White Nationalists Are Changing The Political Landscape Under Trump

Stupid liberals hate the country that lets them be what they are. I think it is time to MAKE them love this country, die or leave it. The problem with the OP is the reference to any race, There are nationalists of ALL races who really want this country to thrive instead of being subjugated by a worldwide ruling class monarchy. Liberals are way too stupid to even realize what the effect of their agenda would be, They think they could continue their vile disgusting actions under a ruling class dictatorial world government. Guess their liberal history classes failed to tell them about all of their kind that were exterminated by the ruling class dictators every time they were allowed to take control of a country. Your liberal ignorance is why you lose, your lack of actual historical knowledge and reality is why you at reviled. You are just lying, racist, ignorant, egotistical, pseudointellectual, miniscule IQ wildebeest that are exact copies of the Nazi followers under hitler. Pure scum of the earth with a monoplanic limited intellectual capability, and no chance whatsoever of multiplanic rational evaluation of ANYTHING. That make you typical liberal voters, and idiots.
Do you really need a fucking history of black suppression in the US?

How about slavery. Your forefathers would have been saying "The shit you people fab up in your heads is so ass-backward.... funny shit.
How bout this "don't be black and you won't be a slave, your fuckin' fault you were born black, kneegrow"

Then you segregation. Oh, yeah, forgot about that one it seems.

Then after segregation you have massive amounts of repression. A lot of it is under the table.

In CIVILIZED countries, like in Europe, education was for all. In the US, oh, well, education was based on where the fuck you live, and them there kneegrows ain't gonna move into the good neighborhoods because they ain't even going to be shown those white folk houses.

And the jobs, yeah, fuck the jobs, if they interview "oh, sorry mr kneegrow, but you just ain't quite at the level we're looking at, even if you are more qualified than the guy we're hiring, who just happens to be white, don't let the door kick your kneegrow ass on the way out"

Yeah, of course, in your world it's the black people who are doing all the taking, bullshit.

Every black person I know that is well spoken and educated goes to work, parents their children and is productive. HELL, a well spoken, educated black can even become President Of The United States...so don't give me that..."black people are held back" bunch of bullshit. Anyone not afraid to be truthful knows that blacks are blacks own worst enemy...they can't get out of their own way.
Sorry bud...your "slavery" excuse is played the fuck out. It's been half a century...it's time you pull your heads from your asses, stop hiding behind all the bullshit excuses and start acting right. This can be so simple if you just allow it to be. Stop being so scared to demand that your people finally become legitimate.

Is this the whole "it's not hot here, therefore global warming doesn't exist" style argument? Not the first time I've had that today.

Sure, there are black people who make it. That isn't the point here. The point is that 25% of black people are in poverty.

This is the USA. Go to other countries and it simply isn't the case that so many black people are the ones in poverty. So why is the USA different from everywhere else?

The point is that not everyone in a country can make it. 7% of white people are in poverty. And they are also stuck where they are. This is about poverty and the way that the rich keep the poor people locked in poverty. There are blacks who make it out through sports, some are able to get out through other reasons, but many poor people are kept in poverty by the rich. Education is poor, opportunities are poor, and the rich like it this way. Black people have a large proportion in poverty, so many stay there. It impacts black people more because there are more of them there, and because they see the white elite fucking them over constantly and they're getting angry about it, and they get angry at people like you who pretend there is no problem and that everything's fucking amazing.

Why the USA you ask?
SIMPLE...through guilt our government has made your people depend on others and through low iQ and ignorance your people continue to EXPECT "payback" via welfare.
You're doing a fine job at continuing to provide the excuses and all but face it bud...."you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"
There has never been more available resources and opportunity for minorities...some people are just lazy piece of shits and aren't cut out for the hard work required to achieve success and live a legitimate life. It's easy as shit to collect free money for your money trees, (children) get use to living in filth and develop a little side hustle. That's the life the majority of your people prefer…This isn't trivial...Don't be afraid to admit it. Sorry the truth hurts.

So, your response is that the government is at fault. Who elects the government? Why, it's the people. So, that means the people are at fault.

So what are you going to do about it? Change the way people vote so they start voting positively? Because the powers that be are telling the people what to think, and they're not telling them to think about proportional representation.

"So what are you going to do about it? Change the way people vote so they start voting positively?"

No "voter" is holding a gun to ShaQuita's head forcing her drop out of the 9th grade, get pregnant at 15, have four baby daddy's by 21, spend her days smoking weed and drinking 40's....ShaQuita gravitates toward filth and failure and is proud of it...ghetto blacks are shameless.
Seems a whole lot easier to ask blacks to stop being "black minded"...strip them of all their pathetic excuses, force them to pull their heads from their asses and break the cycle. Ghetto blacks need to be condemned by legitimate blacks and not glamorized by the Kanye Wests' of the world.

4 million less votes for drumpf than HRC. You alt-right derps have to face reality at some point. Drumpf's support among all classes has fallen dramatically, dragging the Republicant's with him.

Cons see as far ahead as dogs do. They believe today is frozen in time and nothing will ever change. Thus the great surprise when they open their door and it isn't 1951 anymore.

True story...This nation is full of fucked up, twisted trash...thanks for pointing that out.
HRC won Loon York, North Mexico (California), the vote from illegitimates, Feminazi's, low-life's and bottom feeders, weirdos, illegals, men in dresses and the un-Americans.
Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter.

"Thus the great surprise when they open their door and it isn't 1951 anymore."
Yeah, 1951 totally sucked...Why the hell would we prefer to restore what was?
American's were truly AMERICAN, family values and God were the root and foundation of households, people spoke the same language, were likeminded and friendly, people clearly understood the value of hard word and determination, people took great pride in pulling their own weight, shameful shit was shamed and not championed. I could go on and on.
(This is where you say: "BUT, BUT, BUT.....SLAVERY!")

"Trump won the vote from legitimate American's who matter."

Too funny, as if you or anyone gets to decide this. This doesn't exist. Every person that is a citizen of the US is an American. Everyone gets one vote. How ironic that the cohort of ignorants that voted for Drumpf would believe they are entitled to look down on anyone. It's sad. You in essence just said everyone that isn't YOU is a deplorable. Congratulations, you are now Hillary Clinton.
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Come on broke
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
How surprising, a USMB poster attempting to defend racism AND post a easily disproved meme of Black people receiving more welfare in this country than white people
Hey "loser" when "your people" start to get their collective shit together then maybe my taxes won't have to put food in their mouths or cloth their kids...
Yeah I know you want to fall back on that game that ignores the fact that not only are there more whites sucking off the welfare tit than any other group in America they also suck the most out of every other welfare program in America such as SSDI, Farm subsidies, etc.
How poor do I think white people will get...I don't have to think how poor they will get, it's already a reality:

Yet the statistics about poverty among whites are startling.

According to recent census data, 42 percent of the poor — some 18.9 million people — are non-Hispanic whites. They make up almost 10 percent of the country’s white population. Sixty-three percent of rural Americans who live below the poverty line, or more than 6 million people, are white. A little over one-third of the 13 million children who are members of impoverished families are white. Over half of the South’s population in poverty is white. And there are indications that poverty among whites is gradually increasing.

Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county
Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children.

The US Census Bureau estimated last year that Owsley county's 4,461-person population is more than 98 percent white. According to Al Jazeera's analysis of US census data, it is the nation's poorest white-majority county in terms of annual median household income.

At 10.4 percent last year , the county's unemployment rate in 2015 was nearly twice as much as the national average of 5.25 percent . Worse still, Owsley county's median household income of $19,146 was just over a third of the national median income of $55,775 in 2015.

More than 45 percent of Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children and more than a third of those over 65.

According to recent data available from the US government, more than half of personal income came from governmental monetary benefits in 2009, and at least 52 percent of the county's residents received food stamps in 2011.

Farm Subsidies Overwhelmingly Support White Farmers
The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive.
Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.”

So "loser" what are you doing to help get "your" people's mouths out of my pocket???
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Come on broke
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
How surprising, a USMB poster attempting to defend racism AND post a easily disproved meme of Black people receiving more welfare in this country than white people
Hey "loser" when "your people" start to get their collective shit together then maybe my taxes won't have to put food in their mouths or cloth their kids...
Yeah I know you want to fall back on that game that ignores the fact that not only are there more whites sucking off the welfare tit than any other group in America they also suck the most out of every other welfare program in America such as SSDI, Farm subsidies, etc.
How poor do I think white people will get...I don't have to think how poor they will get, it's already a reality:

Yet the statistics about poverty among whites are startling.

According to recent census data, 42 percent of the poor — some 18.9 million people — are non-Hispanic whites. They make up almost 10 percent of the country’s white population. Sixty-three percent of rural Americans who live below the poverty line, or more than 6 million people, are white. A little over one-third of the 13 million children who are members of impoverished families are white. Over half of the South’s population in poverty is white. And there are indications that poverty among whites is gradually increasing.

Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county
Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children.

The US Census Bureau estimated last year that Owsley county's 4,461-person population is more than 98 percent white. According to Al Jazeera's analysis of US census data, it is the nation's poorest white-majority county in terms of annual median household income.

At 10.4 percent last year , the county's unemployment rate in 2015 was nearly twice as much as the national average of 5.25 percent . Worse still, Owsley county's median household income of $19,146 was just over a third of the national median income of $55,775 in 2015.

More than 45 percent of Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children and more than a third of those over 65.

According to recent data available from the US government, more than half of personal income came from governmental monetary benefits in 2009, and at least 52 percent of the county's residents received food stamps in 2011.

Farm Subsidies Overwhelmingly Support White Farmers
The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive.
Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.”

So "loser" what are you doing to help get "your" people's mouths out of my pocket???

I'll play along...haha
You can't "steer" and play stupid on this one bud....77% of this country is still white...whites will lead all categories for that reason. Use your head for a minute and think per capita.
More than 4 in 10 of your people are pet humans counting on someone to drop food in their mouths.
1.3 in 10 white trash bottom feeders are pet humans.
You're trying hard to sell yourself on some bullshit but this really isn't all that trivial....it's simple arithmetic...sorry bud.
What else can I teach you?
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Come on broke
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
How surprising, a USMB poster attempting to defend racism AND post a easily disproved meme of Black people receiving more welfare in this country than white people
Hey "loser" when "your people" start to get their collective shit together then maybe my taxes won't have to put food in their mouths or cloth their kids...
Yeah I know you want to fall back on that game that ignores the fact that not only are there more whites sucking off the welfare tit than any other group in America they also suck the most out of every other welfare program in America such as SSDI, Farm subsidies, etc.
How poor do I think white people will get...I don't have to think how poor they will get, it's already a reality:

Yet the statistics about poverty among whites are startling.

According to recent census data, 42 percent of the poor — some 18.9 million people — are non-Hispanic whites. They make up almost 10 percent of the country’s white population. Sixty-three percent of rural Americans who live below the poverty line, or more than 6 million people, are white. A little over one-third of the 13 million children who are members of impoverished families are white. Over half of the South’s population in poverty is white. And there are indications that poverty among whites is gradually increasing.

Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county
Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children.

The US Census Bureau estimated last year that Owsley county's 4,461-person population is more than 98 percent white. According to Al Jazeera's analysis of US census data, it is the nation's poorest white-majority county in terms of annual median household income.

At 10.4 percent last year , the county's unemployment rate in 2015 was nearly twice as much as the national average of 5.25 percent . Worse still, Owsley county's median household income of $19,146 was just over a third of the national median income of $55,775 in 2015.

More than 45 percent of Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children and more than a third of those over 65.

According to recent data available from the US government, more than half of personal income came from governmental monetary benefits in 2009, and at least 52 percent of the county's residents received food stamps in 2011.

Farm Subsidies Overwhelmingly Support White Farmers
The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive.
Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.”

So "loser" what are you doing to help get "your" people's mouths out of my pocket???

I'll play along...haha
You can't "steer" and play stupid on this one bud....77% of this country is still white...whites will lead all categories for that reason. Use your head for a minute and think per capita.
More than 4 in 10 of your people are pet humans counting on someone to drop food in their mouths.
1.3 in 10 white trash bottom feeders are pet humans.
You're trying hard to sell yourself on some bullshit but this really isn't all that trivial....it's simple arithmetic...sorry bud.
What else can I teach you?
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Come on broke
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
How surprising, a USMB poster attempting to defend racism AND post a easily disproved meme of Black people receiving more welfare in this country than white people
Hey "loser" when "your people" start to get their collective shit together then maybe my taxes won't have to put food in their mouths or cloth their kids...
Yeah I know you want to fall back on that game that ignores the fact that not only are there more whites sucking off the welfare tit than any other group in America they also suck the most out of every other welfare program in America such as SSDI, Farm subsidies, etc.
How poor do I think white people will get...I don't have to think how poor they will get, it's already a reality:

Yet the statistics about poverty among whites are startling.

According to recent census data, 42 percent of the poor — some 18.9 million people — are non-Hispanic whites. They make up almost 10 percent of the country’s white population. Sixty-three percent of rural Americans who live below the poverty line, or more than 6 million people, are white. A little over one-third of the 13 million children who are members of impoverished families are white. Over half of the South’s population in poverty is white. And there are indications that poverty among whites is gradually increasing.

Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county
Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children.

The US Census Bureau estimated last year that Owsley county's 4,461-person population is more than 98 percent white. According to Al Jazeera's analysis of US census data, it is the nation's poorest white-majority county in terms of annual median household income.

At 10.4 percent last year , the county's unemployment rate in 2015 was nearly twice as much as the national average of 5.25 percent . Worse still, Owsley county's median household income of $19,146 was just over a third of the national median income of $55,775 in 2015.

More than 45 percent of Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children and more than a third of those over 65.

According to recent data available from the US government, more than half of personal income came from governmental monetary benefits in 2009, and at least 52 percent of the county's residents received food stamps in 2011.

Farm Subsidies Overwhelmingly Support White Farmers
The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive.
Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.”

So "loser" what are you doing to help get "your" people's mouths out of my pocket???

I'll play along...haha
You can't "steer" and play stupid on this one bud....77% of this country is still white...whites will lead all categories for that reason. Use your head for a minute and think per capita.
More than 4 in 10 of your people are pet humans counting on someone to drop food in their mouths.
1.3 in 10 white trash bottom feeders are pet humans.
You're trying hard to sell yourself on some bullshit but this really isn't all that trivial....it's simple arithmetic...sorry bud.
What else can I teach you?
Yeah I see you are trying to play the "white boy stupid 2 step", there is an obvious set of reasons that you ignored my farm subsidy example and my SSDI example...either you are too stupid to know what "welfare"is OR you know that facts are your arguments weak point.
For over 200 years this country has done everything possible to insure the success of whites and the hindrance of minorities and yet still you reptilian brained losers comprise the highest number of deadbeats in the nation...
If taxpayers like me didn't have to fund your farm subsidies, food stamps, SSDI, and other handouts, more of you than any other group of people in this country would starve.
I know it hurts the low hanging fruit like you to see minorities pass you by in this country but you are just going to have to suck it up.
Successful whites have stopped carrying you and the more capable people of other races are simply passing their inferiors over...

Once again, shit like this is being phased out, learn your place in the natural order...lol...
Farm Subsidies Overwhelmingly Support White Farmers
The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive.
Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Come on broke
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
How surprising, a USMB poster attempting to defend racism AND post a easily disproved meme of Black people receiving more welfare in this country than white people
Hey "loser" when "your people" start to get their collective shit together then maybe my taxes won't have to put food in their mouths or cloth their kids...
Yeah I know you want to fall back on that game that ignores the fact that not only are there more whites sucking off the welfare tit than any other group in America they also suck the most out of every other welfare program in America such as SSDI, Farm subsidies, etc.
How poor do I think white people will get...I don't have to think how poor they will get, it's already a reality:

Yet the statistics about poverty among whites are startling.

According to recent census data, 42 percent of the poor — some 18.9 million people — are non-Hispanic whites. They make up almost 10 percent of the country’s white population. Sixty-three percent of rural Americans who live below the poverty line, or more than 6 million people, are white. A little over one-third of the 13 million children who are members of impoverished families are white. Over half of the South’s population in poverty is white. And there are indications that poverty among whites is gradually increasing.

Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county
Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children.

The US Census Bureau estimated last year that Owsley county's 4,461-person population is more than 98 percent white. According to Al Jazeera's analysis of US census data, it is the nation's poorest white-majority county in terms of annual median household income.

At 10.4 percent last year , the county's unemployment rate in 2015 was nearly twice as much as the national average of 5.25 percent . Worse still, Owsley county's median household income of $19,146 was just over a third of the national median income of $55,775 in 2015.

More than 45 percent of Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children and more than a third of those over 65.

According to recent data available from the US government, more than half of personal income came from governmental monetary benefits in 2009, and at least 52 percent of the county's residents received food stamps in 2011.

Farm Subsidies Overwhelmingly Support White Farmers
The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive.
Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.”

So "loser" what are you doing to help get "your" people's mouths out of my pocket???

I'll play along...haha
You can't "steer" and play stupid on this one bud....77% of this country is still white...whites will lead all categories for that reason. Use your head for a minute and think per capita.
More than 4 in 10 of your people are pet humans counting on someone to drop food in their mouths.
1.3 in 10 white trash bottom feeders are pet humans.
You're trying hard to sell yourself on some bullshit but this really isn't all that trivial....it's simple arithmetic...sorry bud.
What else can I teach you?
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Come on broke
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
How surprising, a USMB poster attempting to defend racism AND post a easily disproved meme of Black people receiving more welfare in this country than white people
Hey "loser" when "your people" start to get their collective shit together then maybe my taxes won't have to put food in their mouths or cloth their kids...
Yeah I know you want to fall back on that game that ignores the fact that not only are there more whites sucking off the welfare tit than any other group in America they also suck the most out of every other welfare program in America such as SSDI, Farm subsidies, etc.
How poor do I think white people will get...I don't have to think how poor they will get, it's already a reality:

Yet the statistics about poverty among whites are startling.

According to recent census data, 42 percent of the poor — some 18.9 million people — are non-Hispanic whites. They make up almost 10 percent of the country’s white population. Sixty-three percent of rural Americans who live below the poverty line, or more than 6 million people, are white. A little over one-third of the 13 million children who are members of impoverished families are white. Over half of the South’s population in poverty is white. And there are indications that poverty among whites is gradually increasing.

Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county
Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children.

The US Census Bureau estimated last year that Owsley county's 4,461-person population is more than 98 percent white. According to Al Jazeera's analysis of US census data, it is the nation's poorest white-majority county in terms of annual median household income.

At 10.4 percent last year , the county's unemployment rate in 2015 was nearly twice as much as the national average of 5.25 percent . Worse still, Owsley county's median household income of $19,146 was just over a third of the national median income of $55,775 in 2015.

More than 45 percent of Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children and more than a third of those over 65.

According to recent data available from the US government, more than half of personal income came from governmental monetary benefits in 2009, and at least 52 percent of the county's residents received food stamps in 2011.

Farm Subsidies Overwhelmingly Support White Farmers
The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive.
Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.”

So "loser" what are you doing to help get "your" people's mouths out of my pocket???

I'll play along...haha
You can't "steer" and play stupid on this one bud....77% of this country is still white...whites will lead all categories for that reason. Use your head for a minute and think per capita.
More than 4 in 10 of your people are pet humans counting on someone to drop food in their mouths.
1.3 in 10 white trash bottom feeders are pet humans.
You're trying hard to sell yourself on some bullshit but this really isn't all that trivial....it's simple arithmetic...sorry bud.
What else can I teach you?
Yeah I see you are trying to play the "white boy stupid 2 step", there is an obvious set of reasons that you ignored my farm subsidy example and my SSDI example...either you are too stupid to know what "welfare"is OR you know that facts are your arguments weak point.
For over 200 years this country has done everything possible to insure the success of whites and the hindrance of minorities and yet still you reptilian brained losers comprise the highest number of deadbeats in the nation...
If taxpayers like me didn't have to fund your farm subsidies, food stamps, SSDI, and other handouts, more of you than any other group of people in this country would starve.
I know it hurts the low hanging fruit like you to see minorities pass you by in this country but you are just going to have to suck it up.
Successful whites have stopped carrying you and the more capable people of other races are simply passing their inferiors over...

Once again, shit like this is being phased out, learn your place in the natural order...lol...
Farm Subsidies Overwhelmingly Support White Farmers
The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive.
Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.

Remember Mark....PER CAPITA...it's how smart people not looking to steer and deflect analyze data.
I almost respect how self manipulated you are....SHIT...who really wants to believe that "their kind" is the national leader in all things negative...prison population PER CAPITA, felons PER CAPITA, welfare dependency PER CAPITA, school dropouts PER CAPITA, teen pregnancy PER CAPITA, single mothers PER CAPITA...it goes on and on...sorry man, I know it hurts, but just figure out how to get the bulk of your people acting right...would you please?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Come on broke
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
How surprising, a USMB poster attempting to defend racism AND post a easily disproved meme of Black people receiving more welfare in this country than white people
Hey "loser" when "your people" start to get their collective shit together then maybe my taxes won't have to put food in their mouths or cloth their kids...
Yeah I know you want to fall back on that game that ignores the fact that not only are there more whites sucking off the welfare tit than any other group in America they also suck the most out of every other welfare program in America such as SSDI, Farm subsidies, etc.
How poor do I think white people will get...I don't have to think how poor they will get, it's already a reality:

Yet the statistics about poverty among whites are startling.

According to recent census data, 42 percent of the poor — some 18.9 million people — are non-Hispanic whites. They make up almost 10 percent of the country’s white population. Sixty-three percent of rural Americans who live below the poverty line, or more than 6 million people, are white. A little over one-third of the 13 million children who are members of impoverished families are white. Over half of the South’s population in poverty is white. And there are indications that poverty among whites is gradually increasing.

Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county
Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children.

The US Census Bureau estimated last year that Owsley county's 4,461-person population is more than 98 percent white. According to Al Jazeera's analysis of US census data, it is the nation's poorest white-majority county in terms of annual median household income.

At 10.4 percent last year , the county's unemployment rate in 2015 was nearly twice as much as the national average of 5.25 percent . Worse still, Owsley county's median household income of $19,146 was just over a third of the national median income of $55,775 in 2015.

More than 45 percent of Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children and more than a third of those over 65.

According to recent data available from the US government, more than half of personal income came from governmental monetary benefits in 2009, and at least 52 percent of the county's residents received food stamps in 2011.

Farm Subsidies Overwhelmingly Support White Farmers
The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive.
Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.”

So "loser" what are you doing to help get "your" people's mouths out of my pocket???

I'll play along...haha
You can't "steer" and play stupid on this one bud....77% of this country is still white...whites will lead all categories for that reason. Use your head for a minute and think per capita.
More than 4 in 10 of your people are pet humans counting on someone to drop food in their mouths.
1.3 in 10 white trash bottom feeders are pet humans.
You're trying hard to sell yourself on some bullshit but this really isn't all that trivial....it's simple arithmetic...sorry bud.
What else can I teach you?
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Come on broke
Poor little white supremacist losers don't be upset that you have never and will never be of consequnce...
Just remember:
Beautiful white chicks are still going to screw our balls off no matter what names you try to shame them with.
Trump is still laughing at your stupidity and the non-existant American job he is bringing back.
Inter-racial marriages will still continue to increase.
You will continue to get poorer and more stupid.
Your Hitler costumes are ridiculous.
Your kids detest your stupidity and can't wait to move from under your roof, they already have minority friends.
Your "white power" is a slogan for losers and whiners.

Come on Mark...stop with all the defensive hostility.
Just get "your people" to start acting right and let go of all the bitterness...IT'S TIME BUD!
How poor do you think white people will get?
This poor?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
How surprising, a USMB poster attempting to defend racism AND post a easily disproved meme of Black people receiving more welfare in this country than white people
Hey "loser" when "your people" start to get their collective shit together then maybe my taxes won't have to put food in their mouths or cloth their kids...
Yeah I know you want to fall back on that game that ignores the fact that not only are there more whites sucking off the welfare tit than any other group in America they also suck the most out of every other welfare program in America such as SSDI, Farm subsidies, etc.
How poor do I think white people will get...I don't have to think how poor they will get, it's already a reality:

Yet the statistics about poverty among whites are startling.

According to recent census data, 42 percent of the poor — some 18.9 million people — are non-Hispanic whites. They make up almost 10 percent of the country’s white population. Sixty-three percent of rural Americans who live below the poverty line, or more than 6 million people, are white. A little over one-third of the 13 million children who are members of impoverished families are white. Over half of the South’s population in poverty is white. And there are indications that poverty among whites is gradually increasing.

Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county
Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children.

The US Census Bureau estimated last year that Owsley county's 4,461-person population is more than 98 percent white. According to Al Jazeera's analysis of US census data, it is the nation's poorest white-majority county in terms of annual median household income.

At 10.4 percent last year , the county's unemployment rate in 2015 was nearly twice as much as the national average of 5.25 percent . Worse still, Owsley county's median household income of $19,146 was just over a third of the national median income of $55,775 in 2015.

More than 45 percent of Owsley county's population lives below the government-designated poverty line, including 56.3 percent of children and more than a third of those over 65.

According to recent data available from the US government, more than half of personal income came from governmental monetary benefits in 2009, and at least 52 percent of the county's residents received food stamps in 2011.

Farm Subsidies Overwhelmingly Support White Farmers
The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive.
Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.”

So "loser" what are you doing to help get "your" people's mouths out of my pocket???

I'll play along...haha
You can't "steer" and play stupid on this one bud....77% of this country is still white...whites will lead all categories for that reason. Use your head for a minute and think per capita.
More than 4 in 10 of your people are pet humans counting on someone to drop food in their mouths.
1.3 in 10 white trash bottom feeders are pet humans.
You're trying hard to sell yourself on some bullshit but this really isn't all that trivial....it's simple arithmetic...sorry bud.
What else can I teach you?
Yeah I see you are trying to play the "white boy stupid 2 step", there is an obvious set of reasons that you ignored my farm subsidy example and my SSDI example...either you are too stupid to know what "welfare"is OR you know that facts are your arguments weak point.
For over 200 years this country has done everything possible to insure the success of whites and the hindrance of minorities and yet still you reptilian brained losers comprise the highest number of deadbeats in the nation...
If taxpayers like me didn't have to fund your farm subsidies, food stamps, SSDI, and other handouts, more of you than any other group of people in this country would starve.
I know it hurts the low hanging fruit like you to see minorities pass you by in this country but you are just going to have to suck it up.
Successful whites have stopped carrying you and the more capable people of other races are simply passing their inferiors over...

Once again, shit like this is being phased out, learn your place in the natural order...lol...
Farm Subsidies Overwhelmingly Support White Farmers
The U.S. government spends billions each year subsidizing farm operations. Yet Black farmers receive only one-third to one-sixth of the benefits that other farmers receive.
Looking at farmers of color more broadly, the Southern Rural Development Initiative found that less than 1 percent of agriculture subsidy payments between 2001 and 2003 went to Blacks, Native Americans and Asian Americans. (Because the available data comes from the Census Bureau, whose definition of “nonwhite” excludes many Latinos, the researchers were unable to include Latino farmers within its people of color analysis.) Even in counties where people of color are the majority, researchers estimate that at a minimum, almost 95 percent of agriculture subsidies “are going to farms with white operators.

Remember Mark....PER CAPITA...it's how smart people not looking to steer and deflect analyze data.
I almost respect how self manipulated you are....SHIT...who really wants to believe that "their kind" is the national leader in all things negative...prison population PER CAPITA, felons PER CAPITA, welfare dependency PER CAPITA, school dropouts PER CAPITA, teen pregnancy PER CAPITA, single mothers PER CAPITA...it goes on and on...sorry man, I know it hurts, but just figure out how to get the bulk of your people acting right...would you please?
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
o The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific
Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Sorry son, that per capita is the crutch that dosen't hold weight anymore, you low hanging fruit whites were never and are never going to be able to compete on a somewhat level playing field hence your refusal to even aknowledge the other examples of welfare that whites like you leech from...

Who Gets Food Stamps? White People, Mostly
Nationally, most of the people who receive benefits from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program are white. According to 2013 data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which administers the program, 40.2 percent of SNAP recipients are white, 25.7 percent are black, 10.3 percent are Hispanic, 2.1 percent are Asian and 1.2 percent are Native American.
The fact is, more low hanging whites will starve if I ever decided not to use my taxes to feed them...tonight thank God that people like me feed your little bastards...

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