White supremacist Charlottesville killer found guilty of murder

Lighten up Francis, what this guy did was/is indefensible.

I just gave him a better defense here than his attorney apparently did. Notice not a single leftist nitwit refuted a thing I said about it. It terrifies us seasoned citizens to think this trash will be asked to cover our Social Security payments someday.
was he trying to stop fields from ramming in to all those people? was he really scary enough for fields to kill and injure all those people by taking a swing at field's car? in the video of that picture scene you posted, it did not even appear that this guy's swing, even hit Field's car....

seriously Will, no matter the situation Fields chose to put himself in, by turning on to that street, he should not have rammed in to all those people... those people he harmed and killed, were not the ones or one person he was afraid would cause him harm, IF your story or Field's story of it, was true.... he should have backed up the street, thrown his car into reverse... even hitting the guy you claim was trying to harm him, would have been better, and more believable of an excuse... instead of revving his car, going head on, in to the crowd.

The kid hitting the back of his car just got to him faster than the others...skinny little fucker outran the couch potatoes....What the pic proves is that the mob was after him from behind. Since I know how to drive, we agree.... I'd have slammed it in reverse and run over the fuckers chasing me. It's not easy driving a car in reverse, in a situation like that...maybe he figured he wasn't skilled enough to do it. But that doesn't let the crowd in front of him off the hook.....they saw him being chased and could have made a hole for him to get away but they didn't did they?
was he trying to stop fields from ramming in to all those people? was he really scary enough for fields to kill and injure all those people by taking a swing at field's car? in the video of that picture scene you posted, it did not even appear that this guy's swing, even hit Field's car....

seriously Will, no matter the situation Fields chose to put himself in, by turning on to that street, he should not have rammed in to all those people... those people he harmed and killed, were not the ones or one person he was afraid would cause him harm, IF your story or Field's story of it, was true.... he should have backed up the street, thrown his car into reverse... even hitting the guy you claim was trying to harm him, would have been better, and more believable of an excuse... instead of revving his car, going head on, in to the crowd.

The kid hitting the back of his car just got to him faster than the others...skinny little fucker outran the couch potatoes....What the pic proves is that the mob was after him from behind. Since I know how to drive, we agree.... I'd have slammed it in reverse and run over the fuckers chasing me. It's not easy driving a car in reverse, in a situation like that...maybe he figured he wasn't skilled enough to do it. But that doesn't let the crowd in front of him off the hook.....they saw him being chased and could have made a hole for him to get away but they didn't did they?
What made the one guy think that Fields was a white Nationalist and not a person on their side? Was he already zooming down the street, just feet away from the crowd? there was no other people going after Field's car, until AFTER he rammed the crowd.... nice try in your make believe game.... :rolleyes:
What made the one guy think that Fields was a white Nationalist and not a person on their side? Was he already zooming down the street, just feet away from the crowd? there was no other people going after Field's car, until AFTER he rammed the crowd.... nice try in your make believe game.... :rolleyes:

I posted a pic that proves he was being chased....does that kid look like he had the stones to whack a nice car with a club if he didn't have backup....a lot of backup? I couldn't find a pic to show his car from the crowd side...Google at it again? So, we've established somebody was hitting his car from behind with a weapon....what if he'd gotten out to chase him....how many would have jumped him....twenty?, thirty? Let's say the crowd didn't know why he was being chased ? So tell me counselor....was he blowing his horn or revving the engine for them to get out of his way or not?
Does your dad know he raised a piece of shit?

My Dad was very proud of me all our lives before a bullet a German put in him finally killed him 22 years after the war was over. I won't say anything about your Dad since it's against the rules here so I reported you instead of what I'd do if you said that to me in person, ya fucking coward.
WillPower, post: 21355547
I posted a pic that proves he was being chased..

He was going too fast for at lest two blocks in video that proves he was not being chased.

This thread settled all that;

NotfooledbyW, post: 18985360
They won't bother with your nonsense. They don't have to. They will just present the numerous videos as evidence, showing a deliberate attack on a large crowd of pedestrians at the intersection.

In other words;

ut ipsa loquitur

Let the facts (VIDEO) speak for themselves.

You must let all the videos speak for themselves not one Nazi propaganda picture.
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My Dad was very proud of me all our lives before a bullet a German put in him finally killed him 22 years after the war was over. I won't say anything about your Dad since it's against the rules here so I reported you instead of what I'd do if you said that to me in person, ya fucking coward.

Threats on an anonymous internet message board. Ooooh watch out.

And that doesn't change the fact that you're a piece of shit defending another piece of shit.
WillPower, post: 21355450,
.they saw him being chased and could have made a hole for him to get away but they didn't did they?

You are a liar - there are videos from behind the scene of the attack that show no one chasing the car. No one attacked the car until All of the defenseless pedestrians were hit and he had to stop.

No victims or bystanders could see him being chased. More of your pro-Nazi murderer supportive imaginations.
WillPower, post: 21355450,
.they saw him being chased and could have made a hole for him to get away but they didn't did they?

You are a liar - there are videos from behind the scene of the attack that show no one chasing the car. No one attacked the car until All of the defenseless pedestrians were hit and he had to stop.

No victims or bystanders could see him being chased. More of your pro-Nazi murderer supportive imaginations.

Shouldn't be too hard for you to link me to one of those videos then, right? So where is it or are you and your little chickenshit buddy just trying to convince yourselves....you made the claim, so back it up.
WillPower, post: 21355547
. was he blowing his horn or revving the engine for them to get out of his way or not?

He was not. The court had decided that your NAZI deliberately and willfully attacked pedestrians with his car in order to maim and kill them in the First Degree.

That’s the rot you are defending.

Hillary was right - you are deplorable.
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WillPower, post: 21355547
. was he blowing his horn or revving the engine for them to get out of his way or not?

He was not. The court had decided that your NAZI deliberately and willfully attacked pedestrians with his car in order to main and kill them in the First Degree.

That’s the rot you are defending.

Hillary was right - you are deplorable.

Where's the link to the video?....can't produce it then you're a liar... You're satisfied to call your betters "nazis"....weak as hell, boy. I thought you communist suckers were smarter than us genuine Americans.....you don't represent too well.
WillPower, post: 21356027
Where's the link to the video?.


Video shows car crashing into Charlottesville protest

Not one soul chasing your Nazi’s car.

That is why he is convicted of first degree murder.

The video doesn’t lie.

Bullshit....find a video from where he was at before he gassed it....with his car being whacked with sticks and clubs. Once he was underway, nobody was right behind him because you commie dorks are too uncoordinated to run that fast.....BTW, his first words to the cop was "are those people okay?"....not what a NAZI would say. That boy was terrified thanks to the antifa punks chasing him.
Bullshit....find a video from where he was at before he gassed it....with his car being whacked with sticks and clubs.

You moron. The video you are looking at shows your Nazi “on the way”
to the point where one pedestrian took a swipe at a speeding car that was about to smash into a crowd. There is no one chasing his car.

You say he gassed it after being whacked with sticks and clubs. This proves you are making everything up.

There are no, none, nada videos or pictures of your Nazi being chased or hit by clubs prior to the scene in the video I posted.

You are way off in the sequence of events and what is documented on video.

You are confused by pro-Nazi murderer bias.
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What link? Did he pick her out and drive his car at her? No. Did he intend to kill her? No. Was he blowing his horn so protesters would get out of his way? Don't know....but if he was, his intent was to flee not murder. None of the criterion for murder in the first were met. This is clearly a case of vehicular homicide, much like a drunk driver who inadvertently kills somebody or involuntary manslaughter. I don't know what kind of lawyer he had or who was on the jury, but if he had a public defender and little to no money for a private investigator, he'll get a new trial. People are wrongly convicted all the time. You weren't there and neither was I, yet you want him gang-raped in prison....that says a lot more about you than it does about him.
What link?? You said you read he was lucky to get back to his car before rioters beat him senseless.

Post a link reflecting that bullshit...
I'm sure Google deleted most pics like this from their search engine...they do that you know, to influence public opinion.....they have a lot more influence on what you think than some russian hacker. But I found this one...just before he hit the gas. So, the guy wasn't being chased? Wasn't having his car attacked? See the street around and in front of him? Where was he supposed to go as they closed in on him?

Liar, That photo was taken when he was mere feet away from plowing into the crowd. By that point, he had already punched the gas and had driven a block and a half down that street. The person swinging at his car was doing so at a car racing towards a crowd of people.

There was no other reason to take a swing at the car. Had the car not been heading directly for the crowd, how would the protester swinging at the car know who was driving to cause him to swing at it?
Oops....here's another one that got by Google....Compare the pics.....see Antifa closing in on him after he stopped the car? Were they in front of him or were they the ones chasing him in the first place?


Further, was there a burn-out when he hit the gas? If he didn't lay down some rubber, (and the ass end of the car looked parallel to the front end when he entered the crowd) where's the proof he had intent to murder? Why didn't the crowd divide and let him through? They had him trapped, they knew they had him trapped and the antifa cowards were chasing him from behind.....Of course the DA over-charged for political reasons...was there a change of venue given the coverage of the event?
You idiot, people are pounding on his car because they were pissed that he just tried to run them over.

There is something seriously wrong with you.

That dipshit WillPower is still trying to "fight" me. Now he's sending me private messages.

"Let's meet up for a beer and see what your attitude is in person....I'm guessing you're a yellow bitch."


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