White students can't compete with asians in NJ school district


So will liberals dumb things down? Or will they finally realize that this is about work ethic? So why do they dumb things down for "equality" for other groups??
Wait a second. You can't possibly be suggesting it's LIBERALS who want to dumb things down? It's not liberals who are cutting funding for schools nation wide. It's not liberals who are anti science and want to teach magical creation.

And you can't possibly believe any of these parents of achievers want their children to go to school in Kentucky, or Arkansas, or Tennessee, or North Carolina or any other Redneck State?

Come on now. Get it straight.

Lack of money is not the problem. MOre money is not the answer.

DOing something about the collapsing family is the answer.
Republicans and doing something for the family? What a joke.

Remember, when Marco Rubio brought up daycare for families where both parents need to work, Republicans booed. Not because they thought it was a bad idea, even though some probably did, but because it meant spending money.
Then you have the GOP and their hatred of gays. Hello, gays are part of families.

Then you have Republicans spending all their time on trying to stop gay marriage without doing anything to help straight marriage.

Republicans don't have time to care about families. Their hearts are already filled with hatred for gays and Hispanics and blacks and Muslims and so on. No more room exists.
Don't we paint with a broad brush?
Hello, knock knock. If 80% of the party feels one way, who cares how the rest of the party feels?
I agree. It has primarily been the result of the Liberal agenda. Actually give the devil his due, the KKK told us this would happen way back in the 1950's. Integration of our schools was perhaps the beginning. The bussing of our school children turned many good schools into failing schools with an increase in crime rates within those schools. The dumbing down of college entrance exams and preferential treatment for minorities had an adverse effect. Intermarriage between the races has produced dumber and inferior offspring. Quota promotion of minorities has hurt our industrial output. We did it all ourselves. The abolishment of the military draft has served to diminish patriotism. Entitlement programs has served to produce a generation of lazy underachieving dependents upon society. Hell, it even led to producing a whole slew of stupid Liberals. We have destroyed ourselves.
Can't argue with easily verifiable facts.

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