White Supremacist Accused of Amtrak Terror Attack Also Attended Alt-Right Event In Charlottesville,

Amtrak terror suspect also attended "alt-right" event in Charlottesville, according to FBI

For all those who claim that violence is only an antifa sort of thing:

"A 26-year-old white man who attempted to commit a terror attack on an Amtrak train in rural Nebraska also attended the doomed “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August on the white supremacist side, according to a court document.

St. Charles, Missouri resident Taylor Michael Wilson has been charged with an attempt to commit terror by targeting an Amtrak train in southwest Nebraska in October 2017. FBI Special Agent Monte Czaplewski, writing in an affidavit attached to the criminal complaint, suggested that Wilson wanted to murder black people. The document suggests that he had weapons, as well as a National Socialist Movement (NSM) business card with him at the time he was arrested.

Wilson entered an engineer's seat of an Amtrak train after midnight on October 22 and started "playing with the controls" of the train, according to Czaplewski’s account. No one was injured or killed in the attempted attack.

Newsweek reached out to NSM for a comment about the revelations but did not immediately receive a response. The group is neo-Nazi in nature, has ties to the more traditional American Nazi Party and has been connected to other elements of the modern, so-called alt-right movement at rallies and events."

"The “alt-right,” a deeply anti-Semitic movement that calls for limited immigration, mass deportations and a new state for white, non-Jews only, has been attached to many violent incidents since the “Unite the Right” event collapsed into chaos. William Edward Atchison, who killed two students at his high school last year was a regular commenter on the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, according to The Daily Beast. Nicholas Giampa, a 17-year-old Virginia boy, allegedly murdered his girlfriend’s parents, Scott Fricker and Buckley Kuhn Fricker in a shooting incident that took place last month. He had a neo-Nazi social media presence, according to a report by The Huffington Post. The shooter who killed a Douglas County deputy and wounded other law enforcement figures on Sunday was attracted to an “alt-right” ideology, according to a local news reporter.

Wilson, the accused terrorist, was not likely just a casual supporter of alt-right politics. Czaplewski noted in his affidavit that the man also had a photo of a banner broadcasting white supremacist propaganda on his phone."
White American terrorists (including mass shooters) kill far more people in America than so called Islamic terrorists.
white extremists have killed a whopping 77 people --since 1995
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
please add in:
Las Vegas-59
whatever else you like

now, we have almost 3000 killed by 9-11 islamic/muslim terrorists 2001
other muslim/islamic terrorists::
San Bernadino-16 killed
Boston Bombers
Ft Hood

blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR--over FOUR times the rate of whites!!
You need to also count all the white men who have done mass shootings.

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners

Most Of America’s Terrorists Are White, And Not Muslim | HuffPost

Majority of terrorists who have attacked America are not Muslim, new study finds

Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11

Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.

Who is More of a Threat: Far-Right or Muslim Extremists?

All debunked and proven false.

Islamic terrorists have killed far more in America than white terrorists.

Simple fact and easy to prove and measure but of course the left ignores that fact
So...show us the easy debunking--all you really have is 911...the rest were pretty much all home-grown--just like Tim McVeigh...and the Order, remember Alan Berg? Stats don't alway tell the true story..on that--I expect we agree.

But the alt/right--are doomed. Simple as that
The left loves labels but how does a maniac who entered a Amtrac train and "played with the controls" get labeled as a "white supremacist"? He sounds more like an anarchist or garden variety nut case. Should we place a label on a left wing maniac who opened fire on a freaking baseball team or should we just forget about James Hodgkinson? What do we label Stephen Paddock who opened fire on what CBS deemed as a "redneck concert" and murdered 58 people? How do we label H'wood celebs who threatened the President of the United States with everything from arson to assault and murder?

This guy apparently left a trail behind him, including traveling to Charlottesville, posts on the internet, etc., linking him to the white-supremacy movement. He is a Missouri resident. What was he doing a long way away from Missouri? Sightseeing?
Which celebrities threatened the piece of shit in the Oval office with arson, assault, or murder?





Not the only images Eastern Europe calls up....
Amtrak terror suspect also attended "alt-right" event in Charlottesville, according to FBI

For all those who claim that violence is only an antifa sort of thing:

"A 26-year-old white man who attempted to commit a terror attack on an Amtrak train in rural Nebraska also attended the doomed “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August on the white supremacist side, according to a court document.

St. Charles, Missouri resident Taylor Michael Wilson has been charged with an attempt to commit terror by targeting an Amtrak train in southwest Nebraska in October 2017. FBI Special Agent Monte Czaplewski, writing in an affidavit attached to the criminal complaint, suggested that Wilson wanted to murder black people. The document suggests that he had weapons, as well as a National Socialist Movement (NSM) business card with him at the time he was arrested.

Wilson entered an engineer's seat of an Amtrak train after midnight on October 22 and started "playing with the controls" of the train, according to Czaplewski’s account. No one was injured or killed in the attempted attack.

Newsweek reached out to NSM for a comment about the revelations but did not immediately receive a response. The group is neo-Nazi in nature, has ties to the more traditional American Nazi Party and has been connected to other elements of the modern, so-called alt-right movement at rallies and events."

"The “alt-right,” a deeply anti-Semitic movement that calls for limited immigration, mass deportations and a new state for white, non-Jews only, has been attached to many violent incidents since the “Unite the Right” event collapsed into chaos. William Edward Atchison, who killed two students at his high school last year was a regular commenter on the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, according to The Daily Beast. Nicholas Giampa, a 17-year-old Virginia boy, allegedly murdered his girlfriend’s parents, Scott Fricker and Buckley Kuhn Fricker in a shooting incident that took place last month. He had a neo-Nazi social media presence, according to a report by The Huffington Post. The shooter who killed a Douglas County deputy and wounded other law enforcement figures on Sunday was attracted to an “alt-right” ideology, according to a local news reporter.

Wilson, the accused terrorist, was not likely just a casual supporter of alt-right politics. Czaplewski noted in his affidavit that the man also had a photo of a banner broadcasting white supremacist propaganda on his phone."
White American terrorists (including mass shooters) kill far more people in America than so called Islamic terrorists.
white extremists have killed a whopping 77 people --since 1995
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
please add in:
Las Vegas-59
whatever else you like

now, we have almost 3000 killed by 9-11 islamic/muslim terrorists 2001
other muslim/islamic terrorists::
San Bernadino-16 killed
Boston Bombers
Ft Hood

blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR--over FOUR times the rate of whites!!
You need to also count all the white men who have done mass shootings.

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners

Most Of America’s Terrorists Are White, And Not Muslim | HuffPost

Majority of terrorists who have attacked America are not Muslim, new study finds

Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11

Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.

Who is More of a Threat: Far-Right or Muslim Extremists?

All debunked and proven false.

Islamic terrorists have killed far more in America than white terrorists.

Simple fact and easy to prove and measure but of course the left ignores that fact
So...show us the easy debunking--all you really have is 911...the rest were pretty much all home-grown--just like Tim McVeigh...and the Order, remember Alan Berg? Stats don't alway tell the true story..on that--I expect we agree.

But the alt/right--are doomed. Simple as that

Tim McVeigh? A black-ops patsy. The Murrah building bombing was a false flag done by rogue elements of the federal "gubermint" for a litany of reasons. I will be more than happy to school you on what the OKC bombing was really all about...........are ya up for some truth bombs?
Amtrak terror suspect also attended "alt-right" event in Charlottesville, according to FBI

For all those who claim that violence is only an antifa sort of thing:

"A 26-year-old white man who attempted to commit a terror attack on an Amtrak train in rural Nebraska also attended the doomed “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August on the white supremacist side, according to a court document.

St. Charles, Missouri resident Taylor Michael Wilson has been charged with an attempt to commit terror by targeting an Amtrak train in southwest Nebraska in October 2017. FBI Special Agent Monte Czaplewski, writing in an affidavit attached to the criminal complaint, suggested that Wilson wanted to murder black people. The document suggests that he had weapons, as well as a National Socialist Movement (NSM) business card with him at the time he was arrested.

Wilson entered an engineer's seat of an Amtrak train after midnight on October 22 and started "playing with the controls" of the train, according to Czaplewski’s account. No one was injured or killed in the attempted attack.

Newsweek reached out to NSM for a comment about the revelations but did not immediately receive a response. The group is neo-Nazi in nature, has ties to the more traditional American Nazi Party and has been connected to other elements of the modern, so-called alt-right movement at rallies and events."

"The “alt-right,” a deeply anti-Semitic movement that calls for limited immigration, mass deportations and a new state for white, non-Jews only, has been attached to many violent incidents since the “Unite the Right” event collapsed into chaos. William Edward Atchison, who killed two students at his high school last year was a regular commenter on the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, according to The Daily Beast. Nicholas Giampa, a 17-year-old Virginia boy, allegedly murdered his girlfriend’s parents, Scott Fricker and Buckley Kuhn Fricker in a shooting incident that took place last month. He had a neo-Nazi social media presence, according to a report by The Huffington Post. The shooter who killed a Douglas County deputy and wounded other law enforcement figures on Sunday was attracted to an “alt-right” ideology, according to a local news reporter.

Wilson, the accused terrorist, was not likely just a casual supporter of alt-right politics. Czaplewski noted in his affidavit that the man also had a photo of a banner broadcasting white supremacist propaganda on his phone."
White American terrorists (including mass shooters) kill far more people in America than so called Islamic terrorists.

Liberals seem to have a massive problem with proportions, they don't seem to get this is a White nation, not a Muslim one.
Nope..we are a nation of many colors and culture...the "we are a white nation" is well on its way out. Demographics are not your friend, are they?

Whites made America, non-Whites destroy it.
White American terrorists (including mass shooters) kill far more people in America than so called Islamic terrorists.
white extremists have killed a whopping 77 people --since 1995
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
please add in:
Las Vegas-59
whatever else you like

now, we have almost 3000 killed by 9-11 islamic/muslim terrorists 2001
other muslim/islamic terrorists::
San Bernadino-16 killed
Boston Bombers
Ft Hood

blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR--over FOUR times the rate of whites!!
You need to also count all the white men who have done mass shootings.

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners

Most Of America’s Terrorists Are White, And Not Muslim | HuffPost

Majority of terrorists who have attacked America are not Muslim, new study finds

Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11

Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.

Who is More of a Threat: Far-Right or Muslim Extremists?

All debunked and proven false.

Islamic terrorists have killed far more in America than white terrorists.

Simple fact and easy to prove and measure but of course the left ignores that fact
So...show us the easy debunking--all you really have is 911...the rest were pretty much all home-grown--just like Tim McVeigh...and the Order, remember Alan Berg? Stats don't alway tell the true story..on that--I expect we agree.

But the alt/right--are doomed. Simple as that

Tim McVeigh? A black-ops patsy. The Murrah building bombing was a false flag done by rogue elements of the federal "gubermint" for a litany of reasons. I will be more than happy to school you on what the OKC bombing was really all about...........are ya up for some truth bombs?
Nah..my tinfoil hat is in for repair..Lol! We live in totally different worlds...as long as you don't try to act out your fantasies..it's all good.
Seeing is believing. Let Whites live in a self segregated environ. Without non whites or jewish influence. Observe .
Like Ireland eh? ROTFLMFAO! There will never be a whites only part of the US again..ever---if some brain dead alt/right peeps need to get squashed..so be it.

Destroying Western Culture, the biggest crime in history.
Only something so stupid, and evil as White anti-Racists could support it....
Make America White Again. Very simple
Nope...destroy racists of whatever culture or color, where ever they dare to rise their heads. Not by violence..but by the law. It will happen

Yeah we got the memo.

Welll...I'm down with bashing bigots..if they get out of line and hurt others...kill Whitey?? Of all the things that I find amusement in..the concept of white victimhood as espoused by the alt/right is one of the most amusing. Dude..most of your Opposition..is White--have you not noticed?
white extremists have killed a whopping 77 people --since 1995
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
please add in:
Las Vegas-59
whatever else you like

now, we have almost 3000 killed by 9-11 islamic/muslim terrorists 2001
other muslim/islamic terrorists::
San Bernadino-16 killed
Boston Bombers
Ft Hood

blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR--over FOUR times the rate of whites!!
You need to also count all the white men who have done mass shootings.

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners

Most Of America’s Terrorists Are White, And Not Muslim | HuffPost

Majority of terrorists who have attacked America are not Muslim, new study finds

Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11

Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.

Who is More of a Threat: Far-Right or Muslim Extremists?

All debunked and proven false.

Islamic terrorists have killed far more in America than white terrorists.

Simple fact and easy to prove and measure but of course the left ignores that fact
So...show us the easy debunking--all you really have is 911...the rest were pretty much all home-grown--just like Tim McVeigh...and the Order, remember Alan Berg? Stats don't alway tell the true story..on that--I expect we agree.

But the alt/right--are doomed. Simple as that

Tim McVeigh? A black-ops patsy. The Murrah building bombing was a false flag done by rogue elements of the federal "gubermint" for a litany of reasons. I will be more than happy to school you on what the OKC bombing was really all about...........are ya up for some truth bombs?
Nah..my tinfoil hat is in for repair..Lol! We live in totally different worlds...as long as you don't try to act out your fantasies..it's all good.

An ANFO bomb didn't cause the damage at the Murrah building.......fact. McVeigh was a patsy.......no "tin foil hat wearing" conspiracy theory....this is the truth. I am an expert on the details of the OKC bombing and it's scientifically impossible that a fueled oiled bomb consisting ammonium nitrate caused that type of structural damage. The preponderance of the evidence shows as much. We also have the whistleblower that has come forward that said he was recruited to do this in 1994, he worked in black-ops. I have his book and it's rather intense. He has been doing interviews of which I have listened to every one he has done and he never stays from his claims. I met Brigadier General Benton Partin in August of 2004 that can scientifically proof that the psi of the alleged material in the Ryder truck was not enough to powderize concrete encased rebar.

We have the FEMA reports that two unexploded bombs (as well as the TV reports) were taken from the rubble by a bomb squad. Seismic graphs show two distinct explosions seconds apart. Need more info? I can relay it to you..........
not surprising ----- the dude who ran into the counter protesters, killing that girl - was one of them that 'fine people' who sieg heiled at that discusting display of nazi pride too.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.

no lowlife bigoted muddy.... a white supremacist terrorist drove into decent people protesting nazis.
not surprising ----- the dude who ran into the counter protesters, killing that girl - was one of them that 'fine people' who sieg heiled at that discusting display of nazi pride too.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.

no lowlife bigoted muddy.... a white supremacist terrorist drove into decent people protesting nazis.

You betcha, Shillian!

not surprising ----- the dude who ran into the counter protesters, killing that girl - was one of them that 'fine people' who sieg heiled at that discusting display of nazi pride too.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.

no lowlife bigoted muddy.... a white supremacist terrorist drove into decent people protesting nazis.

Decent commies protesting the very ones that were being paid by Soros???????? You betcha....
not surprising ----- the dude who ran into the counter protesters, killing that girl - was one of them that 'fine people' who sieg heiled at that discusting display of nazi pride too.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.

no lowlife bigoted muddy.... a white supremacist terrorist drove into decent people protesting nazis.

Decent commies protesting the very ones that were being paid by Soros???????? You betcha....

poor delusional psychopath troll. :cuckoo:
not surprising ----- the dude who ran into the counter protesters, killing that girl - was one of them that 'fine people' who sieg heiled at that discusting display of nazi pride too.
Yep....that WS asshole plowed into a bunch of Antifa assholes.....and everything went to shit.
If the guy had run into a crowd of Trump supporters you folks on the left would want him to get a spot on MSNBC or CNN. Maybe even The View.

no lowlife bigoted muddy.... a white supremacist terrorist drove into decent people protesting nazis.

Decent commies protesting the very ones that were being paid by Soros???????? You betcha....

poor delusional psychopath troll. :cuckoo:

Do tell? They allowed him to change shirts before his mugshot? I saw other footage showing these "decent commies" armed with bats and large sticks pounding the back of the car after this "accident" (and not very enthusiastically by the way......it was really lame) but yet he was able to back out on a crowded street, do a U-turn and drive away? Shillian, you are not only stupid but hopelessly naive.
This is by FAR my favorite video exposing this.........who would think to don a wig after an alleged horrific event? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

This thread has gotten quite derailed guys - please review the OP and get back on topic.
This thread has gotten quite derailed guys - please review the OP and get back on topic.

Since it has been called into question as to whether the Charlottesville event was an actual attack of a "white supremacist" or a staged event (of which I have more than provided proof to give pause for thought) then whole premise of this thread has become suspect and simply a way to "troll". Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Amtrak terror suspect also attended "alt-right" event in Charlottesville, according to FBI

For all those who claim that violence is only an antifa sort of thing:

"A 26-year-old white man who attempted to commit a terror attack on an Amtrak train in rural Nebraska also attended the doomed “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last August on the white supremacist side, according to a court document.

St. Charles, Missouri resident Taylor Michael Wilson has been charged with an attempt to commit terror by targeting an Amtrak train in southwest Nebraska in October 2017. FBI Special Agent Monte Czaplewski, writing in an affidavit attached to the criminal complaint, suggested that Wilson wanted to murder black people. The document suggests that he had weapons, as well as a National Socialist Movement (NSM) business card with him at the time he was arrested.

Wilson entered an engineer's seat of an Amtrak train after midnight on October 22 and started "playing with the controls" of the train, according to Czaplewski’s account. No one was injured or killed in the attempted attack.

Newsweek reached out to NSM for a comment about the revelations but did not immediately receive a response. The group is neo-Nazi in nature, has ties to the more traditional American Nazi Party and has been connected to other elements of the modern, so-called alt-right movement at rallies and events."

"The “alt-right,” a deeply anti-Semitic movement that calls for limited immigration, mass deportations and a new state for white, non-Jews only, has been attached to many violent incidents since the “Unite the Right” event collapsed into chaos. William Edward Atchison, who killed two students at his high school last year was a regular commenter on the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, according to The Daily Beast. Nicholas Giampa, a 17-year-old Virginia boy, allegedly murdered his girlfriend’s parents, Scott Fricker and Buckley Kuhn Fricker in a shooting incident that took place last month. He had a neo-Nazi social media presence, according to a report by The Huffington Post. The shooter who killed a Douglas County deputy and wounded other law enforcement figures on Sunday was attracted to an “alt-right” ideology, according to a local news reporter.

Wilson, the accused terrorist, was not likely just a casual supporter of alt-right politics. Czaplewski noted in his affidavit that the man also had a photo of a banner broadcasting white supremacist propaganda on his phone."
White American terrorists (including mass shooters) kill far more people in America than so called Islamic terrorists.
white extremists have killed a whopping 77 people --since 1995
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
please add in:
Las Vegas-59
whatever else you like

now, we have almost 3000 killed by 9-11 islamic/muslim terrorists 2001
other muslim/islamic terrorists::
San Bernadino-16 killed
Boston Bombers
Ft Hood

blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR--over FOUR times the rate of whites!!
You need to also count all the white men who have done mass shootings.

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners

Most Of America’s Terrorists Are White, And Not Muslim | HuffPost

Majority of terrorists who have attacked America are not Muslim, new study finds

Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11

Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.

Who is More of a Threat: Far-Right or Muslim Extremists?

All debunked and proven false.

Islamic terrorists have killed far more in America than white terrorists.

Simple fact and easy to prove and measure but of course the left ignores that fact
So...show us the easy debunking--all you really have is 911...the rest were pretty much all home-grown--just like Tim McVeigh...and the Order, remember Alan Berg? Stats don't alway tell the true story..on that--I expect we agree.

But the alt/right--are doomed. Simple as that

Yes you are because every measurement you use starts AFTER 911 and no 911 is not the only muslim terrorist attack. 911 has to be included.

Ft Hood, Orlando, San Bernandino were all also muslim terrorist attacks
White American terrorists (including mass shooters) kill far more people in America than so called Islamic terrorists.
white extremists have killed a whopping 77 people --since 1995
The Long List of Killings Committed by White Extremists Since the Oklahoma City Bombing
please add in:
Las Vegas-59
whatever else you like

now, we have almost 3000 killed by 9-11 islamic/muslim terrorists 2001
other muslim/islamic terrorists::
San Bernadino-16 killed
Boston Bombers
Ft Hood

blacks murder over 3000 every YEAR--over FOUR times the rate of whites!!
You need to also count all the white men who have done mass shootings.

White American men are a bigger domestic terrorist threat than Muslim foreigners

Most Of America’s Terrorists Are White, And Not Muslim | HuffPost

Majority of terrorists who have attacked America are not Muslim, new study finds

Homegrown Extremists Tied to Deadlier Toll Than Jihadists in U.S. Since 9/11

Study: White Terrorists Deadlier Than Islamists in the U.S.

Who is More of a Threat: Far-Right or Muslim Extremists?

All debunked and proven false.

Islamic terrorists have killed far more in America than white terrorists.

Simple fact and easy to prove and measure but of course the left ignores that fact
So...show us the easy debunking--all you really have is 911...the rest were pretty much all home-grown--just like Tim McVeigh...and the Order, remember Alan Berg? Stats don't alway tell the true story..on that--I expect we agree.

But the alt/right--are doomed. Simple as that

Tim McVeigh? A black-ops patsy. The Murrah building bombing was a false flag done by rogue elements of the federal "gubermint" for a litany of reasons. I will be more than happy to school you on what the OKC bombing was really all about...........are ya up for some truth bombs?


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