White man shoots innocent black teen....

A lot of people seem to be presuming that the kid was guilty of ... something.

I asked a ways back on the thread

I don't believe that was ever answered; maybe I missed it.

Walking while Black. Here is the audio, I just wanted to place it in here.

Trayvon Martin 911 Call From Neighbors and Zimmerman (Audio) | Z6Mag

I have been guilty of this.

Zimmerman MAY have been looking for trouble. We do know know Martin died by his hand, until now, no investigation. Evidence lost.
I have been guilty of this.

Did somebody shoot you for it?

By the grace of God, no.

The really difficult part to absorb is that this Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch person who wasn't even registered with any neighborhood watch programs anywhere. He is just some goof off, walking around with a gun.

He is saying it was self defense but the kid was 100 lbs. lighter than him and a teen. I just don't believe the story as he told it. Those cops should not have just let him go.
Did somebody shoot you for it?

By the grace of God, no.

The really difficult part to absorb is that this Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch person who wasn't even registered with any neighborhood watch programs anywhere. He is just some goof off, walking around with a gun.

He is saying it was self defense but the kid was 100 lbs. lighter than him and a teen. I just don't believe the story as he told it. Those cops should not have just let him go.

And three weeks later evidence goes away; no concurrent blood tests, forensics could be tougher (firearm users would know about this), and Zimmerman is WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN. Actually, does law enforcement even have the gun?
I will not be surprised if voice analysis shows that it really was Zimmerman crying for help.

If a blustering bully is stalking you and has you cornered, maybe you do try to muscle your way out of it. Then the bully starts crying for help because he got in over his head. And then the hysterical bully shoots.

I could see it happening that way.

And then Zimmerman gets off, and then Zimmerman moves to a state where he'll be protected from people like himself.
Weeks ago, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin is followed and later gunned down by self-elected neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman, while walking to visit a relative. Zimmerman and friends allege Trayvon Martin was killed in self-defense. Trayvon Martin was found dead face down (implying he had been shot from behind) -

911 calls reveal 17-year-old Trayvon Martin had been running from George Zimmerman and begging for help from neighbors when he was shot cold-blooded. It has been almost a month since Trayvon Martin was unnecessarily and cold-bloodedly murdered and George Zimmerman has not been arrested or charged with any crime.

What I find very funny is that George Zimmerman is said to be a criminal justice scholar with desire to protect his neighborhood (a cause I find of no fault): However, just how does a law scholar fail to realize that stalking an unarmed youth is harassment, and that shooting someone who has neither attacked you nor has your possession is not self-defense?

I think George Zimmerman is either insane, or is a plain simpleton known to those around him and was coached to murder young Trayvon Martin. Thus, the parents of George Zimmerman, neighborhood watch group and gun licensing department who all deputized George Zimmerman and helped him to murder 17-year-old Trayvon Martin should all be held liable for the murder of Trayvon Martin. No one should be deserving of death for merely walking down the streets of the US or any nation.

Hate-filled, Hired man or Simpleton?
- George Zimmerman Neighbors Complained About Aggressive Tactics Before Trayvon Martin Killing
By the grace of God, no.

The really difficult part to absorb is that this Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch person who wasn't even registered with any neighborhood watch programs anywhere. He is just some goof off, walking around with a gun.

He is saying it was self defense but the kid was 100 lbs. lighter than him and a teen. I just don't believe the story as he told it. Those cops should not have just let him go.

And three weeks later evidence goes away; no concurrent blood tests, forensics could be tougher (firearm users would know about this), and Zimmerman is WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN. Actually, does law enforcement even have the gun?

I don't know. It seems like people care about this crime but he seems to be getting away with murder at this point.
The really difficult part to absorb is that this Zimmerman was a neighborhood watch person who wasn't even registered with any neighborhood watch programs anywhere. He is just some goof off, walking around with a gun.

He is saying it was self defense but the kid was 100 lbs. lighter than him and a teen. I just don't believe the story as he told it. Those cops should not have just let him go.

And three weeks later evidence goes away; no concurrent blood tests, forensics could be tougher (firearm users would know about this), and Zimmerman is WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN. Actually, does law enforcement even have the gun?

I don't know. It seems like people care about this crime but he seems to be getting away with murder at this point.

The investigation just got turned over to the SA yesterday or today I believe. Trayvon Martin's death was 2/26.
Big print suggests outrage. Who do we see about the hundreds of Mex-citizens and one US Border Patrol officer killed with the illegal guns that the A.G. authorized? I know the incidents have no connection but it illustrates how fast the media can create outrage.
Big print suggests outrage. Who do we see about the hundreds of Mex-citizens and one US Border Patrol officer killed with the illegal guns that the A.G. authorized? I know the incidents have no connection but it illustrates how fast the media can create outrage.

You are not speaking loud enough for this thread. Sorry.
Zimmerman (the Latino shooter) was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head and had wet grass stains on his red jacket. He claimed self-defense, telling police he had stepped out of his truck to check the name of the street he was on, when Trayvon (the black attacker) attacked him from behind as he walked back to his truck. He said he fired the semiautomatic handgun because he feared for his life. A witness to the physical altercation just prior to the shooting stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and beating him up, while Zimmerman yelled for help. One witness said he came upon the scene and saw Zimmerman on his back on the ground, which accords with statements by the police that he was covered in grass and blood.

Another black criminal taken off the street.
Zimmerman (the Latino shooter) was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head and had wet grass stains on his red jacket. He claimed self-defense, telling police he had stepped out of his truck to check the name of the street he was on, when Trayvon (the black attacker) attacked him from behind as he walked back to his truck. He said he fired the semiautomatic handgun because he feared for his life. A witness to the physical altercation just prior to the shooting stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and beating him up, while Zimmerman yelled for help. One witness said he came upon the scene and saw Zimmerman on his back on the ground, which accords with statements by the police that he was covered in grass and blood.

Another black criminal taken off the street.

That's the sprint... yell back.

Zimmerman (the Latino shooter) was bleeding from the nose and the back of the head and had wet grass stains on his red jacket. He claimed self-defense, telling police he had stepped out of his truck to check the name of the street he was on, when Trayvon (the black attacker) attacked him from behind as he walked back to his truck. He said he fired the semiautomatic handgun because he feared for his life. A witness to the physical altercation just prior to the shooting stated that Martin was on top of Zimmerman and beating him up, while Zimmerman yelled for help. One witness said he came upon the scene and saw Zimmerman on his back on the ground, which accords with statements by the police that he was covered in grass and blood.

Another black criminal taken off the street.

Other witnesses say differently(.)

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