White Racial Reasoning: Rational Racism in the Perceptions of White Males

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
White Racial Reasoning: Rational Racism in the Perceptions of White Males

Finally some non-biased truth. Some key points from this excellent paper:


Essays on whiteness point out that whites possess the ability to be unaware of
their privilege in the world
(Bonilla-Silva 2001, p. 7; Frankenberg 2001, p. 76, 81, 2000, p. 447; Dyer 2000, p. 541; Montag 1997, p. 284). This absence of awareness developed through a purposeful historical universalization of whiteness, by which, in this case, being human is equated with being white (Bonilla-Silva 2001, p. 189; Frankenberg 2001, 73, 75, 76; Dyer 2000, p. 539; Feagin 2000, p. 177; Montag 1997, p. 285; Feagin and Vera 1995, p. 139). Although whites’ conceptions about race may not be consciously white, this allows the racialized Other to speak only for their race while it allows whites, utilizing color coded and colorblind constructs, to speak for the whole of humanity (Bonilla-Silva 2001, p. 140-142; Dyer 2000, p. 539). This ethnocentrism and restriction on others’ humanness is the essence of what I call white racial reasoning (WRR): the underlying logic informing the progressively reductionist way white (males) think about race. To reiterate, the term refers to the situational modes of reasoning whites engage in based on the normalized nature of historical racism to continue that normalization and perpetuate privilege.

* In fact, many whites want to believe that race no longer matters (Doane 2003;
Mckinney and Feagin 2003). Thus, white people are likely to hide their race biases behind such color coded and colorblind terms as family values, inner cities, crime, culture
of dependency, and bloated government

* Acknowledging institutional racism while still blaming blacks allows whites to
avail themselves as nonracist while recreating the racist ideology of this country under an
egalitarian veil.
Yeah......right.........ebonics is better than english, the white man has been racist, so now it's time for us to be racist now?

Put on some blackface Bass, then go dance in a minstrel show.
Yeah......right.........ebonics is better than english, the white man has been racist, so now it's time for us to be racist now?

Put on some blackface Bass, then go dance in a minstrel show.

Dumb squid, did you even read the entire paper?
If it comes from your posts Ass Chucker, it's automatically suspect, as you have a tendency to pull shit off of blogs, opinion sites and others that support your stupid views.

Sing us "Mammie" clown.
If it comes from your posts Ass Chucker, it's automatically suspect, as you have a tendency to pull shit off of blogs, opinion sites and others that support your stupid views.

Sing us "Mammie" clown.

Basically you have no response to the topic, attack the person but avoid the argument.
Where is your fucking evidence from REAL news sources? Or.......are you using the same "reliable sources" that you use when you post crap about gays?

Haven't seen a reliable source from you YET Ass Chucker.
Where is your fucking evidence from REAL news sources? Or.......are you using the same "reliable sources" that you use when you post crap about gays?

Haven't seen a reliable source from you YET Ass Chucker.

This is a real reliable study you dumb squid, why don't you try reading it instead of hurling ad-hominems?
This ethnocentrism and restriction on others’ humanness is the essence of what I call white racial reasoning (WRR): the underlying logic informing the progressively reductionist way white (males) think about race. To reiterate, the term refers to the situational modes of reasoning whites engage in based on the normalized nature of historical racism to continue that normalization and perpetuate privilege.

Translation: Give ******* more money. Got it.
Ass Chucker........if you could ever learn to use REAL facts (you did it once boy, you can do it again), then you may end up being able to make a point.

Until then? The only point is the one at the top of your skull.

Why did you post this? Are you looking for repairations because your rent is due?
Ass Chucker........if you could ever learn to use REAL facts (you did it once boy, you can do it again), then you may end up being able to make a point.

Until then? The only point is the one at the top of your skull.

Why did you post this? Are you looking for repairations because your rent is due?

Biker-Faggot, you annoy the Bass with your pathetic personal attacks and inability to address whats been posted, one more off topic infraction and your posts will be banned from the Bass'view, the Bass is not here to feed trolls, do you understand that?

Here's the official citation you dumb monkey:

Burley, David. "White Racial Reasoning: Rational Racism in the Perceptions of White Males" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Hilton San Francisco & Renaissance Parc 55 Hotel, San Francisco, CA,, Aug 14, 2004

Its from an academic website, not some slanted page, click on the link and view for yourself.
Essays on whiteness point out that whites possess the ability to be unaware of
their privilege in the world

Yeah , tell that to the whites living in poverty.

Translation: Give ******* more money. Got it.

Yep, that's how it usually works.
Ass Chucker........if you could ever learn to use REAL facts (you did it once boy, you can do it again), then you may end up being able to make a point.

Until then? The only point is the one at the top of your skull.

Why did you post this? Are you looking for repairations because your rent is due?

Biker-Faggot, you annoy the Bass with your pathetic personal attacks and inability to address whats been posted, one more off topic infraction and your posts will be banned from the Bass'view, the Bass is not here to feed trolls, do you understand that?

Here's the official citation you dumb monkey:

Burley, David. "White Racial Reasoning: Rational Racism in the Perceptions of White Males" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Hilton San Francisco & Renaissance Parc 55 Hotel, San Francisco, CA,, Aug 14, 2004

Its from an academic website, not some slanted page, click on the link and view for yourself.

Yeah............just like that other "academic:tongue:" website that you use to post information about how gays are mentally ill and need to be "cured".

Face it BassHole............you ain't shit, you ain't got shit, and you'll never be nothing more than a steaming pile of BassHole droppings.
Translation: ABikerMonkey is too much of a coward to address the point brought in this thread. Your posts are now in Bannedestan you dumb squid.
Whites "privilege in the world" comes from natural evolution.
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Whites "privilege in the world" comes form natural evolution.


Also, to say that whites have "white privilege" is like saying that a child has "child privilege" because his parents favor him over the neighbor's kids. No shit!

Whites have given blacks TRILLIONS over the years. Now they're the fucking president. Enough already!
Whites "privilege in the world" comes form natural evolution.


Also, to say that whites have "white privilege" is like saying that a child has "child privilege" because his parents favor him over the neighbor's kids. No shit!

Whites have given blacks TRILLIONS over the years. Now they're the fucking president. Enough already!

No, it's not enough. We want to be the Pope, Colonel Sanders, and Mickey Mouse too. :cuckoo: Give me a effing break, Obama is the President and not Blacks.
Translation: ABikerMonkey is too much of a coward to address the point brought in this thread. Your posts are now in Bannedestan you dumb squid.

FINALLY! I no longer have to listen to Basshole!

Everyone else who doesn't want to talk to Bass, do what I did, you'll get on ignore.

Praise God........free at last, I'm free at last, thank Gawd Almighty, I's free at last (at least ignored by Bass, which is just as good).
So, if white males are inherently racist, we can't help it. It's in our genes to be dominant and want to enslave . So if that is true, blame mother nature, not honkeys, ya dumbass ... Were the hell did free will go? Shut the hell up, charlie bass. Do yourself a big favor. All those racists love you. The rest of us? Not so much, boyo.
Of course it's easier to see previleges that others get if you aren't getting them.

Charlie's post does have a point.

It's not the entire story of the uneven distribution of previlege in America, but it does have merit.

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