White man shoots innocent black teen....

I don't need psychic abilities. You idiots lay it all on the line and make it easy.
Zimmerman isn't going to get his day in court.

I posted a long while back that I believe he'll walk without charges and that somewhere down the line he's going to get himself into a jam where he can't claim 'self-defense'. IF he's a racist, then that will come to light someday, too.

Whether or not Zimmerman is racist - most people are to some extent - is irrelevant to the issue at hand, namely did Zimmerman act in self defense? My guess is that regardless of race anyone on this board who had been knocked down and had the assailant sitting on his/her chest pounding his/her head against the ground - a young black kid is a witness to this - would have shot him and claimed self defense. Even if Zimmerman is a racist, and there is no evidence that he is, his actions were no sufficient justification for Martin's attack on him, but Martin's attack was sufficient justification for Zimmerman to shoot him.

I didn't say he IS racist. I'm saying, IF he is, that will come out at some point.

In many people's mind every white person in the world is a racist. All they have to do is accuse you of it. How would you prove you are not a racist ? Say you have black friends?
So...if it were a black guy who had killed a white kid, you'd be okay with him being lodged even though all the evidence supported his version of events, in which he was defending himself?

Hell no. You'd shriek "he's being railroaded cuz he's BLACK!! RACIST POLICE! HALP! HALP!"

If the black guy were carrying a gun around, following people around, making them worried about what he might do, and then when tensions inevitably escalated he killed a white teenager but got off because he was able to claim self-defense ... there would be a whole lot of people saying that only happened because Eric Holder is in charge of the Justice Dept.

Especially if it was thought that the black guy muttered "fucking crackers" under his breath 3 minutes before the shooting.
That's why cops are taught minimum amount of force necessary. You may be getting beat up one second and then get the upper hand the next if you have the upper hand and use deadly force you will go to jail. even though you were almost beat to death a few seconds earlier.

Yup - Cops are not supposed to beat the crap out of a subdued person just like Martin should not have kept pounding on Zimmerman after he was subdued & screaming for his life. Zimmerman had a legal right to shoot the enraged & irrational Martin who refused to stop beating a beaten man who was begging for help. At that point Zimmerman had no reason to believe Martin would ever stop beating him until dead. That is a legitimate fear of emanate death or major bodily harm that authorizes the use of a firearm against an unarmed attacker.

Even if Zimmerman started the fight by punching Martin first. It does not give Martin the right to beat to death the subdued Zimmerman, who is pinned to the ground, screaming for his life & trying to get away. Because Martin refused to stop beating the subdued Zimmerman, Zimmerman still has the same legitimate fear of emanate death or major bodily harm that authorizes the use of a firearm against an unarmed attacker.
I would like to think everybody gets their day in court before we hang them.

Zimmerman isn't going to get his day in court.

I posted a long while back that I believe he'll walk without charges and that somewhere down the line he's going to get himself into a jam where he can't claim 'self-defense'. IF he's a racist, then that will come to light someday, too.

His friend and self appointed spokesman is A Mr Oliver. A Black Mr Oliver.... Hardly seems a white racist would have that good of a black friend.
I would like to think everybody gets their day in court before we hang them.

Zimmerman isn't going to get his day in court.

I posted a long while back that I believe he'll walk without charges and that somewhere down the line he's going to get himself into a jam where he can't claim 'self-defense'. IF he's a racist, then that will come to light someday, too.

His friend and self appointed spokesman is A Mr Oliver. A Black Mr Oliver.... Hardly seems a white racist would have that good of a black friend.

Obviously Mr Oliver is an Uncle Tom.....:badgrin:
Yes, and pigs could fly.

The whole fantasy thing isn't my schtick. I like to stick with the facts, and the facts don't support an arrest.

The facts support zimmerman's account.

The facts paint this kid as a volatile criminal who was on a fast track to trouble.

Those are the facts.

Fantasy is that he was a wonderful, law abiding child, strolling along picking daisies, minding his own business, when some nasty white hispanic targeted and *hunted* him down.

The fact is there is an affidavit from the lead homicide detective who had ALL the facts we don't and who felt Zimmerman's account wasn't consistent with the evidence. All along we had people posting here that the police had all the evidence, and therefore they had made the right decision. Now that we learn the lead detective wanted to charge manslaughter, y'all are doing a 180.

I guess we have to wait for the GJ and FDLE / FBI investigations, eh?

Emma, that was his conclusion the night of the shooting, correct? A couple of things come to mind here. The investigation continued; were there facts which later came to light that caused him to change that opinion? It's not clear. Second, It's entirely possible for two different police officers, equally experienced to look at the same case and the same set of facts and draw different conclusions, which is why the State's Attorney (or DA or solicitor, or whatever the office is called, makes the final decision on charging and seeking an indictment. The question that official has to ask, is a bit different from the ones an investigator asks in reaching a conclusion. The question now becomes" Do I believe I have enough evidence to get a True Bill (indictment)?. If so, do I have enough to reasonably believe I can get a conviction at trial?"

Now, would I love to know why the lead investigator drew the conclusion he did, that night? Of course; he may have picked up on something the rest of us haven't. He may also have drawn a conclusion that was invalidated by subsequent findings, or thrown in doubt by those findings. We don't know, either way. In this case, everything is being reviewed, and if there are facts we don't know, those should come to light when this is finished. Is it unreasonable, in light of that, to withhold our own judgment until ALL the relevant facts are revealed? I don't think so. Let the process finish, and conclude whatever it concludes. There's no point in continuing a battle of conjecture and wild speculations based on partial knowledge of the evidence in the case. I feel confident the FDLE and the FBI can do an adequate review, without our assistance. Let's just let them do their job.

Uptown said something last night to the effect that shouting accusations across the racial divide in this country is not going to do anything constructive toward solving our remaining issues with race. I was too tired to respond at the time, and can't find the post now, but for the record, I could not agree more; the constructive way to resolving those issues is through a calm and civil discussion WITH each other, instead of screaming accusations and counter accusations AT each other. Perhaps we could all try remembering that, and just calm down.
Maybe where you live. The Albuquerque P.D. does a darn good job of handling difficult cases, but they are not required to allow themselves to get beat up. They don't go to jail if they shoot somebody though they are suspended with pay until an investigation is completed. Currently our new mayor is having a fit because he can't get the police union to stop paying the cops $1,000 to $1,500 bonuses every time they shoot somebody. The union position is the cop needs room, space, and time to decompress after such an experience and the bonus is so they can get out of town and take a little vacation. The mayor thinks it looks really, really bad.

I have never had to point a gun at anybody for any reason and God willing I will never need to do that. But I can't fault somebody who is experiencing severe bodily harm and does whatever is necessary to defend himself/herself.

Again none of us know the full circumstances and can only go by the conflicting information we're getting via the media. I wonder though, if those who are so convinced Zimmerman is the one in the wrong will accept it if the Grand Jury finds insufficient evidence to indict?

Yes, I'd accept whatever a grand jury had to say about this case Foxfyre.
is this shit true?

t’s becoming more and more evident that 17-teen-year-old Trayvon Martin had fully embraced the anti white black thug culture that is so pervasive here in our country and that is, in fact, largely responsible for rotting the morals of our youth.

What could be even more alarming than this? I’ve just learned that the youth’s “no limit nigga” lingo -lingo that was found on his Twitter account – is actually POPULAR slang used by the Florida Black Foot Soldiers when they are talking about what they call “black on white (BOW) reparations protests.’

For those of you who don’t know, Black Foot Soldier BOW reparations protests are actully black on white robberies. They use lingo like this to mask their support of their support of crime and violence against whites for any reason.

What’s most important for us to all remember here? It’s most important to remember that the anti white black thug culture that Trayvon embraced emphatically hates white people and has ZERO respect for whites in positions of authority. - Trayvon Martin “Florida Black Foot Soldier Link” ESTABLISHED! “No Limit Nigga’ Lingo is Popular Florida Black Foot Soldier Slang for “Black On White (BOW) Crime:” Had Teen Embraced Anti White Black Thug Culture & D

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What’s most important for us to all remember here? It’s most important to remember that the anti white black thug culture that Trayvon embraced emphatically hates white people and has ZERO respect for whites in positions of authority

Like so many of Al Sharpton's pet cases, the more light shined in these cases, the more obvious it becomes that Al Sharpton is championing criminals and hate.
What’s most important for us to all remember here? It’s most important to remember that the anti white black thug culture that Trayvon embraced emphatically hates white people and has ZERO respect for whites in positions of authority

Like so many of Al Sharpton's pet cases, the more light shined in these cases, the more obvious it becomes that Al Sharpton is championing criminals and hate.

Dante quoting link said:
is this shit true?

t’s becoming more and more evident that 17-teen-year-old Trayvon Martin had fully embraced the anti white black thug culture that is so pervasive here in our country and that is, in fact, largely responsible for rotting the morals of our youth.

What could be even more alarming than this? I’ve just learned that the youth’s “no limit nigga” lingo -lingo that was found on his Twitter account – is actually POPULAR slang used by the Florida Black Foot Soldiers when they are talking about what they call “black on white (BOW) reparations protests.’

For those of you who don’t know, Black Foot Soldier BOW reparations protests are actully black on white robberies. They use lingo like this to mask their support of their support of crime and violence against whites for any reason.

What’s most important for us to all remember here? It’s most important to remember that the anti white black thug culture that Trayvon embraced emphatically hates white people and has ZERO respect for whites in positions of authority. - Trayvon Martin “Florida Black Foot Soldier Link” ESTABLISHED! “No Limit Nigga’ Lingo is Popular Florida Black Foot Soldier Slang for “Black On White (BOW) Crime:” Had Teen Embraced Anti White Black Thug Culture & D

The original tweet containing the address was also reportedly retweeted by director Spike Lee to his almost 250,000 followers

I know there was a thread on this somewhere, but I can't find it now. Spike Lee needs to get on TV, twitter, FB and anywhere else he can think of and announce to the world he was wrong, not only that he had the incorrect address, but wrong to do so in the first place.

Elderly couple abandons Florida home after tweets say Trayvon's killer lives there
Zimmerman shoved a police officer back in 2005 or 2006 in a bar. Then he had charges of domestic violence against him as well. Why does a person like this get to carry a gun out in public?
The original tweet containing the address was also reportedly retweeted by director Spike Lee to his almost 250,000 followers

I know there was a thread on this somewhere, but I can't find it now. Spike Lee needs to get on TV, twitter, FB and anywhere else he can think of and announce to the world he was wrong, not only that he had the incorrect address, but wrong to do so in the first place.

Elderly couple abandons Florida home after tweets say Trayvon's killer lives there


oh well. Spike meant well. :lol:

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