White man shoots innocent black teen....

No, you are a loon. Zimmerman had been knocked to the ground from behind by that 17 year old 'child', was bleeding from the back of the head and his face.

How bad does a person have to beat another before deadly force is justifiable?

I doubt you will answer, but for the record....

source? other than zimmerman, that is lol

A witness saw Zimmerman on the ground with Trayvon standing over him and Zimmerman had a bleeding wound to the back of the head.

And again, I answered your question but you ignore mine. Why? Because you are an arrogant libtard who presumes they already know what happend based on nothing more than the races of the people involved.

Shame on you.

But how badly must one be beaten before one has the right to use deadly force?

I dont care who you were talking about. Subconscience influences are not provable in a court of law, and it is nothing more than modern voodoo to try.
I won't even try to explain what I was talking about, as it's clear the derp is too strong for me to pierce with you.

Yeah, because anyone that disagrees with a libtard must be stupid, lol.

What is that, and why do you think I am one? Please elaborate, shithead.

Lol, whatever.
The family of the slain teen should not be expected to say anything other than what they did.

Why do you presume that criminal's have the right to deny law abiding citizens the right to go wherever the fuck they want to?
Like zimmerman deciding he had the right to deny this law-abiding young man the right to go where he wanted to?

The irony, it burns ....
The irony is that you think it is against the law to follow someone.

Following someone isn't, but stalking someone is.
Where did I say I object or would object to that?

I would object to evidence that he is or was a freak.

Let's see if you can figure out the difference. ;)

Because in MY country, it is not against the law to be unlikeable.
So to what would you object, opposing counsel?
Please forgive me for misreading.

My contention is that he's done a lot of things that, while not illegal, make him look bad. Some of those things are bound to get in regardless of what his defense counsel does. Even if he is 100% innocent of any legal wrongdoing, I don't think he did himself any favors by carrying out those certain presumably legal actions.

I don't want to convict the guy for being weird or for exerting reasonable force to save his life or limb. Not at all.
This conversation is going nowhere.

The libtards have nothing on Zimmerman than racist presumption and a deep rooted distrust of law abiding citizens defending themselves.

The left is launching a campaign to repeal/stop/slow stand your ground laws in this country.

That is all this brouhahah is about, and has nothing to do with the facts of the case or whether this 17 year old was unjustly killed.

The libtards will always be libtards, and nothing will ever change that untill they abort themselve sinto nonexistance. I bid them God's Speed.
You are free to insist that Zimmerman qualifies as a white man and I'll continue to insist that by any reasonable person standard, he does not.

And if that's the case we're at an impasse and we'll have to agree to disagree. But just know that I think less of you intellectually if that's the case.

Dude, think whatever you want.

You know Argentines are hispanic right? And most of them are migrants from Southern Europe with little mix of Amerindian blood at all.

But they cant be white because they speak Spanish?

What is it about speaking Spanish that makes a person nonwhite?

In most Catholic American cultures racial thinking never got quite the hold that it did in the Northern European cultures.

What is white and what is not white has been very morphic over the centuries.

You know Ben Franklin, for example, thought that Germans were not white?

I really dont care who is white, but my federal government does since it divides the American people by race.

I'm not going to dispute any of that.

But honestly, when you look at Zimmerman do you see a white guy?
I dont care who you were talking about. Subconscience influences are not provable in a court of law, and it is nothing more than modern voodoo to try.
I won't even try to explain what I was talking about, as it's clear the derp is too strong for me to pierce with you.

Yeah, because anyone that disagrees with a libtard must be stupid, lol.

What is that, and why do you think I am one? Please elaborate, shithead.

Lol, whatever.
Thanks for admitting your fail. Have a shitty day. :)
So to what would you object, opposing counsel?
Please forgive me for misreading.

My contention is that he's done a lot of things that, while not illegal, make him look bad. Some of those things are bound to get in regardless of what his defense counsel does. Even if he is 100% innocent of any legal wrongdoing, I don't think he did himself any favors by carrying out those certain presumably legal actions.

I don't want to convict the guy for being weird or for exerting reasonable force to save his life or limb. Not at all.
:cool: Good to know.

But, the guy also has the 'stand your ground' laws on his side.

Those are the law in Florida, irrespective of how retarded they are.
There is a difference between an allegation or claim, and a fact.


You should calm down.

I am calm.

But we know he was struck from behind given the physical evidence and an eye witness.

Good Lord. Are you serious? Do you know anyone so incredibly insane that they would start an attack and then turn their back on a 17 year old male?

How would he have magically known that Zimmerman was carrying a gun?

Sounds like you have already gone half way around the block, lol, let alone waiting for anything.

I am arguing that we should not presume Zimmermans guilt. The media is hyping this in a completely distorted fashion.

I suggest you get more background on both, before drawing lines in the sand. Just a thought. P.S. I'm Pro Gun, Pro Self Defense. What kind of Neighborhood was this that the Shooter needed to call 911 so often?

The lines are already drawn, as the gun grabbing fascists have already jumped on the bandwagon with this case and are screaming for the repeal of stand your ground laws.

Were there others in the Neighborhood Watch that called so often? How often did the Police Patrol, were Police Patrols even in Sinc with the amount of Reported Crime in the area?

All I know is that there had been a spate of robberies in that neighborhood and that the neighborhood is multi-racial and Zimmermans family is multi-racial.

But that wont stop you or anyone else from lynching Zimmerman before knowing anything about his side of the story.

You are jumping to too many conclusions. It is premature. Lets see how your Witness stands up for one. Let's see what comes up to both the Shooter's and the Victim's backgrounds. I'm not pre judging. I'm suspicious.
Please forgive me for misreading.

My contention is that he's done a lot of things that, while not illegal, make him look bad. Some of those things are bound to get in regardless of what his defense counsel does. Even if he is 100% innocent of any legal wrongdoing, I don't think he did himself any favors by carrying out those certain presumably legal actions.

I don't want to convict the guy for being weird or for exerting reasonable force to save his life or limb. Not at all.
:cool: Good to know.

But, the guy also has the 'stand your ground' laws on his side.

Those are the law in Florida, irrespective of how retarded they are.
Just for grins, why do you oppose such laws, and what do you think the law should be?
There is a difference between an allegation or claim, and a fact.


I am calm.

But we know he was struck from behind given the physical evidence and an eye witness.

Good Lord. Are you serious? Do you know anyone so incredibly insane that they would start an attack and then turn their back on a 17 year old male?

How would he have magically known that Zimmerman was carrying a gun?

Sounds like you have already gone half way around the block, lol, let alone waiting for anything.

I am arguing that we should not presume Zimmermans guilt. The media is hyping this in a completely distorted fashion.

The lines are already drawn, as the gun grabbing fascists have already jumped on the bandwagon with this case and are screaming for the repeal of stand your ground laws.

Were there others in the Neighborhood Watch that called so often? How often did the Police Patrol, were Police Patrols even in Sinc with the amount of Reported Crime in the area?

All I know is that there had been a spate of robberies in that neighborhood and that the neighborhood is multi-racial and Zimmermans family is multi-racial.

But that wont stop you or anyone else from lynching Zimmerman before knowing anything about his side of the story.

You are jumping to too many conclusions. It is premature. Lets see how your Witness stands up for one. Let's see what comes up to both the Shooter's and the Victim's backgrounds. I'm not pre judging. I'm suspicious.
I'm more skeptical than suspicious. Semantics, maybe, but that's my preference of words for where I am.

I am perturbed at what is likely a political move to use the DOJ to challenge a state law, though. That's just wrong.

Why do you presume that criminal's have the right to deny law abiding citizens the right to go wherever the fuck they want to?
Like zimmerman deciding he had the right to deny this law-abiding young man the right to go where he wanted to?

The irony, it burns ....
The irony is that you think it is against the law to follow someone.

I never said it was against the law to follow someone.
Hispanics are ethinically white, for DOJ statistical purposes, hispanics that commit crimes are designated white, hispanics that are victims of crimes are designated hispanic.

Analysis of Hate Crime

In 1990, Congress passed the Hate Crime Statistics Act, requiring the Justice Department to collect and publish annual statistics on crimes that "manifest prejudice based on race, religion, sexual orientation, or ethnicity." To comply, the FBI collects data submitted voluntarily by local law-enforcement agencies, and assembles them into an annual summary report. Most of the analysis you will find here pertains to the numbers found in these reports.

Anyone who has pored over Government documents, knows first-hand how agencies can manipulate data to make a point. Crime statistics are a good example, the treatment of hate-crime data being especially egregious. The Justice department has wide latitude in how they comply with the Hate Crime Statistics Act. Accordingly, it has bent the data toward its own ends by omitting categories for ethnic offenders. Thus, Hispanics cannot be hate criminals, only hate victims. When a Hispanic commits a hate crime, he is counted as white. When he is a victim, he becomes Hispanic. In this way the FBI pads the number of white offenders. Despite this baggage we can learn much from the FBI data. By focusing on victims, we can sidestep Justice Department attempts at obfuscation.
He merely called 911, and according to him, he got out to read a sign and the Trayvon hit him from behind.

Listen to the beginning of the tape again. Listen to what zimmerman says, listen for when the car door opens and zimmerman exits his vehicle, and think about what you just wrote here.

Oh... and take a look-see at the photos of where the confrontation and shooting took place.

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