White Supremacist Evangelicals ban anti Trump pastor for life.

It's absolutely appalling to me that evangelical Christians are so supportive of Trump. It just shows how far they have become corrupted. Can you picture Jesus rooting for Trump? Yeah, me neither. One thing is certain - evangelicals have forever sacrificed any claim to the moral high ground. That is gone forever! I am convinced that if the devil himself (the Antichrist) were to run for president, disguised as a regular human being, as long as he says he is anti-homosexual and anti-abortion, the vast majority of Christians would vote for him. Christians have become a disgrace to our country.

You are full of crap.

Evangelical republicans don't have a veto in the primaries. They had candidates they liked better, Ben Carson for one, but Trump won.

Thus they had a choice between a twice divorced man who owns multiple casinos or HIllary.

They choose the lesser of two evils, by a wide margin, those that primarily vote by moral issues.

YOu are the disgrace.
It's absolutely appalling to me that evangelical Christians are so supportive of Trump. It just shows how far they have become corrupted. Can you picture Jesus rooting for Trump? Yeah, me neither. One thing is certain - evangelicals have forever sacrificed any claim to the moral high ground. That is gone forever! I am convinced that if the devil himself (the Antichrist) were to run for president, disguised as a regular human being, as long as he says he is anti-homosexual and anti-abortion, the vast majority of Christians would vote for him. Christians have become a disgrace to our country.

Yes I can see Jesus rooting for Trump.

He rooted for him enough to die for His sins
So where is there any mention of white supremacists?

"....white supremacists?"

Neither being white, not using the term 'white supremacists,' I looked up the term.

"a person who believes that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races"

1. I really can't get too excited, nor see it as a pejorative, if any individual of any race sees his/her group as the very best, e.g., superior to any other group.

2. The proof that it is a made-up smear, a chimera....the usual strategy of the Left, is the secondary phrase in the definition..."and that white people should have control over people of other races"

Clearly this is totally bogus.

Or....let's see some examples of any American leaders, white, black, yellow....who demand "control over people of other races"

There are none.

QED....there is no such thing as "white supremacists."
Just one more lie by the the Lying Liberal Left.
The Original Poster is just reminding everyone that the epicenter of Left Wing Hate begins with white protestants, but most people already get that.
Oh, you know - honesty, integrity, truthfulness, humility, etc. etc.. All you have to do is look at the characteristics that Trump personifies, then look at the opposite of those characteristics, and you're getting pretty close to the characteristics that Jesus personifies.

Purity in politics???

You appear not to understand either.

And yet they call themselves "values voters". What a load of crap!

Stop being a dunce,....if you can.

American politics is binary.

Unless you can show the other candidate to represent "honesty, integrity, truthfulness, humility, etc. etc..," ....stop carping about what was clearly the correct decision.

In the last several day's we've learned
a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have energy....so it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?

b. Bill was slipped $500,000 to give a fake speech.
See a. above.

c. " Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta exits after ... a company that received $35 million from the Russian government..."

d. "WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller,...violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA."
Mueller now investigating Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta
Russian spies influencing the Obama/Clinton administration via bribes.

e. Bill's wife stole the nomination from Bernie Sander.s
Bernie’s a Democrat? Are you sure?
Cuz the last I heard, he said he wouldn’t raise money for Democrats and he wouldn’t support Democratic candidates. Yet we were supposed to vote for him.
That’s as ridiculous as voting for Trump and expecting good healthcare and higher taxes on the rich. No one seriously believes he will help his base. Not even his base.
But he HAS helped his base. Unemployment is down. Wages are up. Businesses are returning to America.
Business returning to America? Really? Like Carrier that said they are automating?

If the business is automating, who is it helping?

Manufacturing doubled in the last few decades. DOUBLED! Do you get that? So it doubled and yet 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They didn't go overseas. They were automated. What is it you right wingers don't get?
Oh, you know - honesty, integrity, truthfulness, humility, etc. etc.. All you have to do is look at the characteristics that Trump personifies, then look at the opposite of those characteristics, and you're getting pretty close to the characteristics that Jesus personifies.

Purity in politics???

You appear not to understand either.

And yet they call themselves "values voters". What a load of crap!

Stop being a dunce,....if you can.

American politics is binary.

Unless you can show the other candidate to represent "honesty, integrity, truthfulness, humility, etc. etc..," ....stop carping about what was clearly the correct decision.

In the last several day's we've learned
a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have energy....so it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?

b. Bill was slipped $500,000 to give a fake speech.
See a. above.

c. " Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta exits after ... a company that received $35 million from the Russian government..."

d. "WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller,...violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA."
Mueller now investigating Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta
Russian spies influencing the Obama/Clinton administration via bribes.

e. Bill's wife stole the nomination from Bernie Sander.s
Bernie’s a Democrat? Are you sure?
Cuz the last I heard, he said he wouldn’t raise money for Democrats and he wouldn’t support Democratic candidates. Yet we were supposed to vote for him.
That’s as ridiculous as voting for Trump and expecting good healthcare and higher taxes on the rich. No one seriously believes he will help his base. Not even his base.

"Bernie’s a Democrat? Are you sure?"

Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, 2016
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernie Sanders for President

Campaign U.S. presidential election, 2016
Candidate Bernie Sanders
Affiliation Democratic Party
(previously served as an Independent in Senate)
Status Announced: April 30, 2015
Formal launch: May 26, 2015
Endorsed Hillary Clinton: July 12, 2016[1]
Lost Nomination: July 26, 2016
Headquarters 131 Church Street, Suite 300
Burlington, Vermont
Key people

2. And the reason that communist Bernie Sanders is a perfect fit for the Democrat Party:
a. Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism.
Rasmussen Poll Capitalism vs. Socialism 53 Prefer Capitalism Right Pundits

b. The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

c. A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

And, btw......difference between 'socialist' and 'communist' depends, largely, upon what day of the week it is.
Sanders: I don't consider myself a Democrat

Bernie is not even a Democrat, so why is he ripping our party apart?

Hillary Clinton has unveiled a new put-down for Bernie Sanders

Sanders joins Democratic leadership, isn't officially a Democrat

Bernie is the Steve Bannon of the Democratic Party. Bannon wants to destroy the GOP and Bernie wants to destroy the Democratic Party.

Bernie says he isn't a Democrat, he doesn't raise money for the Democrats and he doesn't support Democratic Nominees. So why is the Democratic leadership so scared of him?

They same reason the GOP leadership is scared of Steve Bannon.
Purity in politics???

You appear not to understand either.

And yet they call themselves "values voters". What a load of crap!

Stop being a dunce,....if you can.

American politics is binary.

Unless you can show the other candidate to represent "honesty, integrity, truthfulness, humility, etc. etc..," ....stop carping about what was clearly the correct decision.

In the last several day's we've learned
a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have energy....so it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?

b. Bill was slipped $500,000 to give a fake speech.
See a. above.

c. " Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta exits after ... a company that received $35 million from the Russian government..."

d. "WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller,...violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA."
Mueller now investigating Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta
Russian spies influencing the Obama/Clinton administration via bribes.

e. Bill's wife stole the nomination from Bernie Sander.s
Bernie’s a Democrat? Are you sure?
Cuz the last I heard, he said he wouldn’t raise money for Democrats and he wouldn’t support Democratic candidates. Yet we were supposed to vote for him.
That’s as ridiculous as voting for Trump and expecting good healthcare and higher taxes on the rich. No one seriously believes he will help his base. Not even his base.

"Bernie’s a Democrat? Are you sure?"

Bernie Sanders presidential campaign, 2016
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Bernie Sanders for President

Campaign U.S. presidential election, 2016
Candidate Bernie Sanders
Affiliation Democratic Party
(previously served as an Independent in Senate)
Status Announced: April 30, 2015
Formal launch: May 26, 2015
Endorsed Hillary Clinton: July 12, 2016[1]
Lost Nomination: July 26, 2016
Headquarters 131 Church Street, Suite 300
Burlington, Vermont
Key people

2. And the reason that communist Bernie Sanders is a perfect fit for the Democrat Party:
a. Once again, no big surprise, but those who favor capitalism or socialism are divided in a partisan way as well. Republicans favor capitalism by an 11-1 margin, while democrats are much more divided on the issue; 39% say they favor capitalism while 30% favor socialism.
Rasmussen Poll Capitalism vs. Socialism 53 Prefer Capitalism Right Pundits

b. The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism."

However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively
Socialism Not So Negative Capitalism Not So Positive Pew Research Center

c. A 2012 Gallup poll found that 53 percent of Democrats and 39 percent of Americans more generally had a positive reaction to the wordsocialism. Democrats, Republicans Diverge on Capitalism, Federal Gov't

And, btw......difference between 'socialist' and 'communist' depends, largely, upon what day of the week it is.
Sanders: I don't consider myself a Democrat

Bernie is not even a Democrat, so why is he ripping our party apart?

Hillary Clinton has unveiled a new put-down for Bernie Sanders

Sanders joins Democratic leadership, isn't officially a Democrat

Bernie is the Steve Bannon of the Democratic Party. Bannon wants to destroy the GOP and Bernie wants to destroy the Democratic Party.

Bernie says he isn't a Democrat, he doesn't raise money for the Democrats and he doesn't support Democratic Nominees. So why is the Democratic leadership so scared of him?

They same reason the GOP leadership is scared of Steve Bannon.

He ran on the Democrat ticket.

He's a communist, and, therefore, fits on said ticket.

As inane as your post is, have no worries....you're reputation won't suffer as a result.
It can't go any lower.
Our beloved Pres. Trump is by far the best president America has had in decades.

He loves America; and the American people love him. .... :thup:
Purity in politics???

You appear not to understand either.

And yet they call themselves "values voters". What a load of crap!

Stop being a dunce,....if you can.

American politics is binary.

Unless you can show the other candidate to represent "honesty, integrity, truthfulness, humility, etc. etc..," ....stop carping about what was clearly the correct decision.

In the last several day's we've learned
a. The Russians paid $145 million to the Clinton Crime Family, and in return appropriated a large portion of our uranium.
They have energy....so it in to be used for weapons......
Against whom?

b. Bill was slipped $500,000 to give a fake speech.
See a. above.

c. " Former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta exits after ... a company that received $35 million from the Russian government..."

d. "WASHINGTON — Tony Podesta and the Podesta Group are now the subjects of a federal investigation being led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller,...violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act, known as FARA."
Mueller now investigating Democratic lobbyist Tony Podesta
Russian spies influencing the Obama/Clinton administration via bribes.

e. Bill's wife stole the nomination from Bernie Sander.s
Bernie’s a Democrat? Are you sure?
Cuz the last I heard, he said he wouldn’t raise money for Democrats and he wouldn’t support Democratic candidates. Yet we were supposed to vote for him.
That’s as ridiculous as voting for Trump and expecting good healthcare and higher taxes on the rich. No one seriously believes he will help his base. Not even his base.
But he HAS helped his base. Unemployment is down. Wages are up. Businesses are returning to America.
Business returning to America? Really? Like Carrier that said they are automating?

If the business is automating, who is it helping?

Manufacturing doubled in the last few decades. DOUBLED! Do you get that? So it doubled and yet 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They didn't go overseas. They were automated. What is it you right wingers don't get?

And why were the automated?

Because left wing politics artificially increased the cost of labor to the point where automation is cheaper.

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