White man shoots innocent black teen....

The original tweet containing the address was also reportedly retweeted by director Spike Lee to his almost 250,000 followers

I know there was a thread on this somewhere, but I can't find it now. Spike Lee needs to get on TV, twitter, FB and anywhere else he can think of and announce to the world he was wrong, not only that he had the incorrect address, but wrong to do so in the first place.

Elderly couple abandons Florida home after tweets say Trayvon's killer lives there

I agree; and the family may take action. Lee's TWEET was way out of line.
Zimmerman shoved a police officer back in 2005 or 2006 in a bar. Then he had charges of domestic violence against him as well. Why does a person like this get to carry a gun out in public?

It is difficult to tell at the moment why those charges were dropped. Officers will charge you with those just for not immediately following or disobeying orders like "I told you to shut-up & you kept talking so now your going to jail" Or it could be that his father got them dropped for him or maybe he is close friends with some of the police.

Either way I believe he should patrol with a tazer instead of a gun. If he is putting himself into that situation, a lethal firearm should not be his only option.
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The original tweet containing the address was also reportedly retweeted by director Spike Lee to his almost 250,000 followers

I know there was a thread on this somewhere, but I can't find it now. Spike Lee needs to get on TV, twitter, FB and anywhere else he can think of and announce to the world he was wrong, not only that he had the incorrect address, but wrong to do so in the first place.

Elderly couple abandons Florida home after tweets say Trayvon's killer lives there
Man, would I EVER sue him? You bet..........

What an asshole he is.
Zimmerman shoved a police officer back in 2005 or 2006 in a bar. Then he had charges of domestic violence against him as well. Why does a person like this get to carry a gun out in public?
From what I've read he has had three arrests and no convictions. And his father is a local ex-judge. And originally he was going to be charged with manslaughter in this case but wasn't.

It makes you wonder.
Zimmerman shoved a police officer back in 2005 or 2006 in a bar. Then he had charges of domestic violence against him as well. Why does a person like this get to carry a gun out in public?
From what I've read he has had three arrests and no convictions. And his father is a local ex-judge. And originally he was going to be charged with manslaughter in this case but wasn't.

It makes you wonder.

His dad was a judge in VA. They moved to Florida maybe ... 10 years ago or so?
Zimmerman shoved a police officer back in 2005 or 2006 in a bar. Then he had charges of domestic violence against him as well. Why does a person like this get to carry a gun out in public?
From what I've read he has had three arrests and no convictions. And his father is a local ex-judge. And originally he was going to be charged with manslaughter in this case but wasn't.

It makes you wonder.

at one time he was a punk, like Trayvon Martin was. Do people know what Ravi was like in 2006? I do.
Zimmerman shoved a police officer back in 2005 or 2006 in a bar. Then he had charges of domestic violence against him as well. Why does a person like this get to carry a gun out in public?
From what I've read he has had three arrests and no convictions. And his father is a local ex-judge. And originally he was going to be charged with manslaughter in this case but wasn't.

It makes you wonder.

His dad was a judge in VA. They moved to Florida maybe ... 10 years ago or so?
According to this article, he was a judge in Orange County. Which is right next door to Seminole County, where the shooting took place.

George Zimmerman, Son of a Retired Judge, Has 3 Closed Arrests | Rolling Out - Black News, Celebrity Videos, Entertainment, Business & Politics
I have a relative who is a judge and I have zero convictions.

From what I've read he has had three arrests and no convictions. And his father is a local ex-judge. And originally he was going to be charged with manslaughter in this case but wasn't.

It makes you wonder.

His dad was a judge in VA. They moved to Florida maybe ... 10 years ago or so?
According to this article, he was a judge in Orange County. Which is right next door to Seminole County, where the shooting took place.

George Zimmerman, Son of a Retired Judge, Has 3 Closed Arrests | Rolling Out - Black News, Celebrity Videos, Entertainment, Business & Politics

Thanks for that. The article I read a few days ago about Zimmerman's past indicated his father had retired after moving from VA .
Whether or not Zimmerman is racist - most people are to some extent - is irrelevant to the issue at hand, namely did Zimmerman act in self defense? My guess is that regardless of race anyone on this board who had been knocked down and had the assailant sitting on his/her chest pounding his/her head against the ground - a young black kid is a witness to this - would have shot him and claimed self defense. Even if Zimmerman is a racist, and there is no evidence that he is, his actions were no sufficient justification for Martin's attack on him, but Martin's attack was sufficient justification for Zimmerman to shoot him.

I didn't say he IS racist. I'm saying, IF he is, that will come out at some point.

In many people's mind every white person in the world is a racist. All they have to do is accuse you of it. How would you prove you are not a racist ? Say you have black friends?

Every white person on the planet is a racist UNLESS they state often and loudly that people of color are, by right of their color, much better people than whites, and owed a living by whites. If you will do those things, then YOU aren't a racist.

The left essentially wants us to continue to be responsible for and apologetic to, all black people, without the benefit of their labor. It's liberal slavery. We should pay for them, control their breeding, build them lovely slave quarters (projects!) ..but heaven forbid they be asked to WORK. Could it be any more obvious?

Seriously. They view them as pets. Which is essentially how they view women, come to think of it.
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You guys need to decide on one conspiracy theory and stick to it.

Long way to fall from that pedestal your standing on koshergrl.

Staying rational is not all that difficult, SL.

You should try it yourself and see what I mean.

Hope that made you feel better, because it does nothing to bolster your supposed "rational" position. :lol:

What would be rational in this situation would be a complete investigation by outside sources and a grand jury. Funny so many here seem opposed to that.
Every white person on the planet is a racist UNLESS they state often and loudly that people of color are, by right of their color, much better people than whites, and owed a living by whites. If you will do those things, then YOU aren't a racist.

The left essentially wants us to continue to be responsible for and apologetic to, all black people, without the benefit of their labor. It's liberal slavery. We should pay for them, control their breeding, build them lovely slave quarters (projects!) ..but heaven forbid they be asked to WORK. Could it be any more obvious?

Seriously. They view them as pets. Which is essentially how they view women, come to think of it.

I value all life. Laws are for the benefit of the individual and society. Society would like this matter considered a second time.
Ture enough koshergrl.

The time lapse has just caused a whole different level of problems IMO. Being patient and hearing all the facts is not easy. I'm going to dial this back a bit.

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