White students can't compete with asians in NJ school district


So will liberals dumb things down? Or will they finally realize that this is about work ethic? So why do they dumb things down for "equality" for other groups??

I'd recommend that those of you who are proficient in English as a First Language attempt to tutor some of your less fortunate fellows who struggle with it. You can start right here on USMB.
I think a good place to start with the language problem is with the filthy illegals that sneak into our country and refuse to learn English, maps back to south America are a very good starting point. If that fails, consider this, they are undocumented, that means if they just disappear, nobody will be able to claim they were really here in the first place.
What trash!
Thats why I want to get rid of them.
obviously you dont live in an area that is flooded with the disease ridden vermin.
Yes indeed. It was Asians that put the first man on the moon. It was Asians than won World War II. It was an Asian that invented the heart stint. It was am Asian that invented the first automobile. etc., etc.
Most of that was prior to the 1970s, no?

My point is that since we have allowed our social structures that support the family and child to erode with attacks on the family, marriage and parental discipline rights, we have seen a steady drop in the IQs and SAT scores of whites. This is not happening among Asians because they are culturally immune to white self destructive insanity.

I agree. It has primarily been the result of the Liberal agenda. Actually give the devil his due, the KKK told us this would happen way back in the 1950's. Integration of our schools was perhaps the beginning. The bussing of our school children turned many good schools into failing schools with an increase in crime rates within those schools. The dumbing down of college entrance exams and preferential treatment for minorities had an adverse effect. Intermarriage between the races has produced dumber and inferior offspring. Quota promotion of minorities has hurt our industrial output. We did it all ourselves. The abolishment of the military draft has served to diminish patriotism. Entitlement programs has served to produce a generation of lazy underachieving dependents upon society. Hell, it even led to producing a whole slew of stupid Liberals. We have destroyed ourselves.
It pains me to agree with you humanoid, but I do. Our only difference is the source. The Feds have very little control over school districts or curricula. Those are all local or State controlled. A few years back I went ballistic when our local BOE attempted to lower the required GPA so more students could get better grades, because IMHO parents are too lazy or too timid of hurting their tot's feelings. But the key is not in our genes. It is in the expectations we place on our kids. That's why Asians beat the crap out of us in edu, because it is expected, and shame is a powerful tool. But if you insist on blaming the President, or Congress or a political party for the low expectations we place on our education, how about this: since 1997 (20 yrs ago) Congress was controlled 16 yrs in the House and 10 yrs in the Senate by Republicans. Since Reagan we've had 20 yrs R-Prez and 16yrs D-Prez. You are cherry-picking blame, I think, and doing American education and the kids it is tasked to challenge and teach a disservice. We need to get off our butts and go to local BOE meetings to make a difference instead of looking to Washington to fix it! And what is your opinion of those States and districts that are opting to either strike out or change historical facts such as slavery and/or native genocide, among others? Can we work together to correct our dismal recent record of teaching our kids?

It was Washington that implemented integration and the bussing of school children over the wishes of the states. It was Washington that implemented the Affirmitive Action policies. You need to brush up on your history. I lived through all of these federal initiatives. Schools are failing, a lot of it has to do with Washington policies and Teachers Unions.
Yes indeed. It was Asians that put the first man on the moon. It was Asians than won World War II. It was an Asian that invented the heart stint. It was am Asian that invented the first automobile. etc., etc.
Most of that was prior to the 1970s, no?

My point is that since we have allowed our social structures that support the family and child to erode with attacks on the family, marriage and parental discipline rights, we have seen a steady drop in the IQs and SAT scores of whites. This is not happening among Asians because they are culturally immune to white self destructive insanity.

I agree. It has primarily been the result of the Liberal agenda. Actually give the devil his due, the KKK told us this would happen way back in the 1950's. Integration of our schools was perhaps the beginning. The bussing of our school children turned many good schools into failing schools with an increase in crime rates within those schools. The dumbing down of college entrance exams and preferential treatment for minorities had an adverse effect. Intermarriage between the races has produced dumber and inferior offspring. Quota promotion of minorities has hurt our industrial output. We did it all ourselves. The abolishment of the military draft has served to diminish patriotism. Entitlement programs has served to produce a generation of lazy underachieving dependents upon society. Hell, it even led to producing a whole slew of stupid Liberals. We have destroyed ourselves.
It pains me to agree with you humanoid, but I do. Our only difference is the source. The Feds have very little control over school districts or curricula. Those are all local or State controlled. A few years back I went ballistic when our local BOE attempted to lower the required GPA so more students could get better grades, because IMHO parents are too lazy or too timid of hurting their tot's feelings. But the key is not in our genes. It is in the expectations we place on our kids. That's why Asians beat the crap out of us in edu, because it is expected, and shame is a powerful tool. But if you insist on blaming the President, or Congress or a political party for the low expectations we place on our education, how about this: since 1997 (20 yrs ago) Congress was controlled 16 yrs in the House and 10 yrs in the Senate by Republicans. Since Reagan we've had 20 yrs R-Prez and 16yrs D-Prez. You are cherry-picking blame, I think, and doing American education and the kids it is tasked to challenge and teach a disservice. We need to get off our butts and go to local BOE meetings to make a difference instead of looking to Washington to fix it! And what is your opinion of those States and districts that are opting to either strike out or change historical facts such as slavery and/or native genocide, among others? Can we work together to correct our dismal recent record of teaching our kids?
Hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies have proved repeatedly that generally asians have higher IQ's than Whites and Whites have generally higher IQ's the negroes. Do you deny these studies?
white and black bell curve - Google Search
What's wrong with acknowledging the truth?
Yes indeed. It was Asians that put the first man on the moon. It was Asians than won World War II. It was an Asian that invented the heart stint. It was am Asian that invented the first automobile. etc., etc.
Most of that was prior to the 1970s, no?

My point is that since we have allowed our social structures that support the family and child to erode with attacks on the family, marriage and parental discipline rights, we have seen a steady drop in the IQs and SAT scores of whites. This is not happening among Asians because they are culturally immune to white self destructive insanity.

I agree. It has primarily been the result of the Liberal agenda. Actually give the devil his due, the KKK told us this would happen way back in the 1950's. Integration of our schools was perhaps the beginning. The bussing of our school children turned many good schools into failing schools with an increase in crime rates within those schools. The dumbing down of college entrance exams and preferential treatment for minorities had an adverse effect. Intermarriage between the races has produced dumber and inferior offspring. Quota promotion of minorities has hurt our industrial output. We did it all ourselves. The abolishment of the military draft has served to diminish patriotism. Entitlement programs has served to produce a generation of lazy underachieving dependents upon society. Hell, it even led to producing a whole slew of stupid Liberals. We have destroyed ourselves.
It pains me to agree with you humanoid, but I do. Our only difference is the source. The Feds have very little control over school districts or curricula. Those are all local or State controlled. A few years back I went ballistic when our local BOE attempted to lower the required GPA so more students could get better grades, because IMHO parents are too lazy or too timid of hurting their tot's feelings. But the key is not in our genes. It is in the expectations we place on our kids. That's why Asians beat the crap out of us in edu, because it is expected, and shame is a powerful tool. But if you insist on blaming the President, or Congress or a political party for the low expectations we place on our education, how about this: since 1997 (20 yrs ago) Congress was controlled 16 yrs in the House and 10 yrs in the Senate by Republicans. Since Reagan we've had 20 yrs R-Prez and 16yrs D-Prez. You are cherry-picking blame, I think, and doing American education and the kids it is tasked to challenge and teach a disservice. We need to get off our butts and go to local BOE meetings to make a difference instead of looking to Washington to fix it! And what is your opinion of those States and districts that are opting to either strike out or change historical facts such as slavery and/or native genocide, among others? Can we work together to correct our dismal recent record of teaching our kids?
Hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies have proved repeatedly that generally asians have higher IQ's than Whites and Whites have generally higher IQ's the negroes. Do you deny these studies?
white and black bell curve - Google Search
What's wrong with acknowledging the truth?

That's what I said. The KKK told us all back in the 1950's that Blacks were an inferior species and mixing with them would result in ugly and inferior children. They were right.
Yes indeed. It was Asians that put the first man on the moon. It was Asians than won World War II. It was an Asian that invented the heart stint. It was am Asian that invented the first automobile. etc., etc.
Most of that was prior to the 1970s, no?

My point is that since we have allowed our social structures that support the family and child to erode with attacks on the family, marriage and parental discipline rights, we have seen a steady drop in the IQs and SAT scores of whites. This is not happening among Asians because they are culturally immune to white self destructive insanity.

I agree. It has primarily been the result of the Liberal agenda. Actually give the devil his due, the KKK told us this would happen way back in the 1950's. Integration of our schools was perhaps the beginning. The bussing of our school children turned many good schools into failing schools with an increase in crime rates within those schools. The dumbing down of college entrance exams and preferential treatment for minorities had an adverse effect. Intermarriage between the races has produced dumber and inferior offspring. Quota promotion of minorities has hurt our industrial output. We did it all ourselves. The abolishment of the military draft has served to diminish patriotism. Entitlement programs has served to produce a generation of lazy underachieving dependents upon society. Hell, it even led to producing a whole slew of stupid Liberals. We have destroyed ourselves.
It pains me to agree with you humanoid, but I do. Our only difference is the source. The Feds have very little control over school districts or curricula. Those are all local or State controlled. A few years back I went ballistic when our local BOE attempted to lower the required GPA so more students could get better grades, because IMHO parents are too lazy or too timid of hurting their tot's feelings. But the key is not in our genes. It is in the expectations we place on our kids. That's why Asians beat the crap out of us in edu, because it is expected, and shame is a powerful tool. But if you insist on blaming the President, or Congress or a political party for the low expectations we place on our education, how about this: since 1997 (20 yrs ago) Congress was controlled 16 yrs in the House and 10 yrs in the Senate by Republicans. Since Reagan we've had 20 yrs R-Prez and 16yrs D-Prez. You are cherry-picking blame, I think, and doing American education and the kids it is tasked to challenge and teach a disservice. We need to get off our butts and go to local BOE meetings to make a difference instead of looking to Washington to fix it! And what is your opinion of those States and districts that are opting to either strike out or change historical facts such as slavery and/or native genocide, among others? Can we work together to correct our dismal recent record of teaching our kids?
Hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies have proved repeatedly that generally asians have higher IQ's than Whites and Whites have generally higher IQ's the negroes. Do you deny these studies?
white and black bell curve - Google Search
What's wrong with acknowledging the truth?

That's what I said. The KKK told us all back in the 1950's that Blacks were an inferior species and mixing with them would result in ugly and inferior children. They were right.
I think it worked the other way, most mixed race women are beautiful, and noticeably smarter than their hog shaped counterparts that you see in wal-mart.
Most of that was prior to the 1970s, no?

My point is that since we have allowed our social structures that support the family and child to erode with attacks on the family, marriage and parental discipline rights, we have seen a steady drop in the IQs and SAT scores of whites. This is not happening among Asians because they are culturally immune to white self destructive insanity.

I agree. It has primarily been the result of the Liberal agenda. Actually give the devil his due, the KKK told us this would happen way back in the 1950's. Integration of our schools was perhaps the beginning. The bussing of our school children turned many good schools into failing schools with an increase in crime rates within those schools. The dumbing down of college entrance exams and preferential treatment for minorities had an adverse effect. Intermarriage between the races has produced dumber and inferior offspring. Quota promotion of minorities has hurt our industrial output. We did it all ourselves. The abolishment of the military draft has served to diminish patriotism. Entitlement programs has served to produce a generation of lazy underachieving dependents upon society. Hell, it even led to producing a whole slew of stupid Liberals. We have destroyed ourselves.
It pains me to agree with you humanoid, but I do. Our only difference is the source. The Feds have very little control over school districts or curricula. Those are all local or State controlled. A few years back I went ballistic when our local BOE attempted to lower the required GPA so more students could get better grades, because IMHO parents are too lazy or too timid of hurting their tot's feelings. But the key is not in our genes. It is in the expectations we place on our kids. That's why Asians beat the crap out of us in edu, because it is expected, and shame is a powerful tool. But if you insist on blaming the President, or Congress or a political party for the low expectations we place on our education, how about this: since 1997 (20 yrs ago) Congress was controlled 16 yrs in the House and 10 yrs in the Senate by Republicans. Since Reagan we've had 20 yrs R-Prez and 16yrs D-Prez. You are cherry-picking blame, I think, and doing American education and the kids it is tasked to challenge and teach a disservice. We need to get off our butts and go to local BOE meetings to make a difference instead of looking to Washington to fix it! And what is your opinion of those States and districts that are opting to either strike out or change historical facts such as slavery and/or native genocide, among others? Can we work together to correct our dismal recent record of teaching our kids?
Hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies have proved repeatedly that generally asians have higher IQ's than Whites and Whites have generally higher IQ's the negroes. Do you deny these studies?
white and black bell curve - Google Search
What's wrong with acknowledging the truth?

That's what I said. The KKK told us all back in the 1950's that Blacks were an inferior species and mixing with them would result in ugly and inferior children. They were right.
I think it worked the other way, most mixed race women are beautiful, and noticeably smarter than their hog shaped counterparts that you see in wal-mart.

I have seen some really ugly mixed children. Red hair and a reddish/black complection, etc.
Hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies have proved repeatedly that generally asians have higher IQ's than Whites and Whites have generally higher IQ's the negroes. Do you deny these studies?
white and black bell curve - Google Search
What's wrong with acknowledging the truth?
Not sure he is denying the truth, so much as he is trying to understand *why* it is true.

I think that most people do not achieve there full potential, actually far from it.

So the group that does better is more often that group with strong family support, traditional values and a moral view of the universe.
Yes indeed. It was Asians that put the first man on the moon. It was Asians than won World War II. It was an Asian that invented the heart stint. It was am Asian that invented the first automobile. etc., etc.
Asian cultures are not conducive to inventiveness. But when exposed to new ideas and concepts they usually expand upon and improve them -- as we have seen in their automotive and electronic industries.
Yes indeed. It was Asians that put the first man on the moon. It was Asians than won World War II. It was an Asian that invented the heart stint. It was am Asian that invented the first automobile. etc., etc.
Asian cultures are not conducive to inventiveness. But when exposed to new ideas and concepts they usually expand upon and improve them -- as we have seen in their automotive and electronic industries.

Yes, they do seem to have a knack for stealing our designs and reproducing an inferior model, especially in electronic components.
Yes indeed. It was Asians that put the first man on the moon. It was Asians than won World War II. It was an Asian that invented the heart stint. It was am Asian that invented the first automobile. etc., etc.
Asian cultures are not conducive to inventiveness. But when exposed to new ideas and concepts they usually expand upon and improve them -- as we have seen in their automotive and electronic industries.

Yes, they do seem to have a knack for stealing our designs and reproducing an inferior model, especially in electronic components.
but they make the best ladyboys.
Hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies have proved repeatedly that generally asians have higher IQ's than Whites and Whites have generally higher IQ's the negroes. Do you deny these studies?
white and black bell curve - Google Search
What's wrong with acknowledging the truth?
Not sure he is denying the truth, so much as he is trying to understand *why* it is true.

I think that most people do not achieve there full potential, actually far from it.

So the group that does better is more often that group with strong family support, traditional values and a moral view of the universe.
The 'why' is very simple. It's called Darwin's Law.
Not all birds can fly as fast as other birds. Not all four legged animals eat the same food.
Just because we humans have the capacity to think doesn't mean we are not just one more life form with different characteristics. Some races have evolved that are generally more intelligent than other races. Why is it so hard for intelligent people to accept this fact?
The 'group' that does better is more intelligent than other groups. Their intelligence is the key to understanding that providing a strong family support, traditional values and a moral view of the universe is going to help their lineage to survive and prosper.
First comes intelligence though. Without that no one gets ahead.
That's why the negro race is a globally failing race failing further and further behind every decade.
Yes indeed. It was Asians that put the first man on the moon. It was Asians than won World War II. It was an Asian that invented the heart stint. It was am Asian that invented the first automobile. etc., etc.
Most of that was prior to the 1970s, no?

My point is that since we have allowed our social structures that support the family and child to erode with attacks on the family, marriage and parental discipline rights, we have seen a steady drop in the IQs and SAT scores of whites. This is not happening among Asians because they are culturally immune to white self destructive insanity.

I agree. It has primarily been the result of the Liberal agenda. Actually give the devil his due, the KKK told us this would happen way back in the 1950's. Integration of our schools was perhaps the beginning. The bussing of our school children turned many good schools into failing schools with an increase in crime rates within those schools. The dumbing down of college entrance exams and preferential treatment for minorities had an adverse effect. Intermarriage between the races has produced dumber and inferior offspring. Quota promotion of minorities has hurt our industrial output. We did it all ourselves. The abolishment of the military draft has served to diminish patriotism. Entitlement programs has served to produce a generation of lazy underachieving dependents upon society. Hell, it even led to producing a whole slew of stupid Liberals. We have destroyed ourselves.
It pains me to agree with you humanoid, but I do. Our only difference is the source. The Feds have very little control over school districts or curricula. Those are all local or State controlled. A few years back I went ballistic when our local BOE attempted to lower the required GPA so more students could get better grades, because IMHO parents are too lazy or too timid of hurting their tot's feelings. But the key is not in our genes. It is in the expectations we place on our kids. That's why Asians beat the crap out of us in edu, because it is expected, and shame is a powerful tool. But if you insist on blaming the President, or Congress or a political party for the low expectations we place on our education, how about this: since 1997 (20 yrs ago) Congress was controlled 16 yrs in the House and 10 yrs in the Senate by Republicans. Since Reagan we've had 20 yrs R-Prez and 16yrs D-Prez. You are cherry-picking blame, I think, and doing American education and the kids it is tasked to challenge and teach a disservice. We need to get off our butts and go to local BOE meetings to make a difference instead of looking to Washington to fix it! And what is your opinion of those States and districts that are opting to either strike out or change historical facts such as slavery and/or native genocide, among others? Can we work together to correct our dismal recent record of teaching our kids?
Hundreds of peer reviewed scientific studies have proved repeatedly that generally asians have higher IQ's than Whites and Whites have generally higher IQ's the negroes. Do you deny these studies?
white and black bell curve - Google Search
What's wrong with acknowledging the truth?
I do deny the studies as you present them, I do not acknowledge them as truth. Let me be clear. Studies may indeed show these statistics, but I think you are wrong to assume they are due to genetics. I genuinely believe that, if true, they are due to the environment each child is raised within and the quality of education provided.
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.

Sorry but that's impossible. The races differ physically but mentally we're all the same. It's been proven. Black failure is entirely due to a giant conspiracy by white people to hold down blacks.
It's been my observation over the years that Asians are generally smarter than Whites. This first occurred to me in 1957 when I was stationed in Japan and came in contact with Japanese kids. They are very curious, they learn fast -- and they enjoy learning. They like school and they help each other to learn.

The major difference between them and Western peoples is they are not inclined to invent new things. This is because their family orientation, apparent in their respect and deference to parents and elders, grounds them in the past and encourages them to be content with the present.

So you're a racist, since the historical definition of racism is the belief in racial superiority.
An significant IQ advantage combined with a, by White Standards, a brutal work ethnic means that if Whites are to compete we have to work at least as hard as a culture that places very little value on the idea of play for children and families.

This is a cultural change.

One that we were not allowed to debate because any attempt to discuss it was shut down by libs with the Race Card.

I do not want to deprive generations of American CHildren traditional American childhoods because they have to compete with Asian-Americans.

So, what do we do now?

At the very least, stop more Asian Immigration.

Why make the problem worse?
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.

Sorry but that's impossible. The races differ physically but mentally we're all the same. It's been proven. Black failure is entirely due to a giant conspiracy by white people to hold down blacks.

Yes indeed, I remember doing that. We Whites all got together one evening at a sports bar and had a few beers and ate some pickled eggs and decided to conspire against the Black folks. It was on a Monday night when the football season was over and there were no games on.
So you're a racist, since the historical definition of racism is the belief in racial superiority.
Provided your definition of racism does not include innate antipathy and enmity, I agree.

I also prefer the term sub-species to the word "race" when referring to the various divisions within the human species. It enables academic discussion of specific characteristics, such as innate intelligence, without presumptive contempt or hostility.
Asians generally have higher IQs than Whites. Whites generally have higher IQs than negroes.
Observe those who are attending MIT.
Not so loud. They'll force MIT to accept more unqualified minorities and it will stand for Mo' Ignunt Thugs.
What I have seen in college and on the job is that nearly all Asians have an intense work ethic when it comes to education. I don't believe they are inherently smarter than any other Race. I believe in public schools they simply out work and out study other Racial groups. From what I saw of public high schools in my city, that isn't hard to do.

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