White Supremacists Under Scrutiny in Texas Killing

Overwhelmingly Hispanics don't buy into the crazy that the southwest is really Mexico.

Bullshit, fuckwad.

Overwhelmingly, however, Hispanics will not allow the anti-illegal crowd to fuck with their relatives who are here illegally.

What does "illegal" mean to a good Bolshevik like you, Jakematters?

If we in the GOP do not grasp and adapt to that fact, the southwest will be democratic from Texas to California by 2024.

I have great fear that your shameful party will gain control of California, moron...
lmao....so because you've talked to hispanic people...that means you know what la raza means...


La Raza means just what Doc said it means.....but there are some Mexicans here in S.Cal of the more radical variety who take it pretty serious and believe it to the point that they think their shit dont stink and the lower Western US is still part of Mexico....98% of the Mexican population dont buy it though....many of the die hard Anti-Illegal crowd will never tell you that though........

Overwhelmingly Hispanics don't buy into the crazy that the southwest is really Mexico.

Overwhelmingly, however, Hispanics will not allow the anti-illegal crowd to fuck with their relatives who are here illegally.

If we in the GOP do not grasp and adapt to that fact, the southwest will be democratic from Texas to California by 2024.

Texas will not become a blue state. They're independent not dependent.
La Raza means just what Doc said it means.....but there are some Mexicans here in S.Cal of the more radical variety who take it pretty serious and believe it to the point that they think their shit dont stink and the lower Western US is still part of Mexico....98% of the Mexican population dont buy it though....many of the die hard Anti-Illegal crowd will never tell you that though........

Overwhelmingly Hispanics don't buy into the crazy that the southwest is really Mexico.

Overwhelmingly, however, Hispanics will not allow the anti-illegal crowd to fuck with their relatives who are here illegally.

If we in the GOP do not grasp and adapt to that fact, the southwest will be democratic from Texas to California by 2024.

Texas will not become a blue state. They're independent not dependent.

Having been involved in the state's politics since 1976 on, I can tell you that the Hispanic growth, the continuing rise of the cities, and the fall of the rural areas, if the GOP does not reach out to Hispanics, will make the state blue. The demographics are absolutely in favor of Hispanics swinging the vote from GOP to Dem by 204..
Not to mention, it's pretty stupid to claim that the idea of "white supremacy" was "introduced" by the KKK.
KuKluxKlan.net claims the KKK led the white supremacist movement for "more than a century."

That concurs with my understanding of the group when I was growing up in a southern state that seceded from the Union in 1860.
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Oh boy here comes another liberal trying to strereotype every Republican in the South as racists. But what you don't realize PJ is that the Democrats introduced the idea of white supremacy during the Civil War. That's right, the KKK was founded by Democrats.

Your argument is a drastic failure.


They were conservative Democrats. They were known as Dixiecrats.

They fled the Democratic party and now populate the Republican Party.

Happened after the Civil Rights Act.

Isn't American History interesting?
You post at Storm Front regularly, Uncensored, so we have been told.

Is that true?
Not to mention, it's pretty stupid to claim that the idea of "white supremacy" was "introduced" by the KKK.
KuKluxKlan.net claims the KKK led the white supremacist movement for "more than a century."

That concurs with my understanding of the group when I was growing up in a southern state that seceded from the Union in 1860.

Jakematters, you have an IQ on par with the average gnat - but ask yourself this, did the Arabs and Whites take African slaves because they thought everyone was equal?

Did it ever dawn on you that "White Supremacy" started around 1200 AD or so?
Uncensored, well named, you insensate piece of wood: do you post regularly at Storm Front?

They were conservative Democrats. They were known as Dixiecrats.

Anyone tell Nathan B. Forrest.

They fled the Democratic party and now populate the Republican Party.

Is that right, you lying fuckwad?

Which ones? George Wallace? Bull Connor? Orval Faubus? Robert Byrd? Bib Graves?

What? None switched parties? You're just lying because your a scumbag without a shred of integrity?

Knock me over with a feather...

Happened after the Civil Rights Act.

Isn't American History interesting?

Especially when fabricated by lying fuckwads like you....
Yup, uncensored is a lying piece of white supremacist shit, who posts at Storm Front, who knows that much of the white Democrats fled to the GOP after 1968 because of their racists attitudes.

Uncensored, that slimy piece of dickweed, is a dying part of America's past.
Oh boy here comes another liberal trying to strereotype every Republican in the South as racists. But what you don't realize PJ is that the Democrats introduced the idea of white supremacy during the Civil War. That's right, the KKK was founded by Democrats.

Your argument is a drastic failure.

See "Republican Southern Strategy". The racist Klan Democrats were right wingers. Conservatives. Big time Christian bible thumpers. Virulent anti-communists, anti-integration, pro Defense.

Now they are Southern Republicans. :D

They NEVER talk about the Southern Strategy...NEVER
The extremist right deny the Southern Strategy.

However, it is taught in high school and college, so their argument will never have an impact.
The extremist right deny the Southern Strategy.

However, it is taught in high school and college, so their argument will never have an impact.

Jakematters, you leftist fuckwad;

Which of your fellow racist democrats became Republicans? George Wallace? Bull Connor? Orval Faubus? Robert Byrd? Bib Graves?

What? None switched parties? You're just lying because you're a scumbag without a shred of integrity?

Knock me over with a feather...
The extremist right deny the Southern Strategy.

However, it is taught in high school and college, so their argument will never have an impact.

Jakematters, you leftist fuckwad;

Which of your fellow racist democrats became Republicans? George Wallace? Bull Connor? Orval Faubus? Robert Byrd? Bib Graves?

What? None switched parties? You're just lying because you're a scumbag without a shred of integrity?

Knock me over with a feather...
The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights -- Daily Intelligencer

One factoid undergirding this bizarre interpretation is that the partisan realignment obviously took a long time to complete &#8212; Southerners still frequently voted Democratic into the seventies and eighties. This proves, according to Williamson, that a backlash against civil rights could not have driven southern whites out of the Democratic Party. &#8220;They say things move slower in the South &#8212; but not that slow,&#8221; he insists.
His story completely ignores the explicit revolt by conservative Southerners against the northern liberal civil rights wing, beginning with Strom Thurmond, who formed a third-party campaign in 1948 in protest against Harry Truman&#8217;s support for civil rights. Thurmond received 49 percent of the vote in Louisiana, 72 percent in South Carolina, 80 percent in Alabama, and 87 percent in Mississippi. He later, of course, switched to the Republican Party.
Thurmond&#8217;s candidacy is instructive. Democratic voting was deeply acculturated among southern whites as a result of the Civil War. When southern whites began to shake loose of it, they began at the presidential level, in protest against the civil rights leanings of the national wing. It took decades for the transformation to filter down, first to Congressional-level representation (Thurmond, who Williamson mentions only in his capacity as a loyal Democrat, finally switched to the GOP in 1964), and ultimately to local-level government. The most fervently white supremacist portions of the South were also the slowest to shed their Confederate-rooted one-party traditions. None of this slowness actually proves Williamson&#8217;s contention that the decline of the Democratic Party in the South was unrelated to race.
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The Aryan Brotherhood isn't really a "White Supremacist" organization - it's a purely criminal organization.

They're a prison gang - prison gangs are almost entirely racially based - and their focus is on making profits from criminal enterprises, not racial supremacy. One of the founders of the AB is a Jew.

Regardless of their criminal activity, is or isn't the Aryan Brotherhood a White Supremacist group?

It would depend on what you defined a "White Supremacist" group.

If you define a group based on their rhetoric, the AB would qualify as a White Supremacist group.

If you define a group based on their actions, the AB would be more of a criminal organization than race-based one.

I would categorize the AB in with other prison gangs, rather than with groups like the Aryan Nations, or any other skinhead/neo-nazi group.

My definition of a White Supremacist group is when a number of White individuals are all members of a group which preaches White supremacy to others in the hope of gaining new members and pushing their agenda. I suppose that makes a White Supremacist group different than people who, while they may hold racist views within a group setting, they basically just keep their racist views to themselves.

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