White man shoots innocent black teen....

So far the preponderance of the evidence tells us that Martin DID strike Zimmerman at least once, and likely more than once (there was blood on his face possibly indicating a second blow, perhaps more).

Yes, now what would a reasonable person conclude about who initiated the fisticuffs? The one with a gun, who knew police were moments away? Or, the one who thought the other was "getting into his business" and may not have known about the gun?

The next question is the voice yelling for help on the 911 tape;

Given that we can't recognize the voice yelling for help (for an extended length of time), what would a reasonable person conclude? The screaming sounds like it's coming from someone under extreme physical duress. That's not someone who simply has a gun pointed at him. It's from someone in a physical altercation. So, it could be either one. But, if Zimmerman was winning the fight, why would he have shot? Also, there's nothing in the yelling that suggests someone's facing a gun, e.g. no "don't shoot."

And, why didn't the person yelling for help not run away? Zimmerman couldn't have outran the black kid, so he wouldn't be able to escape the fight. The black kid could have ran away to escape the fight, and not needed to yell for help. (As yet to be revealed, what bodily injuries did the black kid have, other than the gun shot.)

We can't conclude much, but given the law, we must conclude that Zimmerman acted in self-defense. Zimmerman's zealousness may have got the ball rolling, but the preponderance of the evidence is that it was self-defense. There's no motive for the shooting except self-defense.
Following a suspect is natural, to prevent the suspect from getting away. Zimmerman could also have interpreted what the 911 operator said as instructions to follow, "Let me know if the guy does anything else..."

In any case, it would be tough to show that Zimmerman followed with any intent beyond tracking the suspect, or that he continued to follow after he was told not to.

Yes, then it comes down to he made physical contact first. A confrontation would have been by the suspect's choice, given that he could have out-ran Zimmerman. Zimmerman claimed he was hit from behind, and was bleeding from the back of the head, which also gives the benefit of the doubt to Zimmerman. And, I just don't see a man with a gun physically assaulting anyone.

But, I do see a young hothead attacking someone he thinks is following him.

Anyway, this case demonstrates the importance of shooting to kill, if you're shooting in self-defense. If the black survived the gunshot, he would claim that he was attacked first, and no liberal would doubt him. The evidence would be irrelevant.

Hey stupid...............did you not hear the 911 call MADE BY ZIMMERMAN? The 911 operator TOLD HIM NOT TO FOLLOW THE KID.

Zimmerman already fucked up.

Too bad you can't see that you retarded sperm slurping colon jousting cock smoker.
ABS, calm down. A dispatcher's advice is just that, advice, not a legal order that anyone must obey. The real first question, again, is did Zimmerman chase Martin when he apparently ran, without Martin having committed a crime? Even that is NOT criminal, but it IS poor judgement. THe main question, though, is what happened next. When Martin struck Zimmerman (it's reasonably conclusive that he did so) did he have sufficient LAWFUL cause to do so? Absent some major fact we don't know, that's what this case turns on (if it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Martin had lawful cause to strike Zimmerman.)

That white guy stalked that kid and killed him. I dont care if the kid tried to defend himself...(like you would have done), he killed an unarmed kid screaming for help. How can YOU be in jeopardy when you are chasing someone?

I dont care if that kid victim here got in a hit because HE felt his life was in jeopardy. Zimmerman stalked, chased down and shot that kid.

Here, HG, is the single most troubling thing Zimmerman apparently did prior to the shooting. FOLLOWING and OBSERVING a suspicious person

Following a suspect is natural, to prevent the suspect from getting away. Zimmerman could also have interpreted what the 911 operator said as instructions to follow, "Let me know if the guy does anything else..."

In any case, it would be tough to show that Zimmerman followed with any intent beyond tracking the suspect, or that he continued to follow after he was told not to.

Yes, then it comes down to he made physical contact first. A confrontation would have been by the suspect's choice, given that he could have out-ran Zimmerman. Zimmerman claimed he was hit from behind, and was bleeding from the back of the head, which also gives the benefit of the doubt to Zimmerman. And, I just don't see a man with a gun physically assaulting anyone.

But, I do see a young hothead attacking someone he thinks is following him.

Anyway, this case demonstrates the importance of shooting to kill, if you're shooting in self-defense. If the black survived the gunshot, he would claim that he was attacked first, and no liberal would doubt him. The evidence would be irrelevant.
I hope when you're in hell someone rapes you five times a day....with time for your wounds to recuperate in between, of course. And you think it's "the black."

I hope he ends up in Jail and Zimmerman is his celly.
Hey stupid...............did you not hear the 911 call MADE BY ZIMMERMAN? The 911 operator TOLD HIM NOT TO FOLLOW THE KID.

Zimmerman already fucked up.

Too bad you can't see that you retarded sperm slurping colon jousting cock smoker.
ABS, calm down. A dispatcher's advice is just that, advice, not a legal order that anyone must obey. The real first question, again, is did Zimmerman chase Martin when he apparently ran, without Martin having committed a crime? Even that is NOT criminal, but it IS poor judgement. THe main question, though, is what happened next. When Martin struck Zimmerman (it's reasonably conclusive that he did so) did he have sufficient LAWFUL cause to do so? Absent some major fact we don't know, that's what this case turns on (if it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Martin had lawful cause to strike Zimmerman.)

That white guy stalked that kid and killed him. I dont care if the kid tried to defend himself...(like you would have done), he killed an unarmed kid screaming for help. How can YOU be in jeopardy when you are chasing someone?

I dont care if that kid victim here got in a hit because HE felt his life was in jeopardy. Zimmerman stalked, chased down and shot that kid.

Do you have a link that supports your claim that Martin was screaming for help? I've seen reports that there were screams for help, but they don't say who it was who was screaming, and some say it was Zimmerman. So, if you have something different, I would like to see it.
Do you have a link that supports your claim that Martin was screaming for help? I've seen reports that there were screams for help, but they don't say who it was who was screaming, and some say it was Zimmerman. So, if you have something different, I would like to see it.

Police believe that Zimmerman was screaming. One witness, who apparently told the police something other than she told the media later, told the media that it was the black who was screaming. But, that's not something she witnessed. That's something she concluded by reasoning that because the screaming ended with the gunshot, it must have been the black screaming.
Do you have a link that supports your claim that Martin was screaming for help? I've seen reports that there were screams for help, but they don't say who it was who was screaming, and some say it was Zimmerman. So, if you have something different, I would like to see it.

Police believe that Zimmerman was screaming. One witness, who apparently told the police something other than she told the media later, told the media that it was the black who was screaming. But, that's not something she witnessed. That's something she concluded by reasoning that because the screaming ended with the gunshot, it must have been the black screaming.
I asked for a link, racist fucktard. I don't take anyone for their word, least of all racist fucktards.

If it's not supported, it's nothing but cheap talk.
I asked for a link, racist fucktard. I don't take anyone for their word, least of all racist fucktards.

Oh, don't be so upset. You can find another boy for jungle love someplace else. You can also find your own links.
I guess that means you are too lazy or stupid to post a link, typical of the white.

Don't be stupid. "Typical of the white" is nonsense. "White" is singular, but "typical" demands a plural. "Typical of whites" would be a meaningful phrase. E.g. Supporting blacks is typical of whites. Supporting criminals is typical of blacks.
I guess that means you are too lazy or stupid to post a link, typical of the white.

Don't be stupid. "Typical of the white" is nonsense. "White" is singular, but "typical" demands a plural. "Typical of whites" would be a meaningful phrase. E.g. Supporting blacks is typical of whites. Supporting criminals is typical of blacks.
Oooh, it's pretend black racist v. pretend white racist. Irresistible farce versus immovable reject!

I guess that means you are too lazy or stupid to post a link, typical of the white.

Don't be stupid. "Typical of the white" is nonsense. "White" is singular, but "typical" demands a plural. "Typical of whites" would be a meaningful phrase. E.g. Supporting blacks is typical of whites. Supporting criminals is typical of blacks.
Stormfront is happy that you are posting here, now. Their collective IQ increased dramatically.

Unfortunately for us, ours has recently and significantly decreased.
I guess that means you are too lazy or stupid to post a link, typical of the white.

Don't be stupid. "Typical of the white" is nonsense. "White" is singular, but "typical" demands a plural. "Typical of whites" would be a meaningful phrase. E.g. Supporting blacks is typical of whites. Supporting criminals is typical of blacks.
Oooh, it's pretend black racist v. pretend white racist. Irresistible farce versus immovable reject!

I think it's impact is about equivalent to that of two marshmallows colliding at 0.012 MPH, so the science says.
That white guy stalked that kid and killed him. I dont care if the kid tried to defend himself...(like you would have done), he killed an unarmed kid screaming for help. How can YOU be in jeopardy when you are chasing someone?

I dont care if that kid victim here got in a hit because HE felt his life was in jeopardy. Zimmerman stalked, chased down and shot that kid.


White ? :confused:

That white guy stalked that kid and killed him. I dont care if the kid tried to defend himself...(like you would have done), he killed an unarmed kid screaming for help. How can YOU be in jeopardy when you are chasing someone?

I dont care if that kid victim here got in a hit because HE felt his life was in jeopardy. Zimmerman stalked, chased down and shot that kid.


White ? :confused:


He is paler than I am.

Well, I've gotten pretty pale up here in Wisconsin. He's paler than I'd be if I lived where there was any sun.
Hey stupid...............did you not hear the 911 call MADE BY ZIMMERMAN? The 911 operator TOLD HIM NOT TO FOLLOW THE KID.

Zimmerman already fucked up.

Too bad you can't see that you retarded sperm slurping colon jousting cock smoker.
ABS, calm down. A dispatcher's advice is just that, advice, not a legal order that anyone must obey. The real first question, again, is did Zimmerman chase Martin when he apparently ran, without Martin having committed a crime? Even that is NOT criminal, but it IS poor judgement. THe main question, though, is what happened next. When Martin struck Zimmerman (it's reasonably conclusive that he did so) did he have sufficient LAWFUL cause to do so? Absent some major fact we don't know, that's what this case turns on (if it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Martin had lawful cause to strike Zimmerman.)

That white guy stalked that kid and killed him. I dont care if the kid tried to defend himself...(like you would have done), he killed an unarmed kid screaming for help. How can YOU be in jeopardy when you are chasing someone?

I dont care if that kid victim here got in a hit because HE felt his life was in jeopardy. Zimmerman stalked, chased down and shot that kid.

That's your opinion. Unfortunately, the facts as we know them at this point won't support a conviction. Let's take it out of the context of this particular case. Suppose I'm walking through your neighborhood. YOu think I look suspicious, so you follow me. I decide to run, and you chase me. You catch up to me, and ask what I'm doing. I ask why you chased me.YOu have not produced a weapon, nor have you touched me. Am I allowed, legally, to hit you, even just once? Of course I'm not! You haven't attacked me; you have not committed any crime (merely chasing me is not one); all you have done is ask a question. I may not like it, BUT, if I hit you at that point, and you haven't threatened me, put your hands on me, or produced a weapon of any kind (even if you have one concealed on you), then I'm committing assault and battery, If you hit me then, I have no legal recourse, because I started the fight!

Now, take it a step further. Let's say that when I hit you, I knocked you down. If I then jump on you, and continue to hit you, and I don't stop, you most certainly have the right to try to stop me. What if you can't; how far can you go to get me off of you?

The answer to that, depends on the law in that jurisdiction. Where I live, if you contributed to the situation in any way, Including chasing me, or even not running away from me when I became hostile, you can't pull a weapon (if you have one) and claim self-defense; that's the way the law reads. However, and it's a big HOWEVER, in FL, that is not what the law says.There, you don't have to avoid me, or run from me. So, if I continue to beat you the law says that If you reasonably believe I am not going to stop, and therefore I may seriously hurt you, you have the right to use whatever force is required to make me stop, including lethal force. Unless the state can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you attacked me in the first place, or that I stopped attacking you after I knocked you on your butt, you can shoot me, claim self-defense, and you'll walk.

Now, would I have done what Zimmerman did? No, when the kid ran, I'd have let him go; I haven't seen him commit any crime, after all. Chasing him is therefore poor judgement; not worth the risk of a confrontation. If a confrontation HAD occurred, I don't think I'd just shoot the kid, either, even if legally justified; the moment I got him off me, assuming I could, I'd have probably simply advised him I had a gun (and showed him, if he did not immediately back off when so informed). If he attempted to renew the attack at that point, THEN I would have shot him.( and THAT clearly IS self-defense).
That white guy stalked that kid and killed him. I dont care if the kid tried to defend himself...(like you would have done), he killed an unarmed kid screaming for help. How can YOU be in jeopardy when you are chasing someone?

I dont care if that kid victim here got in a hit because HE felt his life was in jeopardy. Zimmerman stalked, chased down and shot that kid.


White ? :confused:


lmfao...my thoughts exactly as soon as I seen the "white mans" pic.
That white guy stalked that kid and killed him. I dont care if the kid tried to defend himself...(like you would have done), he killed an unarmed kid screaming for help. How can YOU be in jeopardy when you are chasing someone?

I dont care if that kid victim here got in a hit because HE felt his life was in jeopardy. Zimmerman stalked, chased down and shot that kid.


White ? :confused:


lmfao...my thoughts exactly as soon as I seen the "white mans" pic.
looks like a **** to me .:doubt:

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