white nationalists used to wear hoods to hide their racism, now they are emboldened in the Trump era

white nationalists used to wear hoods to hide their racism, now they are emboldened in the Trump era

White nationalists are an amalgam of Kluxxers and Nazis.

Kluxxers and Nazis used to be mortal enemies because a lot of Kluxxers and/or their family members fought Nazis in WWII.

But as their respective numbers dwindled and WWII vets died off, the two groups joined forces and became the modern day "white nationalists".

I still just call them Nazis. It's what they are, moreso than Klansmen.

Over the past couple decades, I have observed with alarm the rhetoric of the WN community bleeding over into mainstream politics. A lot of the pseudocons on this board parrot Nazi rhetoric. I don't know if they are even aware that is the source of their belief system.
If you are saying the Klan wore hoods to hide racism you are wrong the klan wore hoods to hide thier identity because they were carrying on clandestine warfare against the republican reconstruction administration. They were not white nationalists if anything they were Southern nationalists. The ignorance of American history is shocking. Your racism not the klans is on display here.
Nothing I said contradicts the facts, dumbass. Way to totally misread my post.

In fact, I was pointing out to the person who started the topic that WNs are not Kluxxers and that they should not be conflated.

Kluxxers are a subset of the two groups which combined to create the WN movement.

I didn't misread anything. Your ignorance is showing. I would like to know what a white nationalist is. Perhaps a definition would make your post easier to understand.
White Nationalist = Nazi. Simple.

White supremacists.

All caught up now, skeeter?
What it means when President Trump calls himself a 'nationalist' - NY Daily News

You know what I am? I’m a nationalist, OK?” he told the crowds in Houston. “I’m a Nationalist. Use that word.”

Ha Ha.....A definition of Trump's self proclaimed nationalism defined by........wait for it.....Southern Poverty Law Center one of the most racist organizations to ever exist. Man, you just can't make this shit up. Real Americans know that this country is a combination of many races from around the world generally living in harmony with each other therefore being a nationalist is the opposite of what SLPC claims. Typical upside/down translation by far-left neo-marxist types who have attached themselves like leeches to the already biased Democrat party.
Trump is a rainbow nationalist -

orange skin - yellow hair - blue bags under his eyes ...
What it means when President Trump calls himself a 'nationalist' - NY Daily News

You know what I am? I’m a nationalist, OK?” he told the crowds in Houston. “I’m a Nationalist. Use that word.”

Ha Ha.....A definition of Trump's self proclaimed nationalism defined by........wait for it.....Southern Poverty Law Center one of the most racist organizations to ever exist. Man, you just can't make this shit up. Real Americans know that this country is a combination of many races from around the world generally living in harmony with each other therefore being a nationalist is the opposite of what SLPC claims. Typical upside/down translation by far-left neo-marxist types who have attached themselves like leeches to the already biased Democrat party.

the old bastard is on film calling himself a nationalist you moron ...
No, I'm not confused. Democrats created the KKK.

False equivalency yet again. The white nationalists in this country are being represented by right-wingers.
They aren't white nationalists because they're not concerned about the nation. They are simply White Supremacy critters and they have nothing in common with Conservatives.

Call them what you want. They are still associated with the right.
the old bastard is on film calling himself a nationalist you moron ...

I never claimed Trump didn't call himself a nationalist, I was pointing out that a racist organization tried to redefine nationalism. Try actually reading moron.
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white nationalists used to wear hoods to hide their racism, now they are emboldened in the Trump era

White nationalists are an amalgam of Kluxxers and Nazis.

Kluxxers and Nazis used to be mortal enemies because a lot of Kluxxers and/or their family members fought Nazis in WWII.

But as their respective numbers dwindled and WWII vets died off, the two groups joined forces and became the modern day "white nationalists".

I still just call them Nazis. It's what they are, moreso than Klansmen.

Over the past couple decades, I have observed with alarm the rhetoric of the WN community bleeding over into mainstream politics. A lot of the pseudocons on this board parrot Nazi rhetoric. I don't know if they are even aware that is the source of their belief system.
If you are saying the Klan wore hoods to hide racism you are wrong the klan wore hoods to hide thier identity because they were carrying on clandestine warfare against the republican reconstruction administration. They were not white nationalists if anything they were Southern nationalists. The ignorance of American history is shocking. Your racism not the klans is on display here.
Nothing I said contradicts the facts, dumbass. Way to totally misread my post.

In fact, I was pointing out to the person who started the topic that WNs are not Kluxxers and that they should not be conflated.

Kluxxers are a subset of the two groups which combined to create the WN movement.

I didn't misread anything. Your ignorance is showing. I would like to know what a white nationalist is. Perhaps a definition would make your post easier to understand.
White Nationalist = Nazi. Simple.

White supremacists.

All caught up now, skeeter?
Then, you are talking about .005% of the population.

The bullshit about trying to tie a huge portion of the population to Nazis is COMPLETE HORSESHIT and another inflammatory statement that does NOTHING but cause hostility.

I have had enough of this bullshit.

White nationalists are an amalgam of Kluxxers and Nazis.

Kluxxers and Nazis used to be mortal enemies because a lot of Kluxxers and/or their family members fought Nazis in WWII.

But as their respective numbers dwindled and WWII vets died off, the two groups joined forces and became the modern day "white nationalists".

I still just call them Nazis. It's what they are, moreso than Klansmen.

Over the past couple decades, I have observed with alarm the rhetoric of the WN community bleeding over into mainstream politics. A lot of the pseudocons on this board parrot Nazi rhetoric. I don't know if they are even aware that is the source of their belief system.
If you are saying the Klan wore hoods to hide racism you are wrong the klan wore hoods to hide thier identity because they were carrying on clandestine warfare against the republican reconstruction administration. They were not white nationalists if anything they were Southern nationalists. The ignorance of American history is shocking. Your racism not the klans is on display here.
Nothing I said contradicts the facts, dumbass. Way to totally misread my post.

In fact, I was pointing out to the person who started the topic that WNs are not Kluxxers and that they should not be conflated.

Kluxxers are a subset of the two groups which combined to create the WN movement.

I didn't misread anything. Your ignorance is showing. I would like to know what a white nationalist is. Perhaps a definition would make your post easier to understand.
White Nationalist = Nazi. Simple.

White supremacists.

All caught up now, skeeter?
Then, you are talking about .005% of the population.

The bullshit about trying to tie a huge portion of the population to Nazis is COMPLETE HORSESHIT and another inflammatory statement that does NOTHING but cause hostility.

I have had enough of this bullshit.

That's funny. Where were you when Fox News and the parroting tards on this forum were trying to tie the pipe bomber to the Democrats, despite a total lack of FACTS and EVIDENCE?

Shee-it! The Jews bodies weren't even cold yet when one fuckwit on here was blaming Muslims.
White nationalists are an amalgam of Kluxxers and Nazis.

Kluxxers and Nazis used to be mortal enemies because a lot of Kluxxers and/or their family members fought Nazis in WWII.

But as their respective numbers dwindled and WWII vets died off, the two groups joined forces and became the modern day "white nationalists".

I still just call them Nazis. It's what they are, moreso than Klansmen.

Over the past couple decades, I have observed with alarm the rhetoric of the WN community bleeding over into mainstream politics. A lot of the pseudocons on this board parrot Nazi rhetoric. I don't know if they are even aware that is the source of their belief system.
If you are saying the Klan wore hoods to hide racism you are wrong the klan wore hoods to hide thier identity because they were carrying on clandestine warfare against the republican reconstruction administration. They were not white nationalists if anything they were Southern nationalists. The ignorance of American history is shocking. Your racism not the klans is on display here.
Nothing I said contradicts the facts, dumbass. Way to totally misread my post.

In fact, I was pointing out to the person who started the topic that WNs are not Kluxxers and that they should not be conflated.

Kluxxers are a subset of the two groups which combined to create the WN movement.

I didn't misread anything. Your ignorance is showing. I would like to know what a white nationalist is. Perhaps a definition would make your post easier to understand.
White Nationalist = Nazi. Simple.

White supremacists.

All caught up now, skeeter?
Then, you are talking about .005% of the population.

The bullshit about trying to tie a huge portion of the population to Nazis is COMPLETE HORSESHIT and another inflammatory statement that does NOTHING but cause hostility.

I have had enough of this bullshit.


so you believe the right has an exclusive on calling presidents NAZI' s ??????????

think again sparky -----
you believe the right has an exclusive on calling presidents NAZI' s ??????????

think again sparky -----
Trying to tie all Trump supporters to Nazis is complete horseshit. Yet, that is what you motherfucking piles of shit are trying to do.

white nationalists used to wear hoods to hide their racism, now they are emboldened in the Trump era

White nationalists are an amalgam of Kluxxers and Nazis.

Kluxxers and Nazis used to be mortal enemies because a lot of Kluxxers and/or their family members fought Nazis in WWII.

But as their respective numbers dwindled and WWII vets died off, the two groups joined forces and became the modern day "white nationalists".

I still just call them Nazis. It's what they are, moreso than Klansmen.

Over the past couple decades, I have observed with alarm the rhetoric of the WN community bleeding over into mainstream politics. A lot of the pseudocons on this board parrot Nazi rhetoric. I don't know if they are even aware that is the source of their belief system.
If you are saying the Klan wore hoods to hide racism you are wrong the klan wore hoods to hide thier identity because they were carrying on clandestine warfare against the republican reconstruction administration. They were not white nationalists if anything they were Southern nationalists. The ignorance of American history is shocking. Your racism not the klans is on display here.
Nothing I said contradicts the facts, dumbass. Way to totally misread my post.

In fact, I was pointing out to the person who started the topic that WNs are not Kluxxers and that they should not be conflated.

Kluxxers are a subset of the two groups which combined to create the WN movement.

I didn't misread anything. Your ignorance is showing. I would like to know what a white nationalist is. Perhaps a definition would make your post easier to understand.
White Nationalist = Nazi. Simple.

White supremacists.

All caught up now, skeeter?

If nazi stands for National Socialist German Workers Party the demands made by the NSGWP for change in German government more closely parallel the progressive line than any other. White supremacist is little more than a straw dog
invented by progressives. The current crop of neo nazis seem too disorganised to have a party line. The whole nazi white supremacist line is little more than desparate fear mongering.
you believe the right has an exclusive on calling presidents NAZI' s ??????????

think again sparky -----
Trying to tie all Trump supporters to Nazis is complete horseshit. Yet, that is what you motherfucking piles of shit are trying to do.


you first Naziboi


Charlottesville Chapter ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

No, I'm not confused. Democrats created the KKK.

False equivalency yet again. The white nationalists in this country are being represented by right-wingers.
Stop spreading leftist propaganda.

Facts are not leftist propaganda. You may not like the fact that white nationalists are supported by the right, but it's true.
You're full of shit and your link is a perfect example of leftist propaganda. Thanks for the softball, retard.
white nationalists used to wear hoods to hide their racism

now they wear MAGA caps and carry Trump signs at his rallies before they beat the shit out of people that dont agree with them .
/---- What's wrong with being White and/or a Nationalist?
nationalist (năshˈə-nəl, năshˈnəl)
  • Of, relating to, or belonging to a nation as an organized whole: a national anthem.
  • adj.
    Of or relating to nationality: their national origin.
  • adj.
    Characteristic of or peculiar to the people of a nation: a national trait.


if you like 5-6 tough guys beating your ass because you oppose Goldilocks.
/----/ "if you like 5-6 tough guys beating your ass because you oppose Goldilocks."
WTF does that even mean?


multiple guys jumping on ONE dude and fucking him up until they run out of breath - hell, its been caught on camera several times.
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