White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

Unbelievable. Fucking ape needed to shut up. If its mother can't shut it up don't take it on a damn plane. The man was going to see his son who was in the hospital on a life support...

Pay your rent you fucking ape

:lol: He actually thinks he's better than somebody. National Socialist couldn't even scrounge up enough money to pay for a plane ticket.

I can't even imagine what I'd do in that situation. If someone ever touched my child, I just don't know.

If he had tried it with my kid, I sincerely doubt he would be able to get up from the floor when I was done with him. Benching 260 can be helpful now and again. I hate motherfuckers who mess with little kids.
Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

Why am I not surprised that West Virginia is involved with your story

Isn't West Virginia one of the few remaining states where, if you divorce your wife, she is still your sister?


There is no need to denigrate the great state of West Virginia just because of that asshole.
Eight months in the slammer for a person with no criminal record seems excessive but in a civilized society you can't go around slapping somebody else's kid. I guess he is lucky he wasn't charged with a hate crime.
Pay your rent you fucking ape

:lol: He actually thinks he's better than somebody. National Socialist couldn't even scrounge up enough money to pay for a plane ticket.

I can't even imagine what I'd do in that situation. If someone ever touched my child, I just don't know.

If he had tried it with my kid, I sincerely doubt he would be able to get up from the floor when I was done with him. Benching 260 can be helpful now and again. I hate motherfuckers who mess with little kids.

I really don't think you could bring a bench press in your carry on. You'd probably have to check that.
Eight months in the slammer for a person with no criminal record seems excessive but in a civilized society you can't go around slapping somebody else's kid. I guess he is lucky he wasn't charged with a hate crime.

He's really lucky one (or several) of the other passengers didn't give him what he had coming.
Why am I not surprised that West Virginia is involved with your story

Isn't West Virginia one of the few remaining states where, if you divorce your wife, she is still your sister?


There is no need to denigrate the great state of West Virginia just because of that asshole.

It was a joke. Chill out. Besides, I once dated a really hot girl from WV, used to drive there from Ohio every weekend. :)
:lol: He actually thinks he's better than somebody. National Socialist couldn't even scrounge up enough money to pay for a plane ticket.

I can't even imagine what I'd do in that situation. If someone ever touched my child, I just don't know.

If he had tried it with my kid, I sincerely doubt he would be able to get up from the floor when I was done with him. Benching 260 can be helpful now and again. I hate motherfuckers who mess with little kids.

I really don't think you could bring a bench press in your carry on. You'd probably have to check that.

lol..... if you only knew what people have schlepped onto planes...
Eight months in the slammer for a person with no criminal record seems excessive but in a civilized society you can't go around slapping somebody else's kid. I guess he is lucky he wasn't charged with a hate crime.

I want to go on record as a Leftie who believes very much that there should not be any "hate crimes". The law is supposed to be color-blind, therefore, there cannot be hate crimes to begin with. A crime is a crime is a crime. Whether I bust a black man's jaw or a white man's jaw or a red man's jaw is absolutely irrelevant. A busted jaw is a busted jaw.

You do the crime, you do the time.

It's real simple.

And now you see, not all Lefties are monolithic.
Isn't West Virginia one of the few remaining states where, if you divorce your wife, she is still your sister?


There is no need to denigrate the great state of West Virginia just because of that asshole.

It was a joke. Chill out. Besides, I once dated a really hot girl from WV, used to drive there from Ohio every weekend. :)

Is that like saying you once dated a black girl so now you have a 'pass' to use the N-word?
The way the Right is automatically against ANYTHING that someone who is not an extreme Righty proposes, I propose the following:

breathe air.


the Farther right people yea.....the same can be said for those Far Lefties....both Far Right and Left only care about those who agree with them.....otherwise....fuck you...

Yes, I agree that they think most of the time: "fuck you".

Thanks for bringing that up.

Only, I have yet to see even one Leftie here on this thread defend that man. Not one. But a number of Righties have indeed.

No, but a fair number on the left have been plenty dickish about not seeing where a man could come undone in his situation.

No high road in this thread. ;)
If he had tried it with my kid, I sincerely doubt he would be able to get up from the floor when I was done with him. Benching 260 can be helpful now and again. I hate motherfuckers who mess with little kids.

I really don't think you could bring a bench press in your carry on. You'd probably have to check that.

lol..... if you only knew what people have schlepped onto planes...

Back in the day you could bring about anything on. Now you're lucky if they allow you to remain clothed.
Had someone slugged that asshole hard enough to kill him, I would consider it justifiable homocide. There is absolutely no reason to slap a baby of that age no matter how much he or she is screaming. Particularly on an airplane. I have had pressure changes in a plane give me severe ear pain, and that is the only way a baby can express it's discomfort. I just don't understand anyone defending such an action, striking a child this young.

Hey moron. Produce your evidence that this kid was suffering ear pain.

You damn stinking liberals just make stuff up all the time!! Show us your evidence!!!

Thank you for making liberals look so good.
What some rw's defend ... it doesn't even surprise me anymore.

Its like some of them are a lower life form. They're not even human.


No one is defending him, you ass, but I do understand his reaction. You cannot.



Several defended or excused his actions. Start with the OP.

Ernie does not know what my life experience is or what I "understand" and has he no right to say he does.
Eight months in the slammer for a person with no criminal record seems excessive but in a civilized society you can't go around slapping somebody else's kid. I guess he is lucky he wasn't charged with a hate crime.

He's really lucky one (or several) of the other passengers didn't give him what he had coming.

What did he have coming?
You damn stinking liberals just make stuff up all the time!! Show us your evidence!!!

Ironic post coming from the guy who made up a steaming pile of horseshit about how others might react if the races were reversed.

I guess he doesn't hold himself to the same standards of evidence that he tries to impose on others.
Eight months in the slammer for a person with no criminal record seems excessive but in a civilized society you can't go around slapping somebody else's kid. I guess he is lucky he wasn't charged with a hate crime.

He's really lucky one (or several) of the other passengers didn't give him what he had coming.

What did he have coming?

a good ass kicking

he will likely get that in prison
What some rw's defend ... it doesn't even surprise me anymore.

Its like some of them are a lower life form. They're not even human.


No one is defending him, you ass, but I do understand his reaction. You cannot.

First, don't tell me what my life experience is because if you say you know what I have experienced in my life, you are lying.

Second, start with the OP and read. Several scum sucking slime bags have defended him or made excuses for him.

There is no excuse for any adult to hit a baby. Not the death of his own child, not his drunkenness, nothing. Adults should be held responsible/accountable for their actions. Babies are NOT responsible for their actions. It was a vicious attack and his sentence is much more than a few months in jail.

YOU are the ass.

No, I read your post.

You're definitely the ass.

One doesn't have to lose a child to see where someone could take all the pain he was feeling and focus it on a toddler making like an air raid siren. That's not "making excuses." That's seeing ALL the pieces of the puzzle, not just the ones that say "If anybody did that to MY baby, why I (above every other person posting in this thread) would have him drawn and quartered, tarred and feathered, folded, spindled and mutilated AND raped, looted and plundered because by golly, I am the bestest parent in the whole fucking world!!!!11!!eleventy!!1!!!"

Now, maybe that will make you feel like the best, most protective parent on the planet. But it's an illusion, as the man who was taking his son off life support can obviously attest.

He done fucked up. In a spectacular fashion.

The sentence was fair. Per sentencing guidelines, he got two months more than he should have done.

There are monsters out there doing unspeakable things to babies. Infants and toddlers are being abused and tortured to death.

Seriously. Perspective is our friend.
Mudsharks are even lower than blacks, you white-hater.

Ah so it was a coal burner and her half breed...even more disgusting.Low class white trash bitch.


Their son is adopted. You fucking morons.


That's got a nice ring to it, I might even add it to my ever-growing repertoire of gestures.... hmmm....


the boy has talent

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