White Warrior Who Punched Black Disrupter At Trump Rally: "Next Time We Might Have To Kill Him"

Not that I would defend this old guy (he's obviously an asshole racist) but the dishonest commentary is really disheartening to see.

Yes it is "technically" correct that Trump said he wanted to punch some guy in the face, but that comment, when taken in the context of Trump's /entire/ statement is actually the frustration of folks who find themselves completely without recourse for disruption of free speech and peaceful assembly, and even physical self-defense. After all, the protester he said that about was throwing punches first, but as Trump accurately stated, "we can't do that" - meaning we can't punch them anymore, no matter what they're doing, because the disrupter will be painted as a victim, rather than the violent instigator they are. This is the problem for most of the "down with PC" camp are feeling.

The media and Dem's want to paint Trump supporters/defenders as violent, but that's not really the case. Sure there are violent folks at Trump rally's, I'm sure there are at Hillary and Sander's rally's too. Violent folks exist everywhere and their violence isn't really accepted anywhere. Thing is, reality is that when someone is being an asshat and gets clocked most folks chuckle a little that they deserved it. It's wrong to clock someone and we know it but still... Trump just doesn't do faux outrage that is so popular with the other candidates; it's something that a lot of his supporters appreciate as a kind of "honesty" that's been missing on the political stage.

I certainly don't think folks should get clocked for voicing their personal opinions or anything, don't get me wrong, I personally prefer that we all have differing opinions, but I do take offence to folks who intentionally go to any "speech" type event with the intent of disrupting it and stopping interested folks from hearing it. If one doesn't agree with someone's opinion and statements, that's fine, but it's not right to try to stop them from expressing their opinion. I personally don't agree with the ideas of OWS and Sander's followers, but I certainly wouldn't go to a Sander's rally and try to shut Sanders up. His supporters have every right to listen to his speeches and I respect that. ~shrug~
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they started it so whatever happens, happens.
they won't start anymore trouble will they?

How cute of you to excuse his behavior. If this happened at a rally for any Democratic candidate you would have started a thread riddled with randomly placed capital letters and moans about nastiness. Fact.
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'White Warrior Who Punched Black Disrupter At Trump Rally: "Next Time We Might Have To Kill Him"'

Yes, Trump has given license to an ugliness inherent in the GOP and conservatism in general.

In this case the racism and propensity for lawless violence common to many on the right.
Not that I would defend this old guy (he's obviously an asshole racist) but the dishonest commentary is really disheartening to see.

Yes it is "technically" correct that Trump said he wanted to punch some guy in the face, but that comment, when taken in the context of Trump's /entire/ statement is actually the frustration of folks who find themselves completely without recourse for disruption of free speech and peaceful assembly, and even physical self-defense. After all, the protester he said that about was throwing punches first, but as Trump accurately stated, "we can't do that" - meaning we can't punch them anymore, no matter what they're doing, because the disrupter will be painted as a victim, rather than the violent instigator they are. This is the problem for most of the "down with PC" camp are feeling.

The media and Dem's want to paint Trump supporters/defenders as violent, but that's not really the case. Sure there are violent folks at Trump rally's, I'm sure there are at Hillary and Sander's rally's too. Violent folks exist everywhere and their violence isn't really accepted anywhere. Thing is, reality is that when someone is being an asshat and gets clocked most folks chuckle a little that they deserved it. It's wrong to clock someone and we know it but still... Trump just doesn't do faux outrage that is so popular with the other candidates; it's something that a lot of his supporters appreciate as a kind of "honesty" that's been missing on the political stage.

I certainly don't think folks should get clocked for voicing their personal opinions or anything, don't get me wrong, I personally prefer that we all have differing opinions, but I do take offence to folks who intentionally go to any "speech" type event with the intent of disrupting it and stopping interested folks from hearing it. If one doesn't agree with someone's opinion and statements, that's fine, but it's not right to try to stop them from expressing their opinion. I personally don't agree with the ideas of OWS and Sander's followers, but I certainly wouldn't go to a Sander's rally and try to shut Sanders up. His supporters have every right to listen to his speeches and I respect that. ~shrug~

I agree the people disrupting these events are out of hand as far as the number of times they disrupt an event. Once or twice and you get heard, more than that and you are in fact trying to stop other people from expressing their free speech as well.

But physical violence on people? No way. The guy who got punched was leaving and the old guy sucker punched him, and now the old guy is being charged with assault which he should be. Trump though, should come out and say I don't condone that. Escort them out but you don't get any free passes to harm people.

And please don't compare people at trump events to anyone else. No one else's supporters are violent like that or speak like they do. They are a step away from being brownshirts. Let us hope this event shows them its time to cool the rhetoric. If not then I hope they have plenty of room at the jail.
not to smart are you, spawn of sewer trash, now by saying what he said he may have put him and his family in danger, this guy is local near where I live and his address is pasted all over the place. The Cumberland country sheriff has an investigation as to why his deputies this old cracka was't taken care of then and there , not going to be a nice last few years for that old cracka , not good at all
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These are the people the Democrat party stands in solidarity with folks. they approve them disrupting YOUR lives all for their own AGENDA. Vote this snake party out of lives once and for all in this election.


Mar 10th, 2016 6:55 pm


The St. Louis Progressive Students Organization is organizing major disruptions at Donald Trump’s rally at the Peabody Opera House in downtown St. Louis.

One thousand people have signed up as interested in attending the disturbance.
317 have committed to attend the rally and raise hell.

From their Facebook page:

The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown.

UPDATE: **Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. Peabody Opera House will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.**

If you would like assistance from us to help protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend the actual Trump Rally, get there early! His website says doors open at 9AM, with the rally starting at noon, and we’re sure others will be there even earlier than that.

The safety of everyone either at the rally or part of our efforts is our top priority. Several measures will be taken to ensure this is upheld.

There is also a sit-down protest planned by protesters tomorrow at the Trump rally.

78 protesters have signed up to participate.

all of it here:
These are the people the Democrat party stands in solidarity with folks. they approve them disrupting YOUR lives all for their own AGENDA. Vote this snake party out of lives once and for all in this election.


Mar 10th, 2016 6:55 pm


The St. Louis Progressive Students Organization is organizing major disruptions at Donald Trump’s rally at the Peabody Opera House in downtown St. Louis.

One thousand people have signed up as interested in attending the disturbance.
317 have committed to attend the rally and raise hell.

From their Facebook page:

The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown.

UPDATE: **Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. Peabody Opera House will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.**

If you would like assistance from us to help protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend the actual Trump Rally, get there early! His website says doors open at 9AM, with the rally starting at noon, and we’re sure others will be there even earlier than that.

The safety of everyone either at the rally or part of our efforts is our top priority. Several measures will be taken to ensure this is upheld.

There is also a sit-down protest planned by protesters tomorrow at the Trump rally.

78 protesters have signed up to participate.

all of it here:


ignorant white trailer trash alert
These are the people the Democrat party stands in solidarity with folks. they approve them disrupting YOUR lives all for their own AGENDA. Vote this snake party out of lives once and for all in this election.


Mar 10th, 2016 6:55 pm


The St. Louis Progressive Students Organization is organizing major disruptions at Donald Trump’s rally at the Peabody Opera House in downtown St. Louis.

One thousand people have signed up as interested in attending the disturbance.
317 have committed to attend the rally and raise hell.

From their Facebook page:

The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown.

UPDATE: **Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. Peabody Opera House will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.**

If you would like assistance from us to help protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend the actual Trump Rally, get there early! His website says doors open at 9AM, with the rally starting at noon, and we’re sure others will be there even earlier than that.

The safety of everyone either at the rally or part of our efforts is our top priority. Several measures will be taken to ensure this is upheld.

There is also a sit-down protest planned by protesters tomorrow at the Trump rally.

78 protesters have signed up to participate.

all of it here:
Trump and his army of White constitutional loving patriots will be ready.
These are the people the Democrat party stands in solidarity with folks. they approve them disrupting YOUR lives all for their own AGENDA. Vote this snake party out of lives once and for all in this election.


Mar 10th, 2016 6:55 pm


The St. Louis Progressive Students Organization is organizing major disruptions at Donald Trump’s rally at the Peabody Opera House in downtown St. Louis.

One thousand people have signed up as interested in attending the disturbance.
317 have committed to attend the rally and raise hell.

From their Facebook page:

The fascist Donald Trump is coming to our city this Friday. It is our job and our duty to unite to #ShutItDown.

UPDATE: **Buying tickets and then not showing up WILL NOT BE EFFECTIVE. Peabody Opera House will be filled with overflow crowd if people with tickets do not show up. Make sure to spread this as well.**

If you would like assistance from us to help protect your safety, please feel free to message us and we will be making the proper connections as needed in the near future. If you got a ticket and would like to attend the actual Trump Rally, get there early! His website says doors open at 9AM, with the rally starting at noon, and we’re sure others will be there even earlier than that.

The safety of everyone either at the rally or part of our efforts is our top priority. Several measures will be taken to ensure this is upheld.

There is also a sit-down protest planned by protesters tomorrow at the Trump rally.

78 protesters have signed up to participate.

all of it here:
Trump and his army of White constitutional loving patriots will be ready.
more christer cracka delsuions
I agree the people disrupting these events are out of hand as far as the number of times they disrupt an event. Once or twice and you get heard, more than that and you are in fact trying to stop other people from expressing their free speech as well.

But physical violence on people? No way. The guy who got punched was leaving and the old guy sucker punched him, and now the old guy is being charged with assault which he should be. Trump though, should come out and say I don't condone that. Escort them out but you don't get any free passes to harm people.

And please don't compare people at trump events to anyone else. No one else's supporters are violent like that or speak like they do. They are a step away from being brownshirts. Let us hope this event shows them its time to cool the rhetoric. If not then I hope they have plenty of room at the jail.

Again, BLM? They stole the stage from Sanders, completely removing his right to speak at his own event. I don't like Sander's economic policies but I still feel he's got the right to speak, 'specially at his own event. I'm not going to lie and say that if someone had punched em, I wouldn't chuckle about it. Again, we know it's wrong, and we don't particularly condone it, but still...

You're going straight for the faux outrage angle with the "Trump supporters are violent" talking points in order to influence votes - you've completely missed my point.

As for your latter comment, son, I'll make any damn comparison I wish, your opinion is your own and you're welcome to think it and more than welcome to disagree with me, but here's the thing - and this is what I'm talking about - you have no right to tell me I "shouldn't" be saying /my/ opinion, regardless if you tack a facetious "please" on it. That is a hairs breath from "shut up if you don't agree with my opinion" stance and quite frankly people are sick and tired of. If you'd like to debate something with reasonable discussion, I'm all for it, but you don't want to discuss anything here, you just want me to stop talking. I strongly disagree with that "idea" regardless of which side, or whom, is doing it. It's exactly what is "wrong" with these rally disrupters, they think that they have the "right" to disrupt something simply because they disagree with what's being said. No, in America /everyone/ has the right to speak, all opinions are "equal" and none have the right to suppress the others from being heard.

This is something that goes to the heart of nearly every problem in the country; OWS feels like wall street doesn't listen to them, BLM feels like the police don't listen to them, Rednecks feel like the government don't listen to them, Christians feel like the government doesn't listen to them, anti-global warming folks feel that the government isn't listening to the other side of the story, and so on through nearly every issue you can find a link. We as a society need to stop telling people to shut up.

Wow scumbags of the Earth unite. What a coward the old guy is, there is a 'game' teens have been playing the last couple years called the knockout game where they walk down the street and hit someone that has their guard down and isn't expecting it. That is what this old man did, he played the knockout game as cowards do.

In real life its called assault and this old idiot should be charged and sued. Being at a 'rally' does not excuse one from the laws of the land. Except of course for conservatives who think 'laws' are really just suggestions, like the Constitution.

Gotta love a country that gets off on this shit.....the same white fucks calling muslims and illegals violent.....but here's the deal....had this happened at a dem rally or had some old black guy sucker punched a white boy.....again, this country reeeeekkkks of hypocrisy and should this brother in this SYG state, find that white coward and whip his ass into yesterday, black guy goes UNDER THE FUCKIN JAIL...Listen, you white people are brave in groups, just be careful, minorities in this country are only gonna take so much shit!!....well at least the nigga's that ain't fucked ol Becky yet anyways!!
I agree the people disrupting these events are out of hand as far as the number of times they disrupt an event. Once or twice and you get heard, more than that and you are in fact trying to stop other people from expressing their free speech as well.

But physical violence on people? No way. The guy who got punched was leaving and the old guy sucker punched him, and now the old guy is being charged with assault which he should be. Trump though, should come out and say I don't condone that. Escort them out but you don't get any free passes to harm people.

And please don't compare people at trump events to anyone else. No one else's supporters are violent like that or speak like they do. They are a step away from being brownshirts. Let us hope this event shows them its time to cool the rhetoric. If not then I hope they have plenty of room at the jail.

Again, BLM? They stole the stage from Sanders, completely removing his right to speak at his own event. I don't like Sander's economic policies but I still feel he's got the right to speak, 'specially at his own event. I'm not going to lie and say that if someone had punched em, I wouldn't chuckle about it. Again, we know it's wrong, and we don't particularly condone it, but still...

You're going straight for the faux outrage angle with the "Trump supporters are violent" talking points in order to influence votes - you've completely missed my point.

As for your latter comment, son, I'll make any damn comparison I wish, your opinion is your own and you're welcome to think it and more than welcome to disagree with me, but here's the thing - and this is what I'm talking about - you have no right to tell me I "shouldn't" be saying /my/ opinion, regardless if you tack a facetious "please" on it. That is a hairs breath from "shut up if you don't agree with my opinion" stance and quite frankly people are sick and tired of. If you'd like to debate something with reasonable discussion, I'm all for it, but you don't want to discuss anything here, you just want me to stop talking. I strongly disagree with that "idea" regardless of which side, or whom, is doing it. It's exactly what is "wrong" with these rally disrupters, they think that they have the "right" to disrupt something simply because they disagree with what's being said. No, in America /everyone/ has the right to speak, all opinions are "equal" and none have the right to suppress the others from being heard.

This is something that goes to the heart of nearly every problem in the country; OWS feels like wall street doesn't listen to them, BLM feels like the police don't listen to them, Rednecks feel like the government don't listen to them, Christians feel like the government doesn't listen to them, anti-global warming folks feel that the government isn't listening to the other side of the story, and so on through nearly every issue you can find a link. We as a society need to stop telling people to shut up.

Listen, I'm not mad...Obama has done good, I love the guy, my gas tank is full, I got a nice job, I'm good....but I agree with you, however, the GOP is not, I repeat, NOT the solution!!

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