White man shoots innocent black teen....

That white guy stalked that kid and killed him. I dont care if the kid tried to defend himself...(like you would have done), he killed an unarmed kid screaming for help. How can YOU be in jeopardy when you are chasing someone?

I dont care if that kid victim here got in a hit because HE felt his life was in jeopardy. Zimmerman stalked, chased down and shot that kid.


White ? :confused:


He is paler than I am.

Well, I've gotten pretty pale up here in Wisconsin. He's paler than I'd be if I lived where there was any sun.

The primary question is, 'Why does it matter what race Zimmerman is?'

It matters only because racist leftwing ideologues are trying to make racism Zimmermans primary motive.

Zimmerman defending himself from a kid that was beating him while zimmerman was on the ground on his back.

Its a shame that the right to defend oneself is so despised by leftwing nutbags.
That's your opinion. Unfortunately, the facts as we know them at this point won't support a conviction. Let's take it out of the context of this particular case. Suppose I'm walking through your neighborhood. YOu think I look suspicious, so you follow me. I decide to run, and you chase me. You catch up to me, and ask what I'm doing. I ask why you chased me.YOu have not produced a weapon, nor have you touched me. Am I allowed, legally, to hit you, even just once? Of course I'm not! You haven't attacked me; you have not committed any crime (merely chasing me is not one); all you have done is ask a question. I may not like it, BUT, if I hit you at that point, and you haven't threatened me, put your hands on me, or produced a weapon of any kind (even if you have one concealed on you), then I'm committing assault and battery, If you hit me then, I have no legal recourse, because I started the fight!

Now, take it a step further. Let's say that when I hit you, I knocked you down. If I then jump on you, and continue to hit you, and I don't stop, you most certainly have the right to try to stop me. What if you can't; how far can you go to get me off of you?

The answer to that, depends on the law in that jurisdiction. Where I live, if you contributed to the situation in any way, Including chasing me, or even not running away from me when I became hostile, you can't pull a weapon (if you have one) and claim self-defense; that's the way the law reads. However, and it's a big HOWEVER, in FL, that is not what the law says.There, you don't have to avoid me, or run from me. So, if I continue to beat you the law says that If you reasonably believe I am not going to stop, and therefore I may seriously hurt you, you have the right to use whatever force is required to make me stop, including lethal force. Unless the state can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you attacked me in the first place, or that I stopped attacking you after I knocked you on your butt, you can shoot me, claim self-defense, and you'll walk.

Now, would I have done what Zimmerman did? No, when the kid ran, I'd have let him go; I haven't seen him commit any crime, after all. Chasing him is therefore poor judgement; not worth the risk of a confrontation. If a confrontation HAD occurred, I don't think I'd just shoot the kid, either, even if legally justified; the moment I got him off me, assuming I could, I'd have probably simply advised him I had a gun (and showed him, if he did not immediately back off when so informed). If he attempted to renew the attack at that point, THEN I would have shot him.( and THAT clearly IS self-defense).

Great post.

Where is the evidence that Zimmerman chased Martin just prior to the assault?

He claims he was not chasing him after the 911 dispatcher told him to not do that. He says he was simply out of his truck trying to get the street name off a sign when Martin hit him in the back of the head. What evidence is there that proves Zimmerman a liar?

He is paler than I am.

Well, I've gotten pretty pale up here in Wisconsin. He's paler than I'd be if I lived where there was any sun.

The primary question is, 'Why does it matter what race Zimmerman is?'

It matters only because racist leftwing ideologues are trying to make racism Zimmermans primary motive.

Zimmerman defending himself from a kid that was beating him while zimmerman was on the ground on his back.

Its a shame that the right to defend oneself is so despised by leftwing nutbags.

Because he made a racial slur on the 911 audio and they are going for a hate crime charge.


You don't have to be Caucasian to be racist.
Again, libtards, how badly does a person have to beaten by another person before they can use deadly force in self defense?

Why is it that bed burning is OK with feminazis when there is no direct threat at the time, but a person cant shoot someone who has you on your back on the ground and is beating and kicking you after having hit you in the back of the head?

You think only women have the right to use deadly force in self defense?

Or is that right relevant only when it helps with leftwing ideological agitprop bullshit, and dismissed when it gets in the way?
He is paler than I am.

Well, I've gotten pretty pale up here in Wisconsin. He's paler than I'd be if I lived where there was any sun.

The primary question is, 'Why does it matter what race Zimmerman is?'

It matters only because racist leftwing ideologues are trying to make racism Zimmermans primary motive.

Zimmerman defending himself from a kid that was beating him while zimmerman was on the ground on his back.

Its a shame that the right to defend oneself is so despised by leftwing nutbags.

Because he made a racial slur on the 911 audio and they are going for a hate crime charge.

Bullshit. That slur is only on 'engineered' audio, and to me it sounds like it was dubbed in. An audio diagnostic, Zimmerman saying, "fucking coons" - Democratic Underground

The original 911 release was censored and did not have these words. To me it sounds like somone dubbed the slur into the audio, but I am no expert. It is not evidence that I would accept were I on a jury.

But so what? Does using the word 'coon' prove that you are out to kill someone in cold blood? Is Clint Eastwood a racist for using thw word 'spook'?

Your whole argument that this questionable slur proves that Zimmerman wanted to kill Martin is assinine.


You don't have to be Caucasian to be racist.

I never said you did, stupid ass.

You're preaching to the choir. Share your insight with the race baiting loons that want to lynch Zimmerman.
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If the hispanic and the black are both Jews, then it comes down to just hispanic vs. black. But, that's not an issue here. Only one is a Jew, and that trumps hispanic vs. black.
Okay, thanks for clarifying. :rofl:

Only ONE is dead, THAT trumps all other facts known.

Only one man was struck from behind in the back of the head and had a man beating and kicking him while he was on the ground.

THAT trumps all other facts known.
That's your opinion. Unfortunately, the facts as we know them at this point won't support a conviction. Let's take it out of the context of this particular case. Suppose I'm walking through your neighborhood. YOu think I look suspicious, so you follow me. I decide to run, and you chase me. You catch up to me, and ask what I'm doing. I ask why you chased me.YOu have not produced a weapon, nor have you touched me. Am I allowed, legally, to hit you, even just once? Of course I'm not! You haven't attacked me; you have not committed any crime (merely chasing me is not one); all you have done is ask a question. I may not like it, BUT, if I hit you at that point, and you haven't threatened me, put your hands on me, or produced a weapon of any kind (even if you have one concealed on you), then I'm committing assault and battery, If you hit me then, I have no legal recourse, because I started the fight!

Now, take it a step further. Let's say that when I hit you, I knocked you down. If I then jump on you, and continue to hit you, and I don't stop, you most certainly have the right to try to stop me. What if you can't; how far can you go to get me off of you?

The answer to that, depends on the law in that jurisdiction. Where I live, if you contributed to the situation in any way, Including chasing me, or even not running away from me when I became hostile, you can't pull a weapon (if you have one) and claim self-defense; that's the way the law reads. However, and it's a big HOWEVER, in FL, that is not what the law says.There, you don't have to avoid me, or run from me. So, if I continue to beat you the law says that If you reasonably believe I am not going to stop, and therefore I may seriously hurt you, you have the right to use whatever force is required to make me stop, including lethal force. Unless the state can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you attacked me in the first place, or that I stopped attacking you after I knocked you on your butt, you can shoot me, claim self-defense, and you'll walk.

Now, would I have done what Zimmerman did? No, when the kid ran, I'd have let him go; I haven't seen him commit any crime, after all. Chasing him is therefore poor judgement; not worth the risk of a confrontation. If a confrontation HAD occurred, I don't think I'd just shoot the kid, either, even if legally justified; the moment I got him off me, assuming I could, I'd have probably simply advised him I had a gun (and showed him, if he did not immediately back off when so informed). If he attempted to renew the attack at that point, THEN I would have shot him.( and THAT clearly IS self-defense).

Great post.

Where is the evidence that Zimmerman chased Martin just prior to the assault?

He claims he was not chasing him after the 911 dispatcher told him to not do that. He says he was simply out of his truck trying to get the street name off a sign when Martin hit him in the back of the head. What evidence is there that proves Zimmerman a liar?
Listen again. You can hear the wind and zimmerman breathing hard --- which continues for a time after the dispatcher told him not to follow. At no point does he tell the dispatcher he's getting out to check for the sign. At no point does he tell the dispatcher he's been attacked. IF he was attacked at his vehicle, then he followed Martin to the place where he shot Martin --- which was in a grassy courtyard between two long rows of apartments/townhomes, NOT in the street.
Only one man was struck from behind in the back of the head and had a man beating and kicking him while he was on the ground.

THAT trumps all other facts known.

now Martin is "beating and kicking" zimmerman LOL
The jumps and conclusion-hurdles some people are making about this case are tragic.

From both 'sides'. To me, there is only one side... that of justice. I await LEO verified information before forming a firm opinion. That's a logical approach.
the guy that shot the teen was hispanic !!! guess you libbs hate that !!

For all you people who have their panties in a wad because media reports (and this thread) called Zimmerman white:

So the police thought Zimmerman was white. Interesting.

More interesting is that Martin was wearing a gray hoodie, didn't one of the "witnesses" claim he saw someone in a white shirt beating someone?

Also, Martin was face down with his hands under his body. Sounds kind of execution style.


now Martin is "beating and kicking" zimmerman LOL
The jumps and conclusion-hurdles some people are making about this case are tragic.

From both 'sides'. To me, there is only one side... that of justice. I await LEO verified information before forming a firm opinion. That's a logical approach.
There's not much to disagree with there.

The Sanford PD has made a terrible mess of things, and they have a history of fuck ups and cover ups, so I look forward to law enforcement oversight of the way they handled the evidence /witness statements.
the guy that shot the teen was hispanic !!! guess you libbs hate that !!

For all you people who have their panties in a wad because media reports (and this thread) called Zimmerman white:

So the police thought Zimmerman was white. Interesting.

More interesting is that Martin was wearing a gray hoodie, didn't one of the "witnesses" claim he saw someone in a white shirt beating someone?

Also, Martin was face down with his hands under his body. Sounds kind of execution style.

It was dark, and the witness said a white t-shirt - not a hoodie.

No one was wearing a white t-shirt...
That's your opinion. Unfortunately, the facts as we know them at this point won't support a conviction. Let's take it out of the context of this particular case. Suppose I'm walking through your neighborhood. YOu think I look suspicious, so you follow me. I decide to run, and you chase me. You catch up to me, and ask what I'm doing. I ask why you chased me.YOu have not produced a weapon, nor have you touched me. Am I allowed, legally, to hit you, even just once? Of course I'm not! You haven't attacked me; you have not committed any crime (merely chasing me is not one); all you have done is ask a question. I may not like it, BUT, if I hit you at that point, and you haven't threatened me, put your hands on me, or produced a weapon of any kind (even if you have one concealed on you), then I'm committing assault and battery, If you hit me then, I have no legal recourse, because I started the fight!

Now, take it a step further. Let's say that when I hit you, I knocked you down. If I then jump on you, and continue to hit you, and I don't stop, you most certainly have the right to try to stop me. What if you can't; how far can you go to get me off of you?

The answer to that, depends on the law in that jurisdiction. Where I live, if you contributed to the situation in any way, Including chasing me, or even not running away from me when I became hostile, you can't pull a weapon (if you have one) and claim self-defense; that's the way the law reads. However, and it's a big HOWEVER, in FL, that is not what the law says.There, you don't have to avoid me, or run from me. So, if I continue to beat you the law says that If you reasonably believe I am not going to stop, and therefore I may seriously hurt you, you have the right to use whatever force is required to make me stop, including lethal force. Unless the state can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you attacked me in the first place, or that I stopped attacking you after I knocked you on your butt, you can shoot me, claim self-defense, and you'll walk.

Now, would I have done what Zimmerman did? No, when the kid ran, I'd have let him go; I haven't seen him commit any crime, after all. Chasing him is therefore poor judgement; not worth the risk of a confrontation. If a confrontation HAD occurred, I don't think I'd just shoot the kid, either, even if legally justified; the moment I got him off me, assuming I could, I'd have probably simply advised him I had a gun (and showed him, if he did not immediately back off when so informed). If he attempted to renew the attack at that point, THEN I would have shot him.( and THAT clearly IS self-defense).

Great post.

Where is the evidence that Zimmerman chased Martin just prior to the assault?

He claims he was not chasing him after the 911 dispatcher told him to not do that. He says he was simply out of his truck trying to get the street name off a sign when Martin hit him in the back of the head. What evidence is there that proves Zimmerman a liar?
Listen again. You can hear the wind and zimmerman breathing hard --- which continues for a time after the dispatcher told him not to follow. At no point does he tell the dispatcher he's getting out to check for the sign. At no point does he tell the dispatcher he's been attacked. IF he was attacked at his vehicle, then he followed Martin to the place where he shot Martin --- which was in a grassy courtyard between two long rows of apartments/townhomes, NOT in the street.
Excellent point.
I'm wondering why (1) Zimmerman is STILL walking around with a concealed carry liscence, and (2) why is this fucker still free?

Hey...........even when police officers shoot somone in the line of duty, they are put on paid leave until the investigation is complete.

Shouln't Zimmerman AT THE VERY LEAST have to surrender his permit? He's proven that he's capable of shooting unarmed people.

My questions along with why no BAC & drug tests? Obviously, his firearm should have been held for a few days for testing. I do not think Seminole county has everyday killings of strangers. Most killings are between family/friends.

I read they tested Trayvon's dead body for alcohol and drugs who is dead but not Zimmerman, what a huge joke.
I'm wondering why (1) Zimmerman is STILL walking around with a concealed carry liscence, and (2) why is this fucker still free?

Hey...........even when police officers shoot somone in the line of duty, they are put on paid leave until the investigation is complete.

Shouln't Zimmerman AT THE VERY LEAST have to surrender his permit? He's proven that he's capable of shooting unarmed people.

My questions along with why no BAC & drug tests? Obviously, his firearm should have been held for a few days for testing. I do not think Seminole county has everyday killings of strangers. Most killings are between family/friends.

I read they tested Trayvon's dead body for alcohol and drugs who is dead but not Zimmerman, what a huge joke.
If they had no probable cause to believe he was under the influence, they can't test him without violating his Constitutional rights.
The jumps and conclusion-hurdles some people are making about this case are tragic.

From both 'sides'. To me, there is only one side... that of justice. I await LEO verified information before forming a firm opinion. That's a logical approach.
There's not much to disagree with there.

The Sanford PD has made a terrible mess of things, and they have a history of fuck ups and cover ups, so I look forward to law enforcement oversight of the way they handled the evidence /witness statements.

Setting the table for a conspiracy ?
My questions along with why no BAC & drug tests? Obviously, his firearm should have been held for a few days for testing. I do not think Seminole county has everyday killings of strangers. Most killings are between family/friends.

I read they tested Trayvon's dead body for alcohol and drugs who is dead but not Zimmerman, what a huge joke.
If they had no probable cause to believe he was under the influence, they can't test him without violating his Constitutional rights.

Everybody is so ready to convict this guy of a race crime.... its pissing me off!

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