White man shoots innocent black teen....

Hope that made you feel better, because it does nothing to bolster your supposed "rational" position. :lol:

What would be rational in this situation would be a complete investigation by outside sources and a grand jury. Funny so many here seem opposed to that.

We don't oppose another investigation. We oppose the baseless political racist allegations & putting out a unjustified contracted execution on Zimmerman. This is another political race stunt by the left just like racist accusations used against the TEA Party who were just trying to oppose the bailouts of rich bankers & the complete government takeover of the health-care system.

President Obama & his lying band of media whores are trying to paint the image for the uninformed of an evil racist KKK grand wizard trying to tie a noose around Obama's young black son's neck but wound up shooting the innocent child in the back as he was trying to escape. And please vote for Obama to right this horrible injustice because the racist police just covered up the incident for their KKK grand wizard.
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We don't oppose another investigation. We oppose the baseless political racist allegations & putting out a unjustified contracted execution on Zimmerman. This is another political race stunt by the left just like racist accusations used against the TEA Party who were just trying to oppose the bailouts of rich bankers & the complete government takeover of the health-care system.

President Obama & his lying band of media whores are trying to paint the image for the uninformed of an evil racist KKK grand wizard trying to tie a noose around Obama's young black son's neck but wound up shooting the innocent child in the back as he was trying to escape. And please vote for Obama to right this horrible injustice because the racist police just covered up the incident for their KKK grand wizard.

BS KissMy. You should know me. I'm usually a conservative voice here on this board for a fairly long time. A person is dead. Somethings seem very wrong here. Don't you dare use "we" oppose this or that. Speak for yourself.

I have not made racist allegations or supported the vigilante justice move in any way. YOU are the one framing it as a move by the left. I'm not the left, so you fail miserably. Its justice for all, or its just a sham. Man up.
saveliberty said:
What would be rational in this situation would be a complete investigation by outside sources and a grand jury. Funny so many here seem opposed to that.
We don't oppose another investigation. We oppose the baseless political racist allegations & putting out a unjustified contracted execution on Zimmerman. This is another political race stunt by the left just like racist accusations used against the TEA Party who were just trying to oppose the bailouts of rich bankers & the complete government takeover of the health-care system.

President Obama & his lying band of media whores are trying to paint the image for the uninformed of an evil racist KKK grand wizard trying to tie a noose around Obama's young black son's neck but wound up shooting the innocent child in the back as he was trying to escape. And please vote for Obama to right this horrible injustice because the racist police just covered up the incident for their KKK grand wizard.

BS KissMy. You should know me. I'm usually a conservative voice here on this board for a fairly long time. A person is dead. Somethings seem very wrong here. Don't you dare use "we" oppose this or that. Speak for yourself.

I have not made racist allegations or supported the vigilante justice move in any way. YOU are the one framing it as a move by the left. I'm not the left, so you fail miserably. Its justice for all, or its just a sham. Man up.

who is against investigations? but why a state and federal investigation? you see evidence of a racial hate crime, a civil rights crime?
The racist hacks are against the investigation that is currently taking place, and propose some other "outside" investigators take over.

Because they are afraid the investigation won't lead to the lynching of zimmerman, who they think should be in prison RIGHT NOW, based on the fact that Trayvon was black.

Here's the thing...they also claim the cops are corrupt...but the first cop actually wanted to charge zimmerman with manslaughter, and the prosecutor told him no, you don't have enough evidence.

So now they have dragged in the DOJ and the FBI to investigate the investigation, based on the fact that they claim the cops botched it, based upon the fact that they didn't immediately arrest and charge Zimmerman for a crime for which there is zero evidence....even though the cops actually DID want to arrest. So where's the corruption on the part of the cops? Oh yeah, nevermind.

You figure it out. It's just more ignorant posturing by the left. Race baiting, beating at the walls of the *man*...no matter what happens, if this guy isn't flayed and the cops involved fired, they're going to riot. They're almost there already.

Mob rule, folks. Enjoy.
The local police admitted they didn't have much experience with crimes of this nature. Why wouldn't they accept some help? Sounds like the FBI is already involved now. Its a wait and see thing.

" The racist hacks are against the investigation that is currently taking place, and propose some other "outside" investigators take over." ~ koshergrl

Who you calling a racist hack?
The local police admitted they didn't have much experience with crimes of this nature. Why wouldn't they accept some help? Sounds like the FBI is already involved now. Its a wait and see thing.

" The racist hacks are against the investigation that is currently taking place, and propose some other "outside" investigators take over." ~ koshergrl

Who you calling a racist hack?

Why accept help? They have but only because a public that is screaming for a lynching demanded. Crimes of this nature?

what crime? self defense? you've slipped here. crime?
We don't oppose another investigation. We oppose the baseless political racist allegations & putting out a unjustified contracted execution on Zimmerman. This is another political race stunt by the left just like racist accusations used against the TEA Party who were just trying to oppose the bailouts of rich bankers & the complete government takeover of the health-care system.

President Obama & his lying band of media whores are trying to paint the image for the uninformed of an evil racist KKK grand wizard trying to tie a noose around Obama's young black son's neck but wound up shooting the innocent child in the back as he was trying to escape. And please vote for Obama to right this horrible injustice because the racist police just covered up the incident for their KKK grand wizard.

BS KissMy. You should know me. I'm usually a conservative voice here on this board for a fairly long time. A person is dead. Somethings seem very wrong here. Don't you dare use "we" oppose this or that. Speak for yourself.

I have not made racist allegations or supported the vigilante justice move in any way. YOU are the one framing it as a move by the left. I'm not the left, so you fail miserably. Its justice for all, or its just a sham. Man up.

I don't see where I said you were involved in this political sham. I clearly stated I do not oppose another investigation, only the political media lynch mob that has lead to a $10,000 contract for executing Zimmerman.
We don't oppose another investigation. We oppose the baseless political racist allegations & putting out a unjustified contracted execution on Zimmerman. This is another political race stunt by the left just like racist accusations used against the TEA Party who were just trying to oppose the bailouts of rich bankers & the complete government takeover of the health-care system.

President Obama & his lying band of media whores are trying to paint the image for the uninformed of an evil racist KKK grand wizard trying to tie a noose around Obama's young black son's neck but wound up shooting the innocent child in the back as he was trying to escape. And please vote for Obama to right this horrible injustice because the racist police just covered up the incident for their KKK grand wizard.

BS KissMy. You should know me. I'm usually a conservative voice here on this board for a fairly long time. A person is dead. Somethings seem very wrong here. Don't you dare use "we" oppose this or that. Speak for yourself.

I have not made racist allegations or supported the vigilante justice move in any way. YOU are the one framing it as a move by the left. I'm not the left, so you fail miserably. Its justice for all, or its just a sham. Man up.

I don't see where I said you were involved in this political sham. I clearly stated I do not oppose another investigation, only the political media lynch mob that has lead to a $10,000 contract for executing Zimmerman.

Which media outlet exactly has put up the bounty?

BTW.........Zimmerman said he had a broken nose, but yet he waited until the FOLLOWING DAY for treatment. Ever had a broken nose? They hurt like hell and give you a black eye.

Additionally, wanna explain the "fucking coon" comment on Zimmerman's 911 call?

And, if he actually was getting his ass kicked as badly as claimed (some said he was being "curbed"), wouldn't there have been a lot more injury to his face and jaw?
BS KissMy. You should know me. I'm usually a conservative voice here on this board for a fairly long time. A person is dead. Somethings seem very wrong here. Don't you dare use "we" oppose this or that. Speak for yourself.

I have not made racist allegations or supported the vigilante justice move in any way. YOU are the one framing it as a move by the left. I'm not the left, so you fail miserably. Its justice for all, or its just a sham. Man up.

I don't see where I said you were involved in this political sham. I clearly stated I do not oppose another investigation, only the political media lynch mob that has lead to a $10,000 contract for executing Zimmerman.

Which media outlet exactly has put up the bounty?

BTW.........Zimmerman said he had a broken nose, but yet he waited until the FOLLOWING DAY for treatment. Ever had a broken nose? They hurt like hell and give you a black eye.

Additionally, wanna explain the "fucking coon" comment on Zimmerman's 911 call?

And, if he actually was getting his ass kicked as badly as claimed (some said he was being "curbed"), wouldn't there have been a lot more injury to his face and jaw?
It wasn't a media outlet, it is the New Black Panthers who hav a 10K bounty on him.

Zimmerman was treated at the scene by paramedics.

The "fucking coon" comment is unintelligible. It needs audio analysis to confirm it or rule it out. I can wait.

As far as what his head wounds were, are you thinking the pic the press is using for him is from that night?
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BS KissMy. You should know me. I'm usually a conservative voice here on this board for a fairly long time. A person is dead. Somethings seem very wrong here. Don't you dare use "we" oppose this or that. Speak for yourself.

I have not made racist allegations or supported the vigilante justice move in any way. YOU are the one framing it as a move by the left. I'm not the left, so you fail miserably. Its justice for all, or its just a sham. Man up.

I don't see where I said you were involved in this political sham. I clearly stated I do not oppose another investigation, only the political media lynch mob that has lead to a $10,000 contract for executing Zimmerman.

Which media outlet exactly has put up the bounty?

BTW.........Zimmerman said he had a broken nose, but yet he waited until the FOLLOWING DAY for treatment. Ever had a broken nose? They hurt like hell and give you a black eye.

Additionally, wanna explain the "fucking coon" comment on Zimmerman's 911 call?

And, if he actually was getting his ass kicked as badly as claimed (some said he was being "curbed"), wouldn't there have been a lot more injury to his face and jaw?

The incident happened at night & Zimmerman was detained & interrogated by police. After working all day, then chasing a suspect, fighting him, crying, being cuffed, treated by EMTs & interrogated until late hours. I imagine sleep & Tylenal/Ibuprofen felt a bit more urgent than sitting late at night in a waiting room for the Emergency Room. It was reported that Zimmerman did go to the doctor when he got up that morning. Yeah - He was depressed, tired as hell & in pain.

Zimmerman never said "fucking coon" on that 911 tape. I listened to many versions & at best it is "fucking punks". The media whores incited the New Black Panther to put out a $10,000 contract on Zimmerman. Thankfully that New Black Panther is now in jail.
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BS KissMy. You should know me. I'm usually a conservative voice here on this board for a fairly long time. A person is dead. Somethings seem very wrong here. Don't you dare use "we" oppose this or that. Speak for yourself.

I have not made racist allegations or supported the vigilante justice move in any way. YOU are the one framing it as a move by the left. I'm not the left, so you fail miserably. Its justice for all, or its just a sham. Man up.

I don't see where I said you were involved in this political sham. I clearly stated I do not oppose another investigation, only the political media lynch mob that has lead to a $10,000 contract for executing Zimmerman.

Which media outlet exactly has put up the bounty?

BTW.........Zimmerman said he had a broken nose, but yet he waited until the FOLLOWING DAY for treatment. Ever had a broken nose? They hurt like hell and give you a black eye.

Additionally, wanna explain the "fucking coon" comment on Zimmerman's 911 call?

And, if he actually was getting his ass kicked as badly as claimed (some said he was being "curbed"), wouldn't there have been a lot more injury to his face and jaw?

That's not suspicious to me, to be fair. Dwayne Wade broke Kobe Bryant's nose in the All-Star game and still Kobe played the rest of the game.

It hurts, but it's easy to break someone's nose. You don't really have to put much effort into it either. Just one punch or an elbow can do that.

As for other injuries, it all depends on how long the beating took place. We don't actually know how long the two were scuffling, or the extent of Zimmerman's injuries.

A broken nose and a head wound doesn't constitute being beaten almost to death. Well... to be fair it could... depending on how bad the head wound was. If his head was being beaten on the sidewalk, he could have died. If the back of his head was bleeding profusely big chance Zimmerman's story checked out, if he had a small cut and a bruise, he could have hit his head on a rock or something. We don't know because we don't have pictures so we should jump to no conclusions. We shouldn't downplay the injuries or blow them up because we just don't know.

I have A LOT of questions though. They can't be answered until we have an autopsy report released however so it's no use in asking.

The point is AS OF TODAY there's no evidence that either party did anything wrong. Therefore Zimmerman should not be arrested.
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And what's up with Racist Democrats and Hoodies?


I don't see where I said you were involved in this political sham. I clearly stated I do not oppose another investigation, only the political media lynch mob that has lead to a $10,000 contract for executing Zimmerman.

Which media outlet exactly has put up the bounty?

BTW.........Zimmerman said he had a broken nose, but yet he waited until the FOLLOWING DAY for treatment. Ever had a broken nose? They hurt like hell and give you a black eye.

Additionally, wanna explain the "fucking coon" comment on Zimmerman's 911 call?

And, if he actually was getting his ass kicked as badly as claimed (some said he was being "curbed"), wouldn't there have been a lot more injury to his face and jaw?

That's not suspicious to me, to be fair. Dwayne Wade broke Kobe Bryant's nose in the All-Star game and still Kobe played the rest of the game.

It hurts, but it's easy to break someone's nose. You don't really have to put much effort into it either. Just one punch or an elbow can do that.

As for other injuries, it all depends on how long the beating took place. We don't actually know how long the two were scuffling, or the extent of Zimmerman's injuries.

A broken nose and a head wound doesn't constitute being beaten almost to death. Well... to be fair it could... depending on how bad the head wound was. If his head was being beaten on the sidewalk, he could have died. If the back of his head was bleeding profusely big chance Zimmerman's story checked out, if he had a small cut and a bruise, he could have hit his head on a rock or something. We don't know because we don't have pictures so we should jump to no conclusions. We shouldn't downplay the injuries or blow them up because we just don't know.

I have A LOT of questions though. They can't be answered until we have an autopsy report released however so it's no use in asking.

The point is AS OF TODAY there's no evidence that either party did anything wrong. Therefore Zimmerman should not be arrested.


wait according to police reports Trayvon did do something wrong
I don't see where I said you were involved in this political sham. I clearly stated I do not oppose another investigation, only the political media lynch mob that has lead to a $10,000 contract for executing Zimmerman.

Which media outlet exactly has put up the bounty?

BTW.........Zimmerman said he had a broken nose, but yet he waited until the FOLLOWING DAY for treatment. Ever had a broken nose? They hurt like hell and give you a black eye.

Additionally, wanna explain the "fucking coon" comment on Zimmerman's 911 call?

And, if he actually was getting his ass kicked as badly as claimed (some said he was being "curbed"), wouldn't there have been a lot more injury to his face and jaw?

That's not suspicious to me, to be fair. Dwayne Wade broke Kobe Bryant's nose in the All-Star game and still Kobe played the rest of the game.

It hurts, but it's easy to break someone's nose. You don't really have to put much effort into it either. Just one punch or an elbow can do that.

As for other injuries, it all depends on how long the beating took place. We don't actually know how long the two were scuffling, or the extent of Zimmerman's injuries.

A broken nose and a head wound doesn't constitute being beaten almost to death. Well... to be fair it could... depending on how bad the head wound was. If his head was being beaten on the sidewalk, he could have died. If the back of his head was bleeding profusely big chance Zimmerman's story checked out, if he had a small cut and a bruise, he could have hit his head on a rock or something. We don't know because we don't have pictures so we should jump to no conclusions. We shouldn't downplay the injuries or blow them up because we just don't know.

I have A LOT of questions though. They can't be answered until we have an autopsy report released however so it's no use in asking.

The point is AS OF TODAY there's no evidence that either party did anything wrong. Therefore Zimmerman should not be arrested.

Here's the thing..it isn't just about whether or not Zimmerman was beaten almost to death or whether Traynor could beat him to death (of course he could). It's did he THINK his life was in danger?

I think the people who heard him screaming and hid were pretty sure he thought his life was in danger, and I think they were pretty sure he was right, or they would have helped him.
Martin could have been beating Zimmermans head on the ground instead of the sidewalk. That will still kill him without as much external damage. Zimmerman may have almost got knock out or seeing stars. That would scare the hell out of anyone.

The main fact in the case is that Martin continued to beat an already beaten man who was begging for his life. Martin had lost it & likely would have continued until he killed Zimmerman. That makes it legal to use a firearm against an unarmed man.
Martin could have been beating Zimmermans head on the ground instead of the sidewalk. That will still kill him without as much external damage. Zimmerman may have almost got knock out or seeing stars. That would scare the hell out of anyone.

The main fact in the case is that Martin continued to beat an already beaten man who was begging for his life. Martin had lost it & likely would have continued until he killed Zimmerman. That makes it legal to use a firearm against an unarmed man.

Correct, IF that is the way it happened,

The fact is those who have already convicted Zimmerman in the court of public opinion don't know how it happened but they have already made up their minds. And already they are combing through every bit of minutuae they can find to paint him as this angry, hateful, racist, power hungry bully with illusions of grandeur. And his 'victim' is an innocent, baby faced, good kid who was attacked for no other reason than he was black.

Just as have those who are defending Zimmerman and have decided that Martin was the one at fault. They are also doing everything they can to paint him as a juvenile delinquent would be gangster type who was up to no good and to show Zimmerman as a great guy who did nothing inappropriate that provoked the incident.

And the fact is, none of us know one way or the other exactly what happened that night.
Martin could have been beating Zimmermans head on the ground instead of the sidewalk. That will still kill him without as much external damage. Zimmerman may have almost got knock out or seeing stars. That would scare the hell out of anyone.

The main fact in the case is that Martin continued to beat an already beaten man who was begging for his life. Martin had lost it & likely would have continued until he killed Zimmerman. That makes it legal to use a firearm against an unarmed man.

If his head was beaten against the sidewalk badly enough, the paramedics would have taken him in for observation because of a possible concussion.

Seeing stars isn't really that scary, especially if you've ever boxed outside your weight class.

As far as "continued to bea an already beaten man", got proof, or are you just blowing smoke outta your ass again?
They have a witness who heard him screaming for help, and saw Traynor on top of him, whaling away.

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