White Victimhood & the South Carolina Shooter

Fifty years is less than one person's life. Many people still remember growing up under Jim Crow and hearing their grandparents' stories of slavery. I mean, come on. The last known surviving freed slave died in 1979.
There has been no actual proof presented that I know of. He also probably watched brutal liberal Hollywood movies and played desensitizing video games. Bottom line, who knows?

In addition to symbols on his clothes, you will see ample proof of his far right white supremacist leanings.

But, sadly, I agree with you, oddly
. I'm guessing he consumed plenty of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood movies, which glorified gun violence.

But let's be clear. The kid went to an activist black church after confessing to his friends that black people were taking over the world.

Wait 'till the stories about his sympathy with Trayvon Martin come out, which his friends have already reported to the police. Dylann drank of the rightwing paranoia that black thugs were preying upon white neighborhoods.

The Democratic Party has an extensive history of racism, slave holding, Jim Crow laws, starting the KKK, long time failure of governance within the inner cities to say it's, "far right white supremacists" is in a word, myopic.

That extensive history was more than 50 years in the past.

:laugh: Yup, it just suddenly stopped when Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bill...

How do you explain the extensive list failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

I know you are trying to make those rush stories sound believable, but that just works on people who really want to believe them.
The guy was a racist son of a bitch who murdered innocent people. I don't give a shit why he did it or what his opinions were. He's a crazy fuck who needs to chained to a bed and fed bread and water for the rest of his life.
The guy was a racist son of a bitch who murdered innocent people. I don't give a shit why he did it or what his opinions were. He's a crazy fuck who needs to chained to a bed and fed bread and water for the rest of his life.
I agree with everything except the part where he should be fed....................I don't care why he did it.........I don't really want to know why..................I want the animal put down.............and end it...................He's a Nut case and is of no use to society.
There has been no actual proof presented that I know of. He also probably watched brutal liberal Hollywood movies and played desensitizing video games. Bottom line, who knows?

In addition to symbols on his clothes, you will see ample proof of his far right white supremacist leanings.

But, sadly, I agree with you, oddly
. I'm guessing he consumed plenty of John Wayne and Clint Eastwood movies, which glorified gun violence.

But let's be clear. The kid went to an activist black church after confessing to his friends that black people were taking over the world.

Wait 'till the stories about his sympathy with Trayvon Martin come out, which his friends have already reported to the police. Dylann drank of the rightwing paranoia that black thugs were preying upon white neighborhoods.

The Democratic Party has an extensive history of racism, slave holding, Jim Crow laws, starting the KKK, long time failure of governance within the inner cities to say it's, "far right white supremacists" is in a word, myopic.

That extensive history was more than 50 years in the past.

:laugh: Yup, it just suddenly stopped when Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bill...

How do you explain the extensive list failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

I know you are trying to make those rush stories sound believable, but that just works on people who really want to believe them.

No problem, I expected you to chicken out and not answer the question....:thup:

Maybe if you read this it would help...

The guy was a racist son of a bitch who murdered innocent people. I don't give a shit why he did it or what his opinions were. He's a crazy fuck who needs to chained to a bed and fed bread and water for the rest of his life.

To hear the South Carolina Shooter tell it, he was standing his ground.

I know it sounds odd, but think about it: he told his friends that black people were taking over the world.

Like George Zimmerman, he felt encroached upon, and he wasn't going to take it any more.

What if Dylann Roof is just a stupid, less calculating George Zimmerman? What if, like Zimmerman, he listened to the rightwing muse which urged him to take his country back? What if, like Zimmerman, he decided enough was enough?
Well, if you're going there let's include in your list the gay and liberal Democratic Party assault on people of faith. The fact that to many liberals an unborn innocent human life has very little to no value at all.

He's a nut, that's the bottom line. He only represents his own distorted views but he is the result of a country that is losing it's faith, right and wrong is being swallowed by gray areas and self centered interests rule perspectives.

Let's also recall that his father bought this nut case the gun and ammo as a birthday present.

Right. There are nutjobs out there and I would guess there are warning signs that some people are about to go over the edge, but family and friends seem to ignore it or don't know what to do.

There are murders across the country daily and yet the left only focuses on those cases that seem to support their agenda, which is gun control and attacking the right. If you dare mention that the majority of murders are in cities and often by gang members, you will be labeled.

Talk radio doesn't create lunatics. Anyone who is capable of taking another life so easily is either mentally ill or born a sociopath.

I see Obama and the liberals are trying to take advantage of this to push their agenda. Predictable. Shame that eliminating gangs from cities isn't on their agenda or they'd spend more time discussing that problem.
The guy was a racist son of a bitch who murdered innocent people. I don't give a shit why he did it or what his opinions were. He's a crazy fuck who needs to chained to a bed and fed bread and water for the rest of his life.

To hear the South Carolina Shooter tell it, he was standing his ground.

I know it sounds odd, but think about it: he told his friends that black people were taking over the world.

Like George Zimmerman, he felt encroached upon, and he wasn't going to take it any more.

What if Dylann Roof is just a stupid, less calculating George Zimmerman? What if, like Zimmerman, he listened to the rightwing muse which urged him to take his country back? What if, like Zimmerman, he decided enough was enough?
In a population of 318 million mental people will do these things from time to time..............He's just a mental case and nothing more............blaming those talking about the rioting over the the cases in recent times aren't the problem.........the race baiters are the problem in those cases................and a lunatic would have found a reason to be a lunatic anyway.
One nutter out of 50 million talk radio listeners goes insane and they lying lowlife scum liberals broad brush, shocker. /sarcasm

I can say quite honestly I have not heard any of the major talkers pushing a "white America under seige" agenda.

It's a flat out lie by the OP.

When the left flat out lies does that really surprise anyone anymore?
How do you explain the extensive list of failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

You're speaking too broadly. Not all big cities are controlled by democrats, especially in the South and Heartland. You probably don't know this, but you're using talking points from 60 years ago when FDR's New Deal Coalition controlled a much larger section of the country. Please be careful with the stuff you get from rightwing media, which keeps many of these old talking points alive for political reasons.

Having said that, I do think your comment has some legs.

I think the welfare policies of LBJ's Great Society, with the construction of inner city 'Projects' was misguided, and contributed to some of the ghetto'ization your are referring to. Of course, there was broad political support for this, but that was when both parties were more centrist.

Having said that, there are some other issues you might consider - and this is where you need to turn off talk radio, TV, etc., and dig deeper. Consider these points. The US rapidly deindustrialized starting in the late 70s. This is when capitalist production was shifted to Asia and the global south (see cheaper labor markets and non-existent environmental regulations). This contributed to the large superfluous populations in the inner cities, and it amplified the ghetto'ization that has destroyed many of our big cities. Also, there is the larger institutional trajectory of blacks: Slavery > Jim Crow > Welfare > Prison. The unintended consequence of slavery has proliferated into a series of institutional missteps - and the blame for this is deeply shared by both political parties.

Does this mean that Detroit wasn't mismanaged by the Left? Nope. It only means that you need to beef up your talking points so you can put some more meat on the sandwich you've been feeding us for too long.
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How do you explain the extensive list of failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

You're speaking too broadly. Not all big cities are controlled by democrats, especially in the South and Heartland. You probably don't know this, but you're using talking points from 60 years ago when FDR's New Deal Coalition controlled a much larger section of the country. Please be careful with the stuff you get from rightwing media, which keeps many of these old talking points alive for political reasons.

Having said that, I do think your comment has some legs.

I think the welfare policies of LBJ's Great Society, with the construction of inner city 'Projects' was misguided, and contributed to some of the ghetto'ization your are referring to. Of course, there was broad political support for this, but that was when both parties were more centrist.

Having said that, there are some other issues you might consider - and this is where you need to turn off talk radio, TV, etc., and dig deeper. Consider these points. The US rapidly deindustrialized starting in the late 70s. This is when capitalist production was shifted to Asia and the global south (see cheaper labor markets and non-existent environmental regulations). This contributed to the large superfluous populations in the inner cities, and it amplified the ghetto'ization that has destroyed many of our big cities. Also, there is the larger institutional trajectory of blacks: Slavery > Jim Crow > Welfare > Prison. The unintended consequence of slavery has proliferated into a series of institutional missteps - and the blame for this is deeply shared by both political parties.

Does this mean that Detroit wasn't mismanaged by the Left? Nope. It only means that you need to beef up your talking points so you can put some more meat on the sandwich you've been feeding us for too long.

I see that you don't want to take responsibility for what the Democratic Party has done to the Black race within the inner cities unless you can share their pathetic results of full governance with Republicans. I will continue as I please and you will continue looking for excuses and avoiding the obvious failures and facts.
How do you explain the extensive list of failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

You're speaking too broadly. Not all big cities are controlled by democrats, especially in the South and Heartland. You probably don't know this, but you're using talking points from 60 years ago when FDR's New Deal Coalition controlled a much larger section of the country. Please be careful with the stuff you get from rightwing media, which keeps many of these old talking points alive for political reasons.

Having said that, I do think your comment has some legs.

I think the welfare policies of LBJ's Great Society, with the construction of inner city 'Projects' was misguided, and contributed to some of the ghetto'ization your are referring to. Of course, there was broad political support for this, but that was when both parties were more centrist.

Having said that, there are some other issues you might consider - and this is where you need to turn off talk radio, TV, etc., and dig deeper. Consider these points. The US rapidly deindustrialized starting in the late 70s. This is when capitalist production was shifted to Asia and the global south (see cheaper labor markets and non-existent environmental regulations). This contributed to the large superfluous populations in the inner cities, and it amplified the ghetto'ization that has destroyed many of our big cities. Also, there is the larger institutional trajectory of blacks: Slavery > Jim Crow > Welfare > Prison. The unintended consequence of slavery has proliferated into a series of institutional missteps - and the blame for this is deeply shared by both political parties.

Does this mean that Detroit wasn't mismanaged by the Left? Nope. It only means that you need to beef up your talking points so you can put some more meat on the sandwich you've been feeding us for too long.

I see that you don't want to take responsibility for what the Democratic Party has done to the Black race within the inner cities unless you can share their pathetic results of full governance with Republicans. I will continue as I please and you will continue looking for excuses and avoiding the obvious failures and facts.
Ironically, both ends of the spectrum have been working closely together to create this environment.

Without realizing it, of course.

Both sides of this issue have to look in the mirror before it's too late.

The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?
What talk radio show was that then?
Well, if you're going there let's include in your list the gay and liberal Democratic Party assault on people of faith. The fact that to many liberals an unborn innocent human life has very little to no value at all.

He's a nut, that's the bottom line. He only represents his own distorted views but he is the result of a country that is losing it's faith, right and wrong is being swallowed by gray areas and self centered interests rule perspectives.

Let's also recall that his father bought this nut case the gun and ammo as a birthday present.

No, he does not represent only his own views. He represents a wide swath of conservatives and their views with the only difference being that he took them to the logical extreme.
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?

Wouldn't know, I don't listen to rightwing talk radio.

white race under siege?

White victimhood?

What do YOU listen to?

(Besides the voices in your head)

You hear that stuff here almost every day.
How do you explain the extensive list of failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

You're speaking too broadly. Not all big cities are controlled by democrats, especially in the South and Heartland. You probably don't know this, but you're using talking points from 60 years ago when FDR's New Deal Coalition controlled a much larger section of the country. Please be careful with the stuff you get from rightwing media, which keeps many of these old talking points alive for political reasons.

Having said that, I do think your comment has some legs.

I think the welfare policies of LBJ's Great Society, with the construction of inner city 'Projects' was misguided, and contributed to some of the ghetto'ization your are referring to. Of course, there was broad political support for this, but that was when both parties were more centrist.

Having said that, there are some other issues you might consider - and this is where you need to turn off talk radio, TV, etc., and dig deeper. Consider these points. The US rapidly deindustrialized starting in the late 70s. This is when capitalist production was shifted to Asia and the global south (see cheaper labor markets and non-existent environmental regulations). This contributed to the large superfluous populations in the inner cities, and it amplified the ghetto'ization that has destroyed many of our big cities. Also, there is the larger institutional trajectory of blacks: Slavery > Jim Crow > Welfare > Prison. The unintended consequence of slavery has proliferated into a series of institutional missteps - and the blame for this is deeply shared by both political parties.

Does this mean that Detroit wasn't mismanaged by the Left? Nope. It only means that you need to beef up your talking points so you can put some more meat on the sandwich you've been feeding us for too long.

I see that you don't want to take responsibility for what the Democratic Party has done to the Black race within the inner cities unless you can share their pathetic results of full governance with Republicans. I will continue as I please and you will continue looking for excuses and avoiding the obvious failures and facts.
Ironically, both ends of the spectrum have been working closely together to create this environment.

Without realizing it, of course.

Both sides of this issue have to look in the mirror before it's too late.


Yeah, those people at their prayer meeting really provoked the bigot with bowl cut.

How do you explain the extensive list of failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

You're speaking too broadly. Not all big cities are controlled by democrats, especially in the South and Heartland. You probably don't know this, but you're using talking points from 60 years ago when FDR's New Deal Coalition controlled a much larger section of the country. Please be careful with the stuff you get from rightwing media, which keeps many of these old talking points alive for political reasons.

Having said that, I do think your comment has some legs.

I think the welfare policies of LBJ's Great Society, with the construction of inner city 'Projects' was misguided, and contributed to some of the ghetto'ization your are referring to. Of course, there was broad political support for this, but that was when both parties were more centrist.

Having said that, there are some other issues you might consider - and this is where you need to turn off talk radio, TV, etc., and dig deeper. Consider these points. The US rapidly deindustrialized starting in the late 70s. This is when capitalist production was shifted to Asia and the global south (see cheaper labor markets and non-existent environmental regulations). This contributed to the large superfluous populations in the inner cities, and it amplified the ghetto'ization that has destroyed many of our big cities. Also, there is the larger institutional trajectory of blacks: Slavery > Jim Crow > Welfare > Prison. The unintended consequence of slavery has proliferated into a series of institutional missteps - and the blame for this is deeply shared by both political parties.

Does this mean that Detroit wasn't mismanaged by the Left? Nope. It only means that you need to beef up your talking points so you can put some more meat on the sandwich you've been feeding us for too long.

I see that you don't want to take responsibility for what the Democratic Party has done to the Black race within the inner cities unless you can share their pathetic results of full governance with Republicans. I will continue as I please and you will continue looking for excuses and avoiding the obvious failures and facts.
Ironically, both ends of the spectrum have been working closely together to create this environment.

Without realizing it, of course.

Both sides of this issue have to look in the mirror before it's too late.


Yeah, those people at their prayer meeting really provoked the bigot with bowl cut.

Obtuse, shallow, straw man argument.


How do you explain the extensive list of failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

You're speaking too broadly. Not all big cities are controlled by democrats, especially in the South and Heartland. You probably don't know this, but you're using talking points from 60 years ago when FDR's New Deal Coalition controlled a much larger section of the country. Please be careful with the stuff you get from rightwing media, which keeps many of these old talking points alive for political reasons.

Having said that, I do think your comment has some legs.

I think the welfare policies of LBJ's Great Society, with the construction of inner city 'Projects' was misguided, and contributed to some of the ghetto'ization your are referring to. Of course, there was broad political support for this, but that was when both parties were more centrist.

Having said that, there are some other issues you might consider - and this is where you need to turn off talk radio, TV, etc., and dig deeper. Consider these points. The US rapidly deindustrialized starting in the late 70s. This is when capitalist production was shifted to Asia and the global south (see cheaper labor markets and non-existent environmental regulations). This contributed to the large superfluous populations in the inner cities, and it amplified the ghetto'ization that has destroyed many of our big cities. Also, there is the larger institutional trajectory of blacks: Slavery > Jim Crow > Welfare > Prison. The unintended consequence of slavery has proliferated into a series of institutional missteps - and the blame for this is deeply shared by both political parties.

Does this mean that Detroit wasn't mismanaged by the Left? Nope. It only means that you need to beef up your talking points so you can put some more meat on the sandwich you've been feeding us for too long.

I see that you don't want to take responsibility for what the Democratic Party has done to the Black race within the inner cities unless you can share their pathetic results of full governance with Republicans. I will continue as I please and you will continue looking for excuses and avoiding the obvious failures and facts.
Ironically, both ends of the spectrum have been working closely together to create this environment.

Without realizing it, of course.

Both sides of this issue have to look in the mirror before it's too late.


Yeah, those people at their prayer meeting really provoked the bigot with bowl cut.

Obtuse, shallow, straw man argument.



You said "both sides" - pretty sure they were on the other side of this one.

Dopey, McDopster.
You're speaking too broadly. Not all big cities are controlled by democrats, especially in the South and Heartland. You probably don't know this, but you're using talking points from 60 years ago when FDR's New Deal Coalition controlled a much larger section of the country. Please be careful with the stuff you get from rightwing media, which keeps many of these old talking points alive for political reasons.

Having said that, I do think your comment has some legs.

I think the welfare policies of LBJ's Great Society, with the construction of inner city 'Projects' was misguided, and contributed to some of the ghetto'ization your are referring to. Of course, there was broad political support for this, but that was when both parties were more centrist.

Having said that, there are some other issues you might consider - and this is where you need to turn off talk radio, TV, etc., and dig deeper. Consider these points. The US rapidly deindustrialized starting in the late 70s. This is when capitalist production was shifted to Asia and the global south (see cheaper labor markets and non-existent environmental regulations). This contributed to the large superfluous populations in the inner cities, and it amplified the ghetto'ization that has destroyed many of our big cities. Also, there is the larger institutional trajectory of blacks: Slavery > Jim Crow > Welfare > Prison. The unintended consequence of slavery has proliferated into a series of institutional missteps - and the blame for this is deeply shared by both political parties.

Does this mean that Detroit wasn't mismanaged by the Left? Nope. It only means that you need to beef up your talking points so you can put some more meat on the sandwich you've been feeding us for too long.

I see that you don't want to take responsibility for what the Democratic Party has done to the Black race within the inner cities unless you can share their pathetic results of full governance with Republicans. I will continue as I please and you will continue looking for excuses and avoiding the obvious failures and facts.
Ironically, both ends of the spectrum have been working closely together to create this environment.

Without realizing it, of course.

Both sides of this issue have to look in the mirror before it's too late.


Yeah, those people at their prayer meeting really provoked the bigot with bowl cut.

Obtuse, shallow, straw man argument.



You said "both sides" - pretty sure they were on the other side of this one.

Dopey, McDopster.
I also said "created an environment", I didn't say "responsible for this shooting".

You're choosing to be obtuse, dishonest.

You're part of the problem, and you won't admit that, either.

Please play this game with someone else. It's a serious topic, and you're not serious.

I thought it would be interesting to watch MSNBC on a day like this and as usual race baiting was front and center from guests to commentators. It was odd though that suddenly people of faith were being temporarily embraced by the left, used, from my perspective.
MSNBC is nothing but hate-speech......but not much of a problem because nobody's watching MSNBC.

I noticed some of these idiots on the left trying to blame Fox for this. I wonder what caused all of the shit that happened in Baltimore.....70 plus murders since the riots......must be Fox.

Truth is.....the WhiteHouse is paying rioters to travel around the country causing trouble. So eventually some introverted white kid decides to get even. Of course Obama has to say something about it......like we're the only advanced country to have mass-shootings/killings.

We all know that is a bold-faced lie.

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