white nationalists used to wear hoods to hide their racism, now they are emboldened in the Trump era

The biggest cause of loss of culture, and race since the near extinction of Native Americans WILL BE from Whites going the same way, and becoming smaller, mixed, and losing their culture piece by piece over time, JUST like Native Americans had, and
then this presumably finalizes Native Americans, African Americans, and Jewish Americans to go extinct FIRST, because of their higher rates of mixing, and smaller numbers vs White Americans.

Multiculturalists will be the demise of Jews, NOT Hitler.

Does that make Multiculturalists WORSE than Hitler???????????
And here we see the influence of WN rhetoric.

/——/ Shut up you Black AntiNationalists.
Frazier Glenn Miller, the neo-Nazi who shot up a synagogue in Kansas, ran for office as a Democrat.

He got 0.61% of the vote, according to his wiki page. In 1984! He also ran once as a Republican, in 1986, and a couple times as a write-in. He never came close to winning. The relevance of these facts to any interesting contemporary political question is not at all obvious.
There is nothing whatsoever wrong with being white and a nationalist.
There is plenty wrong with being a white nationalist, retard.
/——/ It’s another made up BS liberal talking point

white nationalists used to wear hoods to hide their racism

now they wear MAGA caps and carry Trump signs at his rallies before they beat the shit out of people that dont agree with them .
/---- What's wrong with being White and/or a Nationalist?
nationalist (năshˈə-nəl, năshˈnəl)
  • Of, relating to, or belonging to a nation as an organized whole: a national anthem.
  • adj.
    Of or relating to nationality: their national origin.
  • adj.
    Characteristic of or peculiar to the people of a nation: a national trait.


if you like 5-6 tough guys beating your ass because you oppose Goldilocks.
/----/ "if you like 5-6 tough guys beating your ass because you oppose Goldilocks."
WTF does that even mean?


multiple guys jumping on ONE dude and fucking him up until they run out of breath - hell, its been caught on camera several times.
/——/ Please post the video.

What it means when President Trump calls himself a 'nationalist' - NY Daily News

You know what I am? I’m a nationalist, OK?” he told the crowds in Houston. “I’m a Nationalist. Use that word.”
white nationalists used to wear hoods to hide their racism, now they are emboldened in the Trump era

White nationalists are an amalgam of Kluxxers and Nazis.

Kluxxers and Nazis used to be mortal enemies because a lot of Kluxxers and/or their family members fought Nazis in WWII.

But as their respective numbers dwindled and WWII vets died off, the two groups joined forces and became the modern day "white nationalists".

I still just call them Nazis. It's what they are, moreso than Klansmen.

Over the past couple decades, I have observed with alarm the rhetoric of the WN community bleeding over into mainstream politics. A lot of the pseudocons on this board parrot Nazi rhetoric. I don't know if they are even aware that is the source of their belief system.
If you are saying the Klan wore hoods to hide racism you are wrong the klan wore hoods to hide thier identity because they were carrying on clandestine warfare against the republican reconstruction administration. They were not white nationalists if anything they were Southern nationalists. The ignorance of American history is shocking. Your racism not the klans is on display here.
Nothing I said contradicts the facts, dumbass. Way to totally misread my post.

In fact, I was pointing out to the person who started the topic that WNs are not Kluxxers and that they should not be conflated.

Kluxxers are a subset of the two groups which combined to create the WN movement.

I didn't misread anything. Your ignorance is showing. I would like to know what a white nationalist is. Perhaps a definition would make your post easier to understand.
white nationalists used to wear hoods to hide their racism, now they are emboldened in the Trump era

White nationalists are an amalgam of Kluxxers and Nazis.

Kluxxers and Nazis used to be mortal enemies because a lot of Kluxxers and/or their family members fought Nazis in WWII.

But as their respective numbers dwindled and WWII vets died off, the two groups joined forces and became the modern day "white nationalists".

I still just call them Nazis. It's what they are, moreso than Klansmen.

Over the past couple decades, I have observed with alarm the rhetoric of the WN community bleeding over into mainstream politics. A lot of the pseudocons on this board parrot Nazi rhetoric. I don't know if they are even aware that is the source of their belief system.
If you are saying the Klan wore hoods to hide racism you are wrong the klan wore hoods to hide thier identity because they were carrying on clandestine warfare against the republican reconstruction administration. They were not white nationalists if anything they were Southern nationalists. The ignorance of American history is shocking. Your racism not the klans is on display here.
Nothing I said contradicts the facts, dumbass. Way to totally misread my post.

In fact, I was pointing out to the person who started the topic that WNs are not Kluxxers and that they should not be conflated.

Kluxxers are a subset of the two groups which combined to create the WN movement.

I didn't misread anything. Your ignorance is showing. I would like to know what a white nationalist is. Perhaps a definition would make your post easier to understand.

its Donald Trump - self proclaimed nationalist.

questions .
If you have to ask...you are either so far out of the loop that you shouldn't be talking about it...or you are one
Well, you are an Off-white introvertoniakist. If you have to ask, you are so far out of the bullshit, made-up words loop or you are one.
Yeah but those hooded white nationalists were democrats.
Far right Christian terrorists.


We're Republicans now. Vote for Trump!

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