White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

The man touched a member of the royal class. It's a wonder he wasn't executed.

You're right about babies.

IN SOME AREAS, babies are and should be treated as royal.

They cannot control their actions.

Adults can and should be held accountable.

Executed? No. Jail and some sort of education about the difference between babies and adults.
What some rw's defend ... it doesn't even surprise me anymore.

Its like some of them are a lower life form. They're not even human.

I guess that I just don't get it. To me, it is a black and white situation. A bully physically abuses women, children, or other people who are not capable of fighting back. They are the most dispicable of cowards. I have zero tolerance for them. In raising my child, I NEVER spanked her...not even a single swat to get her attention. This man acted like a bully. Now he is going to find out what it is like to be called someone's "bitch" in prison. That is exactly where he belongs. As for being drunk on the plane, he has absolutly no one to blame but himself. He lost his job, and now has a felony conviction. He got exactly what he deserved.
That son of a bitch is lucky the other passengers didn't beat him unconscious and toss his stupid ass off the plane in mid air.
What some rw's defend ... it doesn't even surprise me anymore.

Its like some of them are a lower life form. They're not even human.


No one is defending him, you ass, but I do understand his reaction. You cannot.

First, don't tell me what my life experience is because if you say you know what I have experienced in my life, you are lying.

Second, start with the OP and read. Several scum sucking slime bags have defended him or made excuses for him.

There is no excuse for any adult to hit a baby. Not the death of his own child, not his drunkenness, nothing. Adults should be held responsible/accountable for their actions. Babies are NOT responsible for their actions. It was a vicious attack and his sentence is much more than a few months in jail.

YOU are the ass.
Besides the low life scum savages that have made their feelings known I doubt others feel the person is excused from hitting the child. Some can evidently understand the mind space he may have been in. As pointed out he did let loose a racial slur prior to striking the child so there is that for what its worth. I frequently don't understand why people do things but that just means I dont know their rationale. Humans are confusing especially if you cannot understand at all where they are coming from. For the more rational members on this board please consider this. The low life savages are probably having a ball observing this thread.
walk up to a baby you dont know and hit it?

wow you people are fucking crazy for defending this asshole
Unbelievable. Fucking ape needed to shut up. If its mother can't shut it up don't take it on a damn plane. The man was going to see his son who was in the hospital on a life support...

I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

Should have drove then. I know damn well other people don't want to listen to my 3 heathens in a eatery or the store so I try and do as much as possible without taking them. Like tomorrow gonna get groceries gonna be just me and the wife.

so assholes like you do everything possible not to be with their kids......you must be one hell of a dad....
Unbelievable. Fucking ape needed to shut up. If its mother can't shut it up don't take it on a damn plane. The man was going to see his son who was in the hospital on a life support...

I took my toddler on a flight when he had tubes in his ears. Something happened where the altitude affected the tubes and the ears and he was in great pain. I had a difficult time keeping him calm.

You are truly an ugly person.

Hey stupid. That's not what happened to the kid on this plane. He was just screaming for the hell of it and his "mother" thought it was funny and so did nothing. White guy should have slugged both of them.

do you have proof of this?....or is this another one of your tall tales?.....remember....you never proved that Obama sets the postage prices....
Besides the low life scum savages that have made their feelings known I doubt others feel the person is excused from hitting the child. Some can evidently understand the mind space he may have been in. As pointed out he did let loose a racial slur prior to striking the child so there is that for what its worth. I frequently don't understand why people do things but that just means I dont know their rationale. Humans are confusing especially if you cannot understand at all where they are coming from. For the more rational members on this board please consider this. The low life savages are probably having a ball observing this thread.

Of course they are.

we can not prevent them from loving the pain of others.

there are people here who love nothing more than saying things in hope they can imagine someone else in pain.

Its what they live for

the pain of others.

they say things to try and see evidence of the pain of others.

they imagine the pain oozing out of their computer screens.

they lap that imaginary pain off the fly shit riddled screen.

to them there is nothing tastier than the pain of others sprinkled with fly shit.

they are special huh.

they are sociopaths

we need to point out all the sociopaths and listen to what they say.

then we do the opposite of what they say because they are fucking crazy with broken human brains.

YOU don't do what the sociopoths in the world want done.

You do the things the people with fully functioning brains and emotional stability want done.

the sociopaths still need to be sussed out so they cant hide amoung us normal folk
Pay your rent you fucking ape

:lol: He actually thinks he's better than somebody. National Socialist couldn't even scrounge up enough money to pay for a plane ticket.

I can't even imagine what I'd do in that situation. If someone ever touched my child, I just don't know.

See RW is still derailing threads with his trolling. Good thing I have his ignorant ass on ignore. Retard can't come back with legit arguments so he trolls those superior to him.

if you have him on ignore,how do you know he is derailing this thread?....
yes the right is riddled with racists.

its why black people refuse to vote republican.

Its why the republicans try so hard to CHEAT black voters out of their vote so they can steal elections from the people

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