White Supremacist Richard Spencer Needs Your Help

No, most Republicans and conservatives are not Nazis, fascists, or white nationalists – but most on the neo-fascist right identify as conservative and vote Republican; indeed, the neo-fascist right finds refuge among the ranks of Republicans and conservatives, both of whom are afraid to expel neo-fascists out of fear of losing their votes and support.

iow, it's a distinction without a difference
It’s an indication of the cowardice and blind partisanism common to most on the right.

Most Republicans and conservatives are willing to suffer neo-fascists among their ranks for some perceived political gain, knowing that they’re harboring bigots, racists, and anti-Semites – Trump’s ‘both sides’ comment concerning the neo-fascist demonstration in Charlottesville is an example of that.
Most blacks and Democrats are willing to suffer racists/bigots/etc among their ranks for some perceived political gain, knowing that they’re harboring bigots, racists, and anti-Semites
once again, we have idiots that believe only whites can be evil/racist/bigots/etc

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