White Victimhood & the South Carolina Shooter


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?
If you had only posted the bold part of your OP, I think most conservatives on this board would say yes.
Well, if you're going there let's include in your list the gay and liberal Democratic Party assault on people of faith. The fact that to many liberals an unborn innocent human life has very little to no value at all.

He's a nut, that's the bottom line. He only represents his own distorted views but he is the result of a country that is losing it's faith, right and wrong is being swallowed by gray areas and self centered interests rule perspectives.

Let's also recall that his father bought this nut case the gun and ammo as a birthday present.
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The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?

Wouldn't know, I don't listen to rightwing talk radio.

white race under siege?

White victimhood?

What do YOU listen to?

(Besides the voices in your head)
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?
Here ya go folks. A freaking Brit claims that political rallies feature "Black" politicians hanged in effigy and potential mass shooters are influenced by talk radio. Meanwhile the only politician to be hanged in effigy in recent times was George Bush and the most notorious mass shooter so far was a U.S. Military officer who was influenced by Islamic doctrine.
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?
Here ya go folks. A freaking Brit claims that political rallies feature "Black" politicians hanged in effigy and potential mass shooters are influenced by talk radio. Meanwhile the only politician to be hanged in effigy in recent times was George Bush and the most notorious mass shooter so far was a U.S. Military officer who was influenced by Islamic doctrine.

I wondered where he got the info for his rant.

Apparently, it was written on his Charmin.
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?

Brilliant post.


The white race is not under siege, neither is Christmas.

"traditional white america" is not really America. It's a twisted notion born out of fear.

America is diversity. America is multiculture. America is a nation of immigrants (not all by choice).

Human beings are motivated by two primal emotions - LOVE and FEAR.

Bigotry is fear.

Prejudice is fear.

These "traditional whites" are afraid. They feel small and powerless. They are typically underachievers. They are people frustrated with their own lives and want to blame someone else.

They are the worst that America has to offer.

Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church is the best that American has to offer.
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?
Here ya go folks. A freaking Brit claims that political rallies feature "Black" politicians hanged in effigy and potential mass shooters are influenced by talk radio. Meanwhile the only politician to be hanged in effigy in recent times was George Bush and the most notorious mass shooter so far was a U.S. Military officer who was influenced by Islamic doctrine.
The most notorious?
I thought it would be interesting to watch MSNBC on a day like this and as usual race baiting was front and center from guests to commentators. It was odd though that suddenly people of faith were being temporarily embraced by the left, used, from my perspective.
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?

Brilliant post.


The white race is not under siege, neither is Christmas.

"traditional white america" is not really America. It's a twisted notion born out of fear.

America is diversity. America is multiculture. America is a nation of immigrants (not all by choice).

Human beings are motivated by two primal emotions - LOVE and FEAR.

Bigotry is fear.

Prejudice is fear.

These "traditional whites" are afraid. They feel small and powerless. They are typically underachievers. They are people frustrated with their own lives and want to blame someone else.

They are the worst that America has to offer.

Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church is the best that American has to offer.
"Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church is the best that American has to offer"

Seems like only yesterday you were insulting people of faith as complete idiots, what happened, you suddenly got religion?
Santorum is parroting the "war on religion" bullshit talking point:

“It’s obviously a crime of hate,” he noted. “We don’t know the rationale, but what other rationale could there be. You’re sort of lost that someone would walk into a Bible study at a church and indiscriminately kill people.”

“This is one of those situation where you have to take a step a back and say — you talk about the importance of prayer at this time, and we’re now seeing assaults on religious liberty we’ve never seen before,” the candidate noted. “So, it’s a time for deeper reflection even beyond this horrible situation.”

It's a war on BLACK PEOPLE, asshole. They were killed for being BLACK.

The white supremacist told one of his victims as he was killing them, "You rape our women and you're taking over our country". That's not a war on religion, you fucking, fucking, fucking asshole!

The murdering creep was echoing the same whining we hear on this forum about multiculturalism and rapist darkies.
Santorum is parroting the "war on religion" bullshit talking point:

“It’s obviously a crime of hate,” he noted. “We don’t know the rationale, but what other rationale could there be. You’re sort of lost that someone would walk into a Bible study at a church and indiscriminately kill people.”

“This is one of those situation where you have to take a step a back and say — you talk about the importance of prayer at this time, and we’re now seeing assaults on religious liberty we’ve never seen before,” the candidate noted. “So, it’s a time for deeper reflection even beyond this horrible situation.”

It's a war on BLACK PEOPLE, asshole. They were killed for being BLACK.

The white supremacist told one of his victims as he was killing them, "You rape our women and you're taking over our country". That's not a war on religion, you fucking, fucking, fucking asshole!

It was also in a church, why do you think he was targeting Black people of faith?
How about if you put it this way by changing a couple of words like "an allegedly disturbed person revealed to his friends that "...da...da Blacks. da da. Doesn't it reveal his (former) friends willingness to discuss the insane rantings of a mentally ill person or is the left trying to build a case for insanity?
Santorum is parroting the "war on religion" bullshit talking point:

“It’s obviously a crime of hate,” he noted. “We don’t know the rationale, but what other rationale could there be. You’re sort of lost that someone would walk into a Bible study at a church and indiscriminately kill people.”

“This is one of those situation where you have to take a step a back and say — you talk about the importance of prayer at this time, and we’re now seeing assaults on religious liberty we’ve never seen before,” the candidate noted. “So, it’s a time for deeper reflection even beyond this horrible situation.”

It's a war on BLACK PEOPLE, asshole. They were killed for being BLACK.

The white supremacist told one of his victims as he was killing them, "You rape our women and you're taking over our country". That's not a war on religion, you fucking, fucking, fucking asshole!

It was also in a church, why do you think he was targeting Black people of faith?
Because he is a coward. He wasn't about to go into the hood, now was he? The chickenshit wanted easy targets.

And the dumb fuck is telling church people, "You rape our women".

He clearly was targeting blacks about whom he had been indoctrinated with a particular image, not religious people. Negro multiculturalists and rapists destroying Merka.

Now where do these darkies congregate? Hmmmm. Hip hop clubs. Oh hell no! Too dangerous. I'll bag some easy targets instead.
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?
No...yes by liberal racism in media and education system...No, traditional America is under siege by liberal media and education system...Talk radio is a non-factor...what is happening to good communities both Black and White is liberal media and education system that teaches racism and victimization instead of hard work and faith that you live in the greatest nation on earth and you can make your dreams come true.
Santorum is parroting the "war on religion" bullshit talking point:

“It’s obviously a crime of hate,” he noted. “We don’t know the rationale, but what other rationale could there be. You’re sort of lost that someone would walk into a Bible study at a church and indiscriminately kill people.”

“This is one of those situation where you have to take a step a back and say — you talk about the importance of prayer at this time, and we’re now seeing assaults on religious liberty we’ve never seen before,” the candidate noted. “So, it’s a time for deeper reflection even beyond this horrible situation.”

It's a war on BLACK PEOPLE, asshole. They were killed for being BLACK.

The white supremacist told one of his victims as he was killing them, "You rape our women and you're taking over our country". That's not a war on religion, you fucking, fucking, fucking asshole!

It was also in a church, why do you think he was targeting Black people of faith?
Because he is a coward. He wasn't about to go into the hood, now was he? The chickenshit wanted easy targets.

And the dumb fuck is telling church people, "You rape our women".

He clearly was targeting blacks about whom he had been indoctrinated with a particular image, not religious people. Negro multiculturalists and rapists destroying Merka.
Why...what would have happened if he went into the "hood?"
Santorum is parroting the "war on religion" bullshit talking point:

“It’s obviously a crime of hate,” he noted. “We don’t know the rationale, but what other rationale could there be. You’re sort of lost that someone would walk into a Bible study at a church and indiscriminately kill people.”

“This is one of those situation where you have to take a step a back and say — you talk about the importance of prayer at this time, and we’re now seeing assaults on religious liberty we’ve never seen before,” the candidate noted. “So, it’s a time for deeper reflection even beyond this horrible situation.”

It's a war on BLACK PEOPLE, asshole. They were killed for being BLACK.

The white supremacist told one of his victims as he was killing them, "You rape our women and you're taking over our country". That's not a war on religion, you fucking, fucking, fucking asshole!

It was also in a church, why do you think he was targeting Black people of faith?
Because he is a coward. He wasn't about to go into the hood, now was he? The chickenshit wanted easy targets.

And the dumb fuck is telling church people, "You rape our women".

He clearly was targeting blacks about whom he had been indoctrinated with a particular image, not religious people. Negro multiculturalists and rapists destroying Merka.
Why...what would have happened if he went into the "hood?"
He would not have been nearly as successful.
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?

Brilliant post.


The white race is not under siege, neither is Christmas.

"traditional white america" is not really America. It's a twisted notion born out of fear.

America is diversity. America is multiculture. America is a nation of immigrants (not all by choice).

Human beings are motivated by two primal emotions - LOVE and FEAR.

Bigotry is fear.

Prejudice is fear.

These "traditional whites" are afraid. They feel small and powerless. They are typically underachievers. They are people frustrated with their own lives and want to blame someone else.

They are the worst that America has to offer.

Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church is the best that American has to offer.
So what you mean to say is Christians who are opposed to gay sex are just closed minded bigots. Nope...a guy sticking his unit in another guys poop chute is just plain sick.
Santorum is parroting the "war on religion" bullshit talking point:

“It’s obviously a crime of hate,” he noted. “We don’t know the rationale, but what other rationale could there be. You’re sort of lost that someone would walk into a Bible study at a church and indiscriminately kill people.”

“This is one of those situation where you have to take a step a back and say — you talk about the importance of prayer at this time, and we’re now seeing assaults on religious liberty we’ve never seen before,” the candidate noted. “So, it’s a time for deeper reflection even beyond this horrible situation.”

It's a war on BLACK PEOPLE, asshole. They were killed for being BLACK.

The white supremacist told one of his victims as he was killing them, "You rape our women and you're taking over our country". That's not a war on religion, you fucking, fucking, fucking asshole!

It was also in a church, why do you think he was targeting Black people of faith?
Because he is a coward. He wasn't about to go into the hood, now was he? The chickenshit wanted easy targets.

And the dumb fuck is telling church people, "You rape our women".

He clearly was targeting blacks about whom he had been indoctrinated with a particular image, not religious people. Negro multiculturalists and rapists destroying Merka.
Why...what would have happened if he went into the "hood?"
He would not have been nearly as successful.
Really? Why and how can this by any means have a measure of "success?"

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