White supremacist Charlottesville killer found guilty of murder

What in the world did Heather Heyer do that makes you Trumpsters talk about her as if she was the one who did something wrong? Seriously.... what did she do?

While Fields dreams of plowing in to a crowd of people with a car..... premeditated murder?

they are NOT equal....? She was simply walking across the street when this monster plowed his car in to her and many others....

Would you want your daughter or son to die in that manner?

Jurors in the trial of a man accused of driving into a crowd of counter protesters at a white nationalist rally have viewed a meme he posted on Instagram showing bodies thrown into the air after a car hits a crowd of people.

Deputy says Fields apologized after deadly crash at rally

Once again was he posting this?

this allegedly was it,


This is a werid meme care 4 all people get fired for showing up late for work..

And real simple stuff that killed 40 people..

You want to play it doesn't happen but it has..

People that want to make a statement kills women and children just living


Depression in the case of that pilot, he was crazy.

I don't think anyone has suggested that Fields was depressed or crazy? But maybe he was? Hatred for others can make you crazy.... I suppose? That's why it's better to not hate, better to forgive, (as we have been forgiven by Christ) and to kiss and make up, before you fall asleep!!!

I like that..

If I saw you on the street I would do everything to save your life..

If you saw me on the street you would walk right by.

It's just facts.

What in the world did Heather Heyer do that makes you Trumpsters talk about her as if she was the one who did something wrong? Seriously.... what did she do?

While Fields dreams of plowing in to a crowd of people with a car..... premeditated murder?

they are NOT equal....? She was simply walking across the street when this monster plowed his car in to her and many others....

Would you want your daughter or son to die in that manner?

Jurors in the trial of a man accused of driving into a crowd of counter protesters at a white nationalist rally have viewed a meme he posted on Instagram showing bodies thrown into the air after a car hits a crowd of people.

Deputy says Fields apologized after deadly crash at rally

Once again was he posting this?

this allegedly was it,


This is a werid meme care 4 all people get fired for showing up late for work..

And real simple stuff that killed 40 people..

You want to play it doesn't happen but it has..

People that want to make a statement kills women and children just living


Depression in the case of that pilot, he was crazy.

I don't think anyone has suggested that Fields was depressed or crazy? But maybe he was? Hatred for others can make you crazy.... I suppose? That's why it's better to not hate, better to forgive, (as we have been forgiven by Christ) and to kiss and make up, before you fall asleep!!!

I like that..

If I saw you on the street I would do everything to save your life..

If you saw me on the street you would walk right by.

It's just facts.


I remember this girl one time at work, she was a little thing, passing out hitting her head on the concrete..

I ran over and put her head in my lap and clalling over to a temp agency manager to call an ambulance.. I had to remember what to mouth / comprehension.

Stuff I learned in boy scouts..

The ambulance came two days later she just nodded at me and said "thank you"

What in the world did Heather Heyer do that makes you Trumpsters talk about her as if she was the one who did something wrong? Seriously.... what did she do?

While Fields dreams of plowing in to a crowd of people with a car..... premeditated murder?

they are NOT equal....? She was simply walking across the street when this monster plowed his car in to her and many others....

Would you want your daughter or son to die in that manner?

Jurors in the trial of a man accused of driving into a crowd of counter protesters at a white nationalist rally have viewed a meme he posted on Instagram showing bodies thrown into the air after a car hits a crowd of people.

Deputy says Fields apologized after deadly crash at rally

Once again was he posting this?

this allegedly was it,


This is a werid meme care 4 all people get fired for showing up late for work..

And real simple stuff that killed 40 people..

You want to play it doesn't happen but it has..

People that want to make a statement kills women and children just living


Depression in the case of that pilot, he was crazy.

I don't think anyone has suggested that Fields was depressed or crazy? But maybe he was? Hatred for others can make you crazy.... I suppose? That's why it's better to not hate, better to forgive, (as we have been forgiven by Christ) and to kiss and make up, before you fall asleep!!!

I am so trying to figure this out.. care 4 all ..

You have a girl so sweet at a rally when she should be drying her hair?

But then you get the argument she is an American why shouldn't she be out on the streets?

Then you got this guy posting shit of running over people in his car, it appears some people tried to attack a 21 year old he jumps in his charger..drives away in fear of his life.
What in the world did Heather Heyer do that makes you Trumpsters talk about her as if she was the one who did something wrong? Seriously.... what did she do?

While Fields dreams of plowing in to a crowd of people with a car..... premeditated murder?

they are NOT equal....? She was simply walking across the street when this monster plowed his car in to her and many others....

Would you want your daughter or son to die in that manner?

Jurors in the trial of a man accused of driving into a crowd of counter protesters at a white nationalist rally have viewed a meme he posted on Instagram showing bodies thrown into the air after a car hits a crowd of people.

Deputy says Fields apologized after deadly crash at rally

Once again was he posting this?

this allegedly was it,


This is a werid meme care 4 all people get fired for showing up late for work..

And real simple stuff that killed 40 people..

You want to play it doesn't happen but it has..

People that want to make a statement kills women and children just living


Depression in the case of that pilot, he was crazy.

I don't think anyone has suggested that Fields was depressed or crazy? But maybe he was? Hatred for others can make you crazy.... I suppose? That's why it's better to not hate, better to forgive, (as we have been forgiven by Christ) and to kiss and make up, before you fall asleep!!!

You watched it? I hope I didn't scare you..

that's a made up story bear.... he wasn't afraid for his life.... there was video of him sitting there in his car, with no one bothering him right at the corner of the street he decided to drive down and plow over people...

he made a decision to drive down that street fast like he did... the people trying to swipe his car as he went down that street he CHOSE to go down that had all the protesters on, were not that scary.... I watched that video a thousand times when it first happened....

And again, HE CHOSE TO GO DOWN THAT STREET, and took a couple of minutes to make that decision.... he could have gone left or right, but he chose to plow down it, is what it looked like to me....
What in the world did Heather Heyer do that makes you Trumpsters talk about her as if she was the one who did something wrong? Seriously.... what did she do?

While Fields dreams of plowing in to a crowd of people with a car..... premeditated murder?

they are NOT equal....? She was simply walking across the street when this monster plowed his car in to her and many others....

Would you want your daughter or son to die in that manner?

Jurors in the trial of a man accused of driving into a crowd of counter protesters at a white nationalist rally have viewed a meme he posted on Instagram showing bodies thrown into the air after a car hits a crowd of people.

Deputy says Fields apologized after deadly crash at rally

Once again was he posting this?

this allegedly was it,


This is a werid meme care 4 all people get fired for showing up late for work..

And real simple stuff that killed 40 people..

You want to play it doesn't happen but it has..

People that want to make a statement kills women and children just living


Depression in the case of that pilot, he was crazy.

I don't think anyone has suggested that Fields was depressed or crazy? But maybe he was? Hatred for others can make you crazy.... I suppose? That's why it's better to not hate, better to forgive, (as we have been forgiven by Christ) and to kiss and make up, before you fall asleep!!!

I am so trying to figure this out.. care 4 all ..

You have a girl so sweet at a rally when she should be drying her hair?

But then you get the argument she is an American why shouldn't she be out on the streets?

Then you got this guy posting shit of running over people in his car, it appears some people tried to attack a 21 year old he jumps in his charger..drives away in fear of his life.
What in the world did Heather Heyer do that makes you Trumpsters talk about her as if she was the one who did something wrong? Seriously.... what did she do?

While Fields dreams of plowing in to a crowd of people with a car..... premeditated murder?

they are NOT equal....? She was simply walking across the street when this monster plowed his car in to her and many others....

Would you want your daughter or son to die in that manner?

Jurors in the trial of a man accused of driving into a crowd of counter protesters at a white nationalist rally have viewed a meme he posted on Instagram showing bodies thrown into the air after a car hits a crowd of people.

Deputy says Fields apologized after deadly crash at rally

Once again was he posting this?

this allegedly was it,


This is a werid meme care 4 all people get fired for showing up late for work..

And real simple stuff that killed 40 people..

You want to play it doesn't happen but it has..

People that want to make a statement kills women and children just living


Depression in the case of that pilot, he was crazy.

I don't think anyone has suggested that Fields was depressed or crazy? But maybe he was? Hatred for others can make you crazy.... I suppose? That's why it's better to not hate, better to forgive, (as we have been forgiven by Christ) and to kiss and make up, before you fall asleep!!!

You watched it? I hope I didn't scare you..

You’re a moron. You clamor about freedom but then blame the victim for being where she was free to be.

None of that excuses what he did

He was lucky to get to his car before the rioters beat him senseless from what I've read. He was terrified and cornered...what would anybody do....either go around them (couldn't) or through them (did). There are no innocent bystanders in a riot.....hanging out to get some cell phone footage can get you messed up or killed. Antifa started that shit and the blame is on them, not the guy they were after.
”He was lucky to get to his car before the rioters beat him senseless from what I've read.”

Great, then post a link here to where you read that......
Well, WillPower? Where’s that link?
What link? Did he pick her out and drive his car at her? No. Did he intend to kill her? No. Was he blowing his horn so protesters would get out of his way? Don't know....but if he was, his intent was to flee not murder. None of the criterion for murder in the first were met. This is clearly a case of vehicular homicide, much like a drunk driver who inadvertently kills somebody or involuntary manslaughter. I don't know what kind of lawyer he had or who was on the jury, but if he had a public defender and little to no money for a private investigator, he'll get a new trial. People are wrongly convicted all the time. You weren't there and neither was I, yet you want him gang-raped in prison....that says a lot more about you than it does about him.
that's a made up story bear.... he wasn't afraid for his life.... there was video of him sitting there in his car, with no one bothering him right at the corner of the street he decided to drive down and plow over people...

he made a decision to drive down that street fast like he did... the people trying to swipe his car as he went down that street he CHOSE to go down that had all the protesters on, were not that scary.... I watched that video a thousand times when it first happened....

And again, HE CHOSE TO GO DOWN THAT STREET, and took a couple of minutes to make that decision.... he could have gone left or right, but he chose to plow down it, is what it looked like to me....

So why didn't more people get killed? That's a heavy car and if he had it floored, which he would have if he had evil intent, why weren't more people killed? That's the kind of question you have to ask yourself at some point instead of being smug about somebody you think is a "racist" going to prison.
I'm sure Google deleted most pics like this from their search engine...they do that you know, to influence public opinion.....they have a lot more influence on what you think than some russian hacker. But I found this one...just before he hit the gas. So, the guy wasn't being chased? Wasn't having his car attacked? See the street around and in front of him? Where was he supposed to go as they closed in on him?

Oops....here's another one that got by Google....Compare the pics.....see Antifa closing in on him after he stopped the car? Were they in front of him or were they the ones chasing him in the first place?


Further, was there a burn-out when he hit the gas? If he didn't lay down some rubber, (and the ass end of the car looked parallel to the front end when he entered the crowd) where's the proof he had intent to murder? Why didn't the crowd divide and let him through? They had him trapped, they knew they had him trapped and the antifa cowards were chasing him from behind.....Of course the DA over-charged for political reasons...was there a change of venue given the coverage of the event?
Last edited:
Oops....here's another one that got by Google....Compare the pics.....see Antifa closing in on him after he stopped the car? Were they in front of him or were they the ones chasing him in the first place?


Further, was there a burn-out when he hit the gas? If he didn't lay down some rubber, (and the ass end of the car looked parallel to the front end when he entered the crowd) where's the proof he had intent to murder? Why didn't the crowd divide and let him through? They had him trapped, they knew they had him trapped and the antifa cowards were chasing him from behind.....Of course the DA over-charged for political reasons...was there a change of venue given the coverage of the event?

Nazi sympathizer. Give it up. Your Nazi was properly charged and convicted.
Nazi sympathizer. Give it up. Your Nazi was properly charged and convicted.

Shut your fucking mouth....my Dad fought the stinking Nazis from Normandy through the Ardennes to the Rhine. Too bad he never got a crack at your communist heroes ya piece of shit.
Oops....here's another one that got by Google....Compare the pics.....see Antifa closing in on him after he stopped the car? Were they in front of him or were they the ones chasing him in the first place?


Further, was there a burn-out when he hit the gas? If he didn't lay down some rubber, (and the ass end of the car looked parallel to the front end when he entered the crowd) where's the proof he had intent to murder? Why didn't the crowd divide and let him through? They had him trapped, they knew they had him trapped and the antifa cowards were chasing him from behind.....Of course the DA over-charged for political reasons...was there a change of venue given the coverage of the event?
that was after he killed heather and injured 30 some others, CLEARLY you can see the people on the ground....

please stop playing dumb, just so you can justify a killing.

I don't want him to be killed with the death penalty, if the Fed prosecutes for hate crimes, for killing Heather and permanently injuring others, but he certainly deserves to be in jail, for a very long time.
please stop playing dumb, just so you can justify a killing.

I don't want him to be killed with the death penalty, if the Fed prosecutes for hate crimes, for killing Heather and permanently injuring others, but he certainly deserves to be in jail, for a very long time.

So antifa just materialized behind his car out of thin air? How about the kid hitting his car before he drove toward the crowd? I've provided visual proof of what happened before he went into the crowd. What if "Heather" was named "Gertrude"...would she have been so easy to portray as a martyr? Antifa is who got the woman killed just as sure as if they'd been driving the Dodge and you know it. Hopefully they'll get what's coming to them one bright, beautiful day. BTW, every Molly and Kate and all the rest who are murdered by illegals rest on your chest for not demanding the Wall be built every chance you get.
Shut your fucking mouth....my Dad fought the stinking Nazis from Normandy through the Ardennes to the Rhine. Too bad he never got a crack at your communist heroes ya piece of shit.

That was your dad. Bless his heart. What happened to you.

I’m going by what you currently post, not your family history. The pro-Nazi murderer excuse making. It’s all right here.
WillPower, post: 21355269
I've provided visual proof of what happened before he went into the crowd.

You have provided nothing. Your Nazi’s attack started before anyone touched his speeding crowd.

The jury saw the entire attack just like we all did last year.

That is what proved him guilty.

Give it up.
It’s comcial reading the morons trying to defend this murderer. He’s going to jail forever. Too bad, so sad.
That was your dad. Bless his heart. What happened to you.

I’m going by what you currently post, not your family history. The pro-Nazi murderer excuse making. It’s all right here.

My Dad spits on your blessing from his grave....I sent communists to hell for a living a long time ago, that's what "happened" to me. I'd do it again here in the US if it came to that....
That was your dad. Bless his heart. What happened to you.

I’m going by what you currently post, not your family history. The pro-Nazi murderer excuse making. It’s all right here.

My Dad spits on your blessing from his grave....I sent communists to hell for a living a long time ago, that's what "happened" to me. I'd do it again here in the US if it came to that....

Lighten up Francis, what this guy did was/is indefensible.
WillPower, post: 21355314
My Dad spits on your blessing from his grave....I sent communists to hell for a living a long time ago, that's what "happened" to me. I'd do it again here in the US if it came to that....

Sending Commies to hell does not negate your obvious sympathy for this thread’s subject Nazi murderer who killed an innocent young woman in an extremely cowardly way. Nazis sent commies to an afterlife too. You want the damned Nazi coward cleared and set free. That is the fact that we know. Your dad should be ashamed of you.
please stop playing dumb, just so you can justify a killing.

I don't want him to be killed with the death penalty, if the Fed prosecutes for hate crimes, for killing Heather and permanently injuring others, but he certainly deserves to be in jail, for a very long time.

So antifa just materialized behind his car out of thin air? How about the kid hitting his car before he drove toward the crowd? I've provided visual proof of what happened before he went into the crowd. What if "Heather" was named "Gertrude"...would she have been so easy to portray as a martyr? Antifa is who got the woman killed just as sure as if they'd been driving the Dodge and you know it. Hopefully they'll get what's coming to them one bright, beautiful day. BTW, every Molly and Kate and all the rest who are murdered by illegals rest on your chest for not demanding the Wall be built every chance you get.
was he trying to stop fields from ramming in to all those people? was he really scary enough for fields to kill and injure all those people by taking a swing at field's car? in the video of that picture scene you posted, it did not even appear that this guy's swing, even hit Field's car....

seriously Will, no matter the situation Fields chose to put himself in, by turning on to that street, he should not have rammed in to all those people... those people he harmed and killed, were not the ones or one person he was afraid would cause him harm, IF your story or Field's story of it, was true.... he should have backed up the street, thrown his car into reverse... even hitting the guy you claim was trying to harm him, would have been better, and more believable of an excuse... instead of revving his car, going head on, in to the crowd.

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