White Victimhood & the South Carolina Shooter

The leader of a white supremacist group that has been linked to Dylann Roof, the suspect in the murder of nine African-Americans in a Charleston, S.C., church last week, has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Republican campaigns, ... (NY Times)
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?

Humpf! I guess Rush Limpdick did have some effect on the American public. And I thought he was just a big fat loudmouth pedophile.
I notice no one blames has parents, music, being a criminal etc.

"He's insane" is the excuse for a racist? Some always seek to understand the actions of a white criminal. If he was black all the above including culture would've been to blame.
If he were Black cable news would be done with the story by now.

Yeah becaue they would've chalked it up to being a problem with blacks and asked where are the black leaders then drop it.

Since its a white dude they are trying really hard to "understand" the murderer and despite his own words of racism they say "why'd he do this? Its perplexing"

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