White man shoots innocent black teen....

So, it was actually the family that asked the FBI to investigate.

The family of Trayvon Martin is asking the FBI to get involved in the investigation of the killing of the unarmed 17-year-old Florida high school student, who was shot last month by a self-appointed neighborhood watchman outside his stepmother's home.

And this is interesting:

But law enforcement expert Rod Wheeler who listened to the tapes tells ABC News that Zimmerman, not Martin, sounded intoxicated in the police recordings of the 911 calls.

"When I listened to the 911 tape the first thing that came to my mind is this guy sounds intoxicated. Notice how he's slurring his words. We as trained law enforcement officers, we know how to listen for that right away and I think that's going to be an important element of this entire investigation," Wheeler said.

But Zimmerman was not tested.

Martin's family is now calling on the FBI to take over what they say is a botched investigation.

Trayvon Martin Family Seeks FBI Investigation of Killing - ABC News

Yeah, because families of killed criminals NEVER think that their little perp is guilty. It can only be that this white man was a racist bent on killing any black man that would walk in the rain snooping into peoples houses and all. Obvious racism.

And of course, the cops would not test Zimmerman, not because he was not giving any other indication of being under the effects of drugs, but it obviously MUST be that they are also a bunch of conniving racists who want all black teens to be shot by white men carrying guns.

Stupid fucktard.
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So, it was actually the family that asked the FBI to investigate.

The family of Trayvon Martin is asking the FBI to get involved in the investigation of the killing of the unarmed 17-year-old Florida high school student, who was shot last month by a self-appointed neighborhood watchman outside his stepmother's home.

And this is interesting:

But law enforcement expert Rod Wheeler who listened to the tapes tells ABC News that Zimmerman, not Martin, sounded intoxicated in the police recordings of the 911 calls.

"When I listened to the 911 tape the first thing that came to my mind is this guy sounds intoxicated. Notice how he's slurring his words. We as trained law enforcement officers, we know how to listen for that right away and I think that's going to be an important element of this entire investigation," Wheeler said.

But Zimmerman was not tested.

Martin's family is now calling on the FBI to take over what they say is a botched investigation.

Trayvon Martin Family Seeks FBI Investigation of Killing - ABC News
Thanks. That's useful.

(Funny, I listened to part of this tape and thought he sounded a bit fucked up, too. Not too much, but a bit. But, I've heard several sober folks sound fucked up, too.)
Uh, Zimmerman was following the VICTIM.
It is not against any law to follow someone (unless there is a court order not to). :cuckoo:

There IS law about clobbering someone over the head because they follow you. You're not allowed to do that, FYI. Assault.

Of course, I don't know, nor do you, if that is or is not the case.

Witness saw Zimmerman in a struggle and knocked to the ground. We know that Zimmerman suffered a wound to the back of his head and to his face and that he had grass covering his back. Trayvor, for all the talk about him being this wimpy little kid, sure was defending himslef quite well against ahfty 28 year old.

Why do you think the media is using pictures of him much younger in their news stories? The pic on CNN is way out of date and Trayvons nose was a lot wider and thicker in onelater photo I have seen with him wearing a hoodie.

Obviously the media want to lynch Zimmerman for daring to defend himself, and want to use him as the Poster Boy for repeal of stand your ground laws or at least stop the further doption of those laws by other states.

Gun rights people should get off the stick and make the world know what really happened.

He looks like a 17 year old in the pictures I have seen; and Zimmerman is no poster boy for gun owners in the US. I know the vast majority do act as "vigilantes". Nor do vigilantes confine themselves to the use of firearms. The 2nd Amendment trumps those that despise guns. I do because two friends of mine have been killed by them.
I don't know if they are constitutional or not.
That's fine; I don't either. But right now, they are the law. [/quote]

They are constitutional until SCOTUS declares them to not be constitutional.

If there is a constitutional question about the 'stand your ground' laws, then those laws need to be challenged in the SCOTUS. That's not the DOJ's jusridiction nor is it that of the Florida Representative or the Black Caucus - they need to take it to the SCOTUS if they believe the 'stand your ground" laws are unconstitutional.

If the state calls in the feds for assistance, that is fine and it happens quite often. But, they are not a tool to be used for political points.

But you are a rational person.

To a leftwing nutbag like Ravi, evidence and law is bullshit that gets in the way of what they think is justice.

And too many conservatives are too cowardly to stop them.
It is not against any law to follow someone (unless there is a court order not to). :cuckoo:

There IS law about clobbering someone over the head because they follow you. You're not allowed to do that, FYI. Assault.

Of course, I don't know, nor do you, if that is or is not the case.

Witness saw Zimmerman in a struggle and knocked to the ground. We know that Zimmerman suffered a wound to the back of his head and to his face and that he had grass covering his back. Trayvor, for all the talk about him being this wimpy little kid, sure was defending himslef quite well against ahfty 28 year old.

Why do you think the media is using pictures of him much younger in their news stories? The pic on CNN is way out of date and Trayvons nose was a lot wider and thicker in onelater photo I have seen with him wearing a hoodie.

Obviously the media want to lynch Zimmerman for daring to defend himself, and want to use him as the Poster Boy for repeal of stand your ground laws or at least stop the further doption of those laws by other states.

Gun rights people should get off the stick and make the world know what really happened.

He looks like a 17 year old in the pictures I have seen; and Zimmerman is no poster boy for gun owners in the US. I know the vast majority do act as "vigilantes". Nor do vigilantes confine themselves to the use of firearms. The 2nd Amendment trumps those that despise guns. I do because two friends of mine have been killed by them.
The vast majority of gun owners act as vigilantes?


I will bet money that you have zero to back that claim up.
Witness saw Zimmerman in a struggle and knocked to the ground. We know that Zimmerman suffered a wound to the back of his head and to his face and that he had grass covering his back. Trayvor, for all the talk about him being this wimpy little kid, sure was defending himslef quite well against ahfty 28 year old.

Why do you think the media is using pictures of him much younger in their news stories? The pic on CNN is way out of date and Trayvons nose was a lot wider and thicker in onelater photo I have seen with him wearing a hoodie.

Obviously the media want to lynch Zimmerman for daring to defend himself, and want to use him as the Poster Boy for repeal of stand your ground laws or at least stop the further doption of those laws by other states.

Gun rights people should get off the stick and make the world know what really happened.

He looks like a 17 year old in the pictures I have seen; and Zimmerman is no poster boy for gun owners in the US. I know the vast majority do NOT act as "vigilantes". Nor do vigilantes confine themselves to the use of firearms. The 2nd Amendment trumps those that despise guns. I do because two friends of mine have been killed by them.
The vast majority of gun owners act as vigilantes?


I will bet money that you have zero to back that claim up.

I LEFT OUT NOT. You are correct, there is NOTHING to indicate anything but a tiny percentage of Americans ARE vigilantes, and some may use weapons other than firearms, as I wrote.
He looks like a 17 year old in the pictures I have seen; and Zimmerman is no poster boy for gun owners in the US. I know the vast majority do NOT act as "vigilantes". Nor do vigilantes confine themselves to the use of firearms. The 2nd Amendment trumps those that despise guns. I do because two friends of mine have been killed by them.
The vast majority of gun owners act as vigilantes?


I will bet money that you have zero to back that claim up.

I LEFT OUT NOT. You are correct, there is NOTHING to indicate anything but a tiny percentage of Americans ARE vigilantes, and some may use weapons other than firearms, as I wrote.
He looks like a 17 year old in the pictures I have seen;

Then which ones have you seen? You think that CNN pic looks like a 17 year old?

and Zimmerman is no poster boy for gun owners in the US.

Why? My assertion is that the PRESS will use him as the poster boy for what is bad about stand your ground laws.

I know the vast majority do act as "vigilantes".

And how in God's Sweet Name do you think you know that?

Nor do vigilantes confine themselves to the use of firearms. The 2nd Amendment trumps those that despise guns. I do because two friends of mine have been killed by them.

You sound as though you would prefer there to be no second amendment.

And, once again, how bad does a person have to be beaten before deadly force is justifiable?

Edit: I got a phone call and saw your explanation only afterwards. Glad to know you dont assume most gun carriers are not vigilantes.
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The neighborhood crime watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin last month, called 911 dozens of times in the months that led to the fatal shooting.

This afternoon six of the calls made by George Zimmerman were released by theSeminole County Sheriff's Office.

In four of the recordings Zimmerman called police to report "suspicious" persons — all of whom were black — in or near the Retreat at Twin Lakes neighborhood.

He called once to report his neighbor's open garage door. And in the sixth call, Zimmerman reports children are "habitually" playing in the street at dusk and running in front of cars. He asked dispatchers to take his complaint anonymously, but provided his name and phone number.


George Zimmerman 911 calls: George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin, called 911 dozens of times - Orlando Sentinel

Would you change the title of this thread to an honest one please.

Zimmerman is hispanic.

I know it would kill the constant race baiting bullshit, but a little honesty helps in the long run.

Thank you.

Hispanics aren't white?

Hispanics are white if they kill blacks, obviously, and not white if the press needs to present them as victims of whites.

You are too stupid to know that, but I thought I would try to essplain it to you anyway.
LOL, wow you are clueless.

In the Republic of Texas you can shoot an intruder on your property, whether you "feel" threatened or not.

I never said Zimmerman was on officer, but the same standard would apply. If someone is trying to grab a gun out of your hand in a confrontation, you have every right to blow them away.

Unless of course you're going to argue that just because someone is "unarmed", that means they cannot be a danger to anyone. With that kind of logic a 250 pound man could threaten an 80 year old woman, and if she pulls out a gun and he tries to grab it and she blows him away, you'd have her hauled off to jail. :eusa_shifty:
You try that sort of thing in the State of Texas and let me know how it turns out for you. :lmao:

Texans are a strange breed. They don't consider themselves Americans..they just like our money.

Since alot of it is made here, we sure do like it. Give us a good reason and we will print our own and secede. :clap2::D
Has anyone paid attention to this story lately?

Mom: Trayvon Martin was killed because of 'the color of his skin' - TODAY People - TODAY.com

According to the person who shot the teen, he'd seen him walking through the neighborhood and thought he was acting "suspiciously". He then calls 911 to report the teen and the police asked him if he was following the kid. He replied "yes" and the police then told him to quit.

A bit later, another 911 call is made and the caller tells police that she hears someone yelling for help (the teen), and it's shortly after that when a gunshot is heard.

The teen was found face down, dead, with an ice tea and a bag of Skittles in his hand.

To date? The person who shot the teen, a man named Zimmerman is STILL walking free, and no charges have been filed.

Do you think that if a black adult had shot a white teen, that the result would have been the same?

Why the assumption of innocence?

fyi, when the cops got there, Zimmerman had a bloody nose.

and if the cops thought for one moment that he had murdered the kid, they would have cuffed him there.

but since people scream racism at the drop of the hat, the Feds are now involved and Zimmerman will be found guilty no matter what.

They also found an innocent dead black kid. Who did nothing. Who had no record. They also had a tape of Zimmerman saying he was following the innocent kid. And..it seems Zimmerman, who was armed, confronted a kid, who was unarmed and who had EVERY LEGAL RIGHT TO BE WHERE HE WAS..then SHOT HIM.

Why he isn't in jail..is beyond any sort of logic at all.

So much for innocent until proven guilty.

You automatically assume the kid was "innocent" and that Zimmerman went after him for no reason whatsoever. What is it, Zimmerman must be a right wing loon because he had a gun meaning he believes in the second amendment right to bear arms obviously meaning he is a right wing loon, and he targeted the kid because... of the color of his skin? I suppose next you guys will tell us you know he was also a member of the KKK and highly ranked in the Republican Party.

Let the police investigate this incident and the District Attorney decide if there should be charges filed. You guys have already tried and convicted him based on the presence of that scumbag Sharpton.

I don't know what country you live in, but in mine, we don't presume guilt. They are investigating, though, as they should.

A lot of people seem to be presuming that the kid was guilty of ... something.

I asked a ways back on the thread

Zimmerman is in no way obligated to listen to a 911 dispatcher. Citizens are allowed to contront and stop crimes if they are happening. Flordia's law, in fact, says that anyone is allowed to hold their ground with deadly force if they feel threatened. There is no obligation to try to run away in order to claim self-defense. It would be very hard to convict him of murder with such a law.

What crime was Trayvon committing?

I don't believe that was ever answered; maybe I missed it.
He looks like a 17 year old in the pictures I have seen;

Then which ones have you seen? You think that CNN pic looks like a 17 year old?

and Zimmerman is no poster boy for gun owners in the US.

Why? My assertion is that the PRESS will use him as the poster boy for what is bad about stand your ground laws.

I know the vast majority do act as "vigilantes".

And how in God's Sweet Name do you think you know that?

Nor do vigilantes confine themselves to the use of firearms. The 2nd Amendment trumps those that despise guns. I do because two friends of mine have been killed by them.

You sound as though you would prefer there to be no second amendment.

And, once again, how bad does a person have to be beaten before deadly force is justifiable?

Edit: I got a phone call and saw your explanation only afterwards. Glad to know you dont assume most gun carriers are not vigilantes.

As for vigilantes, I CORRECTED my first post. NO, I DO NOT WISH TO DISPENSE WITH ANY AMENDMENTS. How Zimmerman sustained his injuries, is yet unknown. But the victim's right of self defense is being brushed aside. There is evidence the killer was IN HIS vehicle & got out to chase the teenager walking. A clue as to Zimmerman's state of mind.
The neighborhood crime watch volunteer who shot and killed Trayvon Martin last month, called 911 dozens of times in the months that led to the fatal shooting.

This afternoon six of the calls made by George Zimmerman were released by theSeminole County Sheriff's Office.

In four of the recordings Zimmerman called police to report "suspicious" persons — all of whom were black — in or near the Retreat at Twin Lakes neighborhood.

He called once to report his neighbor's open garage door. And in the sixth call, Zimmerman reports children are "habitually" playing in the street at dusk and running in front of cars. He asked dispatchers to take his complaint anonymously, but provided his name and phone number.


George Zimmerman 911 calls: George Zimmerman, the man who shot Trayvon Martin, called 911 dozens of times - Orlando Sentinel

Yeah, because as we all know racist vigilantes are well known to regularly call 911 and report crimes.

Stupid fucktard.
So, it was actually the family that asked the FBI to investigate.

The family of Trayvon Martin is asking the FBI to get involved in the investigation of the killing of the unarmed 17-year-old Florida high school student, who was shot last month by a self-appointed neighborhood watchman outside his stepmother's home.
And this is interesting:

But law enforcement expert Rod Wheeler who listened to the tapes tells ABC News that Zimmerman, not Martin, sounded intoxicated in the police recordings of the 911 calls.

"When I listened to the 911 tape the first thing that came to my mind is this guy sounds intoxicated. Notice how he's slurring his words. We as trained law enforcement officers, we know how to listen for that right away and I think that's going to be an important element of this entire investigation," Wheeler said.

But Zimmerman was not tested.

Martin's family is now calling on the FBI to take over what they say is a botched investigation.
Trayvon Martin Family Seeks FBI Investigation of Killing - ABC News

Yeah, because families of killed criminals NEVER think that their little perp is guilty. It can only be that this white man was a racist bent on killing any black man that would walk in the rain snooping into peoples houses and all. Obvious racism.

And of course, the cops would not test Zimmerman, not because he was not giving any other indication of being under the effects of drugs, but it obviously MUST be that they are also a bunch of conniving racists who want all black teens to be shot by white men carrying guns.

Stupid fucktard.

Ok, I'll ask you. What crime was Martin committing when Zimmerman decided to go after him and take the law into his own hands? What proof do you have Martin was "snooping into people's homes" ?

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