White man shoots very drunk black woman breaking into his house. Charged w murder

how scared can one be and still open the door?

Yeah, he said the gun just went off at first.

People who can't control their weapon shouldn't have one.

To wit;

Who does MSNBC employ with their own hour?


And liberal losers blame FOX News, for gun violence.

If you want me to show the statistics of who commits most crime (gun violence) in this country let me know.

I will expect now the same old excuses about the poor victims having never ending excuses for crimes.....like the NJ man being shot to death for his SUV in front of his wife.

I noticed MSNBC stopped covering it.

Anyone have any idea why they stopped covering it?

Fucking liberals and their hypocritical double standards. We are nowhere, and I blame all lefties. All of them.
And liberal losers blame FOX News, for gun violence.

If you want me to show the statistics of who commits most crime (gun violence) in this country let me know.

I will expect now the same old excuses about the poor victims having never ending excuses for crimes.....like the NJ man being shot to death for his SUV in front of his wife.

I noticed MSNBC stopped covering it.

Anyone have any idea why they stopped covering it?

Fucking liberals and their hypocritical double standards. We are nowhere, and I blame all lefties. All of them.

That's your answer, huh? "fucking liberals and their hypocritical double standards?"

Look, you can't just go around shooting people because they MIGHT shoot you. Last I checked, being black was not a crime. Yes, Al Sharpton is an antagonistic prick, but conjuring him up to make a point when things go wrong does nothing to fix anything.

Blaming Liberals for all of life's woes is very "Lefty" of you. Time to grow up and accept the fact that conservatives have issues too; blaming others for those problems is infantile, irresponsible and just plain lame.
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What does it matter whether the screen was in place or not when he shot?

And do you really think readers of this thread are about to sit and watch four hours of courtroom YouTube?

It doesn't matter. You don't shoot people just because they come on your porch.

maybe you maybe you dont

we have not seen the facts surrounding the case

so at this point there isnt a "just because"

however i think the guys defense is weak at best
many home invasions start with a female knocking on the door...begging for help...the men are on the sides ready to kick the door in as soon as its unbolted....

a 911 call can take 20 minutes to be answered here...so one has a 20 minute gap to deal with.....as for shooting her.....bit of an over reaction if one ask me....

he should have told her...he had called 911 and the police would be there.....sit on the porch and wait...he should not have opened his door if he was that afraid....

i would have opened my door and helped...we are too far out to freak out like this....but many others here would not feel the same

during pre trial it was mentioned that there was poundings on two doors of the home

the front where the shooting occurred and a side door
What does it matter whether the screen was in place or not when he shot?

And do you really think readers of this thread are about to sit and watch four hours of courtroom YouTube?

It matters on her perceived intent. It would be reasonable for the defendant to think she was trying to break in if she took off the screen door.

the states expert firearm witness testified that in his opinion

the shot was fired through the screen after it had been knocked out of its frame

(knocked out from the outside of the home)
Housebreakers should be shot whenever possible.

^^^^ Says no one who knows anything about the law, ever.

You cannot shoot an un-armed person who is on common property and has not made even the slightest threat against you.

What part of this is so God damned hard for you cowboys to wrap your brains around?!?
It's called murder - you go to prison a long time for that. In prison, you are left to fend off would be sex offenders on a daily basses ... on your own ... without a firearm. (light bulb)

Sound like a good plain? My advice in that situation, is to get a big boyfriend with small hands. :lol:

(thumbs up)
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Everyone knows you wait for the intruder to come inside the house. No one opens the door and shoots through the screen door. Not that it's a great loss to waste a pothead. For that alone she had it coming.

Probably about 75% of the population has smoked pot.

Katzndogs thinks the death of 200 million Americans would be no great loss?

The court is claiming she just had a car crash and was disoriented but how is this guy supposed to know that?

Theodore Wafer WILL stand trial for murder as judge rejects self-defense | Mail Online

19 December 2013
A Detroit-area man who fatally shot a drunk, unarmed woman on his porch will stand trial for second-degree murder and manslaughter, a judge ruled Thursday, rejecting a self-defense argument for the killer's 'bad choice.'

There is no dispute that Theodore Wafer shot Renisha McBride, 19, through the screen of his front door in the early hours of November 2. His attorneys said he feared for his life, but Dearborn Heights Judge David Turfe said Wafer had other options.

An autopsy found McBride had a blood-alcohol level of about 0.22, more than twice the legal limit for driving. She also had been smoking marijuana.

She wasn't breaking into her house, shithead.

He shot her through the screen door.

It's being considered 1st or 2nd degree murder.

He should get the death penalty.
That's a tough call. Police don't always come, do they? Or if they do come, it may be a long time. I can see the jury, if there is one, using jury nullification on this case.

What if it was a armed burglary and the man was in real danger?

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the killer walks. It's a fucked up world we live in.
That's good b/c he will 'walk'.
What was the man supposed to be a mind reader? Some aggressive Black woman is trying to break down his door. It's EFFFFFFING Detroit!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder when Rev. Al and AC and Bernie will offer their 'expertise?
Call the cops? Ya right. You have to make an appointment a week ahead of time! The police chief is busy selling the patrol cars out the back door to line his pockets.
Anyway, another piece of trash can join 'T'.
"Hey dude! Did you 'axe' me if you could eat that drumstick".
She was going to end up dead sooner than later anyway the way she was living.
Social Darwinism.

He was a man who was afraid of a woman.

Makes him a cowardly pussy in my book.
The court is claiming she just had a car crash and was disoriented but how is this guy supposed to know that?

Theodore Wafer WILL stand trial for murder as judge rejects self-defense | Mail Online

19 December 2013
A Detroit-area man who fatally shot a drunk, unarmed woman on his porch will stand trial for second-degree murder and manslaughter, a judge ruled Thursday, rejecting a self-defense argument for the killer's 'bad choice.'

There is no dispute that Theodore Wafer shot Renisha McBride, 19, through the screen of his front door in the early hours of November 2. His attorneys said he feared for his life, but Dearborn Heights Judge David Turfe said Wafer had other options.

An autopsy found McBride had a blood-alcohol level of about 0.22, more than twice the legal limit for driving. She also had been smoking marijuana.

She wasn't breaking into her house, shithead.

He shot her through the screen door.

It's being considered 1st or 2nd degree murder.

He should get the death penalty.

you do not know what she was doing or her intent

other then she was really drunk at the time

the states expert said the screen to the door was knocked out of its frame

from the outside of the home
She was NOT trying to break in. That is why this guy will do time. All the things you mentioned does not matter because of the fact that she was NOT trying to break in. He was not in fear for his life and I hope he does at least 15 years for killing this unarmed girl.

Fuck him.

Sure looks to me like she was trying to break in.

He shot through the screen door.

That means the screen door wasn't even open.

Man, there are some stupid racists on this thread.
She was NOT trying to break in. That is why this guy will do time. All the things you mentioned does not matter because of the fact that she was NOT trying to break in. He was not in fear for his life and I hope he does at least 15 years for killing this unarmed girl.

Fuck him.

Sure looks to me like she was trying to break in.

He shot through the screen door.

That means the screen door wasn't even open.

Man, there are some stupid racists on this thread.

the screen of the door which he shot through

was knocked out of its frame before he fired the shot

that is a fact in the case

someone on the outside of the home knocked the screen out of the door
The court is claiming she just had a car crash and was disoriented but how is this guy supposed to know that?

She wasn't breaking into her house, shithead.

He shot her through the screen door.

It's being considered 1st or 2nd degree murder.

He should get the death penalty.

you do not know what she was doing or her intent

other then she was really drunk at the time

the states expert said the screen to the door was knocked out of its frame

from the outside of the home

It's abundantly clear to me, at least, that this girl was in need of help and not out on some robbery spree. You see this too, correct? She was in an accident and was disoriented. Not trying to rob the guy.

If she had broken in and was threatening me or my family, I might have used my weapon. I certainly would never have considered shooting her BEFORE she broke in.
She wasn't breaking into her house, shithead.

He shot her through the screen door.

It's being considered 1st or 2nd degree murder.

He should get the death penalty.

you do not know what she was doing or her intent

other then she was really drunk at the time

the states expert said the screen to the door was knocked out of its frame

from the outside of the home

It's abundantly clear to me, at least, that this girl was in need of help and not out on some robbery spree. You see this too, correct? She was in an accident and was disoriented. Not trying to rob the guy.

If she had broken in and was threatening me or my family, I might have used my weapon. I certainly would never have considered shooting her BEFORE she broke in.

It's abundantly clear to me, at least, that this girl was in need of help and not out on some robbery spree. You see this too, correct?

most likely in hindsight but we do not know for sure

and then how was the guy supposed to know that

she was still really wasted at the time of the shooting

If she had broken in and was threatening me or my family

we do not know what words had been exchanged if any

however the states witness says that the screen was knocked out

from the outside of the house before the shot was fired

because of trajectory the height of the girl and the shooter

and the distance of the firearm to the girls head

now if someone is knocking apart my door at 4 in the morning

i would think someone was trying to get in

what is unsettling for me is in the moment

he claimed he accidentally fired

the states witness did not do a very good job

at pointing out the strength needed to pull the trigger either

i will say this does need to go to trial

to sort it all out
It's abundantly clear to me, at least, that this girl was in need of help and not out on some robbery spree. You see this too, correct?

most likely in hindsight but we do not know for sure

and then how was the guy supposed to know that

she was still really wasted at the time of the shooting

If she had broken in and was threatening me or my family

we do not know what words had been exchanged if any

however the states witness says that the screen was knocked out

from the outside of the house before the shot was fired

because of trajectory the height of the girl and the shooter

and the distance of the firearm to the girls head

now if someone is knocking apart my door at 4 in the morning

i would think someone was trying to get in

what is unsettling for me is in the moment

he claimed he accidentally fired

the states witness did not do a very good job

at pointing out the strength needed to pull the trigger either

i will say this does need to go to trial

to sort it all out

This does not look very good for the home owner, who should have at least questioned the girl at the front door.

He does not have a very good case.
It's abundantly clear to me, at least, that this girl was in need of help and not out on some robbery spree. You see this too, correct?

most likely in hindsight but we do not know for sure

and then how was the guy supposed to know that

she was still really wasted at the time of the shooting

If she had broken in and was threatening me or my family

we do not know what words had been exchanged if any

however the states witness says that the screen was knocked out

from the outside of the house before the shot was fired

because of trajectory the height of the girl and the shooter

and the distance of the firearm to the girls head

now if someone is knocking apart my door at 4 in the morning

i would think someone was trying to get in

what is unsettling for me is in the moment

he claimed he accidentally fired

the states witness did not do a very good job

at pointing out the strength needed to pull the trigger either

i will say this does need to go to trial

to sort it all out

This does not look very good for the home owner, who should have at least questioned the girl at the front door.

He does not have a very good case.

he certainly has some issues to deal with

saying he accidentally shot her

in the beginning and then now claiming self defense

will come back to bite him in the ass

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