White students can't compete with asians in NJ school district

Yes indeed. It was Asians that put the first man on the moon. It was Asians than won World War II. It was an Asian that invented the heart stint. It was am Asian that invented the first automobile. etc., etc.
Most of that was prior to the 1970s, no?

My point is that since we have allowed our social structures that support the family and child to erode with attacks on the family, marriage and parental discipline rights, we have seen a steady drop in the IQs and SAT scores of whites. This is not happening among Asians because they are culturally immune to white self destructive insanity.

I agree. It has primarily been the result of the Liberal agenda. Actually give the devil his due, the KKK told us this would happen way back in the 1950's. Integration of our schools was perhaps the beginning. The bussing of our school children turned many good schools into failing schools with an increase in crime rates within those schools. The dumbing down of college entrance exams and preferential treatment for minorities had an adverse effect. Intermarriage between the races has produced dumber and inferior offspring. Quota promotion of minorities has hurt our industrial output. We did it all ourselves. The abolishment of the military draft has served to diminish patriotism. Entitlement programs has served to produce a generation of lazy underachieving dependents upon society. Hell, it even led to producing a whole slew of stupid Liberals. We have destroyed ourselves.
It pains me to agree with you humanoid, but I do. Our only difference is the source. The Feds have very little control over school districts or curricula. Those are all local or State controlled. A few years back I went ballistic when our local BOE attempted to lower the required GPA so more students could get better grades, because IMHO parents are too lazy or too timid of hurting their tot's feelings. But the key is not in our genes. It is in the expectations we place on our kids. That's why Asians beat the crap out of us in edu, because it is expected, and shame is a powerful tool. But if you insist on blaming the President, or Congress or a political party for the low expectations we place on our education, how about this: since 1997 (20 yrs ago) Congress was controlled 16 yrs in the House and 10 yrs in the Senate by Republicans. Since Reagan we've had 20 yrs R-Prez and 16yrs D-Prez. You are cherry-picking blame, I think, and doing American education and the kids it is tasked to challenge and teach a disservice. We need to get off our butts and go to local BOE meetings to make a difference instead of looking to Washington to fix it! And what is your opinion of those States and districts that are opting to either strike out or change historical facts such as slavery and/or native genocide, among others? Can we work together to correct our dismal recent record of teaching our kids?
Hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies have proved repeatedly that generally asians have higher IQ's than Whites and Whites have generally higher IQ's the negroes. Do you deny these studies?
white and black bell curve - Google Search
What's wrong with acknowledging the truth?

Hmmm. That looks like the same sort of scientific truth and graph stuff that liberals want us to accept as fact when dealing with global warming.

Liberals....is this truth just as true as your climate change science??
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.
Observe those who are attending MIT.
higher IQs is bullshit
no british cant be lebroan james or stephen curry or michel jordan
maybe asian are good in some factor.but not all factor
inidan is very good in math more than asian and british
jews are very good in business counselor more than asian and british
aryan persian are very good in everything more than everybody :dance:
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.
Observe those who are attending MIT.
higher IQs is bullshit
no british cant be lebroan james or stephen curry or michel jordan
maybe asian are good in some factor.but not all factor
inidan is very good in math more than asian and british
jews are very good in business counselor more than asian and british
aryan persian are very good in everything more than everybody :dance:
I see you're from Iran. That explains why you're an ignorant muslim asshole.
"British" is NOT a race you fucking sand monkey!
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.
Observe those who are attending MIT.
higher IQs is bullshit
no british cant be lebroan james or stephen curry or michel jordan
maybe asian are good in some factor.but not all factor
inidan is very good in math more than asian and british
jews are very good in business counselor more than asian and british
aryan persian are very good in everything more than everybody :dance:
I see you're from Iran. That explains why you're an ignorant muslim asshole.
"British" is NOT a race you fucking sand monkey!

Every thread does not require a stupid, pointless slur from a drooling, idiotic coward like you. Go play with some glue, brainless.
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.
Observe those who are attending MIT.
higher IQs is bullshit
no british cant be lebroan james or stephen curry or michel jordan
maybe asian are good in some factor.but not all factor
inidan is very good in math more than asian and british
jews are very good in business counselor more than asian and british
aryan persian are very good in everything more than everybody :dance:
I see you're from Iran. That explains why you're an ignorant muslim asshole.
"British" is NOT a race you fucking sand monkey!

shut up fu.. racist and respect ayans :ahole-1:
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.
Observe those who are attending MIT.
higher IQs is bullshit
no british cant be lebroan james or stephen curry or michel jordan
maybe asian are good in some factor.but not all factor
inidan is very good in math more than asian and british
jews are very good in business counselor more than asian and british
aryan persian are very good in everything more than everybody :dance:
I see you're from Iran. That explains why you're an ignorant muslim asshole.
"British" is NOT a race you fucking sand monkey!

Every thread does not require a stupid, pointless slur from a drooling, idiotic coward like you. Go play with some glue, brainless.

are you japanese?
if you are.thank you for playstation .
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.
Observe those who are attending MIT.
higher IQs is bullshit
no british cant be lebroan james or stephen curry or michel jordan
maybe asian are good in some factor.but not all factor
inidan is very good in math more than asian and british
jews are very good in business counselor more than asian and british
aryan persian are very good in everything more than everybody :dance:
I see you're from Iran. That explains why you're an ignorant muslim asshole.
"British" is NOT a race you fucking sand monkey!

Every thread does not require a stupid, pointless slur from a drooling, idiotic coward like you. Go play with some glue, brainless.
Need a mint?
I post where and when I want jerk-off.
We all know where you are on the 'Bell Curve'. HAAA HAAAA
Rub some White shoe polish on your face if it will make you feel better.
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.
Observe those who are attending MIT.
higher IQs is bullshit
no british cant be lebroan james or stephen curry or michel jordan
maybe asian are good in some factor.but not all factor
inidan is very good in math more than asian and british
jews are very good in business counselor more than asian and british
aryan persian are very good in everything more than everybody :dance:
I see you're from Iran. That explains why you're an ignorant muslim asshole.
"British" is NOT a race you fucking sand monkey!

Every thread does not require a stupid, pointless slur from a drooling, idiotic coward like you. Go play with some glue, brainless.
Need a mint?
I post where and when I want jerk-off.
We all know where you are on the 'Bell Curve'. HAAA HAAAA
Rub some White shoe polish on your face if it will make you feel better.
You need medicine.you must see psychology doctor.
you are dangerous for society and civilization
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.
Observe those who are attending MIT.
higher IQs is bullshit
no british cant be lebroan james or stephen curry or michel jordan
maybe asian are good in some factor.but not all factor
inidan is very good in math more than asian and british
jews are very good in business counselor more than asian and british
aryan persian are very good in everything more than everybody :dance:
I see you're from Iran. That explains why you're an ignorant muslim asshole.
"British" is NOT a race you fucking sand monkey!

shut up fu.. racist and respect ayans :ahole-1:
What do Turkish tax collectors from the days of the Ottoman Empire have to do with the scientific fact which proves Asians generally have higher IQ's than Whites and Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes?
If you don't like what I post put me on Ignore.

How about you grow the fuck up instead and stop derailing every thread with your infantile bullshit, moron?
Here's some light reading:......

Here's some obvious fact:

"...there is a clear, predictable and causal link between low intelligence and prejudice, including racism."

"Empirical evidence has consistently linked low intelligence with prejudice."


Scientists agree: You are stupid.
If you don't like what I post put me on Ignore.

How about you grow the fuck up instead and stop derailing every thread with your infantile bullshit, moron?
Here's some light reading:......

Here's some obvious fact:

"...there is a clear, predictable and causal link between low intelligence and prejudice, including racism."

"Empirical evidence has consistently linked low intelligence with prejudice."


Scientists agree: You are stupid.
That explains why negroes are the worst racists in world.

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