White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

I'm sure the author of the OP would have remained calm if a stranger slapped his toddler.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

if your kids bother you so much.....why did you have them?....you must be a great dad....
The way the Right is automatically against ANYTHING that someone who is not an extreme Righty proposes, I propose the following:

breathe air.

I'm sure the author of the OP would have remained calm if a stranger slapped his toddler.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

Why am I not surprised that West Virginia is involved with your story
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I personally think the man's sentence was a bit much. Yes, he committed child abuse by slapping an 18 month old baby, particularly someone else's, but I think a two or three month sentence would have been more appropriate. Eight months seems excessive for what he did, in my opinion.
The way the Right is automatically against ANYTHING that someone who is not an extreme Righty proposes, I propose the following:

breathe air.


the Farther right people yea.....the same can be said for those Far Lefties....both Far Right and Left only care about those who agree with them.....otherwise....fuck you...
I got seated by a similarly loud toddler on a plane once. I asked the stewardess to move me to another seat. Some flights are booked solid, but most are not. There are options.

But I do agree with the OP, if the race had been reversed there would have been no jail time.

This video graphically demonstrates how black hatred for whites is unrestrained, without empathy, and embedded in black culture from the onset. Note the black kids are actually having fun; laughing and doing cartwheels as they brutally attack a white girl who is unable to defend herself. They laugh as she cries.

This unconscionable attack on a helpless little girl is unique only because it was captured on video. Such attacks are common. They occur multiple times every day in integrated neighborhoods where black hatred is forced upon white communities.

DailyKenn.com/video: 3 black girls torment a tiny white toddler
I personally think the man's sentence was a bit much. Yes, he committed child abuse by slapping an 18 month old baby, particularly someone else's, but I think a two or three month sentence would have been more appropriate. Eight months seems excessive for what he did, in my opinion.

His actual sentence was much more.

He's a drunk, fired from his job and a record of felony assault on a baby.

And, he did it all to himself.
The way the Right is automatically against ANYTHING that someone who is not an extreme Righty proposes, I propose the following:

breathe air.


the Farther right people yea.....the same can be said for those Far Lefties....both Far Right and Left only care about those who agree with them.....otherwise....fuck you...

Yes, I agree that they think most of the time: "fuck you".

Thanks for bringing that up.

Only, I have yet to see even one Leftie here on this thread defend that man. Not one. But a number of Righties have indeed.
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I'm sure the author of the OP would have remained calm if a stranger slapped his toddler.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

Why am I not surprised that West Virginia is involved with your story

Isn't West Virginia one of the few remaining states where, if you divorce your wife, she is still your sister?

More affirmative action BS. If the races were reversed, the slapper would have been a hero.

Man Who Slapped Toddler on Flight from Mpls. Sentenced to 8 months | KSTP TV - Minneapolis and St. Paul

A federal judge on Monday sentenced a man who pleaded guilty to slapping a crying toddler on an Atlanta-bound flight to serve eight months in federal prison.

Joe Rickey Hundley was accused of using a racial slur to refer to the 19-month-old boy, who's black, and hitting him under the eye as the flight from Minneapolis descended to the Atlanta airport last February. He pleaded guilty in October to simple assault after reaching a plea agreement with prosecutors.

Hundley, who lived in Idaho at the time, was on a Delta flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta on Feb. 8 and was seated in a window seat next to Bennett, who was sitting in the aisle seat and had her 19-month-old son on her lap, according to court filings.

As the plane descended into Atlanta, the child started crying. Hundley leaned over to Bennett and "told her to shut that (N-word) baby up," according to a sworn statement from an FBI agent who investigated the incident. Bennett asked Hundley what he had said, and he leaned in with his face next to hers and said it again, prosecutors have said.

Hundley then slapped the child's face, leaving a scratch below his right eye, the FBI agent's statement says.

Hundley's only son was in a coma in Atlanta after an insulin overdose that was the result of a suspected suicide attempt, Shein has said. Hundley had spent the prior day talking to his ex-wife and doctors after his son was declared brain dead, Shein said, and he booked a last-minute flight to Atlanta so he and his ex-wife could take their son off life support.

"I made the most terrible day in my life much worse for me and for others," Hundley told the judge.

Wow. I don't care what the races are in this story. 8 months is light sentence to slapping a child.
I'm sure the author of the OP would have remained calm if a stranger slapped his toddler.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

We've all seen parents like this. They're the ones always scolding and shaming their kids in public. Always putting them down, always letting them know, by their words and attitude that they really don't like them.

Then, when the kid turns out just exactly how that rotten parent taught them to be, the parent blames teachers, TV, the next door neighbor's dog - anyone but their own crappy LACK of parenting.

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I'm sure the author of the OP would have remained calm if a stranger slapped his toddler.

Well him like myself and my wife wouldn't take a 19 month old on a damn flight. My kids drive me crazy on the 12 hour drive to West Va to see the wife's family every year. I can only imagine what it would do to someone who isn't used to them. A REAL parent would think of how others would feel if they had to listen to a screaming child the entire damn flight.

We've all seen parents like this. They're the ones always scolding and shaming their kids in public. Always putting them down, always letting them know, by their words and attitude that they really don't like them.

Then, when the kid turns out just exactly how that rotten parent taught them to be, the parent blames teachers, TV, the next door neighbor's dog - anyone but their own crappy LACK of parenting.


hey they need more republicans.

Its the only way to make them
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I got seated by a similarly loud toddler on a plane once. I asked the stewardess to move me to another seat. Some flights are booked solid, but most are not. There are options.

But I do agree with the OP, if the race had been reversed there would have been no jail time.

:lol: Really? I think if it had been a black man who did this to a white baby they'd have thrown the book at him and the OP and some of the others here would be calling him a thug, ape, chimp, etc.
I'm glad I've never flown with some of you before. Even before I had kids a crying child on an airplane never bothered me. I don't understand people that complain about it. It's a flight that's open to the public, which means families with babies as well. No one is guaranteed a completely quiet flight. If that's what some of you want then charter your own flight or just drive.

I took a 5 hour flight with my toddler a few years ago. He was quiet for most of the flight, except for a 20 -30 minute meltdown. I have to say the people around me we're pretty understanding and some even just smiled to let me know it happens and not to worry to much. I was fortunate to be surrounded by good people.
Unbelievable. Fucking ape needed to shut up. If its mother can't shut it up don't take it on a damn plane. The man was going to see his son who was in the hospital on a life support...

Pay your rent you fucking ape

Calling that motherfucker an ape is an insult to all apes across the world.

he is an amoeba, nothing more.

Amoeba - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And one who turned off his rep, little fucking nazi pussy.
I personally think the man's sentence was a bit much. Yes, he committed child abuse by slapping an 18 month old baby, particularly someone else's, but I think a two or three month sentence would have been more appropriate. Eight months seems excessive for what he did, in my opinion.

I think it was not nearly harsh enough. I hope they throw his ass in the general population at the roughest joint they can find for him and make him wear a sign explaining what he's in for.

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