White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

No one is defending him, you ass, but I do understand his reaction. You cannot.

First, don't tell me what my life experience is because if you say you know what I have experienced in my life, you are lying.

Second, start with the OP and read. Several scum sucking slime bags have defended him or made excuses for him.

There is no excuse for any adult to hit a baby. Not the death of his own child, not his drunkenness, nothing. Adults should be held responsible/accountable for their actions. Babies are NOT responsible for their actions. It was a vicious attack and his sentence is much more than a few months in jail.

YOU are the ass.

No, I read your post.

You're definitely the ass.

One doesn't have to lose a child to see where someone could take all the pain he was feeling and focus it on a toddler making like an air raid siren. That's not "making excuses." That's seeing ALL the pieces of the puzzle, not just the ones that say "If anybody did that to MY baby, why I (above every other person posting in this thread) would have him drawn and quartered, tarred and feathered, folded, spindled and mutilated AND raped, looted and plundered because by golly, I am the bestest parent in the whole fucking world!!!!11!!eleventy!!1!!!"

Now, maybe that will make you feel like the best, most protective parent on the planet. But it's an illusion, as the man who was taking his son off life support can obviously attest.

He done fucked up. In a spectacular fashion.

The sentence was fair. Per sentencing guidelines, he got two months more than he should have done.

There are monsters out there doing unspeakable things to babies. Infants and toddlers are being abused and tortured to death.

Seriously. Perspective is our friend.

Like I said,

There is no excuse for any adult to hit a baby. Not the death of his own child, not his drunkenness, nothing. Adults should be held responsible/accountable for their actions. Babies are NOT responsible for their actions. It was a vicious attack and his sentence is much more than a few months in jail.
First, don't tell me what my life experience is because if you say you know what I have experienced in my life, you are lying.

Second, start with the OP and read. Several scum sucking slime bags have defended him or made excuses for him.

There is no excuse for any adult to hit a baby. Not the death of his own child, not his drunkenness, nothing. Adults should be held responsible/accountable for their actions. Babies are NOT responsible for their actions. It was a vicious attack and his sentence is much more than a few months in jail.

YOU are the ass.

No, I read your post.

You're definitely the ass.

One doesn't have to lose a child to see where someone could take all the pain he was feeling and focus it on a toddler making like an air raid siren. That's not "making excuses." That's seeing ALL the pieces of the puzzle, not just the ones that say "If anybody did that to MY baby, why I (above every other person posting in this thread) would have him drawn and quartered, tarred and feathered, folded, spindled and mutilated AND raped, looted and plundered because by golly, I am the bestest parent in the whole fucking world!!!!11!!eleventy!!1!!!"

Now, maybe that will make you feel like the best, most protective parent on the planet. But it's an illusion, as the man who was taking his son off life support can obviously attest.

He done fucked up. In a spectacular fashion.

The sentence was fair. Per sentencing guidelines, he got two months more than he should have done.

There are monsters out there doing unspeakable things to babies. Infants and toddlers are being abused and tortured to death.

Seriously. Perspective is our friend.

Like I said,

There is no excuse for any adult to hit a baby. Not the death of his own child, not his drunkenness, nothing. Adults should be held responsible/accountable for their actions. Babies are NOT responsible for their actions. It was a vicious attack and his sentence is much more than a few months in jail.

Yes, I know you're stuck on stupid. Must you point it out to the rest of the board?
No, I read your post.

You're definitely the ass.

One doesn't have to lose a child to see where someone could take all the pain he was feeling and focus it on a toddler making like an air raid siren. That's not "making excuses." That's seeing ALL the pieces of the puzzle, not just the ones that say "If anybody did that to MY baby, why I (above every other person posting in this thread) would have him drawn and quartered, tarred and feathered, folded, spindled and mutilated AND raped, looted and plundered because by golly, I am the bestest parent in the whole fucking world!!!!11!!eleventy!!1!!!"

Now, maybe that will make you feel like the best, most protective parent on the planet. But it's an illusion, as the man who was taking his son off life support can obviously attest.

He done fucked up. In a spectacular fashion.

The sentence was fair. Per sentencing guidelines, he got two months more than he should have done.

There are monsters out there doing unspeakable things to babies. Infants and toddlers are being abused and tortured to death.

Seriously. Perspective is our friend.

Like I said,

There is no excuse for any adult to hit a baby. Not the death of his own child, not his drunkenness, nothing. Adults should be held responsible/accountable for their actions. Babies are NOT responsible for their actions. It was a vicious attack and his sentence is much more than a few months in jail.

Yes, I know you're stuck on stupid. Must you point it out to the rest of the board?

EXACTLY what is stupid about what I wrote?
I personally think the man's sentence was a bit much. Yes, he committed child abuse by slapping an 18 month old baby, particularly someone else's, but I think a two or three month sentence would have been more appropriate. Eight months seems excessive for what he did, in my opinion.

He will probably only do 3 months, anyway....if he behaves himself.

But, he has been charged before...maybe he really needs more time so he can learn something? My newspaper also claimed that he had been charged with an assault on a previous occassion, but I can't find it on the internet, yet.

The 60-year old man was then arrested for slapping the baby and charged with simple assault. He also had a 2007 incident in which he was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and public intoxication.

Man Slaps Crying Baby On Flight, Calls It Racist Epithet, Gets Arrested
The way the Right is automatically against ANYTHING that someone who is not an extreme Righty proposes, I propose the following:

breathe air.


the Farther right people yea.....the same can be said for those Far Lefties....both Far Right and Left only care about those who agree with them.....otherwise....fuck you...

Yes, I agree that they think most of the time: "fuck you".

Thanks for bringing that up.

Only, I have yet to see even one Leftie here on this thread defend that man. Not one. But a number of Righties have indeed.

so?.....that doesnt make what i said false....the Far Left and Right only care about those who think like they do...
I'm sure the author of the OP would have remained calm if a stranger slapped his toddler.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

We've all seen parents like this. They're the ones always scolding and shaming their kids in public. Always putting them down, always letting them know, by their words and attitude that they really don't like them.

Then, when the kid turns out just exactly how that rotten parent taught them to be, the parent blames teachers, TV, the next door neighbor's dog - anyone but their own crappy LACK of parenting.

My bet is that Natl Sosh bullies and hits his kids. Betcha.

Bet warrior and the other kid haters do, as well.
i like how he said..... A REAL parent would .....like he is an example.....everytime the asshole mentioned his kids look at how he described them.....yea he is a REAL parent....a real shitty one.....
Eight months in the slammer for a person with no criminal record seems excessive but in a civilized society you can't go around slapping somebody else's kid. I guess he is lucky he wasn't charged with a hate crime.

I want to go on record as a Leftie who believes very much that there should not be any "hate crimes". The law is supposed to be color-blind, therefore, there cannot be hate crimes to begin with. A crime is a crime is a crime. Whether I bust a black man's jaw or a white man's jaw or a red man's jaw is absolutely irrelevant. A busted jaw is a busted jaw.

You do the crime, you do the time.

It's real simple.

And now you see, not all Lefties are monolithic.

i agree....should a guy robbing a 7/11 and who kills the clerk get a lessor sentence because he did not call him a racial slur before he killed him?....
the Farther right people yea.....the same can be said for those Far Lefties....both Far Right and Left only care about those who agree with them.....otherwise....fuck you...

Yes, I agree that they think most of the time: "fuck you".

Thanks for bringing that up.

Only, I have yet to see even one Leftie here on this thread defend that man. Not one. But a number of Righties have indeed.

No, but a fair number on the left have been plenty dickish about not seeing where a man could come undone in his situation.

No high road in this thread. ;)

i understand what your saying BD ....IF....he had hit an adult who was getting on him about something.....but a little kid?....
Eight months in the slammer for a person with no criminal record seems excessive but in a civilized society you can't go around slapping somebody else's kid. I guess he is lucky he wasn't charged with a hate crime.

I want to go on record as a Leftie who believes very much that there should not be any "hate crimes". The law is supposed to be color-blind, therefore, there cannot be hate crimes to begin with. A crime is a crime is a crime. Whether I bust a black man's jaw or a white man's jaw or a red man's jaw is absolutely irrelevant. A busted jaw is a busted jaw.

You do the crime, you do the time.

It's real simple.

And now you see, not all Lefties are monolithic.

i agree....should a guy robbing a 7/11 and who kills the clerk get a lessor sentence because he did not call him a racial slur before he killed him?....

I've posted the same thing many times.

We don't punish people for their bigotry or ignorance or their hate. We don't have and don't need "thought police".

We punish people for their crimes and that's the way it should be.

You damn stinking liberals just make stuff up all the time!! Show us your evidence!!!

Ironic post coming from the guy who made up a steaming pile of horseshit about how others might react if the races were reversed.

I guess he doesn't hold himself to the same standards of evidence that he tries to impose on others.

Mani this dipshit started a thread saying Obama is raising the Postal rates....and repeated that in his first few posts.....when i asked him to prove the President can do that.....he kinda disappeared from the thread.....
Yes, I agree that they think most of the time: "fuck you".

Thanks for bringing that up.

Only, I have yet to see even one Leftie here on this thread defend that man. Not one. But a number of Righties have indeed.

No, but a fair number on the left have been plenty dickish about not seeing where a man could come undone in his situation.

No high road in this thread. ;)

i understand what your saying BD ....IF....he had hit an adult who was getting on him about something.....but a little kid?....

I extrapolated in a later post. I believe in the legal world "extenuating circumstances" is the phrase that fits.

The judge sentenced him appropriately. What he did was bad and wrong. He regrets having done so.

But if he doesn't stop drinking, he'll likely fuck up again.
the Farther right people yea.....the same can be said for those Far Lefties....both Far Right and Left only care about those who agree with them.....otherwise....fuck you...

Yes, I agree that they think most of the time: "fuck you".

Thanks for bringing that up.

Only, I have yet to see even one Leftie here on this thread defend that man. Not one. But a number of Righties have indeed.

No, but a fair number on the left have been plenty dickish about not seeing where a man could come undone in his situation.

No high road in this thread. ;)

What was his excuse in his previous assault charge? How many types of situations cause him to come undone? I agree that he was in a very sad situation, but people have suffered worst situations don't react that way.

Prosecutors had recommended a sentence of six months in prison, and Hundley reserved his right to argue for a lower sentence. U.S. Magistrate Judge Alan Baverman said he imposed a higher sentence in part because of Hundley's criminal history, which includes a prior assault.
Man in toddler-slapping plane case gets 8 months - San Antonio Express-News
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Yes, I agree that they think most of the time: "fuck you".

Thanks for bringing that up.

Only, I have yet to see even one Leftie here on this thread defend that man. Not one. But a number of Righties have indeed.

No, but a fair number on the left have been plenty dickish about not seeing where a man could come undone in his situation.

No high road in this thread. ;)

What was his excuse in his previous assault charge? How many types of situations cause him to come undone? I agree that he was in a very sad situation, but people have suffered worst situations don't react that way.

Prosecutors had recommended a sentence of six months in prison, and Hundley reserved his right to argue for a lower sentence. U.S. Magistrate Judge Alan Baverman said he imposed a higher sentence in part because of Hundley's criminal history, which includes a prior assault.
Man in toddler-slapping plane case gets 8 months - San Antonio Express-News

Yes. I know. I'm a survivor of fuck-all everything, and yet I didn't kill my parents. GO, ME!

Strangely enough though? I don't feel superior to those who didn't refrain. There but for the grace, and all that.

I am so happy for you though. So strong. Lost a child, comported yourself with perfect grace and fineness all the days that followed. I'm impressed. No, really. You set the standard this gentleman should ascribe to. Maybe if he'd known about you, he would not have come undone.
Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

We've all seen parents like this. They're the ones always scolding and shaming their kids in public. Always putting them down, always letting them know, by their words and attitude that they really don't like them.

Then, when the kid turns out just exactly how that rotten parent taught them to be, the parent blames teachers, TV, the next door neighbor's dog - anyone but their own crappy LACK of parenting.

My bet is that Natl Sosh bullies and hits his kids. Betcha.

Bet warrior and the other kid haters do, as well.
i like how he said..... A REAL parent would .....like he is an example.....everytime the asshole mentioned his kids look at how he described them.....yea he is a REAL parent....a real shitty one.....

What he said there actually made some sense. I guess even a blind squirrel finds a nut from time to time.
A parent is responsible for their child and should make every effort to keep their kids from making life unpleasant for others.
My children were surprisingly well behaved, for the most part, but I did miss most of my sister's wedding when my child started balling during the service. I did what I had to, to be considerate of others. My son did not get a pass because he was 18 months old and I did not get a pass because I was an usher in the wedding party. His mother was the Maid of Honor, so caring for my son and my sister's big day had to fall on me.
Being a parent is a huge responsibility and it extends beyond your child.
If the child had been white the man would have been removed from the plane and that would have been the end of it. His punishment is solely due to the child being black.
Eight months in the slammer for a person with no criminal record seems excessive but in a civilized society you can't go around slapping somebody else's kid. I guess he is lucky he wasn't charged with a hate crime.

Are you saying he had no previous criminal record? Because I read where he had been charged with assault before.....

U.S. Magistrate Judge Alan Baverman said he imposed a higher sentence in part because of Hundley's criminal history, which includes a prior assault.
Man in toddler-slapping plane case gets 8 months - San Antonio Express-News

The suspect in the in-flight baby slap, Joe Rickey Hundley, has a record for a prior assault conviction, CNN reported Friday. Hundley pleaded guilty to the prior misdemeanor assault six years ago.
Man slaps crying baby on plane update: Suspect, Joe Rickey Hundley, had record - National global travel | Examiner.com

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