“White men are a danger to society,” says a member of San Francisco’s reparations committee

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Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
No doubt she won't mind taking their money, however.

A San Francisco reparations committee member claims white men are a “menace” and “white supremacy is ingrained in the DNA” of the US. Nikcole Cunningham claims white people still benefit from slavery. A member of the Compensation Committee of San Francisco who has proposed paying millions of dollars in slavery reparations to the city’s Black residents has called straight white men “a menace to society.” Cunningham was part of the committee that proposed every eligible black resident receive $5 million for damages for slavery. Cunningham said white men are “privileged,” adding, “Straight white men are serial killers.” She elaborated, “They have the most, I watch these shows, the most serial killers. Straight white men are the ones who are shooting up schools, right?” Cunningham added, “So they are a danger to society. Not all of them.”

Does she know there were never any slaves in California? I doubt it.
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