white privledge classes

Every German Chancellor and Prime Minister have been white. Every French, Italian, Austrian, Polish...

You get the idea.

The Woke-sters are so fucking pathetic. Lacking actually examples of POC's being victimized by racial discrimination, they fall back on casual observations.
..whites were FAR superior than the blacks in education/technology/etc
..blacks in America graduate at lower rates = less qualified for college where they graduate at lower rates
...blacks make up LESS of the population with more in prison and LESS graduating
WHY are they not in leadership positions??????????!!!!!!!!
UK is over 80% white
etc etc
So, I guess a hundred years ago, pretty much everybody in Britain had privilege.

Somebody should have told them.
Europe is allowing its countries to be ruined by black immigrants.

Just as the U.S. has long suffered because of their destructive presence.
Europe is allowing its countries to be ruined by black immigrants.

Just as the U.S. has long suffered because of their destructive presence.

I shall touch this hot potato gingerly.

A Cabinet official under President Reagan once said on the radio that there would be a much lower crime rate in this country were it not for, well, you-know-whom.

He immediately abjectly apologized the next morning.

Since it was in the 1980s, he was NOT canceled.

I shan't name him, for he is still with us. (In fact, he was a guest last week on some FOX program.)
The UK are Anglo, Caucasian, white as a matter of anthropology. That’s not demographics. It’s ethnicity, anthropology.
It would stand to reason that they would be mostly white.
Lefties are so fucking stupid.
White privilege? There are a couple million poor ass, dumb whites in America that would argue against that.

So what kind of privilege did Oprah have because she grew up poor. What about Samuel Jackson? Milk Minaj who was a stripper (I think). Or even the black president we had, twice. Or Morgan Freeman? Or any of the other million doctors, lawyers, congressman, etc that are black. Oh wait, they didn't have privilege, they just worked for it, just like white people have to do.
White privilege? There are a couple million poor ass, dumb whites in America that would argue against that.

So what kind of privilege did Oprah have because she grew up poor. What about Samuel Jackson? Milk Minaj who was a stripper (I think). Or even the black president we had, twice. Or Morgan Freeman? Or any of the other million doctors, lawyers, congressman, etc that are black. Oh wait, they didn't have privilege, they just worked for it, just like white people have to do.
exactly is doesnt exsist
White privilege is one of the worst ideas ever conceived. The basis is passive racism, just existing creates a form of racism. No actions are required. Due to historical timelines, there is no possible solution, aside from removing one side or the other. So long as any idiot believes this nonsense there will be strife.
White privilege is one of the worst ideas ever conceived. The basis is passive racism, just existing creates a form of racism. No actions are required. Due to historical timelines, there is no possible solution, aside from removing one side or the other. So long as any idiot believes this nonsense there will be strife.
true and it dosent exsist/
White privilege is one of the worst ideas ever conceived. The basis is passive racism, just existing creates a form of racism. No actions are required. Due to historical timelines, there is no possible solution, aside from removing one side or the other. So long as any idiot believes this nonsense there will be strife.
The white privileged bullshit is only pushed to help erase the culture in order to implement Marxism.
It’s just a ploy.
The white privileged bullshit is only pushed to help erase the culture in order to implement Marxism.
It’s just a ploy.
Are you implying that should the Marxist nightmare come true, white privilege will disappear? It would take generations, as generations have already accepted it.
Are you implying that should the Marxist nightmare come true, white privilege will disappear? It would take generations, as generations have already accepted it.
As an issue it will vanish. No longer necessary.
Or it will continue to be propagated in order to reinforce the new Marxist regime.

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