White Nationalist Epithet Is A Smear

I disagree. Our system includes free markets under a Rule of Law. Rule of Law doesn't mean unelected bureaucrats making up regulations at the behest of lobbyists in order to control markets and crush their competition. If something is important enough for the government to oversee, Congress should pass an appropriately written law with details on what the law covers. The regulatory process is captive to those it regulates, so we should eliminate the role of regulatory bureaucrats in writing de facto laws outside of Congressional approval.
I agree for the most part. Elected officials do need some breathing room to operate which includes deciding how different systems are regulated but anything major that effects markets should be done through our legal system

It's more than markets, bub.

Unelected people should not be writing laws. Period.

One reason why the scope of government has bloated up all out of proportion is that Congress has written vague bloated "laws", and handed them over to the Exec Branch regulatory bodies to develop the details. This is not consistent with "consent of the governed" by any stretch of the imagination.
I understand what your saying in principle but I don’t think that’s a possibility given the enormity of our system. You really trust politicians to make all the operational and regulatory decisions for the various government agencies? Agencies are already inefficient enough... I don’t see adding more red tape as something that will help the situation. I do agree with you in part though, just think there needs to be a healthy balance
The only reason our system is "enormous" is the fact that unelected bureaucrats can make laws without a vote from the legislature. What we need is a much smaller system where the legislature has to vote on all votes and not pass on the responsibility to someone else.
Our system is enormous because we have 300 million people and a world leading military and economy.

B'loney. Government has grown at a far higher rate than our population.
I understand what your saying in principle but I don’t think that’s a possibility given the enormity of our system. You really trust politicians to make all the operational and regulatory decisions for the various government agencies? Agencies are already inefficient enough... I don’t see adding more red tape as something that will help the situation. I do agree with you in part though, just think there needs to be a healthy balance

Central planning ALWAYS fails. Our federal government suffers from Extreme Scope Creep. Most regulations could be gotten rid of with the only result being a big sigh of relief for the burden being lifted. If it is important enough for the poer of the Federal Government to be applied, then it is important enough for Congress to write and pass a proper law, with the Exec Branch then responsible purely for enforcement (not inventing the details).

I'll also note that most of what DC does is transfer income and wealth from some citizens to other people (citizens and non). That is not what The Constitution was designed to enable the Feds to do.
You're right that deregulation can have positive effects. But also lack of regulation in other areas can be disastrous. Look what happened with the mortgage industry 10 years ago. The founders also weren’t dealing with corporations that had such massive control over the lives and well being of our people and environment.

I’m with you on making smart changes to our buerocracy which is overbloated, corrupt and inefficient in many areas.

When regulations go bad, it's because what is Good For Some is Not Good For All.

The mortgage industry was about privatizing profit (good for some) and socializing risk (not good for all). If we only had laws that were good for all, there would be far fewer of them and we would live in a freer society. And by free, I do not mean anarchy. I mean within a proper Rule of Law in place of the Grift of the Connected.
White nationalist is not a ‘smear.’

It is an accurate and appropriate term assigned to a rightist whose speech and actions are that of a bigot, racist, nativist, and hatemonger – all of which is unpatriotic and un-American.

Conservatives who are not bigots, racists, nativists, or hatemongers are not referred to as white nationalists.

This isn’t difficult to understand.

Well, here's a little story about that: The Left smears all conservative white people as White Nationalist Racist Segregationists. So, I don't believe you at all.

And he knows that, he just lies about it, because the alternative is to defend his positions based on their merits.

And that terrifies him.
Central planning ALWAYS fails. Our federal government suffers from Extreme Scope Creep. Most regulations could be gotten rid of with the only result being a big sigh of relief for the burden being lifted. If it is important enough for the poer of the Federal Government to be applied, then it is important enough for Congress to write and pass a proper law, with the Exec Branch then responsible purely for enforcement (not inventing the details).

I'll also note that most of what DC does is transfer income and wealth from some citizens to other people (citizens and non). That is not what The Constitution was designed to enable the Feds to do.
You're right that deregulation can have positive effects. But also lack of regulation in other areas can be disastrous. Look what happened with the mortgage industry 10 years ago. The founders also weren’t dealing with corporations that had such massive control over the lives and well being of our people and environment.

I’m with you on making smart changes to our buerocracy which is overbloated, corrupt and inefficient in many areas.

When regulations go bad, it's because what is Good For Some is Not Good For All.

The mortgage industry was about privatizing profit (good for some) and socializing risk (not good for all). If we only had laws that were good for all, there would be far fewer of them and we would live in a freer society. And by free, I do not mean anarchy. I mean within a proper Rule of Law in place of the Grift of the Connected.
White nationalist is not a ‘smear.’

It is an accurate and appropriate term assigned to a rightist whose speech and actions are that of a bigot, racist, nativist, and hatemonger – all of which is unpatriotic and un-American.

Conservatives who are not bigots, racists, nativists, or hatemongers are not referred to as white nationalists.

This isn’t difficult to understand.

Well, here's a little story about that: The Left smears all conservative white people as White Nationalist Racist Segregationists. So, I don't believe you at all.

And he knows that, he just lies about it, because the alternative is to defend his positions based on their merits.

And that terrifies him.

Well, realistically, his positions have no merits, so all he has left in his rather empty bag is ad hominem attacks.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
In the reich, being called a racist was a thing of pride. Republicans are embracing that.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
In the reich, being called a racist was a thing of pride. Republicans are embracing that.

You are sorely misguided. We're embracing our inalienable rights and rejecting your totalitarian groupthink.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
In the reich, being called a racist was a thing of pride. Republicans are embracing that.

You are sorely misguided. We're embracing our inalienable rights and rejecting your totalitarian groupthink.
No, you're indulging your prejudices because your groupthink has embraced that.
I'm seeing the Left amping up their use of the epithet "White Nationalist" to smear any Caucasian who expresses patriotic views in support of the U.S. as a sovereign nation.

Calling someone a RACIST is worn out. Normal people see it for the fake "cry wolf" that it is. So now, the Prog-Dems are accusing Normal White people of being what is actually the roots of the Prog-Dem ideology: Neo-KKK.

Don't be fooled. The Real White Racists are the Democrat-Prog descendants of the Democrat Ku Klux Klan.
In the reich, being called a racist was a thing of pride. Republicans are embracing that.

You are sorely misguided. We're embracing our inalienable rights and rejecting your totalitarian groupthink.
No, you're indulging your prejudices because your groupthink has embraced that.

You're wrong. But you do get 10 Points for Consistency.
The establishment parties are the Permanent Bipartisan Fusion Party. The GOP is just the LITE version of the Dems in most aspect. Both support Big Government.

The real contest in the U.S is between Those Who Want To Control Everyone and Those Who Want To Be Left Alone.
As hard as the partisans like to paint it there is never going to be a an all or nothing situation. Our system will always be a balance between free market capitalism, regulation and government programs. If we can stop playing the demonization games and work together to best operate and invest then we might actually get things back on track. There are just way too many lies being spewed by both sides
That's total fucking bullshit because until FDR there was absolutely zero regulation on the federal level. The Founding Fathers also never envisioned government programs that wrote checks to people for nothing in return. Wefare isn't an "investment" anymore than lighting money on fire is an investment.
Zero regulation? You sure about that genius?
He is telling you he misses the good old days when the elderly ate cat food.

And you are missing the "good" old days when most people were slaves or serfs.
Deanrd is telling us that he allowed his mother to eat cat food rather than bother with the annoyance of giving her something to eat.
I just don’t agree with you premise. It can snowball into so many different areas to show how wrong it is. Why do we let special ed kids in school when they bring down the rest of the kids and soak up much of the resources? Why do we take care of the elderly and disabled andnpoor who can’t afford to take care of themselves? I can go on and on. But we do these things because American values aren’t those of selfishness and greed for many... they represent care and compassion and charity and caring for our neighbors. Many see that as a core principle and not applying solely to Americans

Exactly. Not solely, or even primarily applying to Americans, even though it is American tax money and American government programs.

Nothing in NATIONALISM, requires one to be against compassion and charity.

But, Compassion begins at home. There are tens of millions of AMERICANS, that need the resources and jobs that these migrants want to access to improve their lives.

As AMERICANS, they have a right to expect that AMERICA policy is crafted to serve them FIRST.

As AMERICANS, the rest of US, AMERICANS, should feel a bond of nationalistic loyalty to them, as our fellow AMERICANS.

"Compassion" carried too far, is no virtue.
When you campaign and advocate for “America First” or call yourself a “Nationalist” in the way that some are now doing you mess up the necessary balance that I believe most people want which is the American value of compassion for all. When you operate under America first you shoot down proposals and efforts towards foreign aid and perpetuate the “all or nothing” team sport partisan games that Washington has devolved into.
Fuck the "America of compassion." Our government has no business playing good Samaritan in all these shit-hole countries. Taking care of Americans is a full time job.

If you want to donate your money to help foreigners, no one is stopping you. Have at it.
You’re expressing one assholes opinion that’s it. Our system wouldn’t have evolved like it has without the support of the majority of people so your opinion doesn’t reflect the will of the people. Sorry
Your opinion that government can do whatever it likes was shared by the Nazis and the Communists. If you believe there are rules about what it's ethical for government to do, then the only discussion is about what those limits are. I can find no ethical principle that says government should take from Richard Roe so it can give the swag to John Doe. What ethical principle says government is acting morally when it takes my money to accomplish goals of another's choosing?
My opinion isn’t that government can do whatever it likes. There is a process. Stop lying
Exactly. Not solely, or even primarily applying to Americans, even though it is American tax money and American government programs.

Nothing in NATIONALISM, requires one to be against compassion and charity.

But, Compassion begins at home. There are tens of millions of AMERICANS, that need the resources and jobs that these migrants want to access to improve their lives.

As AMERICANS, they have a right to expect that AMERICA policy is crafted to serve them FIRST.

As AMERICANS, the rest of US, AMERICANS, should feel a bond of nationalistic loyalty to them, as our fellow AMERICANS.

"Compassion" carried too far, is no virtue.
When you campaign and advocate for “America First” or call yourself a “Nationalist” in the way that some are now doing you mess up the necessary balance that I believe most people want which is the American value of compassion for all. When you operate under America first you shoot down proposals and efforts towards foreign aid and perpetuate the “all or nothing” team sport partisan games that Washington has devolved into.
Fuck the "America of compassion." Our government has no business playing good Samaritan in all these shit-hole countries. Taking care of Americans is a full time job.

If you want to donate your money to help foreigners, no one is stopping you. Have at it.
You’re expressing one assholes opinion that’s it. Our system wouldn’t have evolved like it has without the support of the majority of people so your opinion doesn’t reflect the will of the people. Sorry
Your opinion that government can do whatever it likes was shared by the Nazis and the Communists. If you believe there are rules about what it's ethical for government to do, then the only discussion is about what those limits are. I can find no ethical principle that says government should take from Richard Roe so it can give the swag to John Doe. What ethical principle says government is acting morally when it takes my money to accomplish goals of another's choosing?
My opinion isn’t that government can do whatever it likes. There is a process. Stop lying
Then what are the ethical limits on government?
I agree for the most part. Elected officials do need some breathing room to operate which includes deciding how different systems are regulated but anything major that effects markets should be done through our legal system

It's more than markets, bub.

Unelected people should not be writing laws. Period.

One reason why the scope of government has bloated up all out of proportion is that Congress has written vague bloated "laws", and handed them over to the Exec Branch regulatory bodies to develop the details. This is not consistent with "consent of the governed" by any stretch of the imagination.
I understand what your saying in principle but I don’t think that’s a possibility given the enormity of our system. You really trust politicians to make all the operational and regulatory decisions for the various government agencies? Agencies are already inefficient enough... I don’t see adding more red tape as something that will help the situation. I do agree with you in part though, just think there needs to be a healthy balance
The only reason our system is "enormous" is the fact that unelected bureaucrats can make laws without a vote from the legislature. What we need is a much smaller system where the legislature has to vote on all votes and not pass on the responsibility to someone else.
Our system is enormous because we have 300 million people and a world leading military and economy.

B'loney. Government has grown at a far higher rate than our population.
You forgot about the other two factors I included. World leading military and economy
When you campaign and advocate for “America First” or call yourself a “Nationalist” in the way that some are now doing you mess up the necessary balance that I believe most people want which is the American value of compassion for all. When you operate under America first you shoot down proposals and efforts towards foreign aid and perpetuate the “all or nothing” team sport partisan games that Washington has devolved into.
Fuck the "America of compassion." Our government has no business playing good Samaritan in all these shit-hole countries. Taking care of Americans is a full time job.

If you want to donate your money to help foreigners, no one is stopping you. Have at it.
You’re expressing one assholes opinion that’s it. Our system wouldn’t have evolved like it has without the support of the majority of people so your opinion doesn’t reflect the will of the people. Sorry
Your opinion that government can do whatever it likes was shared by the Nazis and the Communists. If you believe there are rules about what it's ethical for government to do, then the only discussion is about what those limits are. I can find no ethical principle that says government should take from Richard Roe so it can give the swag to John Doe. What ethical principle says government is acting morally when it takes my money to accomplish goals of another's choosing?
My opinion isn’t that government can do whatever it likes. There is a process. Stop lying
Then what are the ethical limits on government?
There are no ethical limits beyond the system and what’s written into our laws.
It's more than markets, bub.

Unelected people should not be writing laws. Period.

One reason why the scope of government has bloated up all out of proportion is that Congress has written vague bloated "laws", and handed them over to the Exec Branch regulatory bodies to develop the details. This is not consistent with "consent of the governed" by any stretch of the imagination.
I understand what your saying in principle but I don’t think that’s a possibility given the enormity of our system. You really trust politicians to make all the operational and regulatory decisions for the various government agencies? Agencies are already inefficient enough... I don’t see adding more red tape as something that will help the situation. I do agree with you in part though, just think there needs to be a healthy balance
The only reason our system is "enormous" is the fact that unelected bureaucrats can make laws without a vote from the legislature. What we need is a much smaller system where the legislature has to vote on all votes and not pass on the responsibility to someone else.
Our system is enormous because we have 300 million people and a world leading military and economy.

B'loney. Government has grown at a far higher rate than our population.
You forgot about the other two factors I included. World leading military and economy

No, I didn't.

The military is actually a proper function - and defense spending as a ratio of federal expenditures has shrunk dramatically while b'loney transfer payments and regulations have exploded.

Economic growth is usually in spite of government, not because of it. When government does have a positive impact it's by enforcing the Rule of Law and property rights in a low tax environment
It's more than markets, bub.

Unelected people should not be writing laws. Period.

One reason why the scope of government has bloated up all out of proportion is that Congress has written vague bloated "laws", and handed them over to the Exec Branch regulatory bodies to develop the details. This is not consistent with "consent of the governed" by any stretch of the imagination.
I understand what your saying in principle but I don’t think that’s a possibility given the enormity of our system. You really trust politicians to make all the operational and regulatory decisions for the various government agencies? Agencies are already inefficient enough... I don’t see adding more red tape as something that will help the situation. I do agree with you in part though, just think there needs to be a healthy balance
The only reason our system is "enormous" is the fact that unelected bureaucrats can make laws without a vote from the legislature. What we need is a much smaller system where the legislature has to vote on all votes and not pass on the responsibility to someone else.
Our system is enormous because we have 300 million people and a world leading military and economy.

B'loney. Government has grown at a far higher rate than our population.
You forgot about the other two factors I included. World leading military and economy
Government doesn't get any credit for the economy. All it does is get in the way of the economy.
Fuck the "America of compassion." Our government has no business playing good Samaritan in all these shit-hole countries. Taking care of Americans is a full time job.

If you want to donate your money to help foreigners, no one is stopping you. Have at it.
You’re expressing one assholes opinion that’s it. Our system wouldn’t have evolved like it has without the support of the majority of people so your opinion doesn’t reflect the will of the people. Sorry
Your opinion that government can do whatever it likes was shared by the Nazis and the Communists. If you believe there are rules about what it's ethical for government to do, then the only discussion is about what those limits are. I can find no ethical principle that says government should take from Richard Roe so it can give the swag to John Doe. What ethical principle says government is acting morally when it takes my money to accomplish goals of another's choosing?
My opinion isn’t that government can do whatever it likes. There is a process. Stop lying
Then what are the ethical limits on government?
There are no ethical limits beyond the system and what’s written into our laws.
ROFL! So herding Jews into gas ovens is perfectly OK so long as the majority approves? Why are you whining about the so-called "refugees" if you believe it's OK for us to mow them down with machine guns?
You're right that deregulation can have positive effects. But also lack of regulation in other areas can be disastrous. Look what happened with the mortgage industry 10 years ago. The founders also weren’t dealing with corporations that had such massive control over the lives and well being of our people and environment.

I’m with you on making smart changes to our buerocracy which is overbloated, corrupt and inefficient in many areas.

When regulations go bad, it's because what is Good For Some is Not Good For All.

The mortgage industry was about privatizing profit (good for some) and socializing risk (not good for all). If we only had laws that were good for all, there would be far fewer of them and we would live in a freer society. And by free, I do not mean anarchy. I mean within a proper Rule of Law in place of the Grift of the Connected.
White nationalist is not a ‘smear.’

It is an accurate and appropriate term assigned to a rightist whose speech and actions are that of a bigot, racist, nativist, and hatemonger – all of which is unpatriotic and un-American.

Conservatives who are not bigots, racists, nativists, or hatemongers are not referred to as white nationalists.

This isn’t difficult to understand.

Well, here's a little story about that: The Left smears all conservative white people as White Nationalist Racist Segregationists. So, I don't believe you at all.

And he knows that, he just lies about it, because the alternative is to defend his positions based on their merits.

And that terrifies him.

Well, realistically, his positions have no merits, so all he has left in his rather empty bag is ad hominem attacks.

Oh, yes, his fear is very well grounded.

If he is forced to defend his positions and policies, seriously and on honestly, on some level he knows he will be in for a painful awakening as the bitter Truth is rubbed into his face.
You’re expressing one assholes opinion that’s it. Our system wouldn’t have evolved like it has without the support of the majority of people so your opinion doesn’t reflect the will of the people. Sorry
Your opinion that government can do whatever it likes was shared by the Nazis and the Communists. If you believe there are rules about what it's ethical for government to do, then the only discussion is about what those limits are. I can find no ethical principle that says government should take from Richard Roe so it can give the swag to John Doe. What ethical principle says government is acting morally when it takes my money to accomplish goals of another's choosing?
My opinion isn’t that government can do whatever it likes. There is a process. Stop lying
Then what are the ethical limits on government?
There are no ethical limits beyond the system and what’s written into our laws.
ROFL! So herding Jews into gas ovens is perfectly OK so long as the majority approves? Why are you whining about the so-called "refugees" if you believe it's OK for us to mow them down with machine guns?
In case you didn’t get the memo it used to be legal to own, beat and murder other humans. So no there are no ethical limits in our government beyond what we write into our laws
Your opinion that government can do whatever it likes was shared by the Nazis and the Communists. If you believe there are rules about what it's ethical for government to do, then the only discussion is about what those limits are. I can find no ethical principle that says government should take from Richard Roe so it can give the swag to John Doe. What ethical principle says government is acting morally when it takes my money to accomplish goals of another's choosing?
My opinion isn’t that government can do whatever it likes. There is a process. Stop lying
Then what are the ethical limits on government?
There are no ethical limits beyond the system and what’s written into our laws.
ROFL! So herding Jews into gas ovens is perfectly OK so long as the majority approves? Why are you whining about the so-called "refugees" if you believe it's OK for us to mow them down with machine guns?
In case you didn’t get the memo it used to be legal to own, beat and murder other humans. So no there are no ethical limits in our government beyond what we write into our laws
So you believe whatever the government does is ethical, by definition. In that case, what would be your objection to bringing back slavery?
My opinion isn’t that government can do whatever it likes. There is a process. Stop lying
Then what are the ethical limits on government?
There are no ethical limits beyond the system and what’s written into our laws.
ROFL! So herding Jews into gas ovens is perfectly OK so long as the majority approves? Why are you whining about the so-called "refugees" if you believe it's OK for us to mow them down with machine guns?
In case you didn’t get the memo it used to be legal to own, beat and murder other humans. So no there are no ethical limits in our government beyond what we write into our laws
So you believe whatever the government does is ethical, by definition. In that case, what would be your objection to bringing back slavery?
No that’s not what I believe nor is it what I said. I understand why your so obnoxious now, you have an extremely difficult time understanding what other people say. You constantly misrepresent what I say and I find myself self wasting time reexplaining things to you. Not sure if that’s a tactic you use to be irritating or if you are really that dumb
Anyone that believes in the sovereignty of our country is labeled a nazi/nationalist to try to smear them. It’s ridiculous, and seen for what it is anymore.

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