White man shoots innocent black teen....

I'll bet you have.

When I give a rat's ass about your opinion of me, I'll PM you. Pretty much cleaned up my neighborhood twice, several years apart. The neighbors know, that is all I really care about. Your point of view is so uncertain, you've resorted to attacking posters. How quaint.
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Good for you! I'm sure you're a big man about the neighborhood.

Anyway, my evaluation stands.
A broken nose justifies deadly force?

Great bodily harm.

Plus bashing the head against the concrete. You can kill someone that way.

One of the first take down holds I learned...grab your guy by the hair with both hands and push him down, then hold his head down. Keep the head down, a man can't get up, and you can do whatever you like.

It works for horses, too. If you sit on a horse's head, the horse can't get up. That's apropos of nothing, except I've done it.
The police dont make any decisions other than the decision to arrest. Then only upon probable cause. The decision to prosecute is made by the district attorney. The police are not lawyers. In fact, lots of times the DA will say that there was no probable cause to make the arrest in the first place. Then the suspect is released.
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Besides which, fuck you if you contend that the attacker gets to determine the level of defense a person puts up.

You attack a person, you'd better be ready for the possibility that they might just fucking blow a hole in you.

Asswipe. I guarantee if you were ever subjected to a beating you'd scream like a stuck pig and grab the nearest available weapon and blast away. In my experience the people who scream the loudest that people shouldn't defend themselves adequately against attack are the biggest cowards when the chips are down. You are the ones who tuck tail and run when someone else is getting hurt, and you are the ones who are most likely to use more force than necessary when it comes to protecting your own yellow streaked ass.

Interesting..............I've stopped fights around my house, over at the park and once at a place I liked to eat. I didn't carry a gun, and never had to worry about getting my butt kicked.

Shooting someone should be used only as a LAST resort. Cops are taught that, and so are the security forces of the military (of which I was a member). The ONLY exception to that rule is if they have already deployed deadly force towards you (i.e. pointing a gun).
And the DA believes it was a last resort.

As do the witnesses, who were too fucking scared of your innocent black kid to intervene.
Most news accounts state Zimmerman followed the teenager; some say the shooter was "neighborhood watch", others SELF APPOINTED watch. I hope the SA moves fast on this case.

:cuckoo: What a wacko :cuckoo: Your hopes feelings & news stories are irrelevant :cuckoo: Judgment without facts or evidence is stupid :cuckoo:

It is best to not try the case without sufficient evidence. If the prosecutor loses then Zimmerman goes free forever even if rock solid damming evidence comes in proving that Zimmerman targeted, attacked & killed Martin for walking while black. Zimmerman can't be tried twice for the same crime (Double Jeopardy). The rush to judgment is stupid if you truly want justice.
Besides which, fuck you if you contend that the attacker gets to determine the level of defense a person puts up.

You attack a person, you'd better be ready for the possibility that they might just fucking blow a hole in you.

Asswipe. I guarantee if you were ever subjected to a beating you'd scream like a stuck pig and grab the nearest available weapon and blast away. In my experience the people who scream the loudest that people shouldn't defend themselves adequately against attack are the biggest cowards when the chips are down. You are the ones who tuck tail and run when someone else is getting hurt, and you are the ones who are most likely to use more force than necessary when it comes to protecting your own yellow streaked ass.

Interesting..............I've stopped fights around my house, over at the park and once at a place I liked to eat. I didn't carry a gun, and never had to worry about getting my butt kicked.

Shooting someone should be used only as a LAST resort. Cops are taught that, and so are the security forces of the military (of which I was a member). The ONLY exception to that rule is if they have already deployed deadly force towards you (i.e. pointing a gun).

What cops are taught is to use the minimum amount of force necessary to take care of the situation.
Besides which, fuck you if you contend that the attacker gets to determine the level of defense a person puts up.

You attack a person, you'd better be ready for the possibility that they might just fucking blow a hole in you.

Asswipe. I guarantee if you were ever subjected to a beating you'd scream like a stuck pig and grab the nearest available weapon and blast away. In my experience the people who scream the loudest that people shouldn't defend themselves adequately against attack are the biggest cowards when the chips are down. You are the ones who tuck tail and run when someone else is getting hurt, and you are the ones who are most likely to use more force than necessary when it comes to protecting your own yellow streaked ass.

Interesting..............I've stopped fights around my house, over at the park and once at a place I liked to eat. I didn't carry a gun, and never had to worry about getting my butt kicked.

Shooting someone should be used only as a LAST resort. Cops are taught that, and so are the security forces of the military (of which I was a member). The ONLY exception to that rule is if they have already deployed deadly force towards you (i.e. pointing a gun).

How about if they atacked you, split your lip, broke your nose, and have you flat on your back and are repeatedly slamming the back of your skull into the sidewalk? Would you shoot?
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No! That would never happen to a real man like ABS! A 6'3" 17 y.o. kid has nothing on him! He could hold him off with one hand and spank him with the other, while dialing the phone with his ass!

Cripes, how ridiculous.
Besides which, fuck you if you contend that the attacker gets to determine the level of defense a person puts up.

You attack a person, you'd better be ready for the possibility that they might just fucking blow a hole in you.

Asswipe. I guarantee if you were ever subjected to a beating you'd scream like a stuck pig and grab the nearest available weapon and blast away. In my experience the people who scream the loudest that people shouldn't defend themselves adequately against attack are the biggest cowards when the chips are down. You are the ones who tuck tail and run when someone else is getting hurt, and you are the ones who are most likely to use more force than necessary when it comes to protecting your own yellow streaked ass.

Interesting..............I've stopped fights around my house, over at the park and once at a place I liked to eat. I didn't carry a gun, and never had to worry about getting my butt kicked.

Shooting someone should be used only as a LAST resort. Cops are taught that, and so are the security forces of the military (of which I was a member). The ONLY exception to that rule is if they have already deployed deadly force towards you (i.e. pointing a gun).

How about if they atacked you, split your lip, broke your nose, and have you flat on your back and are repeatedly slamming the back of your skull into the sidewalk? Would you shoot?
That's why cops are taught minimum amount of force necessary. You may be getting beat up one second and then get the upper hand the next if you have the upper hand and use deadly force you will go to jail. even though you were almost beat to death a few seconds earlier.
Interesting..............I've stopped fights around my house, over at the park and once at a place I liked to eat. I didn't carry a gun, and never had to worry about getting my butt kicked.

Shooting someone should be used only as a LAST resort. Cops are taught that, and so are the security forces of the military (of which I was a member). The ONLY exception to that rule is if they have already deployed deadly force towards you (i.e. pointing a gun).

How about if they atacked you, split your lip, broke your nose, and have you flat on your back and are repeatedly slamming the back of your skull into the sidewalk? Would you shoot?
That's why cops are taught minimum amount of force necessary. You may be getting beat up one second and then get the upper hand the next if you have the upper hand and use deadly force you will go to jail. even though you were almost beat to death a few seconds earlier.

Maybe where you live. The Albuquerque P.D. does a darn good job of handling difficult cases, but they are not required to allow themselves to get beat up. They don't go to jail if they shoot somebody though they are suspended with pay until an investigation is completed. Currently our new mayor is having a fit because he can't get the police union to stop paying the cops $1,000 to $1,500 bonuses every time they shoot somebody. The union position is the cop needs room, space, and time to decompress after such an experience and the bonus is so they can get out of town and take a little vacation. The mayor thinks it looks really, really bad.

I have never had to point a gun at anybody for any reason and God willing I will never need to do that. But I can't fault somebody who is experiencing severe bodily harm and does whatever is necessary to defend himself/herself.

Again none of us know the full circumstances and can only go by the conflicting information we're getting via the media. I wonder though, if those who are so convinced Zimmerman is the one in the wrong will accept it if the Grand Jury finds insufficient evidence to indict?
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How about if they atacked you, split your lip, broke your nose, and have you flat on your back and are repeatedly slamming the back of your skull into the sidewalk? Would you shoot?
That's why cops are taught minimum amount of force necessary. You may be getting beat up one second and then get the upper hand the next if you have the upper hand and use deadly force you will go to jail. even though you were almost beat to death a few seconds earlier.

Maybe where you live. The Albuquerque P.D. does a darn good job of handling difficult cases, but they are not required to allow themselves to get beat up. They don't go to jail if they shoot somebody though they are suspended with pay until an investigation is completed. Currently our new mayor is having a fit because he can't get the police union to stop paying the cops $1,000 to $1,500 bonuses every time they shoot somebody. The union position is the cop needs room, space, and time to decompress after such an experience and the bonus is so they can get out of town and take a little vacation. The mayor thinks it looks really, really bad.

I have never had to point a gun at anybody for any reason and God willing I will never need to do that. But I can't fault somebody who is experiencing severe bodily harm and does whatever is necessary to defend himself/herself.

Again none of us know the full circumstances and can only go by the conflicting information we're getting via the media. I wonder though, if those who are so convinced Zimmerman is the one in the wrong will accept it if the Grand Jury finds insufficient evidence to indict?
The Albuquerque P.D. does a darn good job of handling difficult cases, but they are not required to allow themselves to get beat up.
Sorry but that is not what I said. Police officers are taught to use minimum amount of force necessary. Thats not saying the police are required to get their ass kicked before they can use deadly force. If a police officer has control of the situation even though they may have just gotten the beating of their life they can no longer use deadly force.
I would like to think everybody gets their day in court before we hang them.

Zimmerman isn't going to get his day in court.

I posted a long while back that I believe he'll walk without charges and that somewhere down the line he's going to get himself into a jam where he can't claim 'self-defense'. IF he's a racist, then that will come to light someday, too.

And you think he shouldn't walk without charges if a Grand Jury doesn't find reaonable cause to indict him? You don't think a Grand Jury is figuratively 'getting your day in court'?

Will you please point out where I have ever said such a thing?

A Grand Jury inquiry isn't the equivalent of getting ones day in court. If it were, we'd have to build a hell of a lot more prisons.
I would like to think everybody gets their day in court before we hang them.

Zimmerman isn't going to get his day in court.

I posted a long while back that I believe he'll walk without charges and that somewhere down the line he's going to get himself into a jam where he can't claim 'self-defense'. IF he's a racist, then that will come to light someday, too.

Whether or not Zimmerman is racist - most people are to some extent - is irrelevant to the issue at hand, namely did Zimmerman act in self defense? My guess is that regardless of race anyone on this board who had been knocked down and had the assailant sitting on his/her chest pounding his/her head against the ground - a young black kid is a witness to this - would have shot him and claimed self defense. Even if Zimmerman is a racist, and there is no evidence that he is, his actions were no sufficient justification for Martin's attack on him, but Martin's attack was sufficient justification for Zimmerman to shoot him.

I didn't say he IS racist. I'm saying, IF he is, that will come out at some point.
I would like to think everybody gets their day in court before we hang them.

Zimmerman isn't going to get his day in court.

I posted a long while back that I believe he'll walk without charges and that somewhere down the line he's going to get himself into a jam where he can't claim 'self-defense'. IF he's a racist, then that will come to light someday, too.

Yes, well, often innocent people do walk without charges.

And thank goodness. Otherwise, we'd just be under mob rule, and you'd just be the leader of a lynch mob.


whatever you want to think, skippy
So...if it were a black guy who had killed a white kid, you'd be okay with him being lodged even though all the evidence supported his version of events, in which he was defending himself?

Hell no. You'd shriek "he's being railroaded cuz he's BLACK!! RACIST POLICE! HALP! HALP!"

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