White man shoots innocent black teen....

That explains why the police report lists manslaughter as the offense (pages are noted to have been printed on 2/28). I'd wondered about that.

I think it's interesting that those who supported the investigation when they believed the police felt Zimmerman didn't need to be charged are now changing their tune.
Well, this is interesting:

Trayvon Martin Investigator Wanted to Charge George Zimmerman With Manslaughter - ABC News

Don't know if it's true or not as later in the article ABC still seems fooled by the fake pictures of Martin floating around the internet.

There are some officers who do that also. but the DA looks at the laws and if their is enough evidence for a conviction. Why waste the time and money for a trial if their isn't enough evidence. I will also add there are more than one detective working the investigation of the crime seine. Maybe detective Serino hadn't at the time talked with all the witnesses Maybe Chris Serino was the officer Zimmerman has got into a fight with a few years back.

Well you have to look at all side to this mess.
Who is "they", Emma. And please point me to where anyone is changing their tune?

I just see race baiters changing direction....
We there EVER any forensic evidence taken at the scene?

Trajectory of the bullet?
Pictures of injuries?
Pictures of the scene?

I know we're waiting on toxicology results on Martin...
Bullet trajectory and pictures are all wrapped up with the autopsy, and the autopsy results haven't been released yet.

BUT the cops said the results are consistent with the report they received from Zimmerman.
That explains why the police report lists manslaughter as the offense (pages are noted to have been printed on 2/28). I'd wondered about that.

I think it's interesting that those who supported the investigation when they believed the police felt Zimmerman didn't need to be charged are now changing their tune.
This is the WORST thing about the stand your ground law. Cops AND the DA don't prosecute because their hands are tied by the law....I read that "justifiable" homicides have tripled since this law passed and this is exactly why.
There are some officers who do that also. but the DA looks at the laws and if their is enough evidence for a conviction. Why waste the time and money for a trial if their isn't enough evidence. I will also add there are more than one detective working the investigation of the crime seine. Maybe detective Serino hadn't at the time talked with all the witnesses Maybe Chris Serino was the officer Zimmerman has got into a fight with a few years back.

Well you have to look at all side to this mess.

I'm not making fun of you bro.:D

I laughed at the thought of how horrifically unlucky that would be if it were actually the case..:lol:
and they aren't sure of a win because THERE'S NO EVIDENCE that supports the social medial sideliners' fantasy scenarios.

That doesn't necessarily equate to "no evidence". It could mean we have a prosecutor who prefers to take on 'slam-dunks'. It could also mean that while there was evidence to charge (a homicide detective should know), there were too many unanswered questions about what happened that night, and too great a chance that a jury would find reasonable doubt and acquit.

I'd love to see the homicide detective's affidavit and why he felt Zimmerman's story didn't add up.
How sad for the people who wanted Zimmerman to be a racist.

After all, there are never enough racists! We need them! We crave them!

The key they wanted was that zimmerman be white the racist part would follow.

Yup. I was reading one account this morning from some major media source--don't rememver which--that described Zimmerman as a white Hispanic. When is the last time anybody ever heard that characterization used? When has anybody EVER heard that characterization used until now? You don't get any more race baiting than that.
Yes, and pigs could fly.

The whole fantasy thing isn't my schtick. I like to stick with the facts, and the facts don't support an arrest.

The facts support zimmerman's account.

The facts paint this kid as a volatile criminal who was on a fast track to trouble.

Those are the facts.

Fantasy is that he was a wonderful, law abiding child, strolling along picking daisies, minding his own business, when some nasty white hispanic targeted and *hunted* him down.
Yes, and pigs could fly.

The whole fantasy thing isn't my schtick. I like to stick with the facts, and the facts don't support an arrest.

The facts support zimmerman's account.

The facts paint this kid as a volatile criminal who was on a fast track to trouble.

Those are the facts.

Fantasy is that he was a wonderful, law abiding child, strolling along picking daisies, minding his own business, when some nasty white hispanic targeted and *hunted* him down.

The fact is there is an affidavit from the lead homicide detective who had ALL the facts we don't and who felt Zimmerman's account wasn't consistent with the evidence. All along we had people posting here that the police had all the evidence, and therefore they had made the right decision. Now that we learn the lead detective wanted to charge manslaughter, y'all are doing a 180.

I guess we have to wait for the GJ and FDLE / FBI investigations, eh?
How sad for the people who wanted Zimmerman to be a racist.

After all, there are never enough racists! We need them! We crave them!

The key they wanted was that zimmerman be white the racist part would follow.

Yup. I was reading one account this morning from some major media source--don't rememver which--that described Zimmerman as a white Hispanic. When is the last time anybody ever heard that characterization used? When has anybody EVER heard that characterization used until now? You don't get any more race baiting than that.

It's sad that whites who try to frame another white as a racist, in a race war they will be treated just as those whom they tried to frame as racist.
Yes, and pigs could fly.

The whole fantasy thing isn't my schtick. I like to stick with the facts, and the facts don't support an arrest.

The facts support zimmerman's account.

The facts paint this kid as a volatile criminal who was on a fast track to trouble.

Those are the facts.

Fantasy is that he was a wonderful, law abiding child, strolling along picking daisies, minding his own business, when some nasty white hispanic targeted and *hunted* him down.

The fact is there is an affidavit from the lead homicide detective who had ALL the facts we don't and who felt Zimmerman's account wasn't consistent with the evidence. All along we had people posting here that the police had all the evidence, and therefore they had made the right decision. Now that we learn the lead detective wanted to charge manslaughter, y'all are doing a 180.

I guess we have to wait for the GJ and FDLE / FBI investigations, eh?

Many police officers have don that thought they had a case it is the job of the DA to take the evidence and get a conviction. Maybe the officer thought to much of himself and he had a case against zimmerman. And maybe the facts from the evidence showed something else.
The key they wanted was that zimmerman be white the racist part would follow.

Yup. I was reading one account this morning from some major media source--don't rememver which--that described Zimmerman as a white Hispanic. When is the last time anybody ever heard that characterization used? When has anybody EVER heard that characterization used until now? You don't get any more race baiting than that.

It's sad that whites who try to frame another white as a racist, in a race war they will be treated just as those whom they tried to frame as racist.

I don't know whether the writer/editor of that piece was black or white and that is irrelevent. It is sad when the race card is assumed, pushed, invented, or played in all these situation by those who weren't there, who have no more information than anybody else, but jump to a conclusion of racism just because a black man was involved. And it is especially reprehensible when they use a characterization like "white Hispanic" to pour gasoline on the fire.
Yes, and pigs could fly.

The whole fantasy thing isn't my schtick. I like to stick with the facts, and the facts don't support an arrest.

The facts support zimmerman's account.

The facts paint this kid as a volatile criminal who was on a fast track to trouble.

Those are the facts.

Fantasy is that he was a wonderful, law abiding child, strolling along picking daisies, minding his own business, when some nasty white hispanic targeted and *hunted* him down.

The fact is there is an affidavit from the lead homicide detective who had ALL the facts we don't and who felt Zimmerman's account wasn't consistent with the evidence. All along we had people posting here that the police had all the evidence, and therefore they had made the right decision. Now that we learn the lead detective wanted to charge manslaughter, y'all are doing a 180.

I guess we have to wait for the GJ and FDLE / FBI investigations, eh?

No, you idiot. The homicide detective on the night of the event did not have ALL the facts. This often happens...an investigation that looks one way initially ends up being something completely different as more evidence surfaces.

Yes, and pigs could fly.

The whole fantasy thing isn't my schtick. I like to stick with the facts, and the facts don't support an arrest.

The facts support zimmerman's account.

The facts paint this kid as a volatile criminal who was on a fast track to trouble.

Those are the facts.

Fantasy is that he was a wonderful, law abiding child, strolling along picking daisies, minding his own business, when some nasty white hispanic targeted and *hunted* him down.

The fact is there is an affidavit from the lead homicide detective who had ALL the facts we don't and who felt Zimmerman's account wasn't consistent with the evidence. All along we had people posting here that the police had all the evidence, and therefore they had made the right decision. Now that we learn the lead detective wanted to charge manslaughter, y'all are doing a 180.

I guess we have to wait for the GJ and FDLE / FBI investigations, eh?

At least we know why Wolfinger took himself off the case.
Yup. I was reading one account this morning from some major media source--don't rememver which--that described Zimmerman as a white Hispanic. When is the last time anybody ever heard that characterization used? When has anybody EVER heard that characterization used until now? You don't get any more race baiting than that.

It's sad that whites who try to frame another white as a racist, in a race war they will be treated just as those whom they tried to frame as racist.

I don't know whether the writer/editor of that piece was black or white and that is irrelevent. It is sad when the race card is assumed, pushed, invented, or played in all these situation by those who weren't there, who have no more information than anybody else, but jump to a conclusion of racism just because a black man was involved. And it is especially reprehensible when they use a characterization like "white Hispanic" to pour gasoline on the fire.

Hi, Foxy...
Too long a thread for me to read it all, so I apologize if this has been said...but I want to disagree with your "...but jump to a conclusion of racism..."

1. The event took place about a month ago...why did it take so long to resonate as 'racism'?
Because it became useful as such to the falling poll numbers of the Left's candidate.

2. The situation had to be framed just right...so Mr. Zimmerman became a 'white' Hispanic, rather than an Hispanic...

3. The alleged racial term that was used on the 911 call has now be elucidated as indecipherable...CNN admits it might be 'goon.'

4. Mr. Martin background not only seems to have had a violent cast to it....but Mr. Zimmerman might have had a broken nose and other injuries inflicted by a 6"3' football player....

So...as as Longfellow wrote...
Tell me not in mournful numbers,
"Life is but an empty dream!"
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

What am I saying?
That, as is usual, the black community and Mr. Martin may be pawns in a game
played by the Left.

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