns.

Stupid fucktard.

Ok, I'll ask you. What crime was Martin committing when Zimmerman decided to go after him and take the law into his own hands? What proof do you have Martin was "snooping into people's homes" ?

Yes, how is the victim become a "perp"?
The 80 year old woman got out of her CAR & followed the 250 lb man AFTER calling 9/11 and being advised not to do so? WHY?
I'm pretty sure it is completely legal to get out of one's car and follow someone anywhere in the US, regardless of what a 9/11 dispatcher advises.
True, but it will make it that much more difficult to raise the self-defense argument if the follower ends up shooting the followed.
Why is that?
The 80 year old woman got out of her CAR & followed the 250 lb man AFTER calling 9/11 and being advised not to do so? WHY?
I'm pretty sure it is completely legal to get out of one's car and follow someone anywhere in the US, regardless of what a 9/11 dispatcher advises.
True, but it will make it that much more difficult to raise the self-defense argument if the follower ends up shooting the followed.


Why do you presume that criminal's have the right to deny law abiding citizens the right to go wherever the fuck they want to?
When police came to the scene, Zimmerman dropped his weapon and told them he shot Martin in self defense. He has not been charged. Sanford police did not press charges against Zimmerman, telling the teen’s family that he had a “squeaky clean” record. He is a licensed gun owner studying criminal justice.

Read more: Trayvon Martin's Murder: Was George Zimmerman's Motive Self-Defense or Racism? | NewsFeed | TIME.com

WTF? Many murderers have had a "squeaky clean record". That doesn't change the crime.

This fuck should have been charged.

This should be a death penalty case.

I read the news story and I have to say that I was very disappointed at the department in charge of the investigation. I saw this morning that someone went and woke up the Attorney General and finally he is going to look into it. Apparently, the FBI has also taken an interest in the case. Even in the best of circumstances, murder 2nd. I'm afraid Sallow that it would be next to impossible to prove intent. Course, if they do, and the circumstances are as I read them, then I'm all for dead man walking.

After 20 years of being a cop, I have had the misfortune of knowing several 'wanna be's.' I have to tell you that they scared the living crap out of me. Guys who would literally LIVE for the day when they would get onto the department. But of course, if you knew them even a little, they NEVER would make it. They drove the same type of vehicle that the department drove. They had push bumpers and spotlights on their cars. Scanners in the vehicle. This one guy even wore these dark blue fatigues and had a Sam Browne that he would put around his waist. He had more guns at home than the Springfield Armory. No friends, except he would hang around all the time.

The investigating department appears to have dropped the ball here. Let's see what the FBI comes up with.
I don't know what country you live in, but in mine, we don't presume guilt. They are investigating, though, as they should.

A lot of people seem to be presuming that the kid was guilty of ... something.

I asked a ways back on the thread

Zimmerman is in no way obligated to listen to a 911 dispatcher. Citizens are allowed to contront and stop crimes if they are happening. Flordia's law, in fact, says that anyone is allowed to hold their ground with deadly force if they feel threatened. There is no obligation to try to run away in order to claim self-defense. It would be very hard to convict him of murder with such a law.

What crime was Trayvon committing?

I don't believe that was ever answered; maybe I missed it.
Maybe he clobbered the guy. Assault is a crime.
So, it was actually the family that asked the FBI to investigate.

And this is interesting:

Trayvon Martin Family Seeks FBI Investigation of Killing - ABC News

Yeah, because families of killed criminals NEVER think that their little perp is guilty. It can only be that this white man was a racist bent on killing any black man that would walk in the rain snooping into peoples houses and all. Obvious racism.

And of course, the cops would not test Zimmerman, not because he was not giving any other indication of being under the effects of drugs, but it obviously MUST be that they are also a bunch of conniving racists who want all black teens to be shot by white men carrying guns.

Stupid fucktard.

Ok, I'll ask you. What crime was Martin committing when Zimmerman decided to go after him and take the law into his own hands? What proof do you have Martin was "snooping into people's homes" ?
Ummm, what relevance does that have about anything?

It is legal to follow someone regardless of whether one thinks a crime is being committed or not.
Sure he should.

Are you sure he didn't attack the man that was calling the police on him? Following him? Harassing him?

The bare facts as we know them: The kid was walking through the neighborhood and followed by a man that later killed him. No evidence of a weapon.

My kids have walked through the neighborhood acting stupid and if someone confronted them and then killed them I'd be in jail.

What we don't know is more important.

No one confronted a kid and killed him in the way you put it. More happened. get a grip Mrs. Kravitz.

you've been mentioning these supposed kids ( in 2004) of yours for so long, they must be in middle age by now.
you are a fraud

I thougt Ravi aborted all her kids?
And some prowler trying to grab your gun would be reasonable belief among the sane.

But not for a libtard, apparently.

Cant wait to see what the Holder DoJ will do about this.

Anyone care to bet this guy gets tried in federal court?
Your use of the word "libtard" totally invalidates any point you might have had in that entire post. :thup:


Does use of 'rightwing gun nut' invalidate libtard posts?
And I said that ... where, exactly?
When police came to the scene, Zimmerman dropped his weapon and told them he shot Martin in self defense. He has not been charged. Sanford police did not press charges against Zimmerman, telling the teen’s family that he had a “squeaky clean” record. He is a licensed gun owner studying criminal justice.

Read more: Trayvon Martin's Murder: Was George Zimmerman's Motive Self-Defense or Racism? | NewsFeed | TIME.com

WTF? Many murderers have had a "squeaky clean record". That doesn't change the crime.

This fuck should have been charged.

This should be a death penalty case.

I read the news story and I have to say that I was very disappointed at the department in charge of the investigation. I saw this morning that someone went and woke up the Attorney General and finally he is going to look into it. Apparently, the FBI has also taken an interest in the case. Even in the best of circumstances, murder 2nd. I'm afraid Sallow that it would be next to impossible to prove intent. Course, if they do, and the circumstances are as I read them, then I'm all for dead man walking.

After 20 years of being a cop, I have had the misfortune of knowing several 'wanna be's.' I have to tell you that they scared the living crap out of me. Guys who would literally LIVE for the day when they would get onto the department. But of course, if you knew them even a little, they NEVER would make it. They drove the same type of vehicle that the department drove. They had push bumpers and spotlights on their cars. Scanners in the vehicle. This one guy even wore these dark blue fatigues and had a Sam Browne that he would put around his waist. He had more guns at home than the Springfield Armory. No friends, except he would hang around all the time.

The investigating department appears to have dropped the ball here. Let's see what the FBI comes up with.

FDLE is investigating also. Thank you for law enforcement insight.

Would you change the title of this thread to an honest one please.

Zimmerman is hispanic.

I know it would kill the constant race baiting bullshit, but a little honesty helps in the long run.

Thank you.

Hispanics aren't white?

In a reasonable demographic sense they are not white.

Of course reasonableness only suits you when it suits you.
I'm pretty sure it is completely legal to get out of one's car and follow someone anywhere in the US, regardless of what a 9/11 dispatcher advises.
True, but it will make it that much more difficult to raise the self-defense argument if the follower ends up shooting the followed.
Why is that?
I would think it would tend to make a jury question just how much the shooter had to do with instigating the fight that ended with what he wants to claim as a shooting in self defense.

I'm not saying it's impossible for a jury to acquit him, I'm saying it just makes it far more difficult.

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