White Racial Reasoning: Rational Racism in the Perceptions of White Males

Give me a effing break, Obama is the President and not Blacks.

That's not how blacks see it.

It's also not a correct perception of blacks in power in the USA. David Paterson becomes the black governor of New York, and they end up FIRING 200 white legislative workers and replacing them with blacks. The black DA in New Orleans gets elected and does the same thing. Obama gets elected and puts Eric Holder in as his AG.

See, blacks in power feel ZERO guilt over naked nepotism... they are quite forward in just booting whites out and putting their own in.
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Give me a effing break, Obama is the President and not Blacks.

That's not how blacks see it.

It's also not a correct perception of blacks in power in the USA. David Paterson becomes the black governor of New York, and they end up FIRING 200 white legislative workers and replacing them with blacks. The black DA in New Orleans gets elected and does the same thing. Obama gets elected and puts Eric Holder in as his AG.

See, blacks in power feel ZERO guilt over naked nepotism... they are quite forward in just booting whites out and putting their own in.

You gave an example of three (count em 3) blacks in power. So how is that a fair representation of all blacks or all blacks in power? And how is that different from the way whites do it? I understand that you have a problem with blacks having positions of power. But every time a black hires another black is not because of nepotism. Whites like you, JBukkake, and KittenKoder have to realize that there really are blacks that are smarter than whites, but they are also human. They will fuck up from time to time just like whites will and that fact doesn't make them any less deserving of the positions they hold. The US isn't being taken over by blacks and it isn't going into the crapper because of blacks either so get over it.
Give me a effing break, Obama is the President and not Blacks.

That's not how blacks see it.

It's also not a correct perception of blacks in power in the USA. David Paterson becomes the black governor of New York, and they end up FIRING 200 white legislative workers and replacing them with blacks. The black DA in New Orleans gets elected and does the same thing. Obama gets elected and puts Eric Holder in as his AG.

See, blacks in power feel ZERO guilt over naked nepotism... they are quite forward in just booting whites out and putting their own in.

Load of BS, lol. You racists have a fear of losing the power you have so every little black face you see in power you have something stupid and negative to say about it.
I agree that blacks fuck up now and then. Just look at President Obama!:lol:

Yep, just like everyone before him. There is no preparation for the job unless you're going into your second term. It should be a requirement for the previous president to stay on for a year after their term for some sort of OJT.
Yep, just like everyone before him. There is no preparation for the job unless you're going into your second term. It should be a requirement for the previous president to stay on for a year after their term for some sort of OJT.

You might be on to something here... Just because you're elected President doesn't mean you know how to be the President. I think Obama is a perfect example of this. He's making some major blunders, and I don't think purposely, but mostly out of ignorance of Presidential traditions.
Yeah......right.........ebonics is better than english, the white man has been racist, so now it's time for us to be racist now?

Put on some blackface Bass, then go dance in a minstrel show.

Dumb squid, did you even read the entire paper?

They will try to legitimize Homosexuality , and their own closet racism. And then ask us all
to accept their weird lifstyles. This is what White boys , and White women are about today.
They try to compare their sexual perversion to the civil rights struggle.

Its all very pathetic, what white people will do.
Does 52 not see the hypocrisy of hating racist while espousing his own bigotry and hatred of homosexuals?
Yeah......right.........ebonics is better than english, the white man has been racist, so now it's time for us to be racist now?

Put on some blackface Bass, then go dance in a minstrel show.

Dumb squid, did you even read the entire paper?

They will try to legitimize Homosexuality , and their own closet racism. And then ask us all
to accept their weird lifstyles. This is what White boys , and White women are about today.
They try to compare their sexual perversion to the civil rights struggle.

Its all very pathetic, what white people will do.

Darn people wanting civil rights comparing their struggle with other civil rights movements....darn them.
Darn people wanting civil rights comparing their struggle with other civil rights movements....darn them.

gays aren't denied civil rights and their so called struggle is really about trying to getall Americans to accept homosexuality, not civil rights.
I wouldn't consider the gay movement to be a civil rights movement. They want to get married but that's a religious movement. Civil unions would have been good enough if it was just about having the rights of normal man + woman couples. But if gays and lesbians are being discriminated against, then I can see classifying it as a civil rights movement. I'm not gay so I really don't know much about what gays endure besides the occasional leers and/or comments.

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