White man shoots innocent black teen....

Yeah, because as we all know racist vigilantes are well known to regularly call 911 and report crimes.

Stupid fucktard.

Oh no!

You have invoked the Messiah!

Lol, well that proives me wrong fer sher.
The neighborhood crime watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin last month, called 911 dozens of times in the months that led to the fatal shooting.

This afternoon six of the calls made by George Zimmerman were released by theSeminole County Sheriff's Office.

In four of the recordings Zimmerman called police to report "suspicious" persons — all of whom were black — in or near the Retreat at Twin Lakes neighborhood.

He called once to report his neighbor's open garage door. And in the sixth call, Zimmerman reports children are "habitually" playing in the street at dusk and running in front of cars. He asked dispatchers to take his complaint anonymously, but provided his name and phone number.


George Zimmerman 911 calls: George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin, called 911 dozens of times - Orlando Sentinel

Records show Zimmerman, 28, called the cops 46 times between January 2011 and Feb. 26.

George Zimmerman 911 calls: George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin, called 911 dozens of times - Orlando Sentinel

He's a Nut Case. If given the opportunity, He will Kill Again.
And he didn't even call 911 this time, he called the non-emergency number. This whole thing stinks.
True, but Zimmerman still chased the guy down he alleges he shot in self defense.

It could break either way depending on the jury. :dunno:
Ummm, what chase are you talking about?
Chased, followed ... if I'm the state, I'm calling it a chase.
Then you wouldn't want anyone like me on the jury. I am suspicious of folks who have to resort to trickery to make a point. The point itself must be weak if they do.

Would you change the title of this thread to an honest one please.

Zimmerman is hispanic.

I know it would kill the constant race baiting bullshit, but a little honesty helps in the long run.

Thank you.

Hispanics aren't white?

In a reasonable demographic sense they are not white.

Of course reasonableness only suits you when it suits you.
Actually, I do believe on the census you can identify yourself as hispanic white or hispanic non-white.

Yeah, that's exactly the assumption I made. :rolleyes:

Well instead of being a smart ass, try explaining why a law abiding citizen has no right to follow another person in a public place?

Do you assume that said following gives the followed the right to attack the follower?
I never said either of those things. I never even implied either of those things.

Any other unfounded assumptions you care to toss out there?

You said, "True, but Zimmerman still chased the guy down he alleges he shot in self defense."

How is that relevant if said chasing is not allowed? And where is the evidence that Zimmerman ever chased him?

Let me aks you this then, do law abiding citizens have the right to disobey a 911 instruction?

Does a person who follows a suspected criminal have the right to defend themselves or do they forfeit that right by following the cirminal?

How badly must a person beat another person before the one being beaten has the right to defend themselves?
And the killer is a victim, the victim a "perp".................................................I still see the boys that threw gas on another boy as the PERPS, and the child burned as the victim.
And he didn't even call 911 this time, he called the non-emergency number. This whole thing stinks.
Often reports of suspicious persons or activity are made to non-emergency numbers. I know a call I made to that effect, I made to the non-emergency number. 9/11 is for emergencies.
I read the news story and I have to say that I was very disappointed at the department in charge of the investigation. I saw this morning that someone went and woke up the Attorney General and finally he is going to look into it. Apparently, the FBI has also taken an interest in the case. Even in the best of circumstances, murder 2nd. I'm afraid Sallow that it would be next to impossible to prove intent. Course, if they do, and the circumstances are as I read them, then I'm all for dead man walking.

After 20 years of being a cop, I have had the misfortune of knowing several 'wanna be's.' I have to tell you that they scared the living crap out of me. Guys who would literally LIVE for the day when they would get onto the department. But of course, if you knew them even a little, they NEVER would make it. They drove the same type of vehicle that the department drove. They had push bumpers and spotlights on their cars. Scanners in the vehicle. This one guy even wore these dark blue fatigues and had a Sam Browne that he would put around his waist. He had more guns at home than the Springfield Armory. No friends, except he would hang around all the time.

The investigating department appears to have dropped the ball here. Let's see what the FBI comes up with.

They did drop the ball on this investigation. The Guy is a Loon. .

No, you are a loon. Zimmerman had been knocked to the ground from behind by that 17 year old 'child', was bleeding from the back of the head and his face.

How bad does a person have to beat another before deadly force is justifiable?

I doubt you will answer, but for the record....

There is a difference between an allegation or claim, and a fact. You should calm down. Ask yourself how an armed person following someone he considers suspect, gets hit from behind? Did he possibly turn his back on the Kid after threatening or striking him? Is there anything in the kids background to suggest he was a thug? If the Kid was the aggressor, and I seriously doubt it, He did put his Life at risk, attacking an Armed Citizen. I'm open to see what the investigation brings out in relation to both of their profiles, and go with that, for a starter. I suggest you get more background on both, before drawing lines in the sand. Just a thought. P.S. I'm Pro Gun, Pro Self Defense. What kind of Neighborhood was this that the Shooter needed to call 911 so often? Were there others in the Neighborhood Watch that called so often? How often did the Police Patrol, were Police Patrols even in Sinc with the amount of Reported Crime in the area?
And he didn't even call 911 this time, he called the non-emergency number. This whole thing stinks.

In your stupid fucktrard opinion.

In a sane world, people would not be second guessing the local investigators in a case where the shot person had very likely initiated the altercation by attacking the soon-to-be shooter by hitting them from behind to the back of the head.

You dont know jack shit, you just WANT Zimmerman to be a racist for shooting a black man.

How Zimmerman sustained his injuries, is yet unknown.

Unknown? You mean there is no forensic evidence telling us how it happened?

Yes, unknown. There have been no reports of how zimmerman was injured, the extent of the injuries, or even IF he was injured. So far all I've seen is that he had blood on him. Whose blood was it?

How about the witness who saw Zimmerman knocked to the ground on his back?

Where was it reported that someone saw zimmerman being knocked to the ground?

There is evidence the killer was IN HIS vehicle & got out to chase the teenager walking.

What evidence is that? Zimmerman says he got out to check the name on a street sign, why do you suppose otherwise? If Zimmerman was chasing Trayvon then how did Trayvon wound Zimmerman in the back of the head?

zimmerman's own words to the 911 dispatcher.
Well instead of being a smart ass, try explaining why a law abiding citizen has no right to follow another person in a public place?

Do you assume that said following gives the followed the right to attack the follower?
I never said either of those things. I never even implied either of those things.

Any other unfounded assumptions you care to toss out there?

You said, "True, but Zimmerman still chased the guy down he alleges he shot in self defense."

How is that relevant if said chasing is not allowed? And where is the evidence that Zimmerman ever chased him?

Let me aks you this then, do law abiding citizens have the right to disobey a 911 instruction?

Does a person who follows a suspected criminal have the right to defend themselves or do they forfeit that right by following the cirminal?

How badly must a person beat another person before the one being beaten has the right to defend themselves?

I would heed 9/11 advice, it save my life once. I was in a burning building, 9/11 said GET OUT NOW. I did. And you presume the victim injured the killer, though the killer got out his car instead of waiting for the police. Maybe the victim saw a gun?
How Zimmerman sustained his injuries, is yet unknown.

Unknown? You mean there is no forensic evidence telling us how it happened?

Yes, unknown. There have been no reports of how zimmerman was injured, the extent of the injuries, or even IF he was injured. So far all I've seen is that he had blood on him. Whose blood was it?

Where was it reported that someone saw zimmerman being knocked to the ground?

There is evidence the killer was IN HIS vehicle & got out to chase the teenager walking.

What evidence is that? Zimmerman says he got out to check the name on a street sign, why do you suppose otherwise? If Zimmerman was chasing Trayvon then how did Trayvon wound Zimmerman in the back of the head?

zimmerman's own words to the 911 dispatcher.
What chase are you talking about? Link?
By MATT GUTMAN (@mattgutmanABC) and SENI TIENABESO (@senijr_abc)
March 20, 2012

In the final moments of his life, Trayvon Martin was being hounded by a strange man on a cellphone who ran after him, cornered him and confronted him, according to the teenage girl whose call logs show she was on the phone with the 17-year-old boy in the moments before neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman shot him dead.

Martin's death Feb. 26 has stirred national outrage and protests, partly prompting the U.S. Justice Department's Civil Rights Division and the FBI to open an investigation into the case.

ABC News was there exclusively as the 16-year-old girl told Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump about the last moments of the teenager's life.

"He said this man was watching him, so he put his hoodie on. He said he lost the man," Martin's friend said. "I asked Trayvon to run, and he said he was going to walk fast. I told him to run but he said he was not going to run."

Eventually he would run, said the girl, thinking that he'd managed to escape. But suddenly the strange man was back, cornering Martin.

"Trayvon said, 'What, are you following me for,' and the man said, 'What are you doing here.' Next thing I hear is somebody pushing, and somebody pushed Trayvon because the head set just fell. I called him again and he didn't answer the phone."

The line went dead. Besides screams heard on 911 calls that night as Martin and Zimmerman scuffled, those were the last words he said.

Trayvon's phone logs, also obtained exclusively by ABC News, show the conversation occurred five minutes before police first arrived on scene. The young woman's parents asked that her name not be used, and that only an attorney could ask her questions.

Trayvon Martin Exclusive: Friend on Phone with Teen Before Death Recalls Final Moments - ABC News
Well instead of being a smart ass, try explaining why a law abiding citizen has no right to follow another person in a public place?

Do you assume that said following gives the followed the right to attack the follower?
I never said either of those things. I never even implied either of those things.

Any other unfounded assumptions you care to toss out there?

You said, "True, but Zimmerman still chased the guy down he alleges he shot in self defense."

How is that relevant if said chasing is not allowed? And where is the evidence that Zimmerman ever chased him?

Let me aks you this then, do law abiding citizens have the right to disobey a 911 instruction?

Does a person who follows a suspected criminal have the right to defend themselves or do they forfeit that right by following the cirminal?

How badly must a person beat another person before the one being beaten has the right to defend themselves?
In my opinion, any person has the right to meet the wrongful application of force with a like degree of force, regardless of the directives of the state or any state actor, and regardless of the place in which he finds himself or how he got there. However, my opinion and the law are not necessarily the same.
I don't know what country you live in, but in mine, we don't presume guilt. They are investigating, though, as they should.

A lot of people seem to be presuming that the kid was guilty of ... something.

I asked a ways back on the thread

What crime was Trayvon committing?

I don't believe that was ever answered; maybe I missed it.
Maybe he clobbered the guy. Assault is a crime.

Context ...

Zimmerman is in no way obligated to listen to a 911 dispatcher.
Citizens are allowed to contront and stop crimes if they are happening

What crime was Martin committing that gave zimmerman the obligation to disregard the dispatcher's instructions and 'confront' Martin?
Hispanics aren't white?

In a reasonable demographic sense they are not white.

I disagree. More than half of hispanics self-identify as white, the rest choose no race at all.

What about speaking Spanish makes one incapable of being white?

I have known plenty of hispanics that were lilly white, whiter than most 'white' Americans.

Of course reasonableness only suits you when it suits you.

That is true. Ravi is a stupid fucktard.

You are free to insist that Zimmerman qualifies as a white man and I'll continue to insist that by any reasonable person standard, he does not.

And if that's the case we're at an impasse and we'll have to agree to disagree. But just know that I think less of you intellectually if that's the case.
There is a difference between an allegation or claim, and a fact.


You should calm down.

I am calm.

Ask yourself how an armed person following someone he considers suspect, gets hit from behind?

But we know he was struck from behind given the physical evidence and an eye witness.

Did he possibly turn his back on the Kid after threatening or striking him?

Good Lord. Are you serious? Do you know anyone so incredibly insane that they would start an attack and then turn their back on a 17 year old male?

Is there anything in the kids background to suggest he was a thug? If the Kid was the aggressor, and I seriously doubt it, He did put his Life at risk, attacking an Armed Citizen.

How would he have magically known that Zimmerman was carrying a gun?

I'm open to see what the investigation brings out in relation to both of their profiles, and go with that, for a starter.

Sounds like you have already gone half way around the block, lol, let alone waiting for anything.

I am arguing that we should not presume Zimmermans guilt. The media is hyping this in a completely distorted fashion.

I suggest you get more background on both, before drawing lines in the sand. Just a thought. P.S. I'm Pro Gun, Pro Self Defense. What kind of Neighborhood was this that the Shooter needed to call 911 so often?

The lines are already drawn, as the gun grabbing fascists have already jumped on the bandwagon with this case and are screaming for the repeal of stand your ground laws.

Were there others in the Neighborhood Watch that called so often? How often did the Police Patrol, were Police Patrols even in Sinc with the amount of Reported Crime in the area?

All I know is that there had been a spate of robberies in that neighborhood and that the neighborhood is multi-racial and Zimmermans family is multi-racial.

But that wont stop you or anyone else from lynching Zimmerman before knowing anything about his side of the story.
Zimmerman does sound a bit of a freak, but being a freak is not against the law nor is it dispositive of much of anything here.
Still, if you have twelve jurors who think the defendant is "a freak," it doesn't make that defendant's chances a whole lot better. There's a lot of things that go on subconsciously with juries that, unfortunately, have little to do with the facts of the case.

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