White man shoots innocent black teen....

It's sad that whites who try to frame another white as a racist, in a race war they will be treated just as those whom they tried to frame as racist.

I don't know whether the writer/editor of that piece was black or white and that is irrelevent. It is sad when the race card is assumed, pushed, invented, or played in all these situation by those who weren't there, who have no more information than anybody else, but jump to a conclusion of racism just because a black man was involved. And it is especially reprehensible when they use a characterization like "white Hispanic" to pour gasoline on the fire.

Hi, Foxy...
Too long a thread for me to read it all, so I apologize if this has been said...but I want to disagree with your "...but jump to a conclusion of racism..."

1. The event took place about a month ago...why did it take so long to resonate as 'racism'?
Because it became useful as such to the falling poll numbers of the Left's candidate.

2. The situation had to be framed just right...so Mr. Zimmerman became a 'white' Hispanic, rather than an Hispanic...

3. The alleged racial term that was used on the 911 call has now be elucidated as indecipherable...CNN admits it might be 'goon.'

4. Mr. Martin background not only seems to have had a violent cast to it....but Mr. Zimmerman might have had a broken nose and other injuries inflicted by a 6"3' football player....

So...as as Longfellow wrote...
Tell me not in mournful numbers,
"Life is but an empty dream!"
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

What am I saying?
That, as is usual, the black community and Mr. Martin may be pawns in a game
played by the Left.

We aren't really on different pages here. My 'jump to conclusion' was intended to refer to those posting on this thread who don't know any more than the rest of us but 'jumped to a conclusion' that racism was involved.

But you are absolutely right that the characterization of Zimmerman as a "white Hispanic" was made with deliberation andf forethought and was intended to stir the pot.
I don't know whether the writer/editor of that piece was black or white and that is irrelevent. It is sad when the race card is assumed, pushed, invented, or played in all these situation by those who weren't there, who have no more information than anybody else, but jump to a conclusion of racism just because a black man was involved. And it is especially reprehensible when they use a characterization like "white Hispanic" to pour gasoline on the fire.

Hi, Foxy...
Too long a thread for me to read it all, so I apologize if this has been said...but I want to disagree with your "...but jump to a conclusion of racism..."

1. The event took place about a month ago...why did it take so long to resonate as 'racism'?
Because it became useful as such to the falling poll numbers of the Left's candidate.

2. The situation had to be framed just right...so Mr. Zimmerman became a 'white' Hispanic, rather than an Hispanic...

3. The alleged racial term that was used on the 911 call has now be elucidated as indecipherable...CNN admits it might be 'goon.'

4. Mr. Martin background not only seems to have had a violent cast to it....but Mr. Zimmerman might have had a broken nose and other injuries inflicted by a 6"3' football player....

So...as as Longfellow wrote...
Tell me not in mournful numbers,
"Life is but an empty dream!"
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

What am I saying?
That, as is usual, the black community and Mr. Martin may be pawns in a game
played by the Left.

We aren't really on different pages here. My 'jump to conclusion' was intended to refer to those posting on this thread who don't know any more than the rest of us but 'jumped to a conclusion' that racism was involved.

But you are absolutely right that the characterization of Zimmerman as a "white Hispanic" was made with deliberation andf forethought and was intended to stir the pot.

Oops...the 'but I want to disagree with your "...but jump to a conclusion of racism..."'
My bad.

I misstated there...I was just picking a phrase from your post, not trying to attribute it to you.
Its checkmate for Mr. Martin, PoliticalChic.

Just to make clear, save...I'm ready to wait for the investigation.

There was the observation of the old Romans, de mortuis nil nisi bonum: let no one speak ill of the dead.

While I believe the situation is being used, there is too much static to attribute guilt.
Yes, and pigs could fly.

The whole fantasy thing isn't my schtick. I like to stick with the facts, and the facts don't support an arrest.

The facts support zimmerman's account.

The facts paint this kid as a volatile criminal who was on a fast track to trouble.

Those are the facts.

Fantasy is that he was a wonderful, law abiding child, strolling along picking daisies, minding his own business, when some nasty white hispanic targeted and *hunted* him down.

The fact is there is an affidavit from the lead homicide detective who had ALL the facts we don't and who felt Zimmerman's account wasn't consistent with the evidence. All along we had people posting here that the police had all the evidence, and therefore they had made the right decision. Now that we learn the lead detective wanted to charge manslaughter, y'all are doing a 180.

I guess we have to wait for the GJ and FDLE / FBI investigations, eh?

Many police officers have don that thought they had a case it is the job of the DA to take the evidence and get a conviction. Maybe the officer thought to much of himself and he had a case against zimmerman. And maybe the facts from the evidence showed something else.

Would you trust a lead homicide detective if his claim is that a party's statement of what occurred wasn't consistent with the evidence/investigation?
The point I'm trying to make here is that I don't KNOW what happened that night beyond what I've read from numerous sources, some reporting objectively, some reporting in an infllammatory manner. And neither does anybody else posting on this thread.

If Zimmerman was acting inappropriately for a volunteer neighborhood watchman; if he intentionally provoked or attacked the teenager; if he was just looking for an excuse to shoot somebody, he should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Hopefully the Grand Jury will determine that.

If Martin in fact did attack Zimmerman and was doing violence to him, then Zimmerman using a weapon to defend himself may have been 100% justifiable.

Does any one of us have sufficient information to say which way it happened?

We have a neighborhood watch in our area and there are several young men who take it very seriously. At least one of them has a carry permit and probably does. More than once our neighborhood watch guys have reported youth vandals to the police or to the kids' parents and were severely criticized for doing so. If there had been a violent incident as there was in Zimmerman's neighborhood that night, no doubt somebody would have accused and maligned our local guys too. But I for one appreciate what they do and I believe we have a far more peaceful and crime free area than we would have without them.

I would like to think everybody gets their day in court before we hang them.
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No, you idiot. The homicide detective on the night of the event did not have ALL the facts. This often happens...an investigation that looks one way initially ends up being something completely different as more evidence surfaces.


Well, dumbass, you realize that the detective 'on the night of the investigation' was Singleton, not Serino?
I would like to think everybody gets their day in court before we hang them.

Zimmerman isn't going to get his day in court.

I posted a long while back that I believe he'll walk without charges and that somewhere down the line he's going to get himself into a jam where he can't claim 'self-defense'. IF he's a racist, then that will come to light someday, too.
I would like to think everybody gets their day in court before we hang them.

Zimmerman isn't going to get his day in court.

I posted a long while back that I believe he'll walk without charges and that somewhere down the line he's going to get himself into a jam where he can't claim 'self-defense'. IF he's a racist, then that will come to light someday, too.

And you think he shouldn't walk without charges if a Grand Jury doesn't find reaonable cause to indict him? You don't think a Grand Jury is figuratively 'getting your day in court'?

There are lots and lots of people who are racists who don't shoot anybody. And there are lots and lots of non racists who for whatever reason find themselves in situations in which they do have to shoot somebody. Zimmerman may in fact be a racist, a grade a jerk, a bully, a wannabe cop or any of the other things he has been accused of. And he may be just another citizen doing what he thought was right. You don't know. I don't know.

Thank God we don't have a justice system (yet) that is guided by people's prejudices and self proclamed judgments when such people don't have all the facts to arrive at a reasoned conclusion.
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I would like to think everybody gets their day in court before we hang them.

Zimmerman isn't going to get his day in court.

I posted a long while back that I believe he'll walk without charges and that somewhere down the line he's going to get himself into a jam where he can't claim 'self-defense'. IF he's a racist, then that will come to light someday, too.

Whether or not Zimmerman is racist - most people are to some extent - is irrelevant to the issue at hand, namely did Zimmerman act in self defense? My guess is that regardless of race anyone on this board who had been knocked down and had the assailant sitting on his/her chest pounding his/her head against the ground - a young black kid is a witness to this - would have shot him and claimed self defense. Even if Zimmerman is a racist, and there is no evidence that he is, his actions were no sufficient justification for Martin's attack on him, but Martin's attack was sufficient justification for Zimmerman to shoot him.
Thank God we don't have a justice system (yet) that is guided by people's prejudices and self proclamed judgments when such people don't have all the facts to arrive at a reasoned conclusion.

Listen to testimony at today's Congressional meeting by elected officials.
I would like to think everybody gets their day in court before we hang them.

Zimmerman isn't going to get his day in court.

I posted a long while back that I believe he'll walk without charges and that somewhere down the line he's going to get himself into a jam where he can't claim 'self-defense'. IF he's a racist, then that will come to light someday, too.

Whether or not Zimmerman is racist - most people are to some extent - is irrelevant to the issue at hand, namely did Zimmerman act in self defense? My guess is that regardless of race anyone on this board who had been knocked down and had the assailant sitting on his/her chest pounding his/her head against the ground - a young black kid is a witness to this - would have shot him and claimed self defense. Even if Zimmerman is a racist, and there is no evidence that he is, his actions were no sufficient justification for Martin's attack on him, but Martin's attack was sufficient justification for Zimmerman to shoot him.

Even if the emboldened is true... I hope you don't feel as though that makes it "okay". The rest of your post I agree with.
Whether or not Zimmerman is racist - most people are to some extent -

Everyone out to lynch Zimmerman is motivated by racism.

My guess is that regardless of race anyone on this board who had been knocked down and had the assailant sitting on his/her chest pounding his/her head against the ground - a young black kid is a witness to this - would have shot him and claimed self defense.

Everyone out to lynch Zimmerman would claim that Zimmerman deserved to be attack, so they know it was really self-defense. They're just too racist to admit it.
I would like to think everybody gets their day in court before we hang them.

Zimmerman isn't going to get his day in court.

I posted a long while back that I believe he'll walk without charges and that somewhere down the line he's going to get himself into a jam where he can't claim 'self-defense'. IF he's a racist, then that will come to light someday, too.

Yes, well, often innocent people do walk without charges.

And thank goodness. Otherwise, we'd just be under mob rule, and you'd just be the leader of a lynch mob.
A broken nose justifies deadly force?

Yes, if the broken nose is followed by someone bashing your head repeatedly against concrete, and you scream for help repeatedly and the neighbors just duck into their houses BECAUSE THEY'RE AFRAID OF THE PERSON BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF YOU.
Besides which, fuck you if you contend that the attacker gets to determine the level of defense a person puts up.

You attack a person, you'd better be ready for the possibility that they might just fucking blow a hole in you.

Asswipe. I guarantee if you were ever subjected to a beating you'd scream like a stuck pig and grab the nearest available weapon and blast away. In my experience the people who scream the loudest that people shouldn't defend themselves adequately against attack are the biggest cowards when the chips are down. You are the ones who tuck tail and run when someone else is getting hurt, and you are the ones who are most likely to use more force than necessary when it comes to protecting your own yellow streaked ass.
Besides which, fuck you if you contend that the attacker gets to determine the level of defense a person puts up.

You attack a person, you'd better be ready for the possibility that they might just fucking blow a hole in you.

Asswipe. I guarantee if you were ever subjected to a beating you'd scream like a stuck pig and grab the nearest available weapon and blast away. In my experience the people who scream the loudest that people shouldn't defend themselves adequately against attack are the biggest cowards when the chips are down. You are the ones who tuck tail and run when someone else is getting hurt, and you are the ones who are most likely to use more force than necessary when it comes to protecting your own yellow streaked ass.

Your experience is very limited then. I have broke up many fights and confront people in the neighberhood who aren't acting properly. Don't own a gun. What sort of anger management issues you got?

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