White Supremacists Under Scrutiny in Texas Killing

The extremist right deny the Southern Strategy.

However, it is taught in high school and college, so their argument will never have an impact.

Jakematters, you leftist fuckwad;

Which of your fellow racist democrats became Republicans? George Wallace? Bull Connor? Orval Faubus? Robert Byrd? Bib Graves?

What? None switched parties? You're just lying because you're a scumbag without a shred of integrity?

Knock me over with a feather...

Answered #58.

Yup, had to deal with such scum in the party in the South. Most of the old rednecks are dead, thank God, and most of their git are not as rabid as were dad and grand dad. But some are, so the mainstream still stomps the shit out of the old white dems who still don't get it. But they will all be dead soon, too. Good fucking riddance.
Regardless of their criminal activity, is or isn't the Aryan Brotherhood a White Supremacist group?

It would depend on what you defined a "White Supremacist" group.

If you define a group based on their rhetoric, the AB would qualify as a White Supremacist group.

If you define a group based on their actions, the AB would be more of a criminal organization than race-based one.

I would categorize the AB in with other prison gangs, rather than with groups like the Aryan Nations, or any other skinhead/neo-nazi group.

My definition of a White Supremacist group is when a number of White individuals are all members of a group which preaches White supremacy to others in the hope of gaining new members and pushing their agenda. I suppose that makes a White Supremacist group different than people who, while they may hold racist views within a group setting, they basically just keep their racist views to themselves.

While I partially agree with what you're saying, the Aryan Brotherhood doesn't really exist outside of the prison system.

They're not a "White Power" group - they don't have an end goal of White Supremacy. Their "end goal" is make money and protect themselves in prison.
See "Republican Southern Strategy". The racist Klan Democrats were right wingers. Conservatives. Big time Christian bible thumpers. Virulent anti-communists, anti-integration, pro Defense.

Now they are Southern Republicans. :D

The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow. Jim Crow Stories . Ku Klux Klan | PBS

Need I say more?

And pray tell what party would those "Democrats" be in today? If you've say they would be in the party to nominate and elect the first black president you would be wrong.

They wouldn't be in mine. Your party still works off of playing the race card, yet they are still just as racist today as they were then. But instead its against the white man instead of the black man.

You Democrats cannot ignore your history (abeit you are) and are repeating it. Your argument is flawed on its face.
Oh boy here comes another liberal trying to strereotype every Republican in the South as racists. But what you don't realize PJ is that the Democrats introduced the idea of white supremacy during the Civil War. That's right, the KKK was founded by Democrats.

Your argument is a drastic failure.

I think you might have jumped the gun on your "righteous outrage" there.

No one said or implied anything like what you're claiming.

When has that stopped the GOP victim-complex?

We have a victim complex? Which party is encouraging black voters to use their past as a cudgel? Who is it encouraging people to make the most of their victimhood? We have a victim complex? Absolutely hilarious!
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The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights -- Daily Intelligencer

One factoid undergirding this bizarre interpretation is that the partisan realignment obviously took a long time to complete — Southerners still frequently voted Democratic into the seventies and eighties. This proves, according to Williamson, that a backlash against civil rights could not have driven southern whites out of the Democratic Party. “They say things move slower in the South — but not that slow,” he insists.
His story completely ignores the explicit revolt by conservative Southerners against the northern liberal civil rights wing, beginning with Strom Thurmond, who formed a third-party campaign in 1948 in protest against Harry Truman’s support for civil rights. Thurmond received 49 percent of the vote in Louisiana, 72 percent in South Carolina, 80 percent in Alabama, and 87 percent in Mississippi. He later, of course, switched to the Republican Party.
Thurmond’s candidacy is instructive. Democratic voting was deeply acculturated among southern whites as a result of the Civil War. When southern whites began to shake loose of it, they began at the presidential level, in protest against the civil rights leanings of the national wing. It took decades for the transformation to filter down, first to Congressional-level representation (Thurmond, who Williamson mentions only in his capacity as a loyal Democrat, finally switched to the GOP in 1964), and ultimately to local-level government. The most fervently white supremacist portions of the South were also the slowest to shed their Confederate-rooted one-party traditions. None of this slowness actually proves Williamson’s contention that the decline of the Democratic Party in the South was unrelated to race.

Oh, so Strom Thurmond switched parties - though never a prominent segregationist, and that suddenly makes all the dims Republicans.


You racist leftists are such fucktards.

Got caught, did ya? I am not the only one who says you post there.

You can deny it if you wish.

Caught? You lying little fuck?

You know cocksucker, that you have to resort to outright lies simply shows what a weak mind you have.

Piss off fool, you're going on ignore.
The Conservative Fantasy History of Civil Rights -- Daily Intelligencer

One factoid undergirding this bizarre interpretation is that the partisan realignment obviously took a long time to complete &#8212; Southerners still frequently voted Democratic into the seventies and eighties. This proves, according to Williamson, that a backlash against civil rights could not have driven southern whites out of the Democratic Party. &#8220;They say things move slower in the South &#8212; but not that slow,&#8221; he insists.
His story completely ignores the explicit revolt by conservative Southerners against the northern liberal civil rights wing, beginning with Strom Thurmond, who formed a third-party campaign in 1948 in protest against Harry Truman&#8217;s support for civil rights. Thurmond received 49 percent of the vote in Louisiana, 72 percent in South Carolina, 80 percent in Alabama, and 87 percent in Mississippi. He later, of course, switched to the Republican Party.
Thurmond&#8217;s candidacy is instructive. Democratic voting was deeply acculturated among southern whites as a result of the Civil War. When southern whites began to shake loose of it, they began at the presidential level, in protest against the civil rights leanings of the national wing. It took decades for the transformation to filter down, first to Congressional-level representation (Thurmond, who Williamson mentions only in his capacity as a loyal Democrat, finally switched to the GOP in 1964), and ultimately to local-level government. The most fervently white supremacist portions of the South were also the slowest to shed their Confederate-rooted one-party traditions. None of this slowness actually proves Williamson&#8217;s contention that the decline of the Democratic Party in the South was unrelated to race.

Oh, so Strom Thurmond switched parties - though never a prominent segregationist, and that suddenly makes all the dims Republicans.


You racist leftists are such fucktards.
Strom never a prominent segregationist? He formed a third-party campaign in 1948 in protest against Harry Truman&#8217;s support for civil rights.
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More like the Mexican drug cartels extending their influence here in the US of A. Twenty rounds at the DA? Probably even done with a weapon originally from 'Fast and Furious'. 'White Supremacist Groups' is more likely the spin MediaMatters told the rest of the MSM to put on it. Worry about who really did it, if and when the actual perps get caught. By then, the damage to Conservatives will done and irreparable in the public eye.
"If you tell a lie often enough, the people will believe you" Joseph Goebbels, the old Third Reich Propagandameister himself.

Wonder if Soros would have the cojones to bite down on a glass cyanide capsule like Himmler did when he was captured when Soros, himself, gets captured after the next civil war ends?
I think you might have jumped the gun on your "righteous outrage" there.

No one said or implied anything like what you're claiming.

When has that stopped the GOP victim-complex?

We have a victim complex? Which party is encouraging black voters to use their past as a cudgel? Who is it encouraging people to make the most of their victimhood? We have a victim complex? Absolutely hilarious!


Who cries that Obama cheated in the 2012 election? In the 2008 election?
Who cries that the moderators are biased?
Who cries that the media is biased?
Who basically cries everytime that anyone who is female or non-white gets any noteriety whatsoever (i.e. Ms. Black America, Black History Month, immigration policy, a woman wanting contraception to be covered by her medical plan)?

The GOP has become a party of whiners and losers and there seems no end in sight.
Strom never a prominent segregationist? He formed a third-party campaign in 1948 in protest against Harry Truman’s support for civil rights.

Really? Did life-long democrat and KKK Grand Kleagal Robert Byrd join? How about Orval Faubus, another life-long democrat who used state troopers to keep black children our out of school? Or life long democrat Bull Conner, of Atlanta firehose fame?

You have ONE of 20,000 - and in typical lying dim fashion, claim that they all switched.

BTW, wasn't Harry Truman in the Kansas City KKK? Damn, he sure was...
More like the Mexican drug cartels extending their influence here in the US of A. Twenty rounds at the DA? Probably even done with a weapon originally from 'Fast and Furious'. 'White Supremacist Groups' is more likely the spin MediaMatters told the rest of the MSM to put on it. Worry about who really did it, if and when the actual perps get caught. By then, the damage to Conservatives will done and irreparable in the public eye.
"If you tell a lie often enough, the people will believe you" Joseph Goebbels, the old Third Reich Propagandameister himself.

Wonder if Soros would have the cojones to bite down on a glass cyanide capsule like Himmler did when he was captured when Soros, himself, gets captured after the next civil war ends?

Don't sell the Aryan Nations scumbags short, they are every bit as bad as the Mexicans. Drug runners are not nice guys, regardless of nationality.

Got caught, did ya? I am not the only one who says you post there.

You can deny it if you wish.

Caught? You lying little fuck? You know cocksucker, that you have to resort to outright lies simply shows what a weak mind you have. Piss off fool, you're going on ignore.

Notice, folks, he won't deny it. Yes, I do believve Uncensored posts on Storm Fron
Strom never a prominent segregationist? He formed a third-party campaign in 1948 in protest against Harry Truman&#8217;s support for civil rights.

Strom stormed that "white boys will not be in fox holes next to black boys."

Not only was Strom a segregationist, he fathered a black daughter whom he never publicly recognized.

Strom was the worst sort of American, like those who defend him here.

Those who deny Strom's evil are the types that post on Storm Front and deny that the Southern Strategy was real and very successful.
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Strom Thurmond was from my state. He was a prominent segregationist, AND DEMOCRAT who switched parties ONLY AFTER THEY VOTED FOR THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964!

Upon defecting, Thurmond decried that the Democratic Party had:

"...forsaken the people to become the party of minority groups, power-hungry union leaders, political bosses, and businessmen looking for government contracts and favors... invaded the private lives of people by using the powers of government for coercion and intimidation of individuals... encouraged lawlessness, civil unrest and mob actions... [and] nominated for vice president a key leader of the Americans for Democratic Action, the most influential Socialist group in our Nation."

Now, as it seems, some of the traits he listed, ARE CORE PRINCIPLES OF THE LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PLATFORM!
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Strom Thurmond was from my state. He was a prominent segregationist, AND DEMOCRAT who switched parties ONLY AFTER THEY VOTED FOR THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964!

Upon defecting, Thurmond decried that the Democratic Party had:

"...forsaken the people to become the party of minority groups, power-hungry union leaders, political bosses, and businessmen looking for government contracts and favors... invaded the private lives of people by using the powers of government for coercion and intimidation of individuals... encouraged lawlessness, civil unrest and mob actions... [and] nominated for vice president a key leader of the Americans for Democratic Action, the most influential Socialist group in our Nation."

Now, as it seems, some of the traits he listed, ARE CORE PRINCIPLES OF THE LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PLATFORM!

The same party that won 5 of the last 6 popular votes. 332-206
Strom Thurmond was from my state. He was a prominent segregationist, AND DEMOCRAT who switched parties ONLY AFTER THEY VOTED FOR THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964!

Upon defecting, Thurmond decried that the Democratic Party had:

"...forsaken the people to become the party of minority groups, power-hungry union leaders, political bosses, and businessmen looking for government contracts and favors... invaded the private lives of people by using the powers of government for coercion and intimidation of individuals... encouraged lawlessness, civil unrest and mob actions... [and] nominated for vice president a key leader of the Americans for Democratic Action, the most influential Socialist group in our Nation."

Now, as it seems, some of the traits he listed, ARE CORE PRINCIPLES OF THE LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PLATFORM!

The same party that won 5 of the last 6 popular votes. 332-206

125 million out of 313 million people voted in last year's election, that's little less than a third. How does that make them popular? Your post is irrelevant. Besides, what you cited is from the Electoral College, not the popular vote.
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Strom Thurmond was from my state. He was a prominent segregationist, AND DEMOCRAT who switched parties ONLY AFTER THEY VOTED FOR THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964!

Upon defecting, Thurmond decried that the Democratic Party had:

"...forsaken the people to become the party of minority groups, power-hungry union leaders, political bosses, and businessmen looking for government contracts and favors... invaded the private lives of people by using the powers of government for coercion and intimidation of individuals... encouraged lawlessness, civil unrest and mob actions... [and] nominated for vice president a key leader of the Americans for Democratic Action, the most influential Socialist group in our Nation."

Now, as it seems, some of the traits he listed, ARE CORE PRINCIPLES OF THE LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PLATFORM!

We know that you support the race haters and segregationists, Templar, without you posting paens to your hero. Do you also post on Storm Front?
Templar's nattering is irrelevant. If the vote for our opponents, the Dems, is not that of popularity, then WHAT THE FUCK is our five of six losses make us in the GOP?

Either we change and we will become even more irrelevant.
Strom Thurmond was from my state. He was a prominent segregationist, AND DEMOCRAT who switched parties ONLY AFTER THEY VOTED FOR THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964!

Upon defecting, Thurmond decried that the Democratic Party had:

"...forsaken the people to become the party of minority groups, power-hungry union leaders, political bosses, and businessmen looking for government contracts and favors... invaded the private lives of people by using the powers of government for coercion and intimidation of individuals... encouraged lawlessness, civil unrest and mob actions... [and] nominated for vice president a key leader of the Americans for Democratic Action, the most influential Socialist group in our Nation."

Now, as it seems, some of the traits he listed, ARE CORE PRINCIPLES OF THE LIBERAL DEMOCRAT PLATFORM!

The same party that won 5 of the last 6 popular votes. 332-206

125 million out of 313 million people voted in last year's election, that's little less than a third. How does that make them popular? Your post is irrelevant. Besides, what you cited is from the Electoral College, not the popular vote.

Actually it's much more than a third...by about 20 million voters.

What it means is that 5 of the last 6 times we've asked them, the plurality of voters preferred the Democrat over the Republican. Scientists call such a showing a trend.
The citation of the electoral vote was just to rub it in.

I feel the Democrat's window is closing but the GOP keeps finding new ways to alienate potential voters. So there is hope that you'll run out of toes before you guys run out of bullets.

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