White man slaps screaming black kid - No injury - Gets 8 months in prison

He could have gotten far worse. With good time he will probably be out in 6 months.
If a black person hit a white baby, ShootSpeedos would be outraged and call for the mans execution.
And no, I don't care who you are. If I see anyone hitting a child with intent to inflict bodily harm, I will rush to their rescue each time.

You. Don't. Hit. Children. Ever.

Meh. Skin color irrelevant, as usual. Sentence seems short to me.

And if I had been there and it were my child, that guy would be in the hospital today.

Just sayin'.

Unbelievable. Fucking ape needed to shut up. If its mother can't shut it up don't take it on a damn plane. The man was going to see his son who was in the hospital on a life support...

babies have problems with inner ear pressure on flights...they cant chew gum

but you are nothing but a slug so what you say doesnt matter

Their son is adopted.

That just makes it worse, you white-hating racist POS. Why don't you go out and pass some more affirmative action laws so you can persecute us whites even more.? You need professional help!!

Are you ignorant or what. I'm white, so why would I hate whites? Just because you hate blacks doesn't mean that all white people should....and you are the racist....that can't tell when something is totally unacceptable, regardless of what color either one of them are....and you claim you are so persecuted? Give me a break.

I don't think professional help would help the likes of you.

A professional that does frontal lobotomys might be effective.
Yeah, we've pretty much established that nobody here ever would.

The idiot author of the OP and his cartoon pal National Socialist(who refers to his own childen as heathens) probably would.
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Drunk drivers who KILL people don't get that much can time.

And shame on us for not treating drunken driving more seriously, then.

But this guy slapped a child.

Now I get it, he was having a horrible day and he snapped, so I get the fact that the prosectors were willing to cut him some slack.

But the punishment was fair.
But it's understandable to call a baby a ****** and then slap it because HIS child was dead. And he was drunk. That baby didn't kill his child. That baby was a baby. Would YOU smack a baby, call it a ******, if your child just died, Ernie? Oh hell no. This much I know about you.

In the immediate aftermath of my son's death, had I been on a plane with a screaming kid? Perhaps I would. As I remember, there were 2 people I wanted to kill at Ben's funeral.

You just don't understand.

A friend and I were talking about it the other night. She admitted to having no idea what it would be like. She was absolutely right.
All the parents here are saying how they all would be kicking the hell out of the guy for laying his hands on their child. That is entirely understandable Any parent will do whatever he can to defend their child.

But when you lose a child to suicide, there is no one to focus all the rage on, nothing you can do to make it right,. All you have is a profound sense of guilt.

"I should have been there!"

"I must be a shitty dad."

And a hundred more I shoulda's, coulda's go through your head.

And no one, is really to blame. But you NEED to focus the hate. You need to fight back.

Someone pisses you off? Good enough.

Right? Hell no.

I understand.

I guess you are right. I would never understand. All young children make me smile and feel protective no matter what they are doing and no matter how upset I am.

Of course, everything is a matter of context and we are all humans and can have bad moments, but then again, adults are expected to behave like adults.

The Germans have a cool term for small children that I would like to share with y'all:


"Music of the Future"

Meaning that, when you hear a small child screaming or having a fit in a public place, that kid is an adult of the future, one who will work and most likely help to pay YOUR retirement. One who may develop a cure for cancer. One who may invent the FTL drive. One who may become a major world figure. One who may become a wonderful artist.

All kids are a GIFT to us as a species. And little kids are not even in the position to understand emotions completely, much less control them.

So, what is maybe a discomfort for some now can be a great comfort later.
He assaulted a toddler for crying. Fuck that guy.

If you hit a child then it's hard to have sympathy for the man (and I have little for this guy), however, it was a unique circumstance. The man was flying to see his son who slipped into a comma and was brain dead. He was going to take him off life support. That is a hard thing to take emotionally. Clouds one's judgement!

Again, it doesn't give him the right to touch or even say something to someone else's child, but their is another side of this!

That's beyond horrible and sad but he's still an adult and should be able to control his actions. Losing a child does not give you a pass to attack other children.

OTOH, a baby should get a pass because, well, he's a BABY.

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