White Victimhood & the South Carolina Shooter

The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?

Brilliant post.


The white race is not under siege, neither is Christmas.

"traditional white america" is not really America. It's a twisted notion born out of fear.

America is diversity. America is multiculture. America is a nation of immigrants (not all by choice).

Human beings are motivated by two primal emotions - LOVE and FEAR.

Bigotry is fear.

Prejudice is fear.

These "traditional whites" are afraid. They feel small and powerless. They are typically underachievers. They are people frustrated with their own lives and want to blame someone else.

They are the worst that America has to offer.

Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church is the best that American has to offer.
Why does every other race get to the head of the line for college scholarships?
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?

Brilliant post.


The white race is not under siege, neither is Christmas.

"traditional white america" is not really America. It's a twisted notion born out of fear.

America is diversity. America is multiculture. America is a nation of immigrants (not all by choice).

Human beings are motivated by two primal emotions - LOVE and FEAR.

Bigotry is fear.

Prejudice is fear.

These "traditional whites" are afraid. They feel small and powerless. They are typically underachievers. They are people frustrated with their own lives and want to blame someone else.

They are the worst that America has to offer.

Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church is the best that American has to offer.
Why does every other race get to the head of the line for college scholarships?

White America has bent over backwards to try and give others a helping hand in the country. and this is the THANKS you all have got for it

A slap in the face and pissed on every time something happens.
Well, if you're going there let's include in your list the gay and liberal Democratic Party assault on people of faith. The fact that to many liberals an unborn innocent human life has very little to no value at all.

He's a nut, that's the bottom line. He only represents his own distorted views but he is the result of a country that is losing it's faith, right and wrong is being swallowed by gray areas and self centered interests rule perspectives.

Let's also recall that his father bought this nut case the gun and ammo as a birthday present.

So you think talk radio had nothing to do with it? He didn't have his demented fears reinforced by a steady stream of anti black rhetoric?

Who's the talker you're referring to? I listen 24/7 to the major talkers.

Give me the name of who you think yaps on with a stream of anti black rhetoric and fucking back it up.

Or you are full of shit.

Names? That's easy.

Ann Coulter. Bill O'Reilly. Sean Hannity.

Most of the time, they aren't stupid enough to go full racist on TV. They are very careful to couch their rhetoric in terms of "multiculturalism". And they are constantly whining American culture is under attack. Everyone knows they mean American white anglo-saxon culture.

Coulter, though, does go full racist quite frequently. She recently had a ball explaining "Mexican culture" is all about uncles raping their nieces.

They know viewers like you will get the message.

That's why in every single instance where a right winger on this forum is talking about blacks or gays or Muslims or Mexicans it is always, always, always in negative terms.

Without fail.

It's working on you. It's working way too well.

And now one of your more weak-minded brethren has killed some darkies. You and your fellow travelers will never be able to wash that blood off your hands.

Fox News is trying like hell to wash it off, though. They are manufacturing bullshit that this shooting was about the war on religion.

Unbelievable. That is pure evil. As pure and unadulterated as it gets.
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The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?

Brilliant post.


The white race is not under siege, neither is Christmas.

"traditional white america" is not really America. It's a twisted notion born out of fear.

America is diversity. America is multiculture. America is a nation of immigrants (not all by choice).

Human beings are motivated by two primal emotions - LOVE and FEAR.

Bigotry is fear.

Prejudice is fear.

These "traditional whites" are afraid. They feel small and powerless. They are typically underachievers. They are people frustrated with their own lives and want to blame someone else.

They are the worst that America has to offer.

Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church is the best that American has to offer.
Why does every other race get to the head of the line for college scholarships?

Liberals have the illusion that it will make everyone equal
Well, if you're going there let's include in your list the gay and liberal Democratic Party assault on people of faith. The fact that to many liberals an unborn innocent human life has very little to no value at all.

He's a nut, that's the bottom line. He only represents his own distorted views but he is the result of a country that is losing it's faith, right and wrong is being swallowed by gray areas and self centered interests rule perspectives.

Let's also recall that his father bought this nut case the gun and ammo as a birthday present.

So you think talk radio had nothing to do with it? He didn't have his demented fears reinforced by a steady stream of anti black rhetoric?

Who's the talker you're referring to? I listen 24/7 to the major talkers.

Give me the name of who you think yaps on with a stream of anti black rhetoric and fucking back it up.

Or you are full of shit.
Ann Coulter. Bill O'Reilly. Sean Hannity.

They aren't stupid enough to go full racist on TV. They are very careful to couch their rhetoric in terms of "culture" and "multiculturalism". But they know viewers like you will get the message.

That's why in every single instance where a right winger on this forum is talking about blacks or gays or Muslims or Mexicans is always, always, always in negative terms.

It's working. It's working way too well.

Liberals on the other hand go full racist every time a microphone is shoved in their face but we're OK with that right ?
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?

Brilliant post.


The white race is not under siege, neither is Christmas.

"traditional white america" is not really America. It's a twisted notion born out of fear.

America is diversity. America is multiculture. America is a nation of immigrants (not all by choice).

Human beings are motivated by two primal emotions - LOVE and FEAR.

Bigotry is fear.

Prejudice is fear.

These "traditional whites" are afraid. They feel small and powerless. They are typically underachievers. They are people frustrated with their own lives and want to blame someone else.

They are the worst that America has to offer.

Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church is the best that American has to offer.
Why does every other race get to the head of the line for college scholarships?

Liberals have the illusion that it will make everyone equal

Remember them crowing we are America because of them?

they are the reason this country has gone to hell. Everything they touch doesn't turn to gold, but turns to brown crap
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?
Just as all of us have,but only the insane do things as he did.
Would like to see an example of a political rally that isn't a small group of idiots,you know a main stream one doing what you claim,bet you never said a word when bush was hung shot and burned at the stack symbolically,which in fact happened many times.
Well, if you're going there let's include in your list the gay and liberal Democratic Party assault on people of faith. The fact that to many liberals an unborn innocent human life has very little to no value at all.

He's a nut, that's the bottom line. He only represents his own distorted views but he is the result of a country that is losing it's faith, right and wrong is being swallowed by gray areas and self centered interests rule perspectives.

Let's also recall that his father bought this nut case the gun and ammo as a birthday present.

So you think talk radio had nothing to do with it? He didn't have his demented fears reinforced by a steady stream of anti black rhetoric?

Who's the talker you're referring to? I listen 24/7 to the major talkers.

Give me the name of who you think yaps on with a stream of anti black rhetoric and fucking back it up.

Or you are full of shit.
Ann Coulter. Bill O'Reilly. Sean Hannity.

They aren't stupid enough to go full racist on TV. They are very careful to couch their rhetoric in terms of "culture" and "multiculturalism". But they know viewers like you will get the message.

That's why in every single instance where a right winger on this forum is talking about blacks or gays or Muslims or Mexicans is always, always, always in negative terms.

It's working. It's working way too well.

Liberals on the other hand go full racist every time a microphone is shoved in their face but we're OK with that right ?
It is amusing the way you tards reflexively pull a tu quoque fallacy out of your ass when its been handed to you.
Start paying attention. Take note that EVERY SINGLE TIME a right winger on this forum is talking about blacks or gays or Muslims or Mexicans, it is ALWAYS in a negative light.

You won't be able to NOT notice it now that I have mentioned it.

Assholes. Minorites are not going to vote for a party which not just tolerates, but welcomes people who clearly and blazingly obviously HATE them.

And now when of your weaker minded brethren has killed some of them.

"You rape our women and you're taking over our country."

Does that sound like a war on religion or a war on a race?


Fucking assholes.
One nutter out of 50 million talk radio listeners goes insane...

where is the PROOF he ever listened to Conservative "talk radio" ?

why are libertards suddenly jumping on the Christian Faith and Church going peoples bandwagon ? you libertards should be hailing his HATE of Christians and peace loving people, those black people are the kind of people i love, it's the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons who support HATE and derision that i despise. :up:

The left are lying lowlife scum, you need to lower you're expectations. Their world consists of lies, hypocrisy, and double standards.
Well, if you're going there let's include in your list the gay and liberal Democratic Party assault on people of faith. The fact that to many liberals an unborn innocent human life has very little to no value at all.

He's a nut, that's the bottom line. He only represents his own distorted views but he is the result of a country that is losing it's faith, right and wrong is being swallowed by gray areas and self centered interests rule perspectives.

Let's also recall that his father bought this nut case the gun and ammo as a birthday present.

No, he does not represent only his own views. He represents a wide swath of conservatives and their views with the only difference being that he took them to the logical extreme.

Well, if your fully invested in race baiting as the Democratic Party is, you're required to blindly promote such a thought.

This says it all
The Democratic Party has an extensive history of racism, slave holding, Jim Crow laws, starting the KKK, long time failure of governance within the inner cities to say it's, "far right white supremacists" is in a word, myopic.

That extensive history was more than 50 years in the past.

:laugh: Yup, it just suddenly stopped when Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bill...

How do you explain the extensive list failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

I know you are trying to make those rush stories sound believable, but that just works on people who really want to believe them.

No problem, I expected you to chicken out and not answer the question....:thup:

Maybe if you read this it would help...


Oh My....Another RWNJ link. If that is where you get your information, there is no doubt why you believe all that crazy
You li
The Democratic Party has an extensive history of racism, slave holding, Jim Crow laws, starting the KKK, long time failure of governance within the inner cities to say it's, "far right white supremacists" is in a word, myopic.

That extensive history was more than 50 years in the past.

:laugh: Yup, it just suddenly stopped when Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bill...

How do you explain the extensive list failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

I know you are trying to make those rush stories sound believable, but that just works on people who really want to believe them.

No problem, I expected you to chicken out and not answer the question....:thup:

Maybe if you read this it would help...


Oh My....Another RWNJ link. If that is where you get your information, there is no doubt why you believe all that crazy crap.

The facts and figures are there but we both know you didn't read it anyway....:eusa_snooty:
How do you explain the extensive list of failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

You're speaking too broadly. Not all big cities are controlled by democrats, especially in the South and Heartland. You probably don't know this, but you're using talking points from 60 years ago when FDR's New Deal Coalition controlled a much larger section of the country. Please be careful with the stuff you get from rightwing media, which keeps many of these old talking points alive for political reasons.

Having said that, I do think your comment has some legs.

I think the welfare policies of LBJ's Great Society, with the construction of inner city 'Projects' was misguided, and contributed to some of the ghetto'ization your are referring to. Of course, there was broad political support for this, but that was when both parties were more centrist.

Having said that, there are some other issues you might consider - and this is where you need to turn off talk radio, TV, etc., and dig deeper. Consider these points. The US rapidly deindustrialized starting in the late 70s. This is when capitalist production was shifted to Asia and the global south (see cheaper labor markets and non-existent environmental regulations). This contributed to the large superfluous populations in the inner cities, and it amplified the ghetto'ization that has destroyed many of our big cities. Also, there is the larger institutional trajectory of blacks: Slavery > Jim Crow > Welfare > Prison. The unintended consequence of slavery has proliferated into a series of institutional missteps - and the blame for this is deeply shared by both political parties.

Does this mean that Detroit wasn't mismanaged by the Left? Nope. It only means that you need to beef up your talking points so you can put some more meat on the sandwich you've been feeding us for too long.

I see that you don't want to take responsibility for what the Democratic Party has done to the Black race within the inner cities unless you can share their pathetic results of full governance with Republicans. I will continue as I please and you will continue looking for excuses and avoiding the obvious failures and facts.

The left didn't sell out Detroit's manufacturing base to the transnational corporations.

The unions along with the Democratic Party killed the auto industry by making it impossible to compete and make a profit within the United States.. Business doesn't survive when they operate at a loss in the real world.
That extensive history was more than 50 years in the past.

:laugh: Yup, it just suddenly stopped when Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bill...

How do you explain the extensive list failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

I know you are trying to make those rush stories sound believable, but that just works on people who really want to believe them.

No problem, I expected you to chicken out and not answer the question....:thup:

Maybe if you read this it would help...


Oh My....Another RWNJ link. If that is where you get your information, there is no doubt why you believe all that crazy
You li
That extensive history was more than 50 years in the past.

:laugh: Yup, it just suddenly stopped when Republicans passed the Civil Rights Bill...

How do you explain the extensive list failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

I know you are trying to make those rush stories sound believable, but that just works on people who really want to believe them.

No problem, I expected you to chicken out and not answer the question....:thup:

Maybe if you read this it would help...


Oh My....Another RWNJ link. If that is where you get your information, there is no doubt why you believe all that crazy crap.

The facts and figures are there but we both know you didn't read it anyway....:eusa_snooty:

I suppose there might be some figures there, but there has never been an actual fact presented on that site yet.
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?
Here ya go folks. A freaking Brit claims that political rallies feature "Black" politicians hanged in effigy and potential mass shooters are influenced by talk radio. Meanwhile the only politician to be hanged in effigy in recent times was George Bush and the most notorious mass shooter so far was a U.S. Military officer who was influenced by Islamic doctrine.



Did anyone stand up for the punk ass white boy that they come up with the ignorant thread?

How much lower and hateful can these people crawl to use the death of nine people to come up this SHIT.

you think we'd see this if they had been any other color of skin? the left is some of most Racist and bigots ever.
The South Carolina shooter confessed to his friend that blacks were taking over the world and someone needed to do something about it.

He grew up in a country where talk radio told him that traditional white America was under siege.

He grew up in a country where people in message boards like this have avatars that represent black people as monkeys.

He grew up in a country where political rallies feature a black president hung in effigy.

He was told to take his country back, and he took action.

I have one multipart question: is there any truth to white victimhood? Do you think the white race is under siege? Do you think traditional white America is under siege? Do you think Dylann Roof and rightwing talk radio are correct about what is happening to the white race and white communities?
Just as all of us have,but only the insane do things as he did.
Would like to see an example of a political rally that isn't a small group of idiots,you know a main stream one doing what you claim,bet you never said a word when bush was hung shot and burned at the stack symbolically,which in fact happened many times.

Yes, I'm sure every leader is treated in this manner. That being said.
Do you not see the deeper symbolism when it's the first black president?
A black man on a rope means a hell of a lot more than Bush on a rope.
How do you explain the extensive list of failures of the Democratic Party in America's inner cities? They control them, farm the votes but conditions for Blacks only gets worse.

You're speaking too broadly. Not all big cities are controlled by democrats, especially in the South and Heartland. You probably don't know this, but you're using talking points from 60 years ago when FDR's New Deal Coalition controlled a much larger section of the country. Please be careful with the stuff you get from rightwing media, which keeps many of these old talking points alive for political reasons.

Having said that, I do think your comment has some legs.

I think the welfare policies of LBJ's Great Society, with the construction of inner city 'Projects' was misguided, and contributed to some of the ghetto'ization your are referring to. Of course, there was broad political support for this, but that was when both parties were more centrist.

Having said that, there are some other issues you might consider - and this is where you need to turn off talk radio, TV, etc., and dig deeper. Consider these points. The US rapidly deindustrialized starting in the late 70s. This is when capitalist production was shifted to Asia and the global south (see cheaper labor markets and non-existent environmental regulations). This contributed to the large superfluous populations in the inner cities, and it amplified the ghetto'ization that has destroyed many of our big cities. Also, there is the larger institutional trajectory of blacks: Slavery > Jim Crow > Welfare > Prison. The unintended consequence of slavery has proliferated into a series of institutional missteps - and the blame for this is deeply shared by both political parties.

Does this mean that Detroit wasn't mismanaged by the Left? Nope. It only means that you need to beef up your talking points so you can put some more meat on the sandwich you've been feeding us for too long.

I see that you don't want to take responsibility for what the Democratic Party has done to the Black race within the inner cities unless you can share their pathetic results of full governance with Republicans. I will continue as I please and you will continue looking for excuses and avoiding the obvious failures and facts.

The left didn't sell out Detroit's manufacturing base to the transnational corporations.

The unions along with the Democratic Party killed the auto industry by making it impossible to compete and make a profit within the United States.. Business doesn't survive when they operate at a loss in the real world.

That's the biggest crock ever.

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