White Power

piss off moron. who the hell are you to tell me i can't post here? you own this board? you said the church was not founded on black power, i showed you it was. it is you who has a problem with facts...

and prove i am racist, show one post...you can't back up your claims midcan because they are simply lies

You're more stupid then I thought, your thread is based on a racist view of history and current prejudice. You aren't discussing chess idiot.

"If you think the United States could never elect an Adolf Hitler to power, note that David Duke would have become governor of Louisiana if it had just been up to the white voters in that state." Robert Altemeyer
Dude, I was proving that there is racism, dumbshit.

Wow, you are retarded. I'm white, dumbass. And I don't need to worry about companies not calling me back, I have half the top law firms in NYC trying to recruit me. If you knew anything about the job market, you'd know it wasn't just cake to go out and get another decent paying jobs. Especially for blacks.

Why would you bring it upon yourself to prove that racism exists in other countries? That's a frickin given.
Well excuse me... Maybe you should represent blacks Pro Bono so they can't rise above the mass oppression they're suffering because of the racism of the white people...:rolleyes:

You have that many trying to recruit you?? You must be great at cleaning toilets...best in the biz I'd venture to guess.

If you're a law man, you'd be smart enough to figure out that we are all treated equally by law. Anything thing else would be an infringement on personal liberties...such as freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Like I said, blacks are treated as equals to rights in the legal system, in education, and anything having to do with the government. Now, the goverment has also made it illegal for business owners to discriminate against race, gender, or creed. If business owners or people doing the hiring are discriminating, then they are breaking the law. Maybe your argument should shift from "Everyone's racist and the poor blacks are being ignored by employers because of names like "Shaniqua, or Sha nay nay" to "The government and justice system needs to do a better job of enforcing civil rights laws and racial discrimination at the work-place."
Racism isn't necessarily bad. And when it is, there are levels to it.



The Shark has jumped Larkin
From my understanding, McCain is an atheist; which goes to say he will not win in the GE. In 2004 Bush threw in Christianity and he won a lot of the Catholic and Hispanic vote and his African American vote increased!

Plus didn’t one of McCains supporters call the Catholic Church a cult?? Come on now McCain is doomed.
You're more stupid then I thought, your thread is based on a racist view of history and current prejudice. You aren't discussing chess idiot.

"If you think the United States could never elect an Adolf Hitler to power, note that David Duke would have become governor of Louisiana if it had just been up to the white voters in that state." Robert Altemeyer

prove it, not a give me conclusion genius :cuckoo:
Why would you bring it upon yourself to prove that racism exists in other countries? That's a frickin given.
Well excuse me... Maybe you should represent blacks Pro Bono so they can't rise above the mass oppression they're suffering because of the racism of the white people...:rolleyes:

I will be doing public interest law, actually.

If you're a law man, you'd be smart enough to figure out that we are all treated equally by law. Anything thing else would be an infringement on personal liberties...such as freedom of speech and freedom of expression.

Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression were around when Blacks were still slaves. Whoops, looks like someone has no idea what they are talking about. Again.

By the way, remember the speeding example? The response to your idiotic "its the law, so its ok" comments? Try countering that with something other than a fallacy before bringing it up again.

Like I said, blacks are treated as equals to rights in the legal system, in education, and anything having to do with the government. Now, the goverment has also made it illegal for business owners to discriminate against race, gender, or creed. If business owners or people doing the hiring are discriminating, then they are breaking the law.

No shit.

Maybe your argument should shift from "Everyone's racist and the poor blacks are being ignored by employers because of names like "Shaniqua, or Sha nay nay" to "The government and justice system needs to do a better job of enforcing civil rights laws and racial discrimination at the work-place."

Actually, no, I don't think that. But way to be a retard and disagree with me, and then say I should think what I think + a government fix to it. :rolleyes:
You're more stupid then I thought, your thread is based on a racist view of history and current prejudice. You aren't discussing chess idiot.

"If you think the United States could never elect an Adolf Hitler to power, note that David Duke would have become governor of Louisiana if it had just been up to the white voters in that state." Robert Altemeyer

A completely nonsensical response. Surely you can do a better tapdance than this?
That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard....I'm not suprised that it came from you.

What a surprise, more ad hominem nonsense.

Why don't you tell me for the 30th time that racism is illegal (not that its completely illegal, which you are OK with since they can just get another job), as if that somehow makes it magically go away.
What a surprise, more ad hominem nonsense.

Why don't you tell me for the 30th time that racism is illegal (not that its completely illegal, which you are OK with since they can just get another job), as if that somehow makes it magically go away.

I never said racism is illegal. I said that it's not treated biasly by the law. I said racial discrimination was illegal. You can hate black people all you want, but you're not going to get arrested for it until you commit a hate crime or violate someone's civil liberties.

You somehow believe that you, acknowledging that racism exists, deserves some kind of medal and that you are now some intellectual giant who is all knowing. We all know racism exist, however, your exaggeration of it's rampant spreading and existence is completely retarded.
You somehow believe that you, acknowledging that racism exists, deserves some kind of medal and that you are now some intellectual giant who is all knowing. We all know racism exist, however, your exaggeration of it's rampant spreading and existence is completely retarded.

Where exactly did I say its "rampant spreading"? That is just a strawman you created. You can't even keep track of your own lies.
I've said its a problem, which it is. You and Brian like the strawmen tho.

No, you've generalized from your "representative sample" and are claiming that racism is this huge problem in the U.S. and we have to do something to fix it. Well I've got news for you, you're never going to get rid of it, unless you develop a way to police people's thoughts. It's already illegal to discriminate based on race, gender, or creed. The problem is, you have no idea what your arguing. You're making a blatant statement based on your own biased emotion of the subject. Do you really think that the problem lies with the people? If a company is not calling back people because they have black names, then that means they're discriminating against race. Your argument should have been, "Law enforcement needs to do a better job of enforcing discrimination laws aimed at the workplace." You need to get the strawman out of your head. Sometimes you have to branch off to find the problem. Things are not all in black and white Larkinn.....The shortest distance between between one place and another is not always a straight line.
Is it racist to say blacks are really good at basketball? Yes. Is it bad? Not really.

well, thats nothing more than your fucking opinion, now isnt it? Are you going to comment on chicken and watermelon next? Is it "bad" to point out the culinary choices of our nubian brethren? This is the problem with you cookie cutter lefties... YOU seem to think your OWN stereotypes are ok. It's the "my shit doesn't stink" routine. It's too bad you joined just to wear the uniform and pose for the liberal camera.

so, is there anything else I should expect a black person to be "really good at"? Maybe rapping? Stealing cars? Occupying our jail system? Maybe you can clarify what it is, exactly, that separates your racist bullshit from anyone else's?

yea, RACISM is sometimes good, eh stupid?
That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard....I'm not suprised that it came from you.

it's really not. It sickens me to know that he self identifies with my side of the spectrum.
it's really not. It sickens me to know that he self identifies with my side of the spectrum.

You're right, I have heard more retarded things than this.

I agree %100 percent. Larkinn is full of dog-turds...

rac·ism (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.

racism or racialism
1. hostile or oppressive behaviour towards people because they belong to a different race
2. the belief that some races are innately superior to others because of hereditary characteristics

1. a belief that human races have distinctive characteristics that determine their respective cultures, usually involving the idea that one’s race is superior and has the right to control others.2. a belief in a policy of enforcing the asserted right of control

Notice Larkinn, all three definitions involve thinking you are superior to the other race. What does blacks being good at basketball have to do with whites being superior??? What is racist about the fact that alot of blacks enjoy fried chicken and watermelon??? Unless you're claiming that the white race is superior because blacks like watermelong and fried-chicken, simply stating this observation is not racism. For someone is caught up on "representative sample" you of all people should agree with this.

We all are different. We have different cultures, we have different ways of life. There may not always be a cultural difference that is specified through the color of one's skin, but 9 times out of 10, there is, especially in our part of the world. Mexicans in Texas are typically light brown and have a different culture than whites. Blacks are usually darker and have a different culture than whites. Whites are well, white.....and have a different culture than the other two. Get over it.

Mexicans typically like tacos, enchiladas, tortillas, and other culinary choices that would be labled under "Mexican Food."

Blacks like fried chicken, gritz, BBQ, among other things that would be associated with black culture.

Whites have their own things they do...

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