White Nationalists Are Changing The Political Landscape Under Trump

Pride in ones country is not dependent on skin color. I proudly served with people of different races, religions, both male and female. Your skin color doesn't make you special or give you privilege over others.

Trump didn't win because of a small fringe group. He won because middle America is tired of the same old shit. White Power idiots are the same as groups like The Black Panthers. Same rhetoric just different skin tones.

Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.

"The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people."

The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward...funny shit.
How bout this; "act like an equal for equality"...make any sense to you? Want to be "part of the team"? Act like the rest of the fucking team then.
Pull the fucking pick out of your hair, stop speaking like an illiterate street beast, pull up your fucking pants up, improve your elementary level iQ, put down that 40oz and bong, stop counting on taxpayers to feed your filthy ass, get off your lazy fucking ass and go to work, stop trying to increase your baby-mama count, parent your fucking children, stop being a filthy criminal....TA-DA! Congratulations...you're part of "the team". See how easy this works? What else can I teach you?

Do you really need a fucking history of black suppression in the US?

How about slavery. Your forefathers would have been saying "The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward.... funny shit.
How bout this "don't be black and you won't be a slave, your fuckin' fault you were born black, kneegrow"

Then you segregation. Oh, yeah, forgot about that one it seems.

Then after segregation you have massive amounts of repression. A lot of it is under the table.

In CIVILIZED countries, like in Europe, education was for all. In the US, oh, well, education was based on where the fuck you live, and them there kneegrows ain't gonna move into the good neighborhoods because they ain't even going to be shown those white folk houses.

And the jobs, yeah, fuck the jobs, if they interview "oh, sorry mr kneegrow, but you just ain't quite at the level we're looking at, even if you are more qualified than the guy we're hiring, who just happens to be white, don't let the door kick your kneegrow ass on the way out"

Yeah, of course, in your world it's the black people who are doing all the taking, bullshit.
Nationalism is in the air since Trump took office and the silent White majority is scoring political victories one after another with special election wins. The motto America First is taking America by storm promoted by the silent White majority who are nationalists at heart. Doesn't it feel wonderful and patriotic? Why yes it does. We are taking our country back......one election VICTORY at a time.

White nationalists should vote white, not blue or red. If Only, y'all had a party to vote for.
Pride in ones country is not dependent on skin color. I proudly served with people of different races, religions, both male and female. Your skin color doesn't make you special or give you privilege over others.

Trump didn't win because of a small fringe group. He won because middle America is tired of the same old shit. White Power idiots are the same as groups like The Black Panthers. Same rhetoric just different skin tones.

Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.

"The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people."

The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward...funny shit.
How bout this; "act like an equal for equality"...make any sense to you? Want to be "part of the team"? Act like the rest of the fucking team then.
Pull the fucking pick out of your hair, stop speaking like an illiterate street beast, pull up your fucking pants up, improve your elementary level iQ, put down that 40oz and bong, stop counting on taxpayers to feed your filthy ass, get off your lazy fucking ass and go to work, stop trying to increase your baby-mama count, parent your fucking children, stop being a filthy criminal....TA-DA! Congratulations...you're part of "the team". See how easy this works? What else can I teach you?

Do you really need a fucking history of black suppression in the US?

How about slavery. Your forefathers would have been saying "The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward.... funny shit.
How bout this "don't be black and you won't be a slave, your fuckin' fault you were born black, kneegrow"

Then you segregation. Oh, yeah, forgot about that one it seems.

Then after segregation you have massive amounts of repression. A lot of it is under the table.

In CIVILIZED countries, like in Europe, education was for all. In the US, oh, well, education was based on where the fuck you live, and them there kneegrows ain't gonna move into the good neighborhoods because they ain't even going to be shown those white folk houses.

And the jobs, yeah, fuck the jobs, if they interview "oh, sorry mr kneegrow, but you just ain't quite at the level we're looking at, even if you are more qualified than the guy we're hiring, who just happens to be white, don't let the door kick your kneegrow ass on the way out"

Yeah, of course, in your world it's the black people who are doing all the taking, bullshit.

Every black person I know that is well spoken and educated goes to work, parents their children and is productive. HELL, a well spoken, educated black can even become President Of The United States...so don't give me that..."black people are held back" bunch of bullshit. Anyone not afraid to be truthful knows that blacks are blacks own worst enemy...they can't get out of their own way.
Sorry bud...your "slavery" excuse is played the fuck out. It's been half a century...it's time you pull your heads from your asses, stop hiding behind all the bullshit excuses and start acting right. This can be so simple if you just allow it to be. Stop being so scared to demand that your people finally become legitimate.
Pride in ones country is not dependent on skin color. I proudly served with people of different races, religions, both male and female. Your skin color doesn't make you special or give you privilege over others.

Trump didn't win because of a small fringe group. He won because middle America is tired of the same old shit. White Power idiots are the same as groups like The Black Panthers. Same rhetoric just different skin tones.

Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.

"The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people."

The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward...funny shit.
How bout this; "act like an equal for equality"...make any sense to you? Want to be "part of the team"? Act like the rest of the fucking team then.
Pull the fucking pick out of your hair, stop speaking like an illiterate street beast, pull up your fucking pants up, improve your elementary level iQ, put down that 40oz and bong, stop counting on taxpayers to feed your filthy ass, get off your lazy fucking ass and go to work, stop trying to increase your baby-mama count, parent your fucking children, stop being a filthy criminal....TA-DA! Congratulations...you're part of "the team". See how easy this works? What else can I teach you?

Do you really need a fucking history of black suppression in the US?

How about slavery. Your forefathers would have been saying "The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward.... funny shit.
How bout this "don't be black and you won't be a slave, your fuckin' fault you were born black, kneegrow"

Then you segregation. Oh, yeah, forgot about that one it seems.

Then after segregation you have massive amounts of repression. A lot of it is under the table.

In CIVILIZED countries, like in Europe, education was for all. In the US, oh, well, education was based on where the fuck you live, and them there kneegrows ain't gonna move into the good neighborhoods because they ain't even going to be shown those white folk houses.

And the jobs, yeah, fuck the jobs, if they interview "oh, sorry mr kneegrow, but you just ain't quite at the level we're looking at, even if you are more qualified than the guy we're hiring, who just happens to be white, don't let the door kick your kneegrow ass on the way out"

Yeah, of course, in your world it's the black people who are doing all the taking, bullshit.

Every black person I know that is well spoken and educated goes to work, parents their children and is productive. HELL, a well spoken, educated black can even become President Of The United States...so don't give me that..."black people are held back" bunch of bullshit. Anyone not afraid to be truthful knows that blacks are blacks own worst enemy...they can't get out of their own way.
Sorry bud...your "slavery" excuse is played the fuck out. It's been half a century...it's time you pull your heads from your asses, stop hiding behind all the bullshit excuses and start acting right. This can be so simple if you just allow it to be. Stop being so scared to demand that your people finally become legitimate.

Is this the whole "it's not hot here, therefore global warming doesn't exist" style argument? Not the first time I've had that today.

Sure, there are black people who make it. That isn't the point here. The point is that 25% of black people are in poverty.

This is the USA. Go to other countries and it simply isn't the case that so many black people are the ones in poverty. So why is the USA different from everywhere else?

The point is that not everyone in a country can make it. 7% of white people are in poverty. And they are also stuck where they are. This is about poverty and the way that the rich keep the poor people locked in poverty. There are blacks who make it out through sports, some are able to get out through other reasons, but many poor people are kept in poverty by the rich. Education is poor, opportunities are poor, and the rich like it this way. Black people have a large proportion in poverty, so many stay there. It impacts black people more because there are more of them there, and because they see the white elite fucking them over constantly and they're getting angry about it, and they get angry at people like you who pretend there is no problem and that everything's fucking amazing.
Nationalism is in the air since Trump took office and the silent White majority is scoring political victories one after another with special election wins. The motto America First is taking America by storm promoted by the silent White majority who are nationalists at heart. Doesn't it feel wonderful and patriotic? Why yes it does. We are taking our country back......one election VICTORY at a time.

White nationalists should vote white, not blue or red. If Only, y'all had a party to vote for.

When you say; "white nationalists" are you referring to the proud American people who built this nation into a place that all you foreigners wanted to migrate to and mooch off of?
Are you referring the "white nationalists" who pay your people's way through life?
Don't try to make this place your own...you won't like the end result...that's why your people left your shitholes...NEWS FLASH...when your people do it your way...you make shitholes.
It is about politics. Wouldn't it be nice, if you could vote white to, "ease your conscience", instead of blue or red?
Pride in ones country is not dependent on skin color. I proudly served with people of different races, religions, both male and female. Your skin color doesn't make you special or give you privilege over others.

Trump didn't win because of a small fringe group. He won because middle America is tired of the same old shit. White Power idiots are the same as groups like The Black Panthers. Same rhetoric just different skin tones.

Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.

"The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people."

The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward...funny shit.
How bout this; "act like an equal for equality"...make any sense to you? Want to be "part of the team"? Act like the rest of the fucking team then.
Pull the fucking pick out of your hair, stop speaking like an illiterate street beast, pull up your fucking pants up, improve your elementary level iQ, put down that 40oz and bong, stop counting on taxpayers to feed your filthy ass, get off your lazy fucking ass and go to work, stop trying to increase your baby-mama count, parent your fucking children, stop being a filthy criminal....TA-DA! Congratulations...you're part of "the team". See how easy this works? What else can I teach you?

Do you really need a fucking history of black suppression in the US?

How about slavery. Your forefathers would have been saying "The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward.... funny shit.
How bout this "don't be black and you won't be a slave, your fuckin' fault you were born black, kneegrow"

Then you segregation. Oh, yeah, forgot about that one it seems.

Then after segregation you have massive amounts of repression. A lot of it is under the table.

In CIVILIZED countries, like in Europe, education was for all. In the US, oh, well, education was based on where the fuck you live, and them there kneegrows ain't gonna move into the good neighborhoods because they ain't even going to be shown those white folk houses.

And the jobs, yeah, fuck the jobs, if they interview "oh, sorry mr kneegrow, but you just ain't quite at the level we're looking at, even if you are more qualified than the guy we're hiring, who just happens to be white, don't let the door kick your kneegrow ass on the way out"

Yeah, of course, in your world it's the black people who are doing all the taking, bullshit.

Every black person I know that is well spoken and educated goes to work, parents their children and is productive. HELL, a well spoken, educated black can even become President Of The United States...so don't give me that..."black people are held back" bunch of bullshit. Anyone not afraid to be truthful knows that blacks are blacks own worst enemy...they can't get out of their own way.
Sorry bud...your "slavery" excuse is played the fuck out. It's been half a century...it's time you pull your heads from your asses, stop hiding behind all the bullshit excuses and start acting right. This can be so simple if you just allow it to be. Stop being so scared to demand that your people finally become legitimate.

Is this the whole "it's not hot here, therefore global warming doesn't exist" style argument? Not the first time I've had that today.

Sure, there are black people who make it. That isn't the point here. The point is that 25% of black people are in poverty.

This is the USA. Go to other countries and it simply isn't the case that so many black people are the ones in poverty. So why is the USA different from everywhere else?

The point is that not everyone in a country can make it. 7% of white people are in poverty. And they are also stuck where they are. This is about poverty and the way that the rich keep the poor people locked in poverty. There are blacks who make it out through sports, some are able to get out through other reasons, but many poor people are kept in poverty by the rich. Education is poor, opportunities are poor, and the rich like it this way. Black people have a large proportion in poverty, so many stay there. It impacts black people more because there are more of them there, and because they see the white elite fucking them over constantly and they're getting angry about it, and they get angry at people like you who pretend there is no problem and that everything's fucking amazing.

Why the USA you ask?
SIMPLE...through guilt our government has made your people depend on others and through low iQ and ignorance your people continue to EXPECT "payback" via welfare.
You're doing a fine job at continuing to provide the excuses and all but face it bud...."you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"
There has never been more available resources and opportunity for minorities...some people are just lazy piece of shits and aren't cut out for the hard work required to achieve success and live a legitimate life. It's easy as shit to collect free money for your money trees, (children) get use to living in filth and develop a little side hustle. That's the life the majority of your people prefer…This isn't trivial...Don't be afraid to admit it. Sorry the truth hurts.
Nationalism is in the air since Trump took office and the silent White majority is scoring political victories one after another with special election wins. The motto America First is taking America by storm promoted by the silent White majority who are nationalists at heart. Doesn't it feel wonderful and patriotic? Why yes it does. We are taking our country back......one election VICTORY at a time.

I stop short of identifying Trump, his campaign or his message taking America back and making it great again as racist, though. All races and creeds are welcome and part of the movement so long as they are fundamentally pro-American. What I wonder is how Nationalism ever got lost in the message of our country in the first place though?! How does a country stop putting itself first? Name me another country that puts other countries ahead of itself, and I will show you a sick and dying country.

Foremost is this habit of being the cash-basket of the world to take from for all of its needs, we certainly need to reinvest in ourselves and cut way WAY back on our giving to others. We have given ourselves into the poor house. Like welfare, you give to other countries to help them get back on their feet, not as a way of life, and there is not a single country we could turn to honestly to ask for financial help.

America First! is the only way to go. What Trump did was to stop ignoring the average white middle class family, and bring us back to the polls and respect us again, long ignored by the GOP, but this stops short of saying that Trump was a white boys only club. For America to truly be great, it must create opportunity for ALL who are sound Americans, love their country and willing to work hard to make and keep it great again.
Nationalism=America First

Nationalism=Hire American

Nationalism=Buy American

Nationalism=Speak English
Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.

"The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people."

The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward...funny shit.
How bout this; "act like an equal for equality"...make any sense to you? Want to be "part of the team"? Act like the rest of the fucking team then.
Pull the fucking pick out of your hair, stop speaking like an illiterate street beast, pull up your fucking pants up, improve your elementary level iQ, put down that 40oz and bong, stop counting on taxpayers to feed your filthy ass, get off your lazy fucking ass and go to work, stop trying to increase your baby-mama count, parent your fucking children, stop being a filthy criminal....TA-DA! Congratulations...you're part of "the team". See how easy this works? What else can I teach you?

Do you really need a fucking history of black suppression in the US?

How about slavery. Your forefathers would have been saying "The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward.... funny shit.
How bout this "don't be black and you won't be a slave, your fuckin' fault you were born black, kneegrow"

Then you segregation. Oh, yeah, forgot about that one it seems.

Then after segregation you have massive amounts of repression. A lot of it is under the table.

In CIVILIZED countries, like in Europe, education was for all. In the US, oh, well, education was based on where the fuck you live, and them there kneegrows ain't gonna move into the good neighborhoods because they ain't even going to be shown those white folk houses.

And the jobs, yeah, fuck the jobs, if they interview "oh, sorry mr kneegrow, but you just ain't quite at the level we're looking at, even if you are more qualified than the guy we're hiring, who just happens to be white, don't let the door kick your kneegrow ass on the way out"

Yeah, of course, in your world it's the black people who are doing all the taking, bullshit.

Every black person I know that is well spoken and educated goes to work, parents their children and is productive. HELL, a well spoken, educated black can even become President Of The United States...so don't give me that..."black people are held back" bunch of bullshit. Anyone not afraid to be truthful knows that blacks are blacks own worst enemy...they can't get out of their own way.
Sorry bud...your "slavery" excuse is played the fuck out. It's been half a century...it's time you pull your heads from your asses, stop hiding behind all the bullshit excuses and start acting right. This can be so simple if you just allow it to be. Stop being so scared to demand that your people finally become legitimate.

Is this the whole "it's not hot here, therefore global warming doesn't exist" style argument? Not the first time I've had that today.

Sure, there are black people who make it. That isn't the point here. The point is that 25% of black people are in poverty.

This is the USA. Go to other countries and it simply isn't the case that so many black people are the ones in poverty. So why is the USA different from everywhere else?

The point is that not everyone in a country can make it. 7% of white people are in poverty. And they are also stuck where they are. This is about poverty and the way that the rich keep the poor people locked in poverty. There are blacks who make it out through sports, some are able to get out through other reasons, but many poor people are kept in poverty by the rich. Education is poor, opportunities are poor, and the rich like it this way. Black people have a large proportion in poverty, so many stay there. It impacts black people more because there are more of them there, and because they see the white elite fucking them over constantly and they're getting angry about it, and they get angry at people like you who pretend there is no problem and that everything's fucking amazing.

Why the USA you ask?
SIMPLE...through guilt our government has made your people depend on others and through low iQ and ignorance your people continue to EXPECT "payback" via welfare.
You're doing a fine job at continuing to provide the excuses and all but face it bud...."you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"
There has never been more available resources and opportunity for minorities...some people are just lazy piece of shits and aren't cut out for the hard work required to achieve success and live a legitimate life. It's easy as shit to collect free money for your money trees, (children) get use to living in filth and develop a little side hustle. That's the life the majority of your people prefer…This isn't trivial...Don't be afraid to admit it. Sorry the truth hurts.

So, your response is that the government is at fault. Who elects the government? Why, it's the people. So, that means the people are at fault.

So what are you going to do about it? Change the way people vote so they start voting positively? Because the powers that be are telling the people what to think, and they're not telling them to think about proportional representation.
Pride in ones country is not dependent on skin color. I proudly served with people of different races, religions, both male and female. Your skin color doesn't make you special or give you privilege over others.

Trump didn't win because of a small fringe group. He won because middle America is tired of the same old shit. White Power idiots are the same as groups like The Black Panthers. Same rhetoric just different skin tones.

Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.

"The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people."

The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward...funny shit.
How bout this; "act like an equal for equality"...make any sense to you? Want to be "part of the team"? Act like the rest of the fucking team then.
Pull the fucking pick out of your hair, stop speaking like an illiterate street beast, pull up your fucking pants up, improve your elementary level iQ, put down that 40oz and bong, stop counting on taxpayers to feed your filthy ass, get off your lazy fucking ass and go to work, stop trying to increase your baby-mama count, parent your fucking children, stop being a filthy criminal....TA-DA! Congratulations...you're part of "the team". See how easy this works? What else can I teach you?

Do you really need a fucking history of black suppression in the US?

How about slavery. Your forefathers would have been saying "The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward.... funny shit.
How bout this "don't be black and you won't be a slave, your fuckin' fault you were born black, kneegrow"

Then you segregation. Oh, yeah, forgot about that one it seems.

Then after segregation you have massive amounts of repression. A lot of it is under the table.

In CIVILIZED countries, like in Europe, education was for all. In the US, oh, well, education was based on where the fuck you live, and them there kneegrows ain't gonna move into the good neighborhoods because they ain't even going to be shown those white folk houses.

And the jobs, yeah, fuck the jobs, if they interview "oh, sorry mr kneegrow, but you just ain't quite at the level we're looking at, even if you are more qualified than the guy we're hiring, who just happens to be white, don't let the door kick your kneegrow ass on the way out"

Yeah, of course, in your world it's the black people who are doing all the taking, bullshit.

Every black person I know that is well spoken and educated goes to work, parents their children and is productive. HELL, a well spoken, educated black can even become President Of The United States...so don't give me that..."black people are held back" bunch of bullshit. Anyone not afraid to be truthful knows that blacks are blacks own worst enemy...they can't get out of their own way.
Sorry bud...your "slavery" excuse is played the fuck out. It's been half a century...it's time you pull your heads from your asses, stop hiding behind all the bullshit excuses and start acting right. This can be so simple if you just allow it to be. Stop being so scared to demand that your people finally become legitimate.

Is this the whole "it's not hot here, therefore global warming doesn't exist" style argument? Not the first time I've had that today.

Sure, there are black people who make it. That isn't the point here. The point is that 25% of black people are in poverty.

This is the USA. Go to other countries and it simply isn't the case that so many black people are the ones in poverty. So why is the USA different from everywhere else?

The point is that not everyone in a country can make it. 7% of white people are in poverty. And they are also stuck where they are. This is about poverty and the way that the rich keep the poor people locked in poverty. There are blacks who make it out through sports, some are able to get out through other reasons, but many poor people are kept in poverty by the rich. Education is poor, opportunities are poor, and the rich like it this way. Black people have a large proportion in poverty, so many stay there. It impacts black people more because there are more of them there, and because they see the white elite fucking them over constantly and they're getting angry about it, and they get angry at people like you who pretend there is no problem and that everything's fucking amazing.
The idea that all the problems in the black community are because "white elites" are keeping them down is counter productive. It prevents any real discussions of what those problems are, for example bringing up the problem of single parenthood will immediately bring calls of racism. Even though the problem crosses racial lines.

Also the idea that people are held in poverty perpetually doesn't hold water. I've seen numbers from the IRS that say 90% of those in poverty will not be in poverty in 15 years. According to the Brookings Institute, a left leaning think tank, if you don't want to be permanently poor in the US you need to do 3 things, graduate high school, get a job and don't have babies out of wedlock.

There are a wealth of studies out there that say that the country that affords blacks the highest mobility is the US, not Europe not Africa. Hell I hear Europeans speaking all the time of how they wish they had the ability of the US when it comes to integrating people.

This whole US is racist crap is getting old. I watched an interview with a black self described liberal sociologist professor from NYU speak of his own study. He put the US down as the 3rd least racist country on the planet. And that was using criteria from the UN, WHO and others. According to his study the most racist countries were all asian. One of the criteria was polling on interracial marriage. In1960 in the US 4% approved. In 2011 it was 87%. In 2011 in China it was 6%. Japan 12.
Pride in one's country isn't dependent on anything, other than a person feeling that they're part of the team.

The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people.

Just as a Communist isn't patriotic because they want the country to change.

If I love someone, I love them for what they are now, not for what I want them to be. It's like a man saying he loves his wife, if only she was blond, had big tits, a good personality, stopped beating on him every day, stopped shouting at him, had sex with him more than once every 15 years, and didn't go off sleeping with other men leaving him with the kids wondering where their whore of a mother is on Christmas morning.

"The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people."

The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward...funny shit.
How bout this; "act like an equal for equality"...make any sense to you? Want to be "part of the team"? Act like the rest of the fucking team then.
Pull the fucking pick out of your hair, stop speaking like an illiterate street beast, pull up your fucking pants up, improve your elementary level iQ, put down that 40oz and bong, stop counting on taxpayers to feed your filthy ass, get off your lazy fucking ass and go to work, stop trying to increase your baby-mama count, parent your fucking children, stop being a filthy criminal....TA-DA! Congratulations...you're part of "the team". See how easy this works? What else can I teach you?

Do you really need a fucking history of black suppression in the US?

How about slavery. Your forefathers would have been saying "The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward.... funny shit.
How bout this "don't be black and you won't be a slave, your fuckin' fault you were born black, kneegrow"

Then you segregation. Oh, yeah, forgot about that one it seems.

Then after segregation you have massive amounts of repression. A lot of it is under the table.

In CIVILIZED countries, like in Europe, education was for all. In the US, oh, well, education was based on where the fuck you live, and them there kneegrows ain't gonna move into the good neighborhoods because they ain't even going to be shown those white folk houses.

And the jobs, yeah, fuck the jobs, if they interview "oh, sorry mr kneegrow, but you just ain't quite at the level we're looking at, even if you are more qualified than the guy we're hiring, who just happens to be white, don't let the door kick your kneegrow ass on the way out"

Yeah, of course, in your world it's the black people who are doing all the taking, bullshit.

Every black person I know that is well spoken and educated goes to work, parents their children and is productive. HELL, a well spoken, educated black can even become President Of The United States...so don't give me that..."black people are held back" bunch of bullshit. Anyone not afraid to be truthful knows that blacks are blacks own worst enemy...they can't get out of their own way.
Sorry bud...your "slavery" excuse is played the fuck out. It's been half a century...it's time you pull your heads from your asses, stop hiding behind all the bullshit excuses and start acting right. This can be so simple if you just allow it to be. Stop being so scared to demand that your people finally become legitimate.

Is this the whole "it's not hot here, therefore global warming doesn't exist" style argument? Not the first time I've had that today.

Sure, there are black people who make it. That isn't the point here. The point is that 25% of black people are in poverty.

This is the USA. Go to other countries and it simply isn't the case that so many black people are the ones in poverty. So why is the USA different from everywhere else?

The point is that not everyone in a country can make it. 7% of white people are in poverty. And they are also stuck where they are. This is about poverty and the way that the rich keep the poor people locked in poverty. There are blacks who make it out through sports, some are able to get out through other reasons, but many poor people are kept in poverty by the rich. Education is poor, opportunities are poor, and the rich like it this way. Black people have a large proportion in poverty, so many stay there. It impacts black people more because there are more of them there, and because they see the white elite fucking them over constantly and they're getting angry about it, and they get angry at people like you who pretend there is no problem and that everything's fucking amazing.
The idea that all the problems in the black community are because "white elites" are keeping them down is counter productive. It prevents any real discussions of what those problems are, for example bringing up the problem of single parenthood will immediately bring calls of racism. Even though the problem crosses racial lines.

Also the idea that people are held in poverty perpetually doesn't hold water. I've seen numbers from the IRS that say 90% of those in poverty will not be in poverty in 15 years. According to the Brookings Institute, a left leaning think tank, if you don't want to be permanently poor in the US you need to do 3 things, graduate high school, get a job and don't have babies out of wedlock.

There are a wealth of studies out there that say that the country that affords blacks the highest mobility is the US, not Europe not Africa. Hell I hear Europeans speaking all the time of how they wish they had the ability of the US when it comes to integrating people.

This whole US is racist crap is getting old. I watched an interview with a black self described liberal sociologist professor from NYU speak of his own study. He put the US down as the 3rd least racist country on the planet. And that was using criteria from the UN, WHO and others. According to his study the most racist countries were all asian. One of the criteria was polling on interracial marriage. In1960 in the US 4% approved. In 2011 it was 87%. In 2011 in China it was 6%. Japan 12.

Counter productive, except for the fact that it's true. Okay, they're not keeping blacks down as they used to, in the sense of "you're black, you can't do this", how they do it now is by keeping poor people down, and it impacts black people more than white people.

There is a lot of racism in the US and it's still a big problem. However the racism isn't what is keeping black people down.

Unless the US confronts the whole fucked up partisan political system, then nothing will change. There is the biggest problem.
There are many reasons that backs lead in poverty statistics. Many inner-city blacks eschew education. How many times has a black been told that if they study to hard and get good grades, they are being "too white"? Why is it that unwed black women have the highest rates of illegitimate child births? But one of the main reasons they are poor is because "poor is as poor does", meaning that not seeking out an education, expecting to be "taken care of", not working hard and spending wisely, looking to others for their success(or lack thereof), or blaming others for the results of their choices. all can lead to to being poor.

The easiest ways out of being poor is to accept responsibility for you own action and/or inaction, actively look for ways to legally remedy your circumstance, work in some egitimate form everyday to become self sufficient and self sustaining.

I know what I am talking about. I born into and raised in a working poor family. My parents weren't uneducated, but my father worked as skilled abor but at that time the occupation did pay well. By 1968 I was self sufficient.

I didn't excel in high school, I was too busy partying and chasing skirts. Afterwards I attempted to work my way through trade school, but at $1.00/hr, that was a miserable failure so I enlisted in the military. After being in for a little over a year I married my high school sweetheart, and within another year I had a family. After discharge I found employment with state government, work my way ip to management, and after 20years I retired. I continued working until 2014 until the bottom fell out of the industry. So at 63 I went back to school and got a degree in computer technology. Inow wn my own company.

At no time was I offered, nor did I ask for any assistance, government or otherwise. I have done well by the sweat of my own brow and I can look back with pride that I worked passed the status of my upbringing. I accomplished this by seeking out or making my opportunities. I didn't think that anybody owed me anything.

Yes I'm white, but in the upper class area we lived in during my youth we were considered "poor white trailer park trash", one of "those" living in the county slum. I would not allow that to define me. I ended up supervising several of those that labelled me.

In my ways those that are considered poor due to their own choices, intentional or not.

I wonder if any of the minorities that post on these boards live in poverty. Not many, if any, I imagine. If they're not living in poverty, is it because they received extended government assistance, or was it that they work(ed) their backside off to be successful? I can be pretty confident that it's the latter.

Anybody from any family can succeed. All it takes is ambition, and drive to better their lot in life.
4 million less votes for drumpf than HRC. You alt-right derps have to face reality at some point. Drumpf's support among all classes has fallen dramatically, dragging the Republicant's with him.

Cons see as far ahead as dogs do. They believe today is frozen in time and nothing will ever change. Thus the great surprise when they open their door and it isn't 1951 anymore.
"The problem in the US is that the white people have tried to make the black people, not a part of the team, but the cleaning people hired from outside who don't give a shit about any of the companies they work for.

White Nationalism uses patriotism, when they're not really patriots, because they don't actually like their country, they like what they want their country to be, without non-white people."

The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward...funny shit.
How bout this; "act like an equal for equality"...make any sense to you? Want to be "part of the team"? Act like the rest of the fucking team then.
Pull the fucking pick out of your hair, stop speaking like an illiterate street beast, pull up your fucking pants up, improve your elementary level iQ, put down that 40oz and bong, stop counting on taxpayers to feed your filthy ass, get off your lazy fucking ass and go to work, stop trying to increase your baby-mama count, parent your fucking children, stop being a filthy criminal....TA-DA! Congratulations...you're part of "the team". See how easy this works? What else can I teach you?

Do you really need a fucking history of black suppression in the US?

How about slavery. Your forefathers would have been saying "The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward.... funny shit.
How bout this "don't be black and you won't be a slave, your fuckin' fault you were born black, kneegrow"

Then you segregation. Oh, yeah, forgot about that one it seems.

Then after segregation you have massive amounts of repression. A lot of it is under the table.

In CIVILIZED countries, like in Europe, education was for all. In the US, oh, well, education was based on where the fuck you live, and them there kneegrows ain't gonna move into the good neighborhoods because they ain't even going to be shown those white folk houses.

And the jobs, yeah, fuck the jobs, if they interview "oh, sorry mr kneegrow, but you just ain't quite at the level we're looking at, even if you are more qualified than the guy we're hiring, who just happens to be white, don't let the door kick your kneegrow ass on the way out"

Yeah, of course, in your world it's the black people who are doing all the taking, bullshit.

Every black person I know that is well spoken and educated goes to work, parents their children and is productive. HELL, a well spoken, educated black can even become President Of The United States...so don't give me that..."black people are held back" bunch of bullshit. Anyone not afraid to be truthful knows that blacks are blacks own worst enemy...they can't get out of their own way.
Sorry bud...your "slavery" excuse is played the fuck out. It's been half a century...it's time you pull your heads from your asses, stop hiding behind all the bullshit excuses and start acting right. This can be so simple if you just allow it to be. Stop being so scared to demand that your people finally become legitimate.

Is this the whole "it's not hot here, therefore global warming doesn't exist" style argument? Not the first time I've had that today.

Sure, there are black people who make it. That isn't the point here. The point is that 25% of black people are in poverty.

This is the USA. Go to other countries and it simply isn't the case that so many black people are the ones in poverty. So why is the USA different from everywhere else?

The point is that not everyone in a country can make it. 7% of white people are in poverty. And they are also stuck where they are. This is about poverty and the way that the rich keep the poor people locked in poverty. There are blacks who make it out through sports, some are able to get out through other reasons, but many poor people are kept in poverty by the rich. Education is poor, opportunities are poor, and the rich like it this way. Black people have a large proportion in poverty, so many stay there. It impacts black people more because there are more of them there, and because they see the white elite fucking them over constantly and they're getting angry about it, and they get angry at people like you who pretend there is no problem and that everything's fucking amazing.

Why the USA you ask?
SIMPLE...through guilt our government has made your people depend on others and through low iQ and ignorance your people continue to EXPECT "payback" via welfare.
You're doing a fine job at continuing to provide the excuses and all but face it bud...."you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"
There has never been more available resources and opportunity for minorities...some people are just lazy piece of shits and aren't cut out for the hard work required to achieve success and live a legitimate life. It's easy as shit to collect free money for your money trees, (children) get use to living in filth and develop a little side hustle. That's the life the majority of your people prefer…This isn't trivial...Don't be afraid to admit it. Sorry the truth hurts.

So, your response is that the government is at fault. Who elects the government? Why, it's the people. So, that means the people are at fault.

So what are you going to do about it? Change the way people vote so they start voting positively? Because the powers that be are telling the people what to think, and they're not telling them to think about proportional representation.

"So what are you going to do about it? Change the way people vote so they start voting positively?"

No "voter" is holding a gun to ShaQuita's head forcing her drop out of the 9th grade, get pregnant at 15, have four baby daddy's by 21, spend her days smoking weed and drinking 40's....ShaQuita gravitates toward filth and failure and is proud of it...ghetto blacks are shameless.
Seems a whole lot easier to ask blacks to stop being "black minded"...strip them of all their pathetic excuses, force them to pull their heads from their asses and break the cycle. Ghetto blacks need to be condemned by legitimate blacks and not glamorized by the Kanye Wests' of the world.

4 million less votes for drumpf than HRC. You alt-right derps have to face reality at some point. Drumpf's support among all classes has fallen dramatically, dragging the Republicant's with him.

Cons see as far ahead as dogs do. They believe today is frozen in time and nothing will ever change. Thus the great surprise when they open their door and it isn't 1951 anymore.

True story...This nation is full of fucked up, twisted trash...thanks for pointing that out.
HRC won Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from illegitimates, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses and the un-Americans.
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

"Thus the great surprise when they open their door and it isn't 1951 anymore."
Yeah, 1951 totally sucked...Why the hell would we prefer to restore what was?
American's were truly AMERICAN, family values and God were the root and foundation of households, people spoke the same language, were likeminded and friendly, people clearly understood the value of hard word and determination, people took great pride in pulling their own weight, shameful shit was shamed and not championed. I could go on and on.
(This is where you say: "BUT, BUT, BUT.....SLAVERY!")
Do you really need a fucking history of black suppression in the US?

How about slavery. Your forefathers would have been saying "The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward.... funny shit.
How bout this "don't be black and you won't be a slave, your fuckin' fault you were born black, kneegrow"

Then you segregation. Oh, yeah, forgot about that one it seems.

Then after segregation you have massive amounts of repression. A lot of it is under the table.

In CIVILIZED countries, like in Europe, education was for all. In the US, oh, well, education was based on where the fuck you live, and them there kneegrows ain't gonna move into the good neighborhoods because they ain't even going to be shown those white folk houses.

And the jobs, yeah, fuck the jobs, if they interview "oh, sorry mr kneegrow, but you just ain't quite at the level we're looking at, even if you are more qualified than the guy we're hiring, who just happens to be white, don't let the door kick your kneegrow ass on the way out"

Yeah, of course, in your world it's the black people who are doing all the taking, bullshit.

Every black person I know that is well spoken and educated goes to work, parents their children and is productive. HELL, a well spoken, educated black can even become President Of The United States...so don't give me that..."black people are held back" bunch of bullshit. Anyone not afraid to be truthful knows that blacks are blacks own worst enemy...they can't get out of their own way.
Sorry bud...your "slavery" excuse is played the fuck out. It's been half a century...it's time you pull your heads from your asses, stop hiding behind all the bullshit excuses and start acting right. This can be so simple if you just allow it to be. Stop being so scared to demand that your people finally become legitimate.

Is this the whole "it's not hot here, therefore global warming doesn't exist" style argument? Not the first time I've had that today.

Sure, there are black people who make it. That isn't the point here. The point is that 25% of black people are in poverty.

This is the USA. Go to other countries and it simply isn't the case that so many black people are the ones in poverty. So why is the USA different from everywhere else?

The point is that not everyone in a country can make it. 7% of white people are in poverty. And they are also stuck where they are. This is about poverty and the way that the rich keep the poor people locked in poverty. There are blacks who make it out through sports, some are able to get out through other reasons, but many poor people are kept in poverty by the rich. Education is poor, opportunities are poor, and the rich like it this way. Black people have a large proportion in poverty, so many stay there. It impacts black people more because there are more of them there, and because they see the white elite fucking them over constantly and they're getting angry about it, and they get angry at people like you who pretend there is no problem and that everything's fucking amazing.

Why the USA you ask?
SIMPLE...through guilt our government has made your people depend on others and through low iQ and ignorance your people continue to EXPECT "payback" via welfare.
You're doing a fine job at continuing to provide the excuses and all but face it bud...."you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"
There has never been more available resources and opportunity for minorities...some people are just lazy piece of shits and aren't cut out for the hard work required to achieve success and live a legitimate life. It's easy as shit to collect free money for your money trees, (children) get use to living in filth and develop a little side hustle. That's the life the majority of your people prefer…This isn't trivial...Don't be afraid to admit it. Sorry the truth hurts.

So, your response is that the government is at fault. Who elects the government? Why, it's the people. So, that means the people are at fault.

So what are you going to do about it? Change the way people vote so they start voting positively? Because the powers that be are telling the people what to think, and they're not telling them to think about proportional representation.

"So what are you going to do about it? Change the way people vote so they start voting positively?"

No "voter" is holding a gun to ShaQuita's head forcing her drop out of the 9th grade, get pregnant at 15, have four baby daddy's by 21, spend her days smoking weed and drinking 40's....ShaQuita gravitates toward filth and failure and is proud of it...ghetto blacks are shameless.
Seems a whole lot easier to ask blacks to stop being "black minded"...strip them of all their pathetic excuses, force them to pull their heads from their asses and break the cycle. Ghetto blacks need to be condemned by legitimate blacks and not glamorized by the Kanye Wests' of the world.

4 million less votes for drumpf than HRC. You alt-right derps have to face reality at some point. Drumpf's support among all classes has fallen dramatically, dragging the Republicant's with him.

Cons see as far ahead as dogs do. They believe today is frozen in time and nothing will ever change. Thus the great surprise when they open their door and it isn't 1951 anymore.

True story...This nation is full of fucked up, twisted trash...thanks for pointing that out.
HRC won Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from illegitimates, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses and the un-Americans.
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

"Thus the great surprise when they open their door and it isn't 1951 anymore."
Yeah, 1951 totally sucked...Why the hell would we prefer to restore what was?
American's were truly AMERICAN, family values and God were the root and foundation of households, people spoke the same language, were likeminded and friendly, people clearly understood the value of hard word and determination, people took great pride in pulling their own weight, shameful shit was shamed and not championed. I could go on and on.
(This is where you say: "BUT, BUT, BUT.....SLAVERY!")

Idiot. There was no American slavery in 1951.

But there were Jim Crow laws.
Do you really need a fucking history of black suppression in the US?

How about slavery. Your forefathers would have been saying "The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward.... funny shit.
How bout this "don't be black and you won't be a slave, your fuckin' fault you were born black, kneegrow"

Then you segregation. Oh, yeah, forgot about that one it seems.

Then after segregation you have massive amounts of repression. A lot of it is under the table.

In CIVILIZED countries, like in Europe, education was for all. In the US, oh, well, education was based on where the fuck you live, and them there kneegrows ain't gonna move into the good neighborhoods because they ain't even going to be shown those white folk houses.

And the jobs, yeah, fuck the jobs, if they interview "oh, sorry mr kneegrow, but you just ain't quite at the level we're looking at, even if you are more qualified than the guy we're hiring, who just happens to be white, don't let the door kick your kneegrow ass on the way out"

Yeah, of course, in your world it's the black people who are doing all the taking, bullshit.

Every black person I know that is well spoken and educated goes to work, parents their children and is productive. HELL, a well spoken, educated black can even become President Of The United States...so don't give me that..."black people are held back" bunch of bullshit. Anyone not afraid to be truthful knows that blacks are blacks own worst enemy...they can't get out of their own way.
Sorry bud...your "slavery" excuse is played the fuck out. It's been half a century...it's time you pull your heads from your asses, stop hiding behind all the bullshit excuses and start acting right. This can be so simple if you just allow it to be. Stop being so scared to demand that your people finally become legitimate.

Is this the whole "it's not hot here, therefore global warming doesn't exist" style argument? Not the first time I've had that today.

Sure, there are black people who make it. That isn't the point here. The point is that 25% of black people are in poverty.

This is the USA. Go to other countries and it simply isn't the case that so many black people are the ones in poverty. So why is the USA different from everywhere else?

The point is that not everyone in a country can make it. 7% of white people are in poverty. And they are also stuck where they are. This is about poverty and the way that the rich keep the poor people locked in poverty. There are blacks who make it out through sports, some are able to get out through other reasons, but many poor people are kept in poverty by the rich. Education is poor, opportunities are poor, and the rich like it this way. Black people have a large proportion in poverty, so many stay there. It impacts black people more because there are more of them there, and because they see the white elite fucking them over constantly and they're getting angry about it, and they get angry at people like you who pretend there is no problem and that everything's fucking amazing.

Why the USA you ask?
SIMPLE...through guilt our government has made your people depend on others and through low iQ and ignorance your people continue to EXPECT "payback" via welfare.
You're doing a fine job at continuing to provide the excuses and all but face it bud...."you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"
There has never been more available resources and opportunity for minorities...some people are just lazy piece of shits and aren't cut out for the hard work required to achieve success and live a legitimate life. It's easy as shit to collect free money for your money trees, (children) get use to living in filth and develop a little side hustle. That's the life the majority of your people prefer…This isn't trivial...Don't be afraid to admit it. Sorry the truth hurts.

So, your response is that the government is at fault. Who elects the government? Why, it's the people. So, that means the people are at fault.

So what are you going to do about it? Change the way people vote so they start voting positively? Because the powers that be are telling the people what to think, and they're not telling them to think about proportional representation.

"So what are you going to do about it? Change the way people vote so they start voting positively?"

No "voter" is holding a gun to ShaQuita's head forcing her drop out of the 9th grade, get pregnant at 15, have four baby daddy's by 21, spend her days smoking weed and drinking 40's....ShaQuita gravitates toward filth and failure and is proud of it...ghetto blacks are shameless.
Seems a whole lot easier to ask blacks to stop being "black minded"...strip them of all their pathetic excuses, force them to pull their heads from their asses and break the cycle. Ghetto blacks need to be condemned by legitimate blacks and not glamorized by the Kanye Wests' of the world.

4 million less votes for drumpf than HRC. You alt-right derps have to face reality at some point. Drumpf's support among all classes has fallen dramatically, dragging the Republicant's with him.

Cons see as far ahead as dogs do. They believe today is frozen in time and nothing will ever change. Thus the great surprise when they open their door and it isn't 1951 anymore.

True story...This nation is full of fucked up, twisted trash...thanks for pointing that out.
HRC won Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from illegitimates, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses and the un-Americans.
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

"Thus the great surprise when they open their door and it isn't 1951 anymore."
Yeah, 1951 totally sucked...Why the hell would we prefer to restore what was?
American's were truly AMERICAN, family values and God were the root and foundation of households, people spoke the same language, were likeminded and friendly, people clearly understood the value of hard word and determination, people took great pride in pulling their own weight, shameful shit was shamed and not championed. I could go on and on.
(This is where you say: "BUT, BUT, BUT.....SLAVERY!")

Yep, the good old American excuses for doing nothing, absolutely nothing to change the society they live in, no matter how bad it's getting. Well, don't come on here complaining about things not being as you like them in the country, because you deserve every bad thing that happens in the US.
Every black person I know that is well spoken and educated goes to work, parents their children and is productive. HELL, a well spoken, educated black can even become President Of The United States...so don't give me that..."black people are held back" bunch of bullshit. Anyone not afraid to be truthful knows that blacks are blacks own worst enemy...they can't get out of their own way.
Sorry bud...your "slavery" excuse is played the fuck out. It's been half a century...it's time you pull your heads from your asses, stop hiding behind all the bullshit excuses and start acting right. This can be so simple if you just allow it to be. Stop being so scared to demand that your people finally become legitimate.

Is this the whole "it's not hot here, therefore global warming doesn't exist" style argument? Not the first time I've had that today.

Sure, there are black people who make it. That isn't the point here. The point is that 25% of black people are in poverty.

This is the USA. Go to other countries and it simply isn't the case that so many black people are the ones in poverty. So why is the USA different from everywhere else?

The point is that not everyone in a country can make it. 7% of white people are in poverty. And they are also stuck where they are. This is about poverty and the way that the rich keep the poor people locked in poverty. There are blacks who make it out through sports, some are able to get out through other reasons, but many poor people are kept in poverty by the rich. Education is poor, opportunities are poor, and the rich like it this way. Black people have a large proportion in poverty, so many stay there. It impacts black people more because there are more of them there, and because they see the white elite fucking them over constantly and they're getting angry about it, and they get angry at people like you who pretend there is no problem and that everything's fucking amazing.

Why the USA you ask?
SIMPLE...through guilt our government has made your people depend on others and through low iQ and ignorance your people continue to EXPECT "payback" via welfare.
You're doing a fine job at continuing to provide the excuses and all but face it bud...."you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"
There has never been more available resources and opportunity for minorities...some people are just lazy piece of shits and aren't cut out for the hard work required to achieve success and live a legitimate life. It's easy as shit to collect free money for your money trees, (children) get use to living in filth and develop a little side hustle. That's the life the majority of your people prefer…This isn't trivial...Don't be afraid to admit it. Sorry the truth hurts.

So, your response is that the government is at fault. Who elects the government? Why, it's the people. So, that means the people are at fault.

So what are you going to do about it? Change the way people vote so they start voting positively? Because the powers that be are telling the people what to think, and they're not telling them to think about proportional representation.

"So what are you going to do about it? Change the way people vote so they start voting positively?"

No "voter" is holding a gun to ShaQuita's head forcing her drop out of the 9th grade, get pregnant at 15, have four baby daddy's by 21, spend her days smoking weed and drinking 40's....ShaQuita gravitates toward filth and failure and is proud of it...ghetto blacks are shameless.
Seems a whole lot easier to ask blacks to stop being "black minded"...strip them of all their pathetic excuses, force them to pull their heads from their asses and break the cycle. Ghetto blacks need to be condemned by legitimate blacks and not glamorized by the Kanye Wests' of the world.

4 million less votes for drumpf than HRC. You alt-right derps have to face reality at some point. Drumpf's support among all classes has fallen dramatically, dragging the Republicant's with him.

Cons see as far ahead as dogs do. They believe today is frozen in time and nothing will ever change. Thus the great surprise when they open their door and it isn't 1951 anymore.

True story...This nation is full of fucked up, twisted trash...thanks for pointing that out.
HRC won Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from illegitimates, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses and the un-Americans.
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

"Thus the great surprise when they open their door and it isn't 1951 anymore."
Yeah, 1951 totally sucked...Why the hell would we prefer to restore what was?
American's were truly AMERICAN, family values and God were the root and foundation of households, people spoke the same language, were likeminded and friendly, people clearly understood the value of hard word and determination, people took great pride in pulling their own weight, shameful shit was shamed and not championed. I could go on and on.
(This is where you say: "BUT, BUT, BUT.....SLAVERY!")

Idiot. There was no American slavery in 1951.

But there were Jim Crow laws.

Look ghettochickie....think pre 1951 and not just 1951. TA-DA! What else can I teach you?
There are many reasons that backs lead in poverty statistics. Many inner-city blacks eschew education. How many times has a black been told that if they study to hard and get good grades, they are being "too white"? Why is it that unwed black women have the highest rates of illegitimate child births? But one of the main reasons they are poor is because "poor is as poor does", meaning that not seeking out an education, expecting to be "taken care of", not working hard and spending wisely, looking to others for their success(or lack thereof), or blaming others for the results of their choices. all can lead to to being poor.

The easiest ways out of being poor is to accept responsibility for you own action and/or inaction, actively look for ways to legally remedy your circumstance, work in some legitimate form everyday to become self sufficient and self sustaining.

I know what I am talking about. I was born into and raised in a working poor family. My parents weren't uneducated, but my father worked as skilled labor, but at that time the occupation did pay well. By 1968 I was self sufficient.

I didn't excel in high school, I was too busy partying and chasing skirts. Afterwards I attempted to work my way through trade school, but at $1.00/hr, that was a miserable failure so I enlisted in the military. After being in for a little over a year I married my high school sweetheart, and within another year I had a family. After discharge I found employment with state government, work my way up to management, and after 20 years I retired. I continued working until 2014 until the bottom fell out of the industry. So at 63 I went back to school and got a degree in computer technology. I now own my own company.

At no time was I offered, nor did I ask for any assistance, government or otherwise. I have done well by the sweat of my own brow and I can look back with pride that I worked past the status of my upbringing. I accomplished this by seeking out or making my opportunities. I didn't think that anybody owed me anything.

Yes I'm white, but in the upper class area we lived in during my youth we were considered "poor white trailer park trash", one of "those" living in the county slum. I would not allow that to define me. I ended up supervising several of those that labelled me.

In many ways those that are considered poor due is to their own choices, intentional or not.

I wonder if any of the minorities that post on these boards live in poverty. Not many, if any, I imagine. If they're not living in poverty, is it because they received extended government assistance, or was it that they work(ed) their backside off to be successful? I can be pretty confident that it's the latter.

Anybody from any family can succeed. All it takes is ambition, and drive to better their lot in life.
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