White Warrior Who Punched Black Disrupter At Trump Rally: "Next Time We Might Have To Kill Him"

... and charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct. Not to mention the civil suit that you know is coming.
Assault and battery with the smallest bond possible. The old guy was out in about 15 minutes.

There will likely not be a civil suit. 80 year old white man v black fat fuck. That would be a real short trial.
Out on bond. He still faces jail time, fines and a potential civil suit.
He won't go to jail. He might have a small fine but there will be no civil suit.

If fat fuck black guy is in fear of his life from an 80 year old, ffbg just wasn't hit hard enough.

Got an ideal tough guy...why don't you and your hommies come to the hood and lets duke it out like real mean, not this sucker punch shit....how bout it?
I can't wait when Trump
Listen, I'm not mad...Obama has done good, I love the guy, my gas tank is full, I got a nice job, I'm good....but I agree with you, however, the GOP is not, I repeat, NOT the solution!!

This is out of left field, however, when speaking specifically on the issue of economics I completely disagree - if you want to talk social shit, SSM and what not I'll agree.

On the other hand, Trump isn't an R so it has no bearing really. He might be running on the R plat, but he's an I, that's why the staunch R's are shitting kittens because they know that if he wins their party is going to change fundamentally.
Listen, economically, yes this country suffers substantially with low pay, longer hours, corporations really calling the shots, I get it. However instead of harnessing that anger toward those responsible...everybody wants to blame the black guy, Obama and that's some bullllll shit. Both houses are led by republicans, they promised you nuts the world last election and has given you nothing....and once again, its Obama's fault???? I suggest all you nuts take a long hard look in the mirror and find your beast of discontentment. As for Trump, don't want to test him in the white house...nuff said.
I can't wait when Trump is president where I can take your black ass out to the wood shed and put a bullwhip to you. You type people are going to have a rude awakening pretty soon boy.

LOLOLOL...keep dreaming...you white fucks don't scare nobody. Actually, I hope Trump becomes president, cause everything you white bastards touch, always always always back fires....you praised segregation and now white women can't get enough of black meat, you gave us AA and who got the boot on good jobs because of it, yaw did. You didn't want us to vote, now we vote for democrats no matter how fucked up they are, you tried keeping us out of sports, we now dominate the game, even golf.....need I continue?
I can't wait when Trump
Listen, I'm not mad...Obama has done good, I love the guy, my gas tank is full, I got a nice job, I'm good....but I agree with you, however, the GOP is not, I repeat, NOT the solution!!

This is out of left field, however, when speaking specifically on the issue of economics I completely disagree - if you want to talk social shit, SSM and what not I'll agree.

On the other hand, Trump isn't an R so it has no bearing really. He might be running on the R plat, but he's an I, that's why the staunch R's are shitting kittens because they know that if he wins their party is going to change fundamentally.
Listen, economically, yes this country suffers substantially with low pay, longer hours, corporations really calling the shots, I get it. However instead of harnessing that anger toward those responsible...everybody wants to blame the black guy, Obama and that's some bullllll shit. Both houses are led by republicans, they promised you nuts the world last election and has given you nothing....and once again, its Obama's fault???? I suggest all you nuts take a long hard look in the mirror and find your beast of discontentment. As for Trump, don't want to test him in the white house...nuff said.
I can't wait when Trump is president where I can take your black ass out to the wood shed and put a bullwhip to you. You type people are going to have a rude awakening pretty soon boy.
You're as fucking deranged as they come, racist stevie.
The problem with that narrative are the Republicans. They think he represents them. And Trump is leading among them.

Why would I ignore republicans on who represents republicans?

It matters because Trump isn't an R, he's actually got a /lot/ of D leanings if you look at his stances. It matters because Trump picks up I's like me. You know I'm obviously not an R yea? So he doesn't /just/ represent R's like you're implying, but also a lot of us I's, and V's, and L's - that's I believe, a lot of why he's got so much Teflon, not because racists support him, but because he's cross-talking the party line.

A new "trend" where we label candidates entirely based on negative folks who happen to support them isn't the best idea for D's to run with either. OWS, BLM, and "undocumented workers" haven't resonated well with the majority at all - shit my mom's been a dyed in the wool D (one of those that just votes D no matter what) since I was born and she's voting R this year - specifically because of OWS and Sanders. The D's "vote base" right now is the like 20-30's who want full on socialism (but if they don't get Sander's a shit ton of the ones I know are, for some reason leaning Cruz - I'm baffled by it so don't ask me,) "most" of the AA's, illegal immigrants / Hispanic's, and LGBT's. The R's "vote base" has traditionally just been "Christians" but Trump is changing that, he's pulling in the parties who haven't had a real voice for ages and ages (I's, L's, V's) If the GOP is smart they'll follow that lead swing more moderate and keep us I's, V's, and L's next time around. Even if the R's lose this year, I think the wake up bell has been rung in the GOP that Christian's alone might not be enough anymore so they need to swing a bit. If the R's would just give up the religious based crap, they would gain a LOT of peeps; nearly every business owner in the country is an R frankly, but we've always been forced by religious bias to vote against R's. Plus, if the D's actually put Sander's in the WH, holy crap will that change the political field...

No matter what happens with the election honestly, I haven't been this hopeful for a change in the failing two party divide system since I "grew out of" that optimistic "we can make a difference" stage between being a kid and being grown up with a family (for me it was like 18-22 or so, but for most it's like 20-30ish.) I just hope the rest of the country is feeling what I've felt for so many years and deciding we've had enough of the kind of unthinking, automatic R's hate D's bullshit (ya know, my sig and all) As much as I've bitched about all my younger friends wanting Sander's this year, at the same time they're also distrusting the media bias and starting to research deeper than just sound bites on their representation - which is something I've not typically seen with them, nor in the general public. It's really great to see and its given me idk a new hope for America's future. :) It's like we've finally hit that point where the ruling parties are at such polar opposites that we the people are finally seeing a need to swing back into the middle and compromise on shit again. I'm crossing my fingers anyway heh
can't wait when Trump is president where I can take your black ass out to the wood shed and put a bullwhip to you. You type people are going to have a rude awakening pretty soon boy.

Dude why wait? Head out to your nearest ghetto and have at it.

Unless you are like those pussy republicans in Chicago who had to cancel their love fest cause those mean ole black and white democrats were going to protest.

Come on dude. Go bullwhip someone. You bad mutta you. LMAO.
I can't wait when Trump
Listen, I'm not mad...Obama has done good, I love the guy, my gas tank is full, I got a nice job, I'm good....but I agree with you, however, the GOP is not, I repeat, NOT the solution!!

This is out of left field, however, when speaking specifically on the issue of economics I completely disagree - if you want to talk social shit, SSM and what not I'll agree.

On the other hand, Trump isn't an R so it has no bearing really. He might be running on the R plat, but he's an I, that's why the staunch R's are shitting kittens because they know that if he wins their party is going to change fundamentally.
Listen, economically, yes this country suffers substantially with low pay, longer hours, corporations really calling the shots, I get it. However instead of harnessing that anger toward those responsible...everybody wants to blame the black guy, Obama and that's some bullllll shit. Both houses are led by republicans, they promised you nuts the world last election and has given you nothing....and once again, its Obama's fault???? I suggest all you nuts take a long hard look in the mirror and find your beast of discontentment. As for Trump, don't want to test him in the white house...nuff said.
I can't wait when Trump is president where I can take your black ass out to the wood shed and put a bullwhip to you. You type people are going to have a rude awakening pretty soon boy.

LOLOLOL...keep dreaming...you white fucks don't scare nobody. Actually, I hope Trump becomes president, cause everything you white bastards touch, always always always back fires....you praised segregation and now white women can't get enough of black meat, you gave us AA and who got the boot on good jobs because of it, yaw did. You didn't want us to vote, now we vote for democrats no matter how fucked up they are, you tried keeping us out of sports, we now dominate the game, even golf.....need I continue?

please do

... and charged with assault and battery and disorderly conduct. Not to mention the civil suit that you know is coming.
Assault and battery with the smallest bond possible. The old guy was out in about 15 minutes.

There will likely not be a civil suit. 80 year old white man v black fat fuck. That would be a real short trial.
Out on bond. He still faces jail time, fines and a potential civil suit.
He won't go to jail. He might have a small fine but there will be no civil suit.

If fat fuck black guy is in fear of his life from an 80 year old, ffbg just wasn't hit hard enough.

Got an ideal tough guy...why don't you and your hommies come to the hood and lets duke it out like real mean, not this sucker punch shit....how bout it?
Your little friends tend to shy away from fair fights. You all travel in packs (or troops?) playing "knockout" on unsuspecting white people. I think if it were an actual fair fight, you wouldn't do so well.
See, there you go. Hes just a crazy old man. Cant blame Trump for the actions of insane people.
Hell, if I were the guy who got hit, I'd be suing Trump for inciting violence at his rallies.
you would lose that case
Maybe, maybe not. I recall a case where a white supremacist went to jail after someone killed a black guy in another state following the white supremacist's speech about killing blacks.

Here is Why Donald Trump Might Have Broken the Law

Trump is within his rights to ask security to remove the person for being disruptive. He is not within his rights to reminisce about the good old days when protesters were carried out on stretchers, given the effect it would have on his audience. He is not within his rights to encourage violence with a nod, a wink and a promise to pick up the legal fees.…
See, there you go. Hes just a crazy old man. Cant blame Trump for the actions of insane people.
Hell, if I were the guy who got hit, I'd be suing Trump for inciting violence at his rallies.
you would lose that case
True, but you can always sue...
Trump can afford his lawyers fees. Im guessing Faun cant.
Wouldn't need to. Lawyers will line up to take a case like this pro bono.
See, there you go. Hes just a crazy old man. Cant blame Trump for the actions of insane people.
Hell, if I were the guy who got hit, I'd be suing Trump for inciting violence at his rallies.
you would lose that case
True, but you can always sue...
Trump can afford his lawyers fees. Im guessing Faun cant.
Wouldn't need to. Lawyers will line up to take a case like this pro bono.
No, there is no way a law firm is taking that case pro bono. No court is ever going to blame Trump for the actions of some random old man. You're on crazy pills if you think that.
Hell, if I were the guy who got hit, I'd be suing Trump for inciting violence at his rallies.
you would lose that case
True, but you can always sue...
Trump can afford his lawyers fees. Im guessing Faun cant.
Wouldn't need to. Lawyers will line up to take a case like this pro bono.
No, there is no way a law firm is taking that case pro bono. No court is ever going to blame Trump for the actions of some random old man. You're on crazy pills if you think that.
You're speaking from a position of ignorance. There's already precedence.

Do you agree with the senile old fart's assessment? Do you support killing protesters?

Yes, I know. Glad you do. Of course, you also agree with this, right?

If you guys want to really want to hurt Trump, get a gun with a scope.
you would lose that case
True, but you can always sue...
Trump can afford his lawyers fees. Im guessing Faun cant.
Wouldn't need to. Lawyers will line up to take a case like this pro bono.
No, there is no way a law firm is taking that case pro bono. No court is ever going to blame Trump for the actions of some random old man. You're on crazy pills if you think that.
You're speaking from a position of ignorance. There's already precedence.
And I'm guessing the circumstances were MUCH different. I tell you what, when Trump gets successfully sued, then come talk to me, but you and i already know that isn't going to happen.
True, but you can always sue...
Trump can afford his lawyers fees. Im guessing Faun cant.
Wouldn't need to. Lawyers will line up to take a case like this pro bono.
No, there is no way a law firm is taking that case pro bono. No court is ever going to blame Trump for the actions of some random old man. You're on crazy pills if you think that.
You're speaking from a position of ignorance. There's already precedence.
And I'm guessing the circumstances were MUCH different. I tell you what, when Trump gets successfully sued, then come talk to me, but you and i already know that isn't going to happen.
All cases are different, but there are similarities. Both incited violence and both had followers carry out said violence. People are responsible for their words, even when their audience includes old men.

Even worse for Trump, he knew the actions were illegal as he offered to pay for legal fees resulting from carrying out his expressed wishes.

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