White Power


way to polish your own turd, dude! Clearly, I have not exposed your silly little "do as I say, not as i do" routine that is so typical of cookie cutter liberals who think they can pass their own shit as a bouquet or roses.

now throw a fit and stomp your foot. That seems to work in every other thread you post in after having your ass handed to you.

More ad hominem nonsense. Surprise, surprise.
poor guy, if you don't like the shit talking then perhaps you should stop slinging shit. Again, it's probably not hilarious as fuck that you, of all people, cry about ad hominems.

I know I know.. some ad hominens are GOOD ad hominems.

poor guy, if you don't like the shit talking then perhaps you should stop slinging shit. Again, it's probably not hilarious as fuck that you, of all people, cry about ad hominems.

I know I know.. some ad hominens are GOOD ad hominems.


Oh, I don't care, it would just be nice if you actually had some arguments hidden away with all the trash you spew. Instead its just insults as if that actually says something.

And as I said, learn what an ad hominem is before using the word.
ill extend the same advice to your "some racism is good" concept of stereotypes.

Not to mention, again, it's a knee slapping joke that you are the one crying about ad hominems when all it takes is a different opinion to set you off on a crybaby tantrum.

poor guy. Is it nappy time for widdle Larkums?
If my arguments are so terrible, why are you resorting to ad hominems instead of addressing them?
because your opinions matter to one person only: you. When you start doling out something a bit more profound than "der, uh, some racism is good racism, derrr guhhh.." then perhaps someone might take you seriously. As it is, I just don't care to drive the point home that what you think is acceptable or not means nothing to the rest of us.
because your opinions matter to one person only: you. When you start doling out something a bit more profound than "der, uh, some racism is good racism, derrr guhhh.." then perhaps someone might take you seriously. As it is, I just don't care to drive the point home that what you think is acceptable or not means nothing to the rest of us.

Its a political message board, genius. If you don't want to hear opinions, what exactly are you doing here? If you want only facts, go read an encylopedia.
take your own advice the next time I point out how stupid is your "good racism" personal excuse, fucko.
take your own advice the next time I point out how stupid is your "good racism" personal excuse, fucko.

You opinions about the issues are predicated on obvious ad hominem fallacies. Hence they are complete shit, and demonstrably so.
OBVIOUS ad hominem fallacies, eh? Say that again LARKIN. It's probably not RICH AS HELL!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

yea, your opinion of what amounts to shit is probably the standard by which we ALL set our clocks!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ok, pussy, why don't you DEMONSTRATE your point then since you like to whip out jargon that you think makes you look smarter than we can tell you aren't. No, don't cry about my retort.. don't run crying to the mods that im picking on you. Let's see you DEMONSTRATE that my input hinges on ad hominems above and beyond your very own. You quote me and I'll quote you and we'll see what is actually DEMONSTRABLE.

I think the boards need an "ad hominem" emoticon just for Larkinn. When he can't prove anything, he passes your argument off as ad hominem...It's the perferred technique of Larkinn.
I think the boards need an "ad hominem" emoticon just for Larkinn. When he can't prove anything, he passes your argument off as ad hominem...It's the perferred technique of Larkinn.

Don't blame me for your inability to make logical arguments.
Don't blame me for your inability to make logical arguments.

ahh.. so, lemme guess.. THIS little flung turd probably doesn't count, right buddy?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

please, keep on keeping on, bitch. Im probably not enjoying every one of these posts.
Look how angry and bitter conservatives are, and they have not suffered any of the indignities inflicted upon Black citizens. Now imagine yourself from the Black prespective.

Go to the Obama's Black Church and see angry for sure! Maybe the white side of Obama should go to a "real" church, and praise the all-mighty who is the one who loves us all?!
Don't blame me for your inability to make logical arguments.

Logical arguments? What would you know about logical argument?? You've posted one frickin link about a study done in one specific part of the world and assumed that it applys everywhere else. It's funny how you'll use "representative sample" to explain that the U.S. is racist, but you won't use your own "representative sample" when explaining that a large number of blacks are good at basketball and track related sports........funny how that works.

You're the only illogical one. Logic is using basic psychology to explain the human condition and reaction to confrontation. I've got scenario for you...

Take four guys....White, black, Mexican, and Chinese. THey all have brown eyes. shaved heads, all the same heigth and body type; and they're all wearing the exact same clothing. You want to talk about one of them, how do you describe the guy your talking to. Which guy are you talking about Larkin....Larkin:"The bald guy." Well which bald guy Larkinn, they're all bald. Larkinn says, "The guy with the eyes." Which eyes Larkinn, they all have eyes. Are you telling me that you are racist if you say, "The black guy." ???

I suppose if it were up to you, we'd all be the same color, dress and eat the same thing, have no different cultural or ethnic backgrounds.....You're sounding more and more like an aryan race supporter every day.
Logical arguments? What would you know about logical argument?? You've posted one frickin link about a study done in one specific part of the world and assumed that it applys everywhere else.

Try in the United States, genius.

It's funny how you'll use "representative sample" to explain that the U.S. is racist, but you won't use your own "representative sample" when explaining that a large number of blacks are good at basketball and track related sports........funny how that works.

Wtf are you blabbering about?

You're the only illogical one. Logic is using basic psychology to explain the human condition and reaction to confrontation. I've got scenario for you...

No, its really not. Logic is taking a series of assumptions, or premises, and coming to correct and valid conclusions from them.

Take four guys....White, black, Mexican, and Chinese. THey all have brown eyes. shaved heads, all the same heigth and body type; and they're all wearing the exact same clothing. You want to talk about one of them, how do you describe the guy your talking to. Which guy are you talking about Larkin....Larkin:"The bald guy." Well which bald guy Larkinn, they're all bald. Larkinn says, "The guy with the eyes." Which eyes Larkinn, they all have eyes. Are you telling me that you are racist if you say, "The black guy." ???

I suppose if it were up to you, we'd all be the same color, dress and eat the same thing, have no different cultural or ethnic backgrounds.....You're sounding more and more like an aryan race supporter every day.

What a surprise. You make up completely unsupported bullshit about my position. Again.

No, I would say call the the mexican/black/whatever. Why? Because not all racism is bad. We went over this already.
Because not all racism is bad.


YEA! If Larky wants to point out that blacks play a lot of basketball and eat chitlins then who the fuck is anyone to criticize his "good racism"?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Try in the United States, genius.

Wtf are you blabbering about?

No, its really not. Logic is taking a series of assumptions, or premises, and coming to correct and valid conclusions from them.

What a surprise. You make up completely unsupported bullshit about my position. Again.

No, I would say call the the mexican/black/whatever. Why? Because not all racism is bad. We went over this already.

Try again smartness...It's not racism to call a Mexican a Mexican. No you went over a bunch of bull crap that is a biased "opinion" of a study that you're attemting to use to generalize the entire country. I didn't figure you'd understand what I'm "blabbing" about because you can't even understand the concept of racism.

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