White man shoots innocent black teen....

ummm... it ain't nearly finished yet...

and I wouldn't be at all surprised if it's somehow used to try to influence the presidential election eight months from now...

First, nobody will remember it. I've tracked cases like this for years. They have a two to three month life span IF THAT.

Second, what does the president have to do with this besides his skin tone? Don't worry... I'll wait...

first, the issue might well have "legs"... depends on how long the MSM decides to push the story...

second, the issue has nothing to do with the president... but the MSM, as well as other players, may decide to push it as though it does...

The only person who seems to be pushing Barack Obama in this is you.

You seem to think that for some reason because President Obama is African American he'll use his skin tone to make this a political issue.

It seems to me that the race baiting is coming from you in this case. Not the left, as it often does.
True. If you were the guy on the left, how would you feel about the guy on the right scoping you out, then leaving his car to follow you (and if the girl's story is true, chasing you), in the dark ...

I wonder too if zimmerman's gun was visible to Martin?

I 'spect Zimmerman didn't brandish the gun at first (but was nonetheless emboldened to challenge Martin because he had the gun)... and pulled the gun out only when he felt threatened by Martin's refusal to back down...

Zimmerman has MILLIONS of defenders I gather. I wish the teenager had had just one......................................

You don't yet know that he needs a defender. I'm only defending the concept of innocent until proven guilty.
Following someone is not a crime.

Its not?:confused:

If I see someone suspicious looking walking (or driving) around my neighborhood I'll follow him around until he leaves. And given the opportunity, I'll ask him if he's lost. I'm pretty sure there is no law against that.

That's called stalking. You can watch them to insure the safety of your property. You very well could ask them where they are going out of concern. However you cannot "follow" someone you think is suspicious if they are not on your property. If that was the case any old stalker can just say "well I stalked them because they were suspicious". That's stupidity. Zimmerman was advised not to follow the boy, because that's harassment.

I shouldn't be followed and stalked by random people walking down the street because they think I look "suspicious", ESPECIALLY in a car because following someone is considered a threat.
Like I said in another thread, I bet that if Zimmerman gets out of this a free man he will move to some state where what he did in Florida would not legal for someone to do to him.

Otherwise he'll be looking over his shoulder all the time for someone who sees him as a threat - because a large portion of the state of Florida will legally and defensibly see him as a threat.

This Zimmerman will not be exonerated with regards to this case. If the telephone evidence is correct, this Zimmerman will be charged with murder. There was no real
justification for the shooting of Trevon Martin. The teenager was fleeing from him, not attacking him. Zimmerman appears to be the aggressor here, he can not invoke self defense with regards to this case.!,if the person was fleeing from him.!!
Like I said in another thread, I bet that if Zimmerman gets out of this a free man he will move to some state where what he did in Florida would not legal for someone to do to him.

Otherwise he'll be looking over his shoulder all the time for someone who sees him as a threat - because a large portion of the state of Florida will legally and defensibly see him as a threat.

This Zimmerman will not be exonerated with regards to this case. If the telephone evidence is correct, this Zimmerman will be charged with murder. There was no real
justification for the shooting of Trevon Martin. The teenager was fleeing from him, not attacking him. Zimmerman appears to be the aggressor here, he can not invoke self defense with regards to this case.!,if the person was fleeing from him.!!

He can, he was "injured". And he can claim the teenager killed attacked HIM. NO INVESTIGATION until the last few days. Evidence gets stale.........only public outcry got even FDLE involved.
Like I said in another thread, I bet that if Zimmerman gets out of this a free man he will move to some state where what he did in Florida would not legal for someone to do to him.

Otherwise he'll be looking over his shoulder all the time for someone who sees him as a threat - because a large portion of the state of Florida will legally and defensibly see him as a threat.

This Zimmerman will not be exonerated with regards to this case. If the telephone evidence is correct, this Zimmerman will be charged with murder. There was no real
justification for the shooting of Trevon Martin. The teenager was fleeing from him, not attacking him. Zimmerman appears to be the aggressor here, he can not invoke self defense with regards to this case.!,if the person was fleeing from him.!!

He can, he was "injured". And he can claim the teenager killed attacked HIM. NO INVESTIGATION until the last few days. Evidence gets stale.........only public outcry got even FDLE involved.

More then likely this will not get past the Grand Jury.

I seek comfort in the fact that God has the final say.

If I see someone suspicious looking walking (or driving) around my neighborhood I'll follow him around until he leaves. And given the opportunity, I'll ask him if he's lost. I'm pretty sure there is no law against that.

That's called stalking. You can watch them to insure the safety of your property. You very well could ask them where they are going out of concern. However you cannot "follow" someone you think is suspicious if they are not on your property. If that was the case any old stalker can just say "well I stalked them because they were suspicious". That's stupidity. Zimmerman was advised not to follow the boy, because that's harassment.

I shouldn't be followed and stalked by random people walking down the street because they think I look "suspicious", ESPECIALLY in a car because following someone is considered a threat.

The Seminole county Sheriff said SELF DEFENSE. As if a gun ever lost to a bag of skittles................................Zimmerman sure wasn't in "fear" when left his vehicle though.
Like I said in another thread, I bet that if Zimmerman gets out of this a free man he will move to some state where what he did in Florida would not legal for someone to do to him.

Otherwise he'll be looking over his shoulder all the time for someone who sees him as a threat - because a large portion of the state of Florida will legally and defensibly see him as a threat.

This Zimmerman will not be exonerated with regards to this case. If the telephone evidence is correct, this Zimmerman will be charged with murder. There was no real
justification for the shooting of Trevon Martin. The teenager was fleeing from him, not attacking him. Zimmerman appears to be the aggressor here, he can not invoke self defense with regards to this case.!,if the person was fleeing from him.!!

He can, he was "injured". And he can claim the teenager killed attacked HIM. NO INVESTIGATION until the last few days. Evidence gets stale.........only public outcry got even FDLE involved.

He injured himself by way of attacking the teenanger Martin, and or tackleing him.
Those injures were not inflicted by Martin.
This Zimmerman will not be exonerated with regards to this case. If the telephone evidence is correct, this Zimmerman will be charged with murder. There was no real
justification for the shooting of Trevon Martin. The teenager was fleeing from him, not attacking him. Zimmerman appears to be the aggressor here, he can not invoke self defense with regards to this case.!,if the person was fleeing from him.!!

He can, he was "injured". And he can claim the teenager killed attacked HIM. NO INVESTIGATION until the last few days. Evidence gets stale.........only public outcry got even FDLE involved.

He injured himself by way of attacking the teenanger Martin, and or tackleing him.
Those injures were not inflicted by Martin.

Martin cannot testify, no blood test was done on the killer............................................. a sad, and sick situation.
If I see someone suspicious looking walking (or driving) around my neighborhood I'll follow him around until he leaves. And given the opportunity, I'll ask him if he's lost. I'm pretty sure there is no law against that.

That's called stalking. You can watch them to insure the safety of your property. You very well could ask them where they are going out of concern. However you cannot "follow" someone you think is suspicious if they are not on your property. If that was the case any old stalker can just say "well I stalked them because they were suspicious". That's stupidity. Zimmerman was advised not to follow the boy, because that's harassment.

I shouldn't be followed and stalked by random people walking down the street because they think I look "suspicious", ESPECIALLY in a car because following someone is considered a threat.

The Seminole county Sheriff said SELF DEFENSE. As if a gun ever lost to a bag of skittles................................Zimmerman sure wasn't in "fear" when left his vehicle though.

If those "wounds" were inflicted by Martin, I can't say that I would blame him at all. He was being harassed, he had the right to defend himself. Zimmerman should have stayed in his vehicle.
He can, he was "injured". And he can claim the teenager killed attacked HIM. NO INVESTIGATION until the last few days. Evidence gets stale.........only public outcry got even FDLE involved.

He injured himself by way of attacking the teenanger Martin, and or tackleing him.
Those injures were not inflicted by Martin.

Martin cannot testify, no blood test was done on the killer............................................. a sad, and sick situation.

Like I said, it won't make it past the grand jury. They may just throw the case out.

But judgment is coming...
That's called stalking. You can watch them to insure the safety of your property. You very well could ask them where they are going out of concern. However you cannot "follow" someone you think is suspicious if they are not on your property. If that was the case any old stalker can just say "well I stalked them because they were suspicious". That's stupidity. Zimmerman was advised not to follow the boy, because that's harassment.

I shouldn't be followed and stalked by random people walking down the street because they think I look "suspicious", ESPECIALLY in a car because following someone is considered a threat.

The Seminole county Sheriff said SELF DEFENSE. As if a gun ever lost to a bag of skittles................................Zimmerman sure wasn't in "fear" when left his vehicle though.

If those "wounds" were inflicted by Martin, I can't say that I would blame him at all. He was being harassed, he had the right to defend himself. Zimmerman should have stayed in his vehicle.

Or left his ever present firearm there YES.
I don't know what country you live in, but in mine, we don't presume guilt. They are investigating, though, as they should.

A lot of people seem to be presuming that the kid was guilty of ... something.

I asked a ways back on the thread

Zimmerman is in no way obligated to listen to a 911 dispatcher. Citizens are allowed to contront and stop crimes if they are happening. Flordia's law, in fact, says that anyone is allowed to hold their ground with deadly force if they feel threatened. There is no obligation to try to run away in order to claim self-defense. It would be very hard to convict him of murder with such a law.

What crime was Trayvon committing?

I don't believe that was ever answered; maybe I missed it.

Walking while Black. Here is the audio, I just wanted to place it in here.

Trayvon Martin 911 Call From Neighbors and Zimmerman (Audio) | Z6Mag
A month before any investigation begins, great job Seminole county.:mad:
Weeks ago, 17-year-old Trayvon Martin is followed and later gunned down by self-elected neighborhood watchman, George Zimmerman, while walking to visit a relative. Zimmerman and friends allege Trayvon Martin was killed in self-defense. Trayvon Martin was found dead face down (implying he had been shot from behind) -

911 calls reveal 17-year-old Trayvon Martin had been running from George Zimmerman and begging for help from neighbors when he was shot cold-blooded. It has been almost a month since Trayvon Martin was unnecessarily and cold-bloodedly murdered and George Zimmerman has not been arrested or charged with any crime.

What I find very funny is that George Zimmerman is said to be a criminal justice scholar with desire to protect his neighborhood (a cause I find of no fault): However, just how does a law scholar fail to realize that stalking an unarmed youth is harassment, and that shooting someone who has neither attacked you nor has your possession is not self-defense?

I think George Zimmerman is either insane, or is a plain simpleton known to those around him and was coached to murder young Trayvon Martin. Thus, the parents of George Zimmerman, neighborhood watch group and gun licensing department who all deputized George Zimmerman and helped him to murder 17-year-old Trayvon Martin should all be held liable for the murder of Trayvon Martin. No one should be deserving of death for merely walking down the streets of the US or any nation.

Hate-filled, Hired man or Simpleton?
- George Zimmerman Neighbors Complained About Aggressive Tactics Before Trayvon Martin Killing
I don't know what country you live in, but in mine, we don't presume guilt. They are investigating, though, as they should.

A lot of people seem to be presuming that the kid was guilty of ... something.

I asked a ways back on the thread

What crime was Trayvon committing?

I don't believe that was ever answered; maybe I missed it.

Walking while Black. Here is the audio, I just wanted to place it in here.

Trayvon Martin 911 Call From Neighbors and Zimmerman (Audio) | Z6Mag

I have been guilty of this.

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