White Power


Hey, feel free to think what you want. It seems "Those of us who aren't dumbshits know otherwise." pretty much says everything there is to say about you and your loose grasp on anyting outside of your own assumptions.

funny how you TOTALLY IGNORED the lists of compared John and Jamal baby names!


hilarious. truly.
Fact is, it is MUCH easier to get a professional job if you are white in this country than if you are black for NO other reason than the color of your skin.

do you have evidence of this from this side of the 80s?

He has no evidence, just a bunch of biased BS.
When did Tibetans start wearing togas?



I would be very surprised if any Tibetan ever showed up anywhere in a TOGA!

Meh.. I was busy busting ASSUMPTIONS with lists of popular baby names... But, I do stand corrected. How about, if any candidate wears [non-american traditional business attire] to the interview they will probably be passed over for the sample that was able to comprehend why we have suits instead of sombreros and diashikis in professional environments.
Shogun, try reading the other link I posted about race and peoples preconceived notions. Blacks aren't immune to seeing other blacks and crossing the street because they think they must be thugs either.

I don't know if you'd call that racism. They are certainly buying into some of the stereotypes, though.
This is just a bunch of bullshit non-sequiters. Fact is, it is MUCH easier to get a professional job if you are white in this country than if you are black for NO other reason than the color of your skin.

That's because there are more whites that are qualified. If you took all qualified blacks and all qualified whites, you'd have more hired whites...It's the same concept...you're going to buy a TV that's a Magnavox, Sony, etc...because there's more available and their good quality. That's not saying the other is bad quality, bit it's simply a better choice. And this all goes back to the number of blacks vs. whites who apply/graduate from college... By the way, you're basing your opinion (of the entire U.S. I might add) on one study done in one particular spot.

I anwsered them all. Which is why I asked which one you meant. :eusa_wall:

You can bang your head against the wall all you want, you're still sounding like an ass.

Speeding is against the law as well. And we know how rarely THAT ever happens.

And if you're caught speeding, you get in trouble, whether your black or white.

Don't guarantee things you can't deliver. Guess what the law now says? You have to report discrimination 60 days after it happened. So if you don't find out until the 61st day, there isn't a damn thing you can do about it.

WHAT?? If it took you 61 days to figure out that the "N-word" or "honky" sign in your yard was racially motivated, then you've got a problem.

By the way, you don't "lose your job/business" if you discriminate. Its usually a fine, and not a huge one. And discrimination isn't the same as a hate crime.

Well I'm sorry I'm not up to date with the actual code of discipline under the law, but you agree with me obviously <---it is against the law.

The ONLY thing that was given was a resume. They had NEVER met the person behind the resume. Unless you think its ok for employers not to hire blacks because they all have "crappy resumes"?

If you have a crappy resume, that's your problem and I wouldn't blame an employer for not hiring you. If you're not intelligent enough to make a decent resume, you don't need to be working for a large corporation.

Really the over-generalized strawmen are getting annoying. No, I never said every employer in the US does this. I said that its widespread.

So is herpes, does that mean it's an epidemic that's wiping out the population of the earth?? As far as racism goes, I've used the term white trash to describe someone before...does that mean I'm racist against whites? Blacks have called other blacks the "N-word" before, does that mean they're racist against their own race????

I've never owned a TV in my life. I read. You should try it sometime.

OH I GET IT...are you a poor black man who's blaming his misfortunes on the white population??? Do you have a college education?
That's because there are more whites that are qualified. If you took all qualified blacks and all qualified whites, you'd have more hired whites...It's the same concept...you're going to buy a TV that's a Magnavox, Sony, etc...because there's more available and their good quality. That's not saying the other is bad quality, bit it's simply a better choice. And this all goes back to the number of blacks vs. whites who apply/graduate from college... By the way, you're basing your opinion (of the entire U.S. I might add) on one study done in one particular spot.

Hi, the resumes were MADE UP and were EQUIVALENT. But its me that has the biased, bs, right? :rolleyes:

You can bang your head against the wall all you want, you're still sounding like an ass.

Well I can't anwser it if you don't provide me with the one that I missed. I didn't skip any of your comments on purpose. Not telling me which one I missed makes you look like an ass, not me.

And if you're caught speeding, you get in trouble, whether your black or white.

Nice non-sequiter there.

WHAT?? If it took you 61 days to figure out that the "N-word" or "honky" sign in your yard was racially motivated, then you've got a problem.

Because those are the only ways that racism comes about. What an asinine assumption.

Say you get passed over for a job promotion. On the 61st day, you find out it was because of your race. Suddenly racism A OK, right?

Well I'm sorry I'm not up to date with the actual code of discipline under the law, but you agree with me obviously <---it is against the law.

I agree with you that its against the law. I don't agree with you that it being against the law makes it magically disappear.

If you have a crappy resume, that's your problem and I wouldn't blame an employer for not hiring you. If you're not intelligent enough to make a decent resume, you don't need to be working for a large corporation.

Jesus Christ. Try reading the study before coming in here with your bullshit. The resumes were fabricated by the study and were roughly equal.

So is herpes, does that mean it's an epidemic that's wiping out the population of the earth??

Oh, ok, because its not wiping out the population of the earth lets pretend it doesn't exist.

Nice strawman. Again.

OH I GET IT...are you a poor black man who's blaming his misfortunes on the white population??? Do you have a college education?

You really want to make this personal, asshole?

No. I'm not poor. No. I'm not black. Yes. I do have a college education. Yes, I have more than a college education. Some people actually have the ability to emphathize with those in different, crappier, situations. Try it sometime.

Hey, feel free to think what you want. It seems "Those of us who aren't dumbshits know otherwise." pretty much says everything there is to say about you and your loose grasp on anyting outside of your own assumptions.

funny how you TOTALLY IGNORED the lists of compared John and Jamal baby names!


hilarious. truly.

Say something relevant to the argument and I won't ignore it. But I'm done telling you why your points are irrelevant. You have to meet the basic threshold of intelligence to get a response.
Hi, the resumes were MADE UP and were EQUIVALENT. But its me that has the biased, bs, right? :rolleyes:

Well I can't anwser it if you don't provide me with the one that I missed. I didn't skip any of your comments on purpose. Not telling me which one I missed makes you look like an ass, not me.

Nice non-sequiter there.

Because those are the only ways that racism comes about. What an asinine assumption.

Say you get passed over for a job promotion. On the 61st day, you find out it was because of your race. Suddenly racism A OK, right?

I agree with you that its against the law. I don't agree with you that it being against the law makes it magically disappear.

Jesus Christ. Try reading the study before coming in here with your bullshit. The resumes were fabricated by the study and were roughly equal.

Oh, ok, because its not wiping out the population of the earth lets pretend it doesn't exist.

Nice strawman. Again.

You really want to make this personal, asshole?

No. I'm not poor. No. I'm not black. Yes. I do have a college education. Yes, I have more than a college education. Some people actually have the ability to emphathize with those in different, crappier, situations. Try it sometime.

Yes, you are biased and have morbid definition of racism. That is SHALLOW. It is people like you (who scream racism at every term) are the ones keeping it alive. It's people like you who piss normal people off by accusing them of racism. You chosen to ignore one of my statments again....I've used the term "white trash" before...does that make me racist against my own race??? I've seen blacks call another black the "n-word" Does that make them racist against their own race??? Or only when another race says it???

WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. GET OVER IT. And as far as the 61 days, if you're that caught up in worry about a job not choosing you because of your race, you need to be checked. Get over it, go out and find another job. If that's the way that job works, then you're better off not being there. Grow some:omg:
Say something relevant to the argument and I won't ignore it. But I'm done telling you why your points are irrelevant. You have to meet the basic threshold of intelligence to get a response.

id say the popularity of TRADITIONAL AMERICAN NAMES is pretty fucking relevant to those who are not busy LOOKING for racism.

indeed, save as much face as you need to. I've already trounced your silly assumptions.


Larkinn's usual response when he can not address the issue.

oh I know, dude. He'll run 20 pages trying to tell you how wrong you are but then whips out the "it's irrelevant" line or sees strawmen under his bed when faced with something that he really doesn't want to acknowledge.

I think he tries to be smart much in the same way a little guy tires to act tough; it's a defense mechanism.
Yes, you are biased and have morbid definition of racism. That is SHALLOW. It is people like you (who scream racism at every term) are the ones keeping it alive. It's people like you who piss normal people off by accusing them of racism. You chosen to ignore one of my statments again....I've used the term "white trash" before...does that make me racist against my own race??? I've seen blacks call another black the "n-word" Does that make them racist against their own race??? Or only when another race says it???

It depends on the context.

WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. GET OVER IT. And as far as the 61 days, if you're that caught up in worry about a job not choosing you because of your race, you need to be checked. Get over it, go out and find another job. If that's the way that job works, then you're better off not being there. Grow some:omg:

Wow, we are different? What a revelation. Thanks for exposing that truth. And, nice little switch from saying racism is illegal to not giving a shit that its really not that illegal. You and Shogun will rationalize whatever results I give you, your both so blind to reality in this country.
It depends on the context.

Wow, we are different? What a revelation. Thanks for exposing that truth. And, nice little switch from saying racism is illegal to not giving a shit that its really not that illegal. You and Shogun will rationalize whatever results I give you, your both so blind to reality in this country.

I guess we'll have to start calling Mexican food "Hispanic Origin Food" just for you then. It's obvious who the racist one in this thread is. I suppose you're familiar with the term "Whoever smelt it delt it?" :eusa_whistle:
I guess we'll have to start calling Mexican food "Hispanic Origin Food" just for you then. It's obvious who the racist one in this thread is. I suppose you're familiar with the term "Whoever smelt it delt it?" :eusa_whistle:

Gee, maybe its the one who is out posting lies about Obama, the one who thinks that Racism is A OK if you don't spot it for 60 days, and who thinks that racism just magically disappeared overnight.
Gee, maybe its the one who is out posting lies about Obama, the one who thinks that Racism is A OK if you don't spot it for 60 days, and who thinks that racism just magically disappeared overnight.

Why don't you check the Obama thread and leave your statements for that thread and stay on topic for this one....?
I think acknowledging differences (which you think is racist) is ok. Like I said, white people don't sit around think of ways to put the black man down. It's the Larkinns, Jesse Jacksons, and Rev. Wrights of the world that keep racism alive. Notice you don't have this problem in other countries, I suppose those people are all the same color and have no differences and act inhuman by not acknowleding differences. It appears our definitions of racism seem to be different. While I take a more realistic approach, you take a more pusified definition....
Why don't you check the Obama thread and leave your statements for that thread and stay on topic for this one....?
I think acknowledging differences (which you think is racist) is ok.

Racism isn't necessarily bad. And when it is, there are levels to it.

Like I said, white people don't sit around think of ways to put the black man down.

No shit. We are past that, how many times do you need to keep repeating this strawman?

It's the Larkinns, Jesse Jacksons, and Rev. Wrights of the world that keep racism alive. Notice you don't have this problem in other countries, I suppose those people are all the same color and have no differences and act inhuman by not acknowleding differences.

Wow, are you really this ignorant? There isn't racism in other countries? Why don't you do a little bit of research before I tear you a new asshole on this point. Look at Arabs in Europe. Or Lebanese in Oz. Google the "Cronulla riots" for example.

It appears our definitions of racism seem to be different. While I take a more realistic approach, you take a more pusified definition....

No, it seems you just know fuck all about reality. By the way a "realistic" approach to racism isn't saying its A OK if its not discovered after 60 days. And then they should just "get another job".
Racism isn't necessarily bad. And when it is, there are levels to it.

No shit. We are past that, how many times do you need to keep repeating this strawman?

Wow, are you really this ignorant? There isn't racism in other countries? Why don't you do a little bit of research before I tear you a new asshole on this point. Look at Arabs in Europe. Or Lebanese in Oz. Google the "Cronulla riots" for example.

You have proof of this??? No racism, anywhere else in the world??? WOW. Ignorance is Bliss Larkinn. I don't have to do research. Lets see, off the top of my head...the Jews hate the Palestinians and vice versa. That's racially motivated. The Chinese hate the Tibetans--racially motivated. The Bosnians hate the Serbians, the Serbians hates the Kosovoans. You really are dense.

No, it seems you just know fuck all about reality. By the way a "realistic" approach to racism isn't saying its A OK if its not discovered after 60 days. And then they should just "get another job".

Ok, if you want to live your life dwelling on the thought that a company didn't call you back because the prick doing the hiring may or may not have been racially motivated, you go right ahead. I've got better things to do with my time than worry about such petty things. Get a life...go out and get another job. Quit throwing a pity party. If you're willing to pout for 60 days about not getting a job, then you've got a bad work ethic to begin with. Go ahead Larkinn, bend over and let life have it's way with you.
You have proof of this??? No racism, anywhere else in the world??? WOW. Ignorance is Bliss Larkinn. I don't have to do research. Lets see, off the top of my head...the Jews hate the Palestinians and vice versa. That's racially motivated. The Chinese hate the Tibetans--racially motivated. The Bosnians hate the Serbians, the Serbians hates the Kosovoans. You really are dense.

Dude, I was proving that there is racism, dumbshit.

Ok, if you want to live your life dwelling on the thought that a company didn't call you back because the prick doing the hiring may or may not have been racially motivated, you go right ahead. I've got better things to do with my time than worry about such petty things. Get a life...go out and get another job. Quit throwing a pity party. If you're willing to pout for 60 days about not getting a job, then you've got a bad work ethic to begin with. Go ahead Larkinn, bend over and let life have it's way with you.

Wow, you are retarded. I'm white, dumbass. And I don't need to worry about companies not calling me back, I have half the top law firms in NYC trying to recruit me. If you knew anything about the job market, you'd know it wasn't just cake to go out and get another decent paying jobs. Especially for blacks.

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