Zone1 White Supremacy


Gold Member
I discussed yesterday with a few here white supremacy. There were a few threads about it.

What i find interesting is that the same people who would go as far as to justify slavery (blacks had it better as slaves or under apartheid) then deny that white supremacists exist, usually the same or similar people.

I think nowadays outright white supremacy is shunned so white supremacists, go by steps, they are not outright white supremacists, but if they could they would be, i dont know how far they would take it. Im just careful observer. Not long ago the USA was a textbook white supremacist country and many other countries too like Australia when was the White only Australia policy abolished or the immigration quota in the USA? I think only sometime since the 1960s. That means it was much longer a white supremacist then it is or was a "liberal" country. I dont think white supremacists dont exist, or are rare, that is similar as denying the holocaust, people who say that, say that for a reason. I do believe that nowadays white supremacy is shunned, and not as common, depends also where you live, and which generation you are etc. I do think that the extreme left or communism can be a threat too or is a threat too to freedom and democracy.

I dont know who you are, but some of you might be white supremacists, neo-nazis or something similar or think that way, have that attitude.
I discussed yesterday with a few here white supremacy. There were a few threads about it.

What i find interesting is that the same people who would go as far as to justify slavery (blacks had it better as slaves or under apartheid) then deny that white supremacists exist, usually the same or similar people.

I think nowadays outright white supremacy is shunned so white supremacists, go by steps, they are not outright white supremacists, but if they could they would be, i dont know how far they would take it. Im just careful observer. Not long ago the USA was a textbook white supremacist country and many other countries too like Australia when was the White only Australia policy abolished or the immigration quota in the USA? I think only sometime since the 1960s. That means it was much longer a white supremacist then it is or was a "liberal" country. I dont think white supremacists dont exist, or are rare, that is similar as denying the holocaust, people who say that, say that for a reason. I do believe that nowadays white supremacy is shunned, and not as common, depends also where you live, and which generation you are etc. I do think that the extreme left or communism can be a threat too or is a threat too to freedom and democracy.

I dont know who you are, but some of you might be white supremacists, neo-nazis or something similar or think that way, have that attitude.

Oh go fuck yourself.
You know absolutely nothing about America and so called white supremacy.
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Are you soul brother to Rupol ?
I would pay to hear you two talking .Our first Alien language ?

BTW Instead of this garbage discussion , try dissecting the universal roots of control, social benefits of a "Might" based and led group etc etc

Degrees of slavery mirror the many mansions found in heaven -- Luiza'23 .
Being a Nationalist is nothing to be ashamed of in the least.
It only means someone cares about their Country.
You being a leftist I can understand where your confusion comes from............ignorance.
The choice is either nationalism or globalism (communism). This is why leftists hate nationalism (and Trump (MAGA))
Yeah Mort, my friend, it's just horrible in theUSA. If I were you I would never ever leave your European utopia to come here. Oh, we will be disappointed that your not here, but we will get over it somehow.

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