Zone1 "White Privilege" - an excuse for failing African Americans

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Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The message that the Woke Establishment sends to Americans of black African heritage is that "white" people enjoy special privileges, to the exclusion of "everyone else," and therefore, it is futile to try to succeed until the scourge of "white privilege" is eradicated, through "equity" initiatives or otherwise. In other words, POC's have to be given compensating privileges to put them on equal footing with "white" people.

But "white privilege" does not exist. What does exist is a minor "privilege" for people who adopt the better cultural aspects of the prevailing culture, which happens to be of "white" origin. What are those cultural elements?
  • Speaking proper English,
  • Getting as much education or training as you are capable of absorbing,
  • Staying out of trouble (we all know what this means),
  • Not spending your limited funds on alcohol and controlled substances, including MJ,
  • Dressing and grooming yourself in compliance with the prevailing culture,
  • Not having children outside of either marriage, or a committed, cohabiting relationship,
  • Unless actively schooling, being employed full-time or more, and always seeking a better job,
  • Being a part of a religious community (of your choice).
  • Raising your offspring the same way.
If you follow these rules, you will be "Middle Class," and enjoy all of the privileges of being middle class, whatever they are. If you start life poor, then you will not be poor for long if you follow these rules, regardless of your race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or sexual irregularity.

To be a little bit silly for a moment, if you want to see what the "white" people in power want Black people to be like, look at the film characters played by Sidney Poitier. THAT guy, I assure you, got then and would get today, the same privileges as a "white" man with the same character and personality traits, and Poitier was not only Black, but black.

Wealth, of course, is a different story. If your family has a little bit of money (or a lot of money), that can give you access to opportunities that most people don't have, regardless of race, and of course if you are "white," it is more likely that your family has some money, but most "whites" are working class and are pretty much on their own when they come to adulthood.

Whining about "white privilege" is an excuse for personal failure, and successful people don't do it.
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